#i drew a bunch of WoLs of friends i play with!
chikappi · 5 years
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blooms-of-ice · 3 years
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Wyda is officially retired...for now. She had a good run, and I loved writing for her! GOD the existential dread I felt as I drew closer and closer to running the event that would end her.
Her story continues through another. Give a follow here! :D
I’ll be keeping this blog up as an archive, although I might still post every now and again. But since her arc is done, here goes! An unedited, unfiltered slurry of words-directly-from-brain-to-keyboard about Wyda! I’m warning you, this is true farm fresh to you stuff. And spoilers for many events in FF14. Read on if you dare.
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Strap in, it’s going to be a long and bumpy ride.
Did I say that I love Primals?
Primal lore gives the FF14 devs a lot of creative freedom when it comes to designing bosses. Want the arena changed? Want something/someone to look absolutely wack? Want to spin up a threat without having a villain train for years prior? Bam, primals.
It also gives us, the players, the same creative freedoms when it comes to roleplaying!
The requirements to summon one are humorously low. At first, primals result from misguided and zealous beastmen shenanigans. Ifrit, Titan, Ramuh, Leviathan, Garuda...but then we get a bunch of weird summonings. Like when Ga Bu summons a funky version of Titan through his despair alone. Or when Yotsuyu brings forth Tsukuyomi because she really, really wants to see the world burn. Hell, Gilgamesh just thinks about his friend Enkidu in the presence of some crystals, and that’s enough to bring forth a primal. So I guess the only requirements for a primal summoning are 1) crystals and 2) thinking kinda hard? Strong feelings, especially negative ones, seem to be more effective but then again! What the heck happened with Gilgamesh? Who knows?!
But this is one of my favorite things in FF14. It’s a powder keg of a situation that will, and HAS, gone off multiple times.
Being tempered, meanwhile, is a fate worse than death. You’re forced to change sides and fight for the enemy. You don’t even find peace when you die - tempered souls linger in Eorzea thanks to how messed up they are by the process. But you don’t become a mindless servant either. *Points to Emet-Selch who is....kinda...on your side (???) but also on Zodiark’s side*
Things aren’t nearly as dark now that tempering can be cured. I’m very thankful, since otherwise my campaign would’ve had a very, very depressing ending. One that I originally planned for but STILL. I’m weak. ;_;
Riding off the Rails
Primal lore is flexible. In ARR, the rules are established, but later expansions took those rules and went “Well, what about this? And this? And this?” In other words, this is me admitting that I’m shameless and will stretch this lore until I reach the moon.
Developing Wyda was a ‘chicken first, egg later’ sort of situation. Though trite, I gave her amnesia in order to give myself an excuse for knowing nothing about FF14 lore (and because I was new to roleplaying). When I finally sat down to flesh her out, my mind kept returning to primals. I love ‘em and their potential for drama! So yeah, I was determined to make it work.
There were a lot of questions I had to answer. If Wyda is a primal, then why isn’t she tempering everyone she meets?! How is she getting away with being a ‘normal’ person? And how do I avoid power creep? I know, for a fact, that if I walked into an RP event and just said...hey. My character is a primal, are you cool with that? The answer would be a solid no. Nooooo! I’d tell that to myself! So I wanted to solve these questions in a fair way that would allow others (and myself) to remain immersed in the roleplaying world. Luckily, FF14 lore is like a bottomless chest of building blocks. It was just a matter of stacking them carefully.
Primals are summoned when someone thinks around some crystals (Ah, Gilgamesh...)
The primal’s purpose is based on the summoner’s desires, but with a monkey’s paw twist (Ga Bu’s Titan punching the other kobolds away is indicative of this)
The amount of aether used in the summoning determines how powerful the primal will be (Shinryu being beefy as hell)
Primals can be summoned out of thin air, or be channeled into someone’s body
When a primal is channeled, the summoner needs the Echo to resist (Ysalye and Ryne). Otherwise the summoner is tempered by their own creation.
Now, with those blocks in hand, I started spitballing...and it led me to this thought. If a primal’s purpose is to NOT be a primal, what happens?
Would they know that they’re a primal?
Can they still use their primal powers?
What happens when the primal is based off of someone who still exists?
For Wyda, I chose to swing this way.
Her memory is garbage because she’s a primal based on someone else. Even if you know someone really well, you can’t perfectly recreate/emulate them.
