#i draw silly little builduings for my silly ittle folks :)
novae-viking · 2 years
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!Welcome to the Palace of Central Favrah!
basic colour version + info under the cut
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So! Favrah is a large city nown for its wonderful tapestries, waterfalls and stained glass, Favrah is the third biggest city with a marketplace front and center. The only on foot entrance to this delightful city is the “Waterfall bridge” (as seen in the tapestries to the left and right) of wich is surrounded on both sides by massive 400 meter waterfalls!
the dangling things on the tapestries are supposed to be windchimes, but i dont know what a wndchime loos like :( The green arches on the floors are supposed to be innset plant terrariums/ mini ecosystems (a thing ive decided is commonm in Astrifer architecture) covered by a glass pane
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