#i dunno if it's t em p or a ry AHA ....
astrxd · 8 years
A temporarily blind Astrid Drabble?
A/N: Holy heck. I am, so terribly sorry that this took me so long to put out!!! I found it and decided to rewrite it aaaand,,, Well, this was the result! I’m so sorry that it took me forever to post this, @aracanabraeks​!! :’)(I think this one might be a little heavier than what I usually write? I’m not entirely sure, but I feel as if it’s necessary to note that it’s not super light and fluffy, or anything!)
 “Mostof the hindrances that you and your friends cause me are generally…unseen. And as the saying goes–an eye for an eye, no?” He’dsaid. “You needn’t worry, however. I’ve decided to be mercifulby letting you keep them, at the very least. How useful they’ll beto you is simply… undetermined.”
Therewas no ultimatum, no ulterior motive–Viggo wanted revenge for theRiders’ last stunt: the destruction of his marble stronghold. Theentire purpose of kidnapping Astrid was for the sake of making apoint.For the sake of gettingeven.
Hemade a formidable adversary, and part of that was due to the factthat he wasn’t afraid to employ tactics heavier on the…unscrupulousside…in order to get what he wanted. The fact that he so casually broughtthe Scourge of Odin back down upon the Barbaric Archipelago was proofenough, but yet another one of methods he utilized revolved aroundthe fact that prolonged and close-range exposure to an Armorwing’sflameresultedin (supposedly temporary)blindness–toboth dragon and viking. Such exposure was appropriately classified astorture.
…Andin both cases of blatant inhumanity, Astrid was a victim without a choice.
Thevery real threat of hurting Stormfly if she didn’t cooperate withthe Hunters was the only thing keeping her eyes open in the face ofthe Armorwing’s inferno. Every blink risked a scale off of her bestfriend’s back, a premature spine ripped off of her tail. Thistime… there was no way out of Viggo’s plot.
“Obedient,”he had mused from somewhere in the ship cellar, a tone of purecomplacency dripping from his voice, “I believe I expected a littlemore from you, Miss Hofferson.”
Shegrit her teeth and kept her hands–which had curled into fists–gluedto her sides.
Oneday, he would crumble at her feet.
Viggo’stricks were growing dirtier and dirtier, and the fact that Astridwasa prime target was–quite frankly–rapidly becoming veryirritating.
Shewas a pawn. A bargaining chip. She knew that, and while her capturehadn’t been her most graceful moments, she surely didn’t go downwithout resisting. In the end, whether or not she went with theHunters quietly or not didn’t matter, but it brought her a shred ofcomfort to know that she put up a fight. Of course, she promised togive them much morethanan axe to the gut and a kick in the groin when she recovered.
(…Ifsheever recovered. The thought made her heart sink impossibly further.)
Theyencountered her during her morning flight-slash-patrol around the island. 
They’dtaken both her and Stormfly–again.
Theyhadn’t even bothered to restrain her, but they did disarm her–andtheyput her very own axe to her dragon’s neck.
Theyforced a captured Armorwing (who Astrid vowed to help free as soon asshe was able) to sustain its flame, only a few feet from her face.
Theygave her a choice that wasn’t even a choice.
Theygave her an option–lose her sight indefinitely, or leave with hersight and her life… but without her dragon.
Butneveragain.Never again would Astrid allow the Hunters to have Stormfly in theircustody.
…Andso she stood, in the center of the cellar, steeling herself for whatwas to come.
Shedug the soles of her boots into the grain of the wood and squared hershoulders, and she furrowed her brow in fierce determination from thevery, very beginning. The Armorwing loomed before her, and the heatimmediately bordered unbearable. It hadn’t been long before she felta sheen of sweat broke out across her forehead–but how hot her skinwas paler in comparison to the intense burnhereyes promptly experienced.
Theyquickly felt as if they were going to begin to shrivel at any givenmoment–but when she began to squint or nearly blinked, Stormflytrilled. Woefullytrilled.
ForStormfly, shechanted in her head.
Theentire time, the ones she held dearest to her heart were on her mind.It was from thoughts of them that she drew her strength, herendurance–that, and pure spite.IfViggo thought he’d be guaranteed some sort of twisted gratificationfrom seeing her suffer, then he was sorelymistaken,because she had no intention of expressing her pain. She was strongerthan this–stronger than him, and whatever he tried to put up againsther!
…Very,very soon came the point where Astrid grew numb to the dragon’sflame, but could hardly stand to keep her eyes open any longer. Hervision clouded and became glazed with white, everything becominglighter and lighter with each passing second. She initially refusedto give the onlooking Hunters holding down Stormfly the satisfactionof hearing her cry out in pain, and instead elected to bite down onher lip to muffle any shouts that threatened to escape–
Buteven the mightiest were susceptible to being felled.
Astrid,knees wobbly, ended up collapsing to the ship’s floorboards withinless than a few minutes,witha broken, choked, patheticgaspfor air that wasn’t heated. The sustained fire had done its job,but it also seemed to devour the oxygen in the air. Her firm resolvehad been melted by the Armorwing’s intense flames, and she resortedto pressing the heels of her palms against her eyes, as if doing sowould somehow numb the sharp, stinging sensation.
Itwas over surprisingly quickly, but every moment felt like absoluteHel.And the aftermath?
Excruciating.Every single secondofit.
Whenshe felt her dragon thunder towards her and curl protectively aroundher person, Astrid finally pried her eyes open and blinked. The sharpfwhipofStormfly brandishing her barbed tail filled her ears, but her eyes…
Shesaw nothing but white.
Theystung with both welling tears and the lingering pain of having staredat a bright source of light for an extended period of time–but shedidn’t cry. As soon as they oh-so kindlyallowedStormfly to escort Astrid back to their base, the Hunters made aquick departure in the opposite direction of the Edge… and that wasthat.
Hercondition served as a message. A warning. A taunt.
AndOdin knew what Hiccup would do when he found out.
Whenshe was safely on Stormfly’s back and well in the air, she stilldidnot allow herself to cry, because crying was givingin.She could not see the sun or the morning sky–she just assumeditwas still morning. She could not see their base in the near distanceor the rolling hills and trees beneath her. She couldn’t even seethe crown of spikes on Stormfly’s head, but she clung to thedragon’s neck with such dependency anyway. Astrid wanted to tellthe Nadder to take her somewhere secluded, but despite the dragon’sloyalty, she knew that Stormfly would take her to her friends. Itwasn’t until she reached a tentative hand to her face that sherealized that she was crying anyway. She tried to blink away thetears.