She’s normal-powered because all her primal magic is going towards suppressing her powers. Extremely inefficient. And she’s very human-like because she’s possessing someone else’s body, as opposed to being made purely of primal aether.
Primals temper whether they want to or not - aether leaks, and it corrupts. To solve this for Wyda, instead of leaking aether out of the wazoo...thanks to the nature of her summoning, she just leaks a tiny bit all the time. Not enough to temper.
But I also wrote myself into a corner. If Wyda isn’t going to behave like a primal, then how does she exist for so long? They need a constant source of aether to survive, and she’s not doing primal stuff since she’s too busy being human. And so...the answer is that she doesn’t. Once her aether runs out, then poof.
See? Fun! (But also pain. So much pain.)
Playing with Fire
Eorzea (like most fantasy RPG settings) is a nightmare factory. Most, if not all, who make their living ‘adventuring’ are scarred from what they have to face. For every success story (WoL), there are countless more tragedies (Avere). And even if you survive...who wouldn’t get trauma if you were an adventurer and it was normal for your buddies to be eaten by a beast, tempered by a primal, possessed by a ghost?
Which is to say, Wyda's scars run deep. Shit goes down. 
To repeat that in slightly more words: Wyda is an accidental byproduct of Cravendy’s grief and longing. At her lowest moment, Cravendy (a Seawolf pirate) thinks of her friend Dots and the unfairness of it all. And oops, there are crystals nearby. So now, we got Wyda walking around in Cravendy’s body, thinking that she’s someone named Dots. By the way, Dots is still alive! Very awkward.
Wyda is a denial incarnate. She is Cravendy’s dream for safety, family, and happiness for Dots. But denial does not erase the past, nor does it change how you feel. By existing, Wyda suppresses those feelings for Cravendy and freezes the other woman in the past. With the both of them like this, Cravendy will never accept her trauma and Wyda will be plagued with a stranger’s guilt.
Primal souls are weird. I have no idea where they come from, but they seem separate from the summoner’s. So as Wyda’s influence wanes, Cravendy’s soul begins to resurface. This forces Wyda into a cycle of self-discovery and self-destruction that, unfortunately, convinces Wyda that she ought to disappear. It’s a tragic conclusion she reaches after having her worldview shattered. She’s a copy of Dots, she’s a primal. What’s real, and what’s not? What even matters?
The Power of Love
Love is a persistent theme for all of my characters. For Cravendy, love is why she hurts, so she would rather forget it than bear any more pain. But Wyda is the opposite - she loves too much. When all else is a sham, Wyda trusts that the love she feels is real. And ultimately, this love dooms Wyda and saves Cravendy.
Wyda’s fatal flaw is her self-destructive selflessness. Thanks to being mistaken for Dots all the time, Wyda develops a low sense of self. Then events of the campaign erode that into nothingness. She’s a second rate copy full of brittle memories, she’s a fake! And discovering Cravendy’s sleeping soul only pushes Wyda further into her flaw. Here is my purpose, she thinks! My original! And I’ll save her no matter what, because she deserves to live!
But it’s a mistake. Certainly, Cravendy is saved, but Wyda deserves to be saved too. Although she loves with all her heart, Wyda never learns to love herself and see her own self-worth. She doesn’t understand that her friends don’t share her view of herself - as a worthless copy that can only find value in saving another. Her selflessness loops into selfishness.
Maybe Wyda will come back...She certainly has a lot to learn still!
The TLDR version of all this is that I accidentally pulled a Kingdom Hearts plot with this character, and now I understand, Nomura. I UNDERSTAND WHY YOU BRING BACK YOUR CHARACTERS. ;_;
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Aldershot regional tournament report by Jamie Faulkner
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Hey guys, this is my write up for the Aldershot regional I won on Sunday the 15thof April. I originally didn’t even intend to go because I only just got back from a holiday and I was still a little messed up from it in terms of my body clock but, I woke up really early Sunday so it gave me enough time to throw a bunch of jank cards together and attend.
