#i dunno what's the argument was about i just thought this was funny šŸ‘
a-tale-of-legends Ā· 5 months
[ an argument is happening between Blue and Green. Again. ]
Green: Actually you know what? Fuck you. Red back me up here.
Blue: Do not bring Red into this-
Red: ......
Blue: WHAT?! RED!!
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strawbrygashez Ā· 23 days
Fillmore x Gnarly HCs šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘!!!
ā€¢They went to the same high school together. Fillmore had the biggest crush ever on Gnarly but never really knew how to go about it especially cuz he thought Gnarly was soooo cool and way out of his league. Either during high school or after, Gnarly kinda just vanished and Fillmore had no idea where he went :/ but even years later he still thought of him fondly and had feelings for him.
ā€¢Even though Fillmore was just mostly messing around with the alien and ufo stuff, he still really likes to watch the sky at night. Heā€™d convince Gnarly to come with him to watch the night sky, just the two of them, every so often. He still does scream when he sees something ā€˜unexplainableā€™ in the sky, making Gnarly rolls his eyes and explain to him whatever it actually is.
One time Fillmore wasnā€™t paying attention to the fact that Gnarly was smoking next to him while he was looking up at the sky so when he suddenly sees smoke come out of nowhere, he flips out about how the government or whoever is trying to shield their vision from the truth šŸ’€
ā€¢Gnarly likes freaky weird people. Thats why heā€™s best friends with Grim after all. They keep things interesting. Itā€™s no different with Fillmore.
ā€¢Grim doesnā€™t like Fillmore at all really for a couple of reasons but the main ones being that he has way too much energy, is fidgety and he can get too mushy with Gnarly and it makes him feel sick seeing people being sweet to each other šŸ˜· Grim and Gnarly have bickered a few times about inviting Fillmore over but Gnarly usually gets his way. If Grim really isnā€™t having it, Gnarly will just leave the house to hang out with Fillmore.
Fillmore is indifferent about Grim. He feels a bit bad that him coming over can cause arguments between them but Gnarly tells him not to worry about it.
ā€¢Fillmore and Gnarly have similar tastes in just about everything like aesthetics, music, and movies. Tho Gnarly slightly prefers for horror movies and music to be on the more extreme side.
ā€¢When Fillmore has extra cash, heā€™ll buy Gnarly pocket knives he thinks looks cool in gas stations. When Gnarly has extra money to blow heā€™ll pick up lighters with cool or funny designs and random alien themed things for Fillmore.
ā€¢When Gnarlys amazing solution of saying ā€œuhā€¦. Kinda cringeā€ doesnā€™t work at calming Fillmore down, he slowly learns how to actually help him when he gets all worked up. What usually works is him holding one or both of his hands and trying to talk him down (heā€™s always gonna be incredibly awkward at trying to reassure him things will be okay but just the thought of Gnarly trying to genuinely do his best at helping is usually enough to snap Fillmore out of his manic ramblings)
ā€¢Theyā€™ll paint each others nails black and sew band patches into some of their clothes together.
ā€¢All Iā€™m saying is that both of them are very freaky šŸ‘…šŸ”„ in bed. Gnarly likes to get rough & thatā€™s more than fine w/ Fillmore šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
ā€¢It will take Gnarly a while to say he loves Fillmore. He doesnā€™t throw that word around with just anyone. Heā€™d probably finally say it after beating himself up over feeling like he isnā€™t the best for Fillmore or during something less angsty like.. I dunno. One of those nights they are looking up at the stars together.
ā€¢Fillmore borrows Gnarlys clothes every now and then. Yes they smell very bad, he doesnā€™t care. He likes the smell of the clothes more than he should actually. (His favorite thing of his to wear of Gnarlys is his trench coat)
ā€¢Gnarly is kinda meh about Fillmores little ufo group. When heā€™s dragged along to one of the meet ups, heā€™s just looking at his phone and mostly only gives his full attention to Fillmore. Hes nice enough to the others but they just arenā€™t really interesting to him lol
ā€¢Okay one more freaky one. Gnarly cut his initials onto Fillmores hip during a freaky moment once. Grim saw it a day later when Fillmore went to stretch. Grim spat out his coffee.
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