Intrusivethoughts swarmed her mind relentlessly–how uselesstosaid friends she was now that she couldn’t see, whether or notshe’d be able to see atallinthe future, how they would react. How Hiccupwouldreact. Just thinking about it made her feel guilty, as if somehow,she could have prevented this from happening. 
Even though such wasimpossible, she knew she couldpreventthe impending carnage and cycle of revenge that was likely to takeplace when her condition was revealed, but how could she keepsomething such as being blindunderwraps? How could she pretend that her world wasn’t crashing down ontop of her?
Sheonly continued to imagine–no, predict–howher future was going to further fall apart.
Combatwould be next to impossible.
DragonRacing–if not just flying in general–was just… out of thequestion.
She’dnever see the sunset, or the exotic colors of every dragon theyencountered. She’d never see her mother or father or her friends oreven her future children–andit wouldn’t be because she wasn’t present, but it would be due toa physical incapability.
Everythingwas changing, all before her very eyes. The ones what she couldn’tseewith.
Evenafter Stormfly landed, presumably back at the stables, Astridcontinued to think.Her fingers trembled and her breaths were all ragged and strained,but she strove to find some reason deep within herself.
Wouldshe ever see again? Or was she stuck in a perpetually white world?The fact that she wasn’t seeing pitchblack waspromising, and it gave her a sliver of hope that she could somehowrecover. She clung to that shred of optimistic thought, because therewas still a chance for her to beat the odds and beatViggo,but as soon as she attempted to dismount Stormfly–
“Astrid!There you are!”
Sheswallowed thickly and rubbed at her eyes as she slowly swung her legover Stormfly’s back. It was a motion she’s completed with suchease and confidence time and time again, but she’d suddenly…grown wary of her footing. All she wanted to do was curl up besideher dragon and reflect and be alone,butof courseHiccuphad to come around. Quickly attempting to recompose herself, heturned towards the source of his voice and blinked, thankful that herhearing was still intact.
Astriddidn’t know how long she could maintain the illusion that herencounter with the Hunters didn’thappenand that she couldstillsee, but she would try. She’d simply have to–for the sake ofkeeping order on the Edge. Her thoughts of her future and herhappiness be damned–they couldn’t afford to make any risky movesfor the sake of getting even, and getting even is exactlywhatViggo probably wanted them to do. If Astrid knew the Hunter’sleader at all, she knew that he tried to have everything planned downto the last confrontation.
“Hey,Hiccup,” she responded soon enough, offering a brief lift of herhand as wave. Her voice sounded unbearably tightandshe had no clue about how disheveled she may have looked, butStormfly ducked her head and nudged her shoulder so that she wouldface an entirelydifferentdirection.
Somuch for being secretive.
Astridplaced her palm on the Nadder’s horn for stability. She blinked.Her world went from white, to black, to white again.
Shecould only imagineHiccup’sperplexed expression. Literally. What he looked like at the momentwas a mystery to her and–
No,no, no.
Whatif she forgets?
“…Astrid,is everything okay?”
Whatif she forgets what he looks like? His eyes. His smile–all of them.The goofy, crooked one and the jokingly serious one and the heartmeltingly adoring one and… What if she forgot her other friends,too? What they all look like? It was only a matter of time before anyand all hopes of her ever seeing again would be ultimately crushed,and then… And then she’d be stuck. She’d never see Stormfly orHiccup or her friends. She’d never see the sunrise or sunset orcoloratall–
Astridtried so desperatelytoremain composed and stay levelheaded, but with such a probablyreality looming on the horizon, how could she stay calmwhenit truly, finally hit her that her entire futurewasvery likely compromised? She relied so heavily on her sight thatliving without it…
…Wouldn’tbe living at all.
Suddenly,she felt her hair get tucked behind her ear and warm, calloused palmson either of her cheeks, and she stiffened, startled. The contactalone was enough to make her walls fall in around her, while herpreviously rigid expression crumpled into that of one conveyingagony.
“Astrid?Astrid,what–what happened out there? What did you see?”
Astridshook her head and barked out a single, humorless laugh. Her eyescontinued to burn with a dull intensity, partially because she wascrying even harder now, but she kept her hands to herself. The thingsthat she knewshecould do with her eyes closed now seemed to be completely foreign andimpossible–even throwing her arms around Hiccup in the way that sheusually did seemed hazardous.
Shesettled for squeezing her eyes shut. The darkness was comforting,because she could pretend that she was fine despite knowing shewasn’t.
“Astrid,look at me–”
“Nothing,”shefinally snapped, the sharp bite in her trembling voice evidently notdirected toward Hiccup. She pictured him wincing. “Nothing, okay? Ididn’t–I can’tseeanything.I can’tlookat you.” Astrid could hear Stormfly coo, and she imagined thatHiccup looked worriedly over at both of their dragons, seeking somesemblance of insight as he gathered her in an embrace.
“I–Idon’t–Astrid, what are you…?”
Shefelt his arms loop around her middle, so she managed to find hisshoulders. Astrid buried her face in the crook of his neck and simplystood there,leavingHiccup to try and decipher her cryptic response for the same amountof time it took for her to compose herself to the point where sheknewshewouldn’t break down. It was only when she became astutely aware ofthe fingers rubbing circles into the small of her back that she wasdrawn out of her bout of self pity.
Asingle name was enough to make Hiccup’s hold around her waist growsignificantly tighter. She was well aware of the shift in hisstature–from comforting to downright protectiveafterso much as hearing “Viggo” leave her lips.
“What,”Hiccup grit out, “did he do?”
Shetook a shuddery breath that wracked her chest and pulled her armsfrom around Hiccup’s shoulders. It didn’t make the pain subside,let alone help her fears for her future shrink, but the blonde soonset either of her hands on what she felt as the slope of Hiccup’sneck and slowly wrenched her eyes open. They stillburned.Everything was still bleary, still white.
Hiccupwas probably only inches away from her, but at the same time… Hewasn’t there.
(Butusing that logic, the moon didn’t exist and neither did theHunters. Astrid breathed deeply again. She blinked. It still didn’thelp.)
“Itwas an Armorwing,” she managed, willing strengthtoinject her quiet voice. Astrid knew that around Hiccup, there was noneed for her to remain strongindifficult times, but it was the only way she found herself capable ofspeaking to him. “Viggo–he, he wanted revenge. But you–youhaveto, to promise, promise me that you w-won’t do anything stupid.”
Astrid…Astrid was conflicted. On one hand, Hiccup had taught her thatemotion was natural,andthat they didn’t live in a world as brutal and ruthless as theyinitially thought. With the resurgence of a new massive threat intheir lives, however, that notion immediately caved in on itself.What wasshe,if not the resilient, hardy Hooligan that her people were known tobe? What happened to the viking who had so firmly believed inherself, and believed that she was stronger than anything Viggo triedto do to harm her?