I was on holiday with Josh Ge and Tobi Henriet which was amazing and fun. We didn’t get a huge amount of time to test because we were too busy enjoying Istanbul but we did manage to build a few decks. Mono earth was one of the first decks we built (because we just heard that mono earth came 1st and 2nd at some tournament in Japan) and I think we played like 3 games with the deck before playing more fun stuff. In fact, we only really built the deck to test the power of Kam’lanaut in the mirror. Tobi’s version was more aggressive with loads of 2 drop brave dudes and no board wipes whereas my version had Kam, Zodiark, Shantotto, and Cecil. Naturally, the bigger version of a deck usually wins in a mirror but we did find out that the Psycom wardens in my deck were actually really solid and we also found out that Kam’lanaut simply crushes games. Every time I played that card in the games we tested he just took over the game and I won fairly shortly after. After that discovery our holiday basically became a have fun, enjoy Istanbul, Play 1v1s in LoL and find broken decks abusing Kam. Very fun!
So, I go to bed on Saturday with the intention of just laying in and playing League of Legends all day, didn’t feel like I would have the energy to go to Aldershot so I didn’t bother preparing anything. I did send a message to my friend, Likey asking him if he was going and wanted a lift but he wasn’t so in my mind it was settled that I wouldn’t go. However, I wake up at like 5am for some reason and see a message from another friend, Pedro, asking me for a deck idea. I ask him if he’s going and he needed a lift so I decided since I woke up early I’ll have some fun and throw a deck together. All my cards were still in my suitcase that I hadn’t bothered to unpack yet so I kind of just picked a deckbox at random and it had the half built mono earth deck I had play tested about a week earlier. It seemed like a good idea. Super easy to play, didn’t really matter what cards I put in it as long as Kam was there and the deck was already half built. Here is the link to the deck that I ended up playing:https://ffdecks.com/deck/5788262270500864
There were only a few cards in there I knew I needed. The rest were pretty much just what I found before I Left.
Kam: Best card in the deck? Not sure, Maybe. He takes over games on his own with his amazing body and ability and gives you the option of searching a backup (which is always nice) or searching a massive tempo card. Super cool. People don’t know how to deal with him yet. Abuse him while you can.
Wol: Also a really really good card. Gets advantage straight away. All his effects are useful and I’m happy to say I used all of them consistently today. He’s better played as the second body on the field rather than the first thing you play because then you get instant value.
Psicom Warden: Flan 2.0. I liked flan. I like Psicom Warden. Earth typically has a lot of trouble drawing cards or thinning the deck which is a really cool bonus of playing these 1 drop 11k’s. They also just completely take over a game on their own. In the finals I curved to 4, top decked one and did 7 points of damage with these cards alone. It’s literally the best top deck in the game in the mid game. The only time it’s a bad top deck is if you see multiples early but, in that scenario, it’s not super sad to discard them. And mid game you either top deck them and win cause it’s incredible to top deck or you don’t top deck them because you’ve already taken them out of your deck. No one expected to get killed by my little 3 drop dudes but everyone did.
Prishe: Star sibyl target and dedicated koboldroid yin blocker. In the quarter finals I managed to use the ability 3 times because I kept hitting ex bursts that killed my prishe. Odin, Famfrit, Famfrit. Still won that game, somehow :S
Ingus: Now I’m definitely sure that Ingus is the best of the new Warrior of Light cards. Not only does his effect kind of synergise with earth better than the other cards synergise with their elements. But, He also gets to use the effect WAY more because earth has so many ways to give brave so there are always forwards available to tap down to use the effect after attacking. When this dude is on board your board feels a lot stronger. Also, he synergises really nicely with Raubahn to make him live if you have him and Ennna Kros on field.
Zodiark: It’s really amusing when my opponent goes for turn 3 Setzer Locke from two backups and I just play Kam Zodiark and they lose on the spot.
Momodi: This card is really great to have on the field and realistically it could probably be put up to two but it’s also kind of a dead draw late game and isn’t a turn one backup so I’m honestly not sure. It’s 100% a 1 of in any mono earth deck and possibly a two of If you can find the space.
EDIT: Thought I’d mention Cecil briefly. He’s fine but was never fantastic. Sometimes killed a forward and that was cool and there is definitely synergy with Zodiark and Cecil. It did feel that either my opponents over extended into a board wipe and I just cleaned up or I was the aggressor (most of the time) so there were very few times I needed to play him. I would be happy to cut him to 1 so he is still there and searchable with miner and mog but I don’t draw him too early. Not a super important card to the strategy I think but nice when you can do it.
