#i dpnt .. make the rules .....
cowthey-blog · 5 years
happy lesbian visibility day . chun li nd cammy white r gay nd in love .
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Rules: If tagged, answer these 20 questions, then tag 20 of your followers that you want to get to know!
Tagged by: @weightlesswildcas (This is not late! S-shut up!)
Name: Lavii and/or Alina
Nicknames: Lavii I guess or Alu/Alufolie
Height: about 1,60m (Dpnt ask me on feet or that stuff...im German)
Orientation: Hetero but maybe kinda a little ace? (does that make sense?)
Nationality: born in germany but my parents come from that Russian corner ™
Favorite Fruit: Maracuja or something? I don't really have one...
Favorite Season: I love them all but I think I am more of a winter person
Favorite Book: Probably Carry On by Rainbow Rowell (but Ive read too many books so there are a lot of books that I love :7)
Favorite Flower: does lavender count? (I have a weird thing for lavender)
Favorite Smell: lavender in some ways and kinda sweet flowery smells?
Favorite Color: blue-greenish, and some others around (+ a weird love for pastel)
Favorite Animal: manedwolf, foxes, cats, wolfs (I love animals...)
Coffee, Tea, Or Hot Cocoa?: Hot Cocoa
Average Amount Of Sleep: School Days- 6-7 hours, Weekends- about 8 or 10 or not much
Cat Or Dog Person: Cat Person 
Number of Blankets You Sleep With: One 
Dream Trip: somewhere with much nature and not many humans or something similar 
Blog Created: I have absolutely no idea...but way to long ago
@psycho200311 @zin-pie @xtechnology-2 @silvia-rosemary @wanhani @justanotherbitchwithwifi @fem-cry @whouffleshipper @whoufflewhovian200311 @extremenericshipper @olicitylover15 
(You know whaaaat I thinks that enough xD) 
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