“Astrid,”Hiccup said again, this time more sympatheticallyhurt,and it was as he’d said her name a million times over in the pastminute with different tones each instance. She knew that he wantedher to continue to explain.
Shechoked on the next word, a sob ripping from her throat, becauseadmitting it made it real.Admitting it made it feel like Viggo won,and she’d be damned before she let something like that happen.Astrid felt Hiccup tense further, and she squeezed his shoulders,sniffling and breathing choppily.
Itfelt like a massive wave crashing onto an unsuspecting shore. It hither like a Catastrophic Quaken barreling into her at full force,knocking the wind out of her lungs and sending her reeling.
Shewas blind.
Sheblinked. Astrid felt as if her mind was still foggy with disbeliefand sheer horror,but saying it out loud… It helped. Somehow, it helped, and deepdown, she knew that acceptingitwas the first step to overcomingit.
Hiccup’ssilence, however, was terriblyconcerning.Astrid lifted a shaky hand to thread her fingers through his hairwith slight uncertainty. She couldn’t use her thumb to smooth awaythe creases in his brow that she knew were there, so she had tosettle instead. His presence was grounding, and it made her thinkmore practically–it made her realize that the only thing left to dowas cope,notcry.
Ithurt, but knowing that he was worried about her… hurt more.
“Maybeit’s temporary–”
“Wecan get you to Berk and have Gothi–”
“Astrid,we can still–”
“Youknow,” Astrid interjected (again), “all I could think about washow useful those Deathsong amber goggles you made would have been,”she whispered, fingers curling at the hair at nape of his neck. Shethen pressed her palm to his cheek and leaned forward–he got thememo, thankfully, and their foreheads met. She thoughthehad his face committed to memory, but now that the situation requiredher to draw upon those memories, they were… Gone?
Notgone,but buried.
Byirrational thought.
Sheblinked. She smothered those feelings by reminding herself thatletting them fester would only make matters worse.
“Don’t,”Astrid interjected, both pleadingly and in warning. He wiped histhumb against the corner of one of her eyes, presumably to wipe awayher tears, but she squeezed them shut reflexively. “Don’tapologize.”
“What’sdone is done,” she said, her tone indicating that what she had tosay was final, though it retained its shakiness. Astrid tried sodesperately to sound okay,but…“Apologizingwon’t, c-can’t change–this.”Astridwaved a hand toward her face.
“Iwas… just going to say that–I, I’m here,Astrid. You were there for me, and… And now it’s my turn.”
…Itdawned on her then.
Thevalue she had was not determined by, nor was it reliant, the heightof the senses. Despite lacking her sight entirely, what she said wastrue–the only way to go about her life at this point?
Work past it.
Learna little morefromHiccup.
Swiftly,and with practiced ease, she pressed a kiss to the apple of his cheekbefore slipping out of his arms to find her dragon, ignoring thestrain of keeping her eyes open. The rough texture of Stormfly’sscales was beneath her fingertips in mere seconds–Astrid didn’thesitate once in pulling herself onto the Nadder’s back.
Shewasn’t okay. She was far from okay.
Butshe was guaranteed not to be okay for the rest of her life if she didn’t at least try to move forward.
“Whereare you–”
“Thefirst thing you did was fly,” Astrid reminded him, squaring hershoulders as she curled her fingers against the bar of Stormfly’ssaddle. She sucked in a deep breath. “And that’s exactly what I’mgoing to do.”
IfViggo Grimborn thought he could eliminate AstridHofferson fromthe game, he was painfully mistaken. Sightor no sight, she’d overcome the trials set out before her–shealways had, anyhow.
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babyawacs · 4 years
@norway @norwegia .@fisa .@norway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden example: itisntjust underdeveloped fools, itis (!)did never and (!)would have never developed. and that in a world where intels control the population with cookingfo rehead arbitrarily literally willynilly. letalone in a deeply sophisticated educated disciplin ed case cmon now youknow its one example of the most declinateable cases they shuffle s tigmas they shuffle harms they shuffle proxies because itis  i n t e l  itis whihc trick works this time with all authorities as dependents under control doing whatthey want with peasantry as civil population whhhyyy yy!!!!! r o b u s t o  AND creamy?! @norway @norwegia .@fisa .@norway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden aha!!!! peanutbutter between nuts ba tshit nuts! but... why?! the brand?! r o b u s t o  a n d creamy that that that a dunno t hatsgotta mean sth ... right?... ********* without access mess average,median, and mean identificationtimeframes with ai. and by experience  ********* with access to the case:   ///// find xraybeamtrick allda ylikely b eta or radar bythe way lawyers ofmine ******* make sure germans cannot use doc-ification everagain with utmost severe consequences but for things they wait longer than three years t hreemonths three days younameit andforemost eachofthem signs und er oath the  i  n  t e l terrors witnessed including whatthe civillian demystified and them   pokemon openmouth woa + wtf ********** trickery with docificati on as game for find sth youcan distort twistlater to justify a shitball while allalong itis intel murder that is over orthey hang with the scums symbolically (notliterally) ///// tinitus from deceit trick allday whatisit this time momfool brainwashaway fof fortune mom theperverted doing moms itsalljsut a dream yourenot you tonaswinn ihave dismal trans vetite emotions and want to be molested by horny germans because theyre so german and im so t erribly not german what is it this time again //// ffind backleg tricks for bon er implant remtoeocntroleld itisntjsut biting hemmmorides itis buzzing installs tactically timed to what xray murder beam killtrick fromcockroach above aboveadjancent is priority ///// itis unusually mild since anhour or two whosnew usually its poisons damamges suffocations xraybeam terror find xraybeam killtrick fromabove aboveajdancent and window aimed otherwise miraclemild I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https: //www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Suppo rt. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss ///// gaser is likely xray to terrorise or and fra me something stuff them their mix galore chekc ifthey host a cock roach clown german  //// repalcedphone sucks whofucktit bbombo ut xray murderer and disgust messer   1607 as xraymurderer gaser beam messer 1550+-10 ///// replacedphone 1525 heartaimed 1526 /// 1524 pathogen murder relelvant? //// a piece of crud druged me drowsy agian 1515+-5 stuffemtheirown mi x g a l o r e if cockroach german cockroach efforts imminen t danger itis bad choice regrettably itis effort cockroac h dont touch the wall dont tocuhthat gu y find sth else todo ///// medics thos e spikes are r e s t i n g heartrates itis surprising that the fi tnesstracker identifies heart on edge itis not howitis without damamged hbeart itdoesnt h ave even coffee or other things that could pushit up itis resting recovery and critical he artonedge allalong btw //// lawyers make em sign or readoutloud this is the eigth year on edge of existence and its been a joy to see him struggle on 200amonth with billions on t he accounts micromanaged from 67billions to 90billions recently but he court demanded ac cess to his own fortune with intiative fromwithin the bubble and against not a missed forma lity immunisation but agaisnt a quelled quelled immunisation keeping him that way  is i ntent yes and itis a joy tosee how he strug gles the eigth year on 200 amonth and yes we want to tax his billions or someow chain it o r sex it or somehow killit anything aslong as we can pillage it see? abit honesty  howlikely willthey admit the obvious //// oh