I will now go over the rounds that I can remember
Round 1: Alex Wu – mono fire
Alex is a good friend and a player I respect. Not great to go against a good player in round 1 of a tournament I’m hardly awake for to be honest.
I curve to 3 while he plays a turn 2 Xande. I answer it with a Kam and then Zodiark the next turn for 7 so his Xande doesn’t kill the Kam. He plays another Xande the turn after that which gets answered by a Raubahn. Finally, he plays a Sabin which got answered by a Cecil and the game was over. We played a few more games so I could get some more reps in with my deck because I didn’t really know what was in it or how to play it yet and the games went pretty much the same. I played a forward and it stuck, he played a forward and I killed it. Funnily enough we swapped decks after a few games and I crushed him with a series of like 4 ex bursts in a row and incredibly lucky draws. Was very funny.  
Round 2: Rob Philips – jank
Rob is one of the best players in the country (and all of Europe) and a teammate who I test versus regularly. Both of us are already qualified for Nationals at this point anyway and neither of us were massively invested in the tournament. I was there to get a bye at nationals and he was there to test his Jank. Weirdly though, in the last 3-5 tournaments we’ve played against each other (since Cardiff) we have played against each other pretty early on in swiss and it’s starting to become a bit of a meme. He knew my deck better than I did because he took a look through it before the tournament (and Rob is actually very good at understanding a deck just by looking at it) but, I knew what his deck did and how to beat it as well because he sent me his list while I was away in turkey so I could test it and see if I could improve it ( I couldn’t). His deck was sort of like an 0tk style combo deck that needed to get a lot of cards in hand to combo off. I knew how fast I needed to play in order to delay that as long as possible and I did. He didn’t draw very well but I also think I played quite well. It got to the point where he was decking out and I was threatening lethal every turn and it was just really obvious he couldn’t win anymore so he scooped.
Round 3:  Cant remember
I do not remember this round at all. All I know is I won in less than 5 minutes and then left to go troll my friend Ryan Stolarski.
Round 4: Callum Hackett – mono water monsters
Callum is another Dark sphere local and a good player. He’s playing a list that makes me want to quit fftcg and move to a farm with no internet. Was my only loss of the tournament. I threw away a hand that had no backups to draw a hand with 4 dark cards. Not great. It would have been fine if I had ever seen a third backup but unfortunately, I was stuck on 2 until about turn 10 so I could never play Kam or Zodiark efficiently. I still almost win though because I took him to 5 or 6 by playing Dadaluma, Wol and the Warden Squad. Eventually, however I just draw nothing but backups for like 3 turns in a row (which is what happens when you don’t see any for the top 25 cards) and I swiftly lost.
Round 5 Dan Meech – Mono lightning
Dan is another friend from Dark sphere (do you see a trend here?). He was x-2 and out of contention for top 8 so I kind of expected him to go easy on me. He didn’t. At all. I misplay really badly turn 2 by playing a Psicom Warden alone when he had two backups and he plays Al-cid + hildibrand + nashu which sucked. Then he plays illua and I’m really feeling the pain. I play Kam searching Zodiark on 5 backups because I knew the only way I would win was if I drew my 1 of Gabranth to scum out the game. He flooded the board and I draw it on 6 damage. Game was over from that point because he had no hand and I had a decent board. Killed 5 things with Zodiark, very flashy!
Quarter Finals: Mitch lander – Water lightning fusoya
Mitch qualified last regional so we both kind of knew it was a chill game for fun.
Game 1:
Hardest game of the tournament for me. I open fairly poorly and he opens well with fusoya and al-cid patrol. I also hit Odin, Famfrit, Cucu (put on top of deck from ephereal summoner) and then another famfrit into damage zone (only the cucu was done from fusoya). Which put me so far behind I felt like I couldn’t even see the cards anymore. I feel like I played exceptionally well from that point forward though because I managed to keep making Mitch use resources while just about clinging to life and still pressuring his life total. Eventually, I had a board of cecil, Kam and Wol vs his board of weak forwards with us both on 6 damage. Easy game from there.
Game 2:
Pretty standard game of fusoya.dek here. Similar things happen to game 1 where fusoya puts in work except this time al-cid also puts in work. It was too much when he played like 4 forwards turn 3-4 and I had no board wipe.