please for thegermans its suicide whenyou cut 50bucks from foodmoney everymontbh not t oget amalgam teethfills they urgently rescue you from imminent starvation death the 8th year  than give you access to your own court demanded fortune  they imminently take away your rights that a german that quells any fucking ebay sale or booksale germancures you urg ently they dont store miracles of micromanagement cutting chowpennies topayoff bullshit idont even owe realtime they see  c on f u s i o n it just  mysteriously somehow always adds up and somehow micromanages chowpennies for abit semisafe IT hardware and phone for s o m e t h i n g not too contract chain bonding  they are confused by complexmicromanaging bu t get a c c ce s ss s to damamge you to alzheimer granny because thats tthats how they l ockaway the grannies inthis very shithole so whynot inthiscase too youknow em andifnot t hen thenby now today this veryday fort une access avertedby who 22pm-2208 shoudlveshown 15billion fortune a  sixth of my totalfortu ne what didit show storeit notarstampit sowhat isaw publish it iput it asclose tomou thaspossible as on local bank once that efforted fraudit taxit as nutbum threeyears ago ///// store onlinebanking 2200pm@+8 itshould show 15billion  a sixth of my total fortun e did it show sth realtime if so what // // disintegrated wall and tape matters checkfor xray tricks and calculateback the gray s fo r a l l l l cumulated  #suffocator #squeeze  #crayon #maccaroni #advice #right #ominuous #o bscurity #is #a #conflict @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @fisa @law @harvard_law @all @worl d #crayonMaccaroniAdvice  unknow obscurity is a conflict theme in intelccoma test helmet t hemes buildit around the issue ****** a i s it known then  b issue:  trait: yes o r no? c issue: trait: instead? how ******* * dont misuse it for bad the stateofmind point a to g  point a to h is critical inthi s too smashwords.com/books/view/552210 I am Christian KI SS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HEL LHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// youdont freeze disobey tee nagers into a tube because thbey wouldve been executed fortheir deed you make sure its und erstood what happened  waht it will mean f or him her what it f e e l s w h a t it l e a d s to and then learning effect the n orientation person with routine away from the bad this //// btw fix heartonedge frombacklegtricks  regenerate donot add oldwou nds mengele mess checkalso finedust harms nano finedust what doesit dowith veinwall bloodsu pply //// they mustve implied Sexuality in their assaults its inexplicable #lawyers .@law  @law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom separate it clearly that itis not sexuality but them imply that that thereisno frivolous gains but the m imply that that even if some would fit preference, does not undo allthe assaults that are beyond good and evil that it iiiiis about them and that all knew that  ******* the gain th e benefit the what for was in something else than about that guy  letalone about sexuality ofthat guy ******* this.  is probably not s eparated clearly checkthat youre the pro s  /// dont get nuts over it, its not so compl icated: because. it. is. intel. it.is .all about. which. trick. works. thistime. get furio us about it  not nuts about it itis layer1 causing authorities with control accomplice rape dmolested damamged themselves whatthey can  host layer2 cockroaches immunsied todowhat wi sh hope pretend youre their underhuman candowhattheywant with civillians usually willalways t ry sth . coordinated more orless or invited orhosted only as proxies dont get nuts about it get mad about it isuggest: a sero tolerance dont touch it. offthewalls. off the health. it doesntmatter what youwant whatyoupretend what youtry donttouchit. if youre support coordina te with support your ideas are: /// w hat doyou do about 19years of microscopy while they shuffled sexual asssault  then someone germancures your nuts to a smeary fatty or sth because they s u s p e c t something this. itisntjust shuffled sexual assault itisntjust deedtyped allalong iit is deedtyped after d aytimecharging it  repeatedly risking allmyrights and anything to because thecausing au thorities quell the charging and thefix  the fix is letmore and shuffle more sexual assaul t and try togive it an alibi nomatter how counterfactuall this. what is against this.  //// lawyers ofmin e  ******** had one single trick worked unthinkable what wouldh appen next: disassemble this trick ie: because we declare him nuts we dont compensate what we overtape allalong because he aeh molests little furry sexcat s and sex hedgehogs, we must not compensate what we damage rape and smear. this ********** h ad one trick worked unthinkable ////// #lawyers  law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom what is the state ofmind of the charged government: when they just have to find a trick that puts you inyourplace a trick that you give up  atrick that resets your brain a trick that shows they dominate you and you must obey like youhave no choice  this is the stateofmind this itis idontcare wha tthey fake idont care howthey goodcop badcop idontcare how they play sorry theyrenot this. is their stateofmind what do you d o about it it explains a long long lattice of messes and dirty tricks furthermore ///// / #sexland #sex #land @all @world @globe @booking  .@law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom youjustdont getit the germa n goverment rapes thecivil population that is not immunised aga inst  intel coma s wheres the news they porn the c r a p out of em they sell em as sexslave on intelcoma if they can they prepl an their careerrs and setemup who exploits who first and benefits how they controlem like forehead braincooked fools like children like fools they hold as underhuman exploitable un derhumans that is the basis of it all when a civillian daytime charged the basis oftheir security system: they did any harm they remotely had then used proxies then played good cop bad cop hunting them ebcause we forced em to and this is the basis ofthe case guilt y liable causing criminal governments that d owhatthey want withthe civil population charged daytime for staying damamges and coverup a nd hightheft using their security system as prison gig trick is t hat clear now itis not a single case itisnot the german hookerofth e land itis one of 60million abused civillians that charged the crap out of em for whatthey did here with the civil population for70years ////// btw2  ge t allthe clowns offmy privacy  superprivacy i n t i m a c y  the scums meld their perverts onthe case and see if later daytiem anything is confirmation tothat thenits confirmed orsth jail asstoyer dickt oyermolester itis disgusting cockroaches that reinterpret on deeply intimate things after ra ping and pedo sexual assaulting nomatter how often idaytime chbarge it i am furious  about it the cockroaches braindamamge fore head and suffocate the c r a po outof me and damamge eraseme ih ate em its legit to  and iam furious about it idaytime chargedit a tleastfive times locally and fivetimes eu they shuffle sexual assault repeat humiliate and seee how pervert you are coifirmation i hate them idont live by hate minors wemust rescue but  the scums get offfffthe cas e andif wehave tohunt the scums for the authorities the authroties gotojailwithem they h ost em coverem anyway host em whenthey cant tax it a trickfailed then itnensified pedo tr icks thisishowit works its  criminal government  authrotieis criminal authorities shuffling proxies guilty liable accomplice c ontrol usually maybe unbriefed fools that get shit into their head to mess wit an excuse sero tolerance with sexual  abuse se xual assault the authorities do their job and hunt thweir cockroaches and if we must theygotojailwith the scums they sat and let rapes poisosn rapes galore arbitrary whattttheywant whowants cinema grocerystore chameber arbitrar y rapoes rape inschool and cinema arbtirary rtape ******** rape allthtime manytiems deedtyped w e for ce them to huntheir cockroach german cockroaches thatthey are withthe authroities or th ey gotojail  both withthe scums when wemust huntem an this we mus t do ***************** //// lawyers that is 90billion euro s for tune of earned tbhings with what icould ninety billion before l ike 67billion do you wonder what scums would do when they think i ts vulnerable or get access with a trick  beit separating it away from that guy they dowaht they want with and act like its mysteriously created not from what thatguy could and did it is ninety billion a share of which wealth generated you donot make it vulnerable t o anyone a matter of granted or not granted if a trick works  or st h itis daytime court demanded ina mess where they quell immunisati on and quzelled the case intothe daytimebubble inthe firstplace they shuffle tricks like b um med s or braindamamged fool careers and its just your own fault that you mysteriously did nt pick a dayfool career while allrealdeal wouldnt matter this shit you get off me and you get rational about what kinds of scums will a l w a y s try sth about the f ortune if it seems arbitrary separated away fromthat guy and thatguys performance system ic trickery to be g r a n t e d  maybe when h e doestn rememeber or is incapacitated and allthese shits if he as dayfoolsomehow somethin g they trashcan killtrick and harm and hookertrick and degrade as if the fortune wouldn t be real and asif i daytime demanded my ufo or sth seriously . harden the fortune from bullshit systemic ornot bust separation t ricks of fortune and thatguy performance of thatguy separatedaway and be rational about what scums will a l w a y s try sth that is ************* 90billion from this very head of what icould and the yeffort braindamage and heartkill and bum meds and gur tslock andpathogens and tobe granted or not separation of fortune and performance asif im a f ool they put in a frozen tube and keepthemoney trick at best thefffff ff f f f f f f f ff f f f f f involve serious insurances and reinsurers ifnecessary include atomic harden ing serobullshits agaisnt fraudsystems and criminal govts and thanks forall *************** ///// what mom theme is the theme ididnt know moms or sth and ididntmind  itis agerman shitball about underdevelopment usually or perversions or sth asif you sense mom s or sth b ecause thats what you surely want thatkindof german ness //// lawyers because immine nt danger and war is so severely bad enough i say no capital punishments whenever possible: ! a l w a y s no capital punishment no deathpentalty scums go tojail cant be fun in there important is they understand they dodged capital punishment for real I am Christian KI SS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// xray beam trick heartaimed //// 1634 repair? or leechery /// pathogen murderer gases 1518 bat ih above abovesdjancent or cirucitboard. squeezetheockroach shifted from xraytrick before //// xray murderbeam beta highpowered orand transmutation 1500 1511 above aboveadjkacent knows I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – R aw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypa l.me/ChristianKiss /// after which damage and degradation would #you! have said: "mmaaay n adunno.. allthe beer and stuff and their fhaaantastic cars drivingby .. but youknow.. ikind a miss my genitals..." for them it makes sense //// intelligence genomes more from the mother  usually has also some implications of why it is as it is shewas morelike lisa simp son and dodged studying inthe 70s because parent got ill and died then got hepatitis next ye ar then met my dad with his heavymotor bike  another life spoiled (haha) /// the glorio us german careers with those stamps visualise it /// it wouldbe epic justice if germans would try to pillgage the case but oneof their earlier damage tricks fucks em instead leta lone any invention after which staying harms it doesnt work both ways, einstein can be cook ed to a fool but a fool cannot be einstein as extreme example //// this howthey are mu stve been obviosu other cases too ofreailtime botch things #failed #virginity #test #2001 .@la w @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden .@fisa @judge .@judge @j udges  because the germans damage their civillians fairly arbitrarily and cover these wi th standard stigmas thisis how it really is allalong ***** lets find the cover alibis lik e retard stamps itis a stigma dyslectic m e!! (nickname schnellschreiber 3rd/felt abit artificial bllah) but dyslectic- it is ? a stigma ***** virginity ?! meh. unless its a stigma  one shitball bites  the other but that doesnt keepem from right. then. getting away with something damnthe factuality basis I am Christian K ISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HE LLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 H elpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// demand a hook on abstracthu mour abstract analysis fromfools they  dont getit toooousually /// backlegv to ge nital implant is hiughly heartkill relelvant makesure theresno damamge added so gutslock gutsusdudue rmeotecontrolled the technology is masseldorn badenser whale landesverfassung sschutz //// squeeze lympahtic aimer 2310+-2 its like eastern sexdrug orso //// xraybeam heartaimedd leftchestaimed radar or beta transmutation allthetime as 20pm 2020 2040 2245 allthetime //// store on linebanking 2100+-7 woa backleg heartkillrelelvant 2107 acesser squeeze after this mail: "whatis hkkaz,hkcaz,hkccs abbreviations inthe local bank account wahtis fortune amount tot al" //// which fortune sums over which timeframes  make sure its notarstamped courtusable and when daytimedemanded daytime cour t demanded iget damaged chav harmed all the time find xraybeamtrick 2040 20pm-2020pm //// authorites gotojail when wemust hunt pathogen murderer above for em letaloneif the authroites grant em access or cause thekilltrick ///theyarenot competent they shuffle sc ums that try sth. pathogen murderer above 1500 stuffhimthemix galore. allofit onsite .  who was onthe case 12,000persons andthefinest another good indication for intel #sex #sexual #po tence #balls #trick @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 .@world @world @all because itis intel iti s which trick works. batshitnuts? criminal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth because itis intel which trick wor ks has a l w a y s beenthegame isuspect people know  but thats not the case youmay coun t the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bring all bananas: academic: wtf?!??why everyone t hrowing banaanas atme) framing (as the transvestite that he is, yousee he has long hair: yo u: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone inhis chamber and designs bride dresses for h is great wedding day ahead. which may eventually occur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases h is sexual potence if he adds allkinds of balls on it blah) smashwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and facebone were from 2004 it was ba d and experiment killit  but itwasnot these 5years intnsified killtricks with shuffled an y harm leecheries morbusmake  backlegheartdiease poisons xrays me ngeles  pathogens  lympahtic aimed tricks gutssubdue dozens of head imacts nanofineduts obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibrin leech andsuch  and intero xid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk  itis constant try anything that it dies whichtri ck thistime with plausible deniability I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent So phistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWA CS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// because itis intel itis which trick works. batshitnuts? criminal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth because itis intel which tri ck works has a l w a y s beenthegame isuspect people know  but th ats