Game 3:
I think Mitch decided he didn’t want to win anymore because I played a Kam searching Zodiark from 3 backups with 3 in hand and he decided to discard his whole hand to dump 3 forwards on the board to try to kill Kam. He only had 1 backup and 0 in hand so it was the swiftest Zodiark of my life. Game was set and done from that point forward, no way to come back for him.
Semi Finals Sam wigmore – mono earth
Sam is a really nice guy and he’s turning into a bit of my kryptonite because every time I go to calamity games he beats me horribly and it’s never fun. He beat me two weeks earlier with mono earth and it was degenerate and seemed like it required no skill which was one of the reasons I wanted to test it :D
The TL;DR of this match should have been I have Kam and Sam doesn’t so I win. However, I didn’t play Kam once so it was kind of irrelevant.
Game 1
He plays Warrior of light turn 1 telegraphing he has a bad hand. I play a backup and pass. He plays Ingus turn 2. I Shantotto. Game over. Situations like this can easily be replicated if you play a normal game of fftcg except one player draws 4 a turn and the other draws normally. That’s what it feels like.
Game 2: We both curve out to 4 backups and play some forwards, But I play Psicom Wardens and position myself to be more aggressive. I think I played around his summons better than He plays around mine and it put us in a position where he was just defensive the whole game. Not even attacking with brave guys. I keep playing 1 forward a turn and hold Kam in hand for when he Shantotto’s me. He plays miner getting back his Shantotto so he can board wipe next turn but I had enough to lethal him from there. This game is a good example of experience I think. Realistically we both had decent draws and the same sort of power level of forwards but I just played more aggressively which put Sam into a defensive mindset which allowed me to just have my way with him. Don’t let players bully you into submission, always be thinking about how to attack back rather than simply not lose!
Finals: Pete Sherratt – mono Ice
Pete is another lovely guy and he seemed really ecstatic that he was in the finals. I could tell he wouldn’t play his best before we even sat down because he asked who was in the finals against him and when told it was me he seemed really unconfident about it. It also seemed like he didn’t really care too much about winning since he was already happy with the nationals place, which is fine. One thing I will say about it is never go into a game thinking you will lose because you are against someone who you perceive as better than you. Similarly, Never go into a game thinking you can just smash it without thinking because you think you are better than your opponent. Give everyone respect and try hard like you are playing in a final of a tournament (especially if you are!) I promise you will surprise yourself occasionally: D
I knew my deck wasn’t tuned for mono ice as much as Sam’s was and I would have to not just play defensively and win of Guy and Yang. I wasn’t entirely sure what the best way to get around Mateus was but I figured if I Hecatoncheir in response to Mateus then it’ll be a good trade of resources. What happened in the games was very different though.
Game 1:
We both curve to 4 and he plays Setzer Locke. I play Psicom wardens and it turns out they are way bigger than Setzer Locke. A quick Kam into Zodiark left me in a position where I just attacked him and he died. Didn’t seem to be anything he could do about it really other than delay it with freeze effects.
From there I decided to just aggro him out because I don’t think he was in the mindset to be able to deal with that. Most people would look at Ice vs Earth and say Ice needs to be the aggressor so I figured that if I took him out of his comfort zone he wouldn’t know what to do.
Game 2: Much of the same happened here. I played Psicom Wardens and Kam. He had no answer at all for them. I switched kam’s element a LOT this game though. Made it dark to zodiark one turn, then switched it to earth just so I could attack into an Orphan. Then back to ice, then earth. I killed his vayne and he just didn’t really have a way to get aggressive. As long as I was in the driver’s seat there was no way Pete would ever be able to win. I solve a really cool lethal puzzle though which involved me using Pellinore and sacrificing my Ingus then using My Monk to buff my Warden to be big enough to kill Orphan and swing in for the last point of damage.
Normally I would give shout outs for help with the deck e.t.c but realistically this deck was just a bunch of cards thrown together that happened to do well. Shout out to all the dark sphere guys (and Ryan and Alex) who were there yesterday and made the day fun and a massive shoutout to Josh Ge (and his beautiful girlfriend Sybil) for hosting me in turkey last week and for generally being a bit of a pimpishmotherf. I’d like to think that the trip made me a better player, but realistically the trip probably just made me a better wine drinker and fancy food sharer, lol.
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