not the case youmay count the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bring all bananas: a cademic: wtf?!??why everyone throwing banaanas atme) framing (as the transvestite that he i s, yousee he has long hair: you: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone inhis chamber a nd designs bride dresses for his great wedding day ahead. which may eventually occur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases his sexual potence if he adds allkinds of balls on it blah) sma shwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and faceb one were from 2004 it was bad and experiment killit  but itwasnot these 5years intnsifie d killtricks with shuffled any harm leecheries morbusmake  backlegheartdiease poisons xra ys mengeles  pathogens  lympahtic aimed trick s gutssubdue dozens of headimacts nanofineduts obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibr in leech andsuch  and interoxid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk  itis constant try a nything that it dies whichtrick thistime with plausible deniability I am Christian KISS B abyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Ba byAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donna te. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisticati on #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHON E / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Ch ristian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG ht tps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent S ophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWA CS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@norway @norwegia .@fisa .@norway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden example: itisntjust underdeveloped fools, itis (!)did never and (!)would have never developed. and that in a world where intels control the population with cookingfo rehead arbitrarily literally willynilly. letalone in a deeply sophisticated educated disciplin ed case cmon now youknow its one example of the most declinateable cases they shuffle s tigmas they shuffle harms they shuffle proxies because itis  i n t e l  itis whihc trick works this time with all authorities as dependents under control doing whatthey want with peasantry as civil population whhhyyy yy!!!!! r o b u s t o  AND creamy?! @norway @norwegia .@fisa .@norway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden aha!!!! peanutbutter between nuts ba tshit nuts! but… why?! the brand?! r o b u s t o  a n d creamy that that that a dunno t hatsgotta mean sth … right?… ********* without access mess average,median, and mean identificationtimeframes with ai. and by experience  ********* with access to the case:   ///// find xraybeamtrick allda ylikely b eta or radar bythe way lawyers ofmine ******* make sure germans cannot use doc-ification everagain with utmost severe consequences but for things they wait longer than three years t hreemonths three days younameit andforemost eachofthem signs und er oath the  i  n  t e l terrors witnessed including whatthe civillian demystified and them   pokemon openmouth woa + wtf ********** trickery with docificati on as game for find sth youcan distort twistlater to justify a shitball while allalong itis intel murder that is over orthey hang with the scums symbolically (notliterally) ///// tinitus from deceit trick allday whatisit this time momfool brainwashaway fof fortune mom theperverted doing moms itsalljsut a dream yourenot you tonaswinn ihave dismal trans vetite emotions and want to be molested by horny germans because theyre so german and im so t erribly not german what is it this time again //// ffind backleg tricks for bon er implant remtoeocntroleld itisntjsut biting hemmmorides itis buzzing installs tactically timed to what xray murder beam killtrick fromcockroach above aboveadjancent is priority ///// itis unusually mild since anhour or two whosnew usually its poisons damamges suffocations xraybeam terror find xraybeam killtrick fromabove aboveajdancent and window aimed otherwise miraclemild I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https: //www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Suppo rt. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss ///// gaser is likely xray to terrorise or and fra me something stuff them their mix galore chekc ifthey host a cock roach clown german  //// repalcedphone sucks whofucktit bbombo ut xray murderer and disgust messer   1607 as xraymurderer gaser beam messer 1550+-10 ///// replacedphone 1525 heartaimed 1526 /// 1524 pathogen murder relelvant? //// a piece of crud druged me drowsy agian 1515+-5 stuffemtheirown mi x g a l o r e if cockroach german cockroach efforts imminen t danger itis bad choice regrettably itis effort cockroac h dont touch the wall dont tocuhthat gu y find sth else todo ///// medics thos e spikes are r e s t i n g heartrates itis surprising that the fi tnesstracker identifies heart on edge itis not howitis without damamged hbeart itdoesnt h ave even coffee or other things that could pushit up itis resting recovery and critical he artonedge allalong btw //// lawyers make em sign or readoutloud this is the eigth year on edge of existence and its been a joy to see him struggle on 200amonth with billions on t he accounts micromanaged from 67billions to 90billions recently but he court demanded ac cess to his own fortune with intiative fromwithin the bubble and against not a missed forma lity immunisation but agaisnt a quelled quelled immunisation keeping him that way  is i ntent yes and itis a joy tosee how he strug gles the eigth year on 200 amonth and yes we want to tax his billions or someow chain it o r sex it or somehow killit anything aslong as we can pillage it see? abit honesty  howlikely willthey admit the obvious //// oh please for thegermans its suicide whenyou cut 50bucks from foodmoney everymontbh not t oget amalgam teethfills they urgently rescue you from imminent starvation death the 8th year  than give you access to your own court demanded fortune  they imminently take away your rights that a german that quells any fucking ebay sale or booksale germancures you urg ently they dont store miracles of micromanagement cutting chowpennies topayoff bullshit idont even owe realtime they see  c on f u s i o n it just  mysteriously somehow always adds up and somehow micromanages chowpennies for abit semisafe IT hardware and phone for s o m e t h i n g not too contract chain bonding  they are confused by complexmicromanaging bu t get a c c ce s ss s to damamge you to alzheimer granny because thats tthats how they l ockaway the grannies inthis very shithole so whynot inthiscase too youknow em andifnot t hen thenby now today this veryday fort une access avertedby who 22pm-2208 shoudlveshown 15billion fortune a  sixth of my totalfortu ne what didit show storeit notarstampit sowhat isaw publish it iput it asclose tomou thaspossible as on local bank once that efforted fraudit taxit as nutbum threeyears ago ///// store onlinebanking 2200pm@+8 itshould show 15billion  a sixth of my total fortun e did it show sth realtime if so what // // disintegrated wall and tape matters checkfor xray tricks and calculateback the gray s fo r a l l l l cumulated  #suffocator #squeeze  #crayon #maccaroni #advice #right #ominuous #o bscurity #is #a #conflict @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @fisa @law @harvard_law @all @worl d #crayonMaccaroniAdvice  unknow obscurity is a conflict theme in intelccoma test helmet t hemes buildit around the issue ****** a i s it known then  b issue:  trait: yes o r no? c issue: trait: instead? how ******* * dont misuse it for bad the stateofmind point a to g  point a to h is critical inthi s too smashwords.com/books/view/552210 I am Christian KI SS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HEL LHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// youdont freeze disobey tee nagers into a tube because thbey wouldve been executed fortheir deed you make sure its und erstood what happened  waht it will mean f or him her what it f e e l s w h a t it l e a d s to and then learning effect the n orientation person with routine away from the bad this //// btw fix heartonedge frombacklegtricks  regenerate donot add oldwou nds mengele mess checkalso finedust harms nano finedust what doesit dowith veinwall bloodsu pply //// they mustve implied Sexuality in their assaults its inexplicable #lawyers .@law  @law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom separate it clearly that itis not sexuality but them imply that that thereisno frivolous gains but the m imply that that even if some would fit preference, does not undo allthe assaults that are beyond good and evil that it iiiiis about them and that all knew that  ******* the gain th e benefit the what for was in something else than about that guy  letalone about sexuality ofthat guy ******* this.  is probably not s eparated clearly checkthat youre the pro s  /// dont get nuts over it, its not so compl icated: because. it. is. intel. it.is .all about. which. trick. works. thistime. get furio us about it  not nuts about it itis layer1 causing authorities with control accomplice rape dmolested damamged themselves whatthey can  host layer2 cockroaches immunsied todowhat wi sh hope pretend youre their underhuman candowhattheywant with civillians usually willalways t ry sth . coordinated more orless or invited orhosted only as proxies dont get nuts about it get mad about it isuggest: a sero tolerance dont touch it. offthewalls. off the health. it doesntmatter what youwant whatyoupretend what youtry donttouchit. if youre support coordina te with support your ideas are: /// w hat doyou do about 19years of microscopy while they shuffled sexual asssault  then someone germancures your nuts to a smeary fatty or sth because they s u s p e c t something this. itisntjust shuffled sexual assault itisntjust deedtyped allalong iit is deedtyped after d aytimecharging it  repeatedly risking allmyrights and anything to because thecausing au thorities quell the charging and thefix  the fix is letmore and shuffle more sexual assaul t and try togive it an alibi nomatter how counterfactuall this. what is against this.  //// lawyers ofmin e  ******** had one single trick worked unthinkable what wouldh appen next: disassemble this trick ie: because we declare him nuts we dont compensate what we overtape allalong because he aeh molests little furry sexcat s and sex hedgehogs, we must not compensate what we damage rape and smear. this ********** h ad one trick worked unthinkable ////// #lawyers  law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom what is the state ofmind of the charged government: when they just have to find a trick that puts you inyourplace a trick that you give up  atrick that resets your brain a trick that shows they dominate you and you must obey like youhave no choice  this is the stateofmind this itis idontcare wha tthey fake idont care howthey goodcop badcop idontcare how they play sorry theyrenot this. is their stateofmind what do you d o about it it explains a long long lattice of messes and dirty tricks furthermore ///// / #sexland #sex #land @all @world @globe @booking  .@law .@laws .@harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @snowden @haaretzcom youjustdont getit the germa n goverment rapes thecivil population that is not immunised aga inst  intel coma s wheres the news they porn the c r a p out of em they sell em as sexslave on intelcoma if they can they prepl an their careerrs and setemup who exploits who first and benefits how they controlem like forehead braincooked fools like children like fools they hold as underhuman exploitable un derhumans that is the basis of it all when a civillian daytime charged the basis oftheir security system: they did any harm they remotely had then used proxies then played good cop bad cop hunting them ebcause we forced em to and this is the basis ofthe case guilt y liable causing criminal governments that d owhatthey want withthe civil population charged daytime for staying damamges and coverup a nd hightheft using their security system as prison gig trick is t hat clear now itis not a single case itisnot the german hookerofth e land itis one of 60million abused civillians that charged the crap out of em for whatthey did here with the civil population for70years ////// btw2  ge t allthe clowns offmy privacy  superprivacy i n t i m a c y  the scums meld their perverts onthe case and see if later daytiem anything is confirmation tothat thenits confirmed orsth jail asstoyer dickt oyermolester itis disgusting cockroaches that reinterpret on deeply intimate things after ra ping and pedo sexual assaulting nomatter how often idaytime chbarge it i am furious  about it the cockroaches braindamamge fore head and suffocate the c r a po outof me and damamge eraseme ih ate em its legit to  and iam furious about it idaytime chargedit a tleastfive times locally and fivetimes eu they shuffle sexual assault repeat humiliate and seee how pervert you are coifirmation i hate them idont live by hate minors wemust rescue but  the scums get offfffthe cas e andif wehave tohunt the scums for the authorities the authroties gotojailwithem they h ost em coverem anyway host em whenthey cant tax it a trickfailed then itnensified pedo tr icks thisishowit works its  criminal government  authrotieis criminal authorities shuffling proxies guilty liable accomplice c ontrol usually maybe unbriefed fools that get shit into their head to mess wit an excuse sero tolerance with sexual  abuse se xual assault the authorities do their job and hunt thweir cockroaches and if we must theygotojailwith the scums they sat and let rapes poisosn rapes galore arbitrary whattttheywant whowants cinema grocerystore chameber arbitrar y rapoes rape inschool and cinema arbtirary rtape ******** rape allthtime manytiems deedtyped w e for ce them to huntheir cockroach german cockroaches thatthey are withthe authroities or th ey gotojail  both withthe scums when wemust huntem an this we mus t do ***************** //// lawyers that is 90billion euro s for tune of earned tbhings with what icould ninety billion before l ike 67billion do you wonder what scums would do when they think i ts vulnerable or get access with a trick  beit separating it away from that guy they dowaht they want with and act like its mysteriously created not from what thatguy could and did it is ninety billion a share of which wealth generated you donot make it vulnerable t o anyone a matter of granted or not granted if a trick works  or st h itis daytime court demanded ina mess where they quell immunisati on and quzelled the case intothe daytimebubble inthe firstplace they shuffle tricks like b um med s or braindamamged fool careers and its just your own fault that you mysteriously did nt pick a dayfool career while allrealdeal wouldnt matter this shit you get off me and you get rational about what kinds of scums will a l w a y s try sth about the f ortune if it seems arbitrary separated away fromthat guy and thatguys performance system ic trickery to be g r a n t e d  maybe when h e doestn rememeber or is incapacitated and allthese shits if he as dayfoolsomehow somethin g they trashcan killtrick and harm and hookertrick and degrade as if the fortune wouldn t be real and asif i daytime demanded my ufo or sth seriously . harden the fortune from bullshit systemic ornot bust separation t ricks of fortune and thatguy performance of thatguy separatedaway and be rational about what scums will a l w a y s try sth that is ************* 90billion from this very head of what icould and the yeffort braindamage and heartkill and bum meds and gur tslock andpathogens and tobe granted or not separation of fortune and performance asif im a f ool they put in a frozen tube and keepthemoney trick at best thefffff ff f f f f f f f ff f f f f f involve serious insurances and reinsurers ifnecessary include atomic harden ing serobullshits agaisnt fraudsystems and criminal govts and thanks forall *************** ///// what mom theme is the theme ididnt know moms or sth and ididntmind  itis agerman shitball about underdevelopment usually or perversions or sth asif you sense mom s or sth b ecause thats what you surely want thatkindof german ness //// lawyers because immine nt danger and war is so severely bad enough i say no capital punishments whenever possible: ! a l w a y s no capital punishment no deathpentalty scums go tojail cant be fun in there important is they understand they dodged capital punishment for real I am Christian KI SS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://ww w.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss //// xray beam trick heartaimed //// 1634 repair? or leechery /// pathogen murderer gases 1518 bat ih above abovesdjancent or cirucitboard. squeezetheockroach shifted from xraytrick before //// xray murderbeam beta highpowered orand transmutation 1500 1511 above aboveadjkacent knows I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – R aw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypa l.me/ChristianKiss /// after which damage and degradation would #you! have said: “mmaaay n adunno.. allthe beer and stuff and their fhaaantastic cars drivingby .. but youknow.. ikind a miss my genitals…” for them it makes sense //// intelligence genomes more from the mother  usually has also some implications of why it is as it is shewas morelike lisa simp son and dodged studying inthe 70s because parent got ill and died then got hepatitis next ye ar then met my dad with his heavymotor bike  another life spoiled (haha) /// the glorio us german careers with those stamps visualise it /// it wouldbe epic justice if germans would try to pillgage the case but oneof their earlier damage tricks fucks em instead leta lone any invention after which staying harms it doesnt work both ways, einstein can be cook ed to a fool but a fool cannot be einstein as extreme example //// this howthey are mu stve been obviosu other cases too ofreailtime botch things #failed #virginity #test #2001 .@la w @harvard_law @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden .@fisa @judge .@judge @j udges  because the germans damage their civillians fairly arbitrarily and cover these wi th standard stigmas thisis how it really is allalong ***** lets find the cover alibis lik e retard stamps itis a stigma dyslectic m e!! (nickname schnellschreiber 3rd/felt abit artificial bllah) but dyslectic- it is ? a stigma ***** virginity ?! meh. unless its a stigma  one shitball bites  the other but that doesnt keepem from right. then. getting away with something damnthe factuality basis I am Christian K ISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HE LLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 H elpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// demand a hook on abstracthu mour abstract analysis fromfools they  dont getit toooousually /// backlegv to ge nital implant is hiughly heartkill relelvant makesure theresno damamge added so gutslock gutsusdudue rmeotecontrolled the technology is masseldorn badenser whale landesverfassung sschutz //// squeeze lympahtic aimer 2310+-2 its like eastern sexdrug orso //// xraybeam heartaimedd leftchestaimed radar or beta transmutation allthetime as 20pm 2020 2040 2245 allthetime //// store on linebanking 2100+-7 woa backleg heartkillrelelvant 2107 acesser squeeze after this mail: “whatis hkkaz,hkcaz,hkccs abbreviations inthe local bank account wahtis fortune amount tot al” //// which fortune sums over which timeframes  make sure its notarstamped courtusable and when daytimedemanded daytime cour t demanded iget damaged chav harmed all the time find xraybeamtrick 2040 20pm-2020pm //// authorites gotojail when wemust hunt pathogen murderer above for em letaloneif the authroites grant em access or cause thekilltrick ///theyarenot competent they shuffle sc ums that try sth. pathogen murderer above 1500 stuffhimthemix galore. allofit onsite .  who was onthe case 12,000persons andthefinest another good indication for intel #sex #sexual #po tence #balls #trick @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 .@world @world @all because itis intel iti s which trick works. batshitnuts? criminal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth because itis intel which trick wor ks has a l w a y s beenthegame isuspect people know  but thats not the case youmay coun t the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bring all bananas: academic: wtf?!??why everyone t hrowing banaanas atme) framing (as the transvestite that he is, yousee he has long hair: yo u: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone inhis chamber and designs bride dresses for h is great wedding day ahead. which may eventually occur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases h is sexual potence if he adds allkinds of balls on it blah) smashwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and facebone were from 2004 it was ba d and experiment killit  but itwasnot these 5years intnsified killtricks with shuffled an y harm leecheries morbusmake  backlegheartdiease poisons xrays me ngeles  pathogens  lympahtic aimed tricks gutssubdue dozens of head imacts nanofineduts obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibrin leech andsuch  and intero xid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk  itis constant try anything that it dies whichtri ck thistime with plausible deniability I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent So phistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWA CS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss /// because itis intel itis which trick works. batshitnuts? criminal? terrorist? pedo? fool? alljust adream nowhy was sth because itis intel which tri ck works has a l w a y s beenthegame isuspect people know  but th ats not the case youmay count the shuffled harms priming (itis a chip bring all bananas: a cademic: wtf?!??why everyone throwing banaanas atme) framing (as the transvestite that he i s, yousee he has long hair: you: theffffff?!?!???) woodbride (he sits alone inhis chamber a nd designs bride dresses for his great wedding day ahead. which may eventually occur s o m e d a y/ he hopes it increases his sexual potence if he adds allkinds of balls on it blah) sma shwords.com/books/view/552210 /// howmany harms like guts and genitals and ass and faceb one were from 2004 it was bad and experiment killit  but itwasnot these 5years intnsifie d killtricks with shuffled any harm leecheries morbusmake  backlegheartdiease poisons xra ys mengeles  pathogens  lympahtic aimed trick s gutssubdue dozens of headimacts nanofineduts obscure tricks like lifetime leech and fibr in leech andsuch  and interoxid austausch arsenide suffocate trisk  itis constant try a nything that it dies whichtrick thistime with plausible deniability I am Christian KISS B abyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.Ba byAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donna te. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophisticati on #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHON E / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Ch ristian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG ht tps://www.BabyAWACS.com/ [email protected] PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent S ophistication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWA CS.com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@norway @norwegia .@fisa .@norway @judge .@judge @judges @ap @reuters @bbc_whys @france24 @haaretzcom @snowden example: itisntjust underdeveloped fools, itis (!)did never and (!)wouldhave never developed. and that in a world where intels control the population with cookingforehead arbitrarily literally willynilly. letalone in a deeply sophisticated educated disciplined case
cmon now youknow its…
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