#Legendverse! Blue
a-tale-of-legends · 5 months
My hc that Blue dyed his hair orange when on Kalos is very funny just from how the world got gaslight into thinking his hair was always like that. But it's also very funny in the fact that when Blue met up with Misty again at the PWT she went " are you trying to copy me now? Get your own style, weirdo" and Blue's like " IT WAS A DARE! A DARE!!!"
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epicspheal · 3 years
Hello again :)
How do you think the Elite 4 is formed ( generally speaking, idk if it's different in each region)?
My recent endeavors to replace Malva ( and Viola) in my legendverse got me thinking on exactly how they are chosen in the first place. Is it the champion that chooses? Someone like Chairman Rose? Do they have to register? Battle? So many questions, and I would love to know your thoughts!
As always, have a great day/ night.
Hi there @ihopethisendswell! Great (and tough) question! We don't know exactly who chooses Elite four (except in one case) but we do know that gym leaders can be promoted to Elite Four members (see Koga from gen 1 to gen 2). We also know that Frontier Brains can also be called to be Elite 4 (see Caitlyn from Platinum/HGSS to BW/BW2). If we look at the manga, in the Ruby/Sapphire Pokespe chapter then we know that at the very least in Hoenn (if not other Pokespe regions) the Elite 4 were all former league champions themselves. So at the very least, we know Elite 4 members are already well-established trainers who get called to be a part of the league. This is further supported by what we see in Alola where Kahunas (Olivia and Hala), current and former trial captains (Molayne and Acerola), and former Island Challenge champions (Kahili) were called upon by Kukui to be Alola's first-ever Elite 4. If we go by Alola's blueprint then whoever starts the league would be the one to call potential trainers to become Elite 4. However, that works only for new leagues, we have to consider other leagues are older and the first person to have created the league in those regions is retired if not dead depending on when those leagues were created. We know from the manga and anime there are governing bodies for the league, but we don't know of any such governing bodies in-game canon. You mentioned chairman Rose but remember Galar doesn't have an Elite 4. Bede, Nessa, Bea/Allister, and Raihan all function as that traditional gauntlet but none of them hold the title of Elite 4, rather they're all still gym leaders. We don't even know if Galar ever had a traditional elite four like the other regions. It's possible they could have but decided to do away with it to give more incentive to be a gym leader in what is a rather intense league. Or maybe they just decided to not have one ever. You also mentioned the champion deciding. That is possible if there's a sitting champion. As we've seen not only in Alola but in gen 1 Kanto and pre-BW Unova there's not always a sitting champion (there was no current champion before we battle Blue in gen 1 and Alder was appointed champion sometime before the events of BW). So in regions like that, we don't know who would decide there if it is indeed the case that champions get to choose. So in regards to legendverse and how you're going to replace Malva and Viola, I think it's definitely up to what you think is the best for your world. There's definitely plenty of ways to innovate how the elite 4 are picked and I'd love to see what you create with your Pokeverse!
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a-tale-of-legends · 5 months
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Normal hair Blue vs Orange hair Blue. I just think the contrast is very funny.
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Alternative bc I was worried the other orange was too bright. I will say this shade does make it look like it was his natural hair lol. No wonder people thought it was.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Thinking about how the Legendverse trio met their respective partners.
It gets complicated as they all get the regular Kanto starters at the beginning of their journey, but here's some thoughts.
When Red was younger, before becoming a Pokemon trainer, he stumbled upon a wild Pikachu. This Pikachu was hurt badly and needed medical attention. The problem was that this Pikachu was incredibly hostile, attacking Red whenever he got close
However, Red was persistent,even allowing Pikachu to shock him just to make sure it felt safe and knew that he wouldn't harm it.
Eventually the Pikachu relents, circumming to it's injuries and Red rushes it to prof.oak.
For a few days( maybe a week?), the Pikachu stays at the professor lab. Naturally, Blue and Green are there as well, wanting to see the Pikachu. The Pikachu is still hostile, of course, so they keep their distance. Except Red.
Red visits the Pikachu every day, not minding getting shocked by it ( despite Blue's and professor oaks worry....not that Blue would admit it at the time lol)
Eventually, rather quickly in fact, the Pikachu stops acting so hostile....towards Red. It allows him to pet it without getting shocked, and when Red's around it's much more manageable for Professor Oak to care for.
Eventually the Pikachu is fully healed and ready to go. Green and Blue suggest catching it, but Red refuses, letting Pikachu go back into the wild. The Pikachu runs off without looking back. This hurts Red a little.
Later that night, Red is awoken by something hitting his face. He wakes up to see the Pikachu from before tapping his face to get him up.
The Pikachu isn't staying, sadly, but it did want to give Red a proper goodbye. It licks his face and nuzzles its way into a hug. Red hugs back.
Letting go a minute after, Pikachu is about to head out the window when Red speaks. He tells Pikachu to wait( his voice cracks a little), and rushes around his room looking for something. When he comes back to face Pikachu, he has a small red bandana.
" I want to see you again"
Pikachu allows Red to wrap the bandana around one of its ears. Pikachu then turns back towards the window, then back at Red. It sticks out it's tongue playfully before running off once again.
Red doesn't see that Pikachu years later until he starts his journey. A familiar red bandana catches his eye.
Moving into Blue and Eevee. Might change this one a bit in the future if I think of better specifics but:
This one is probably gonna be shorter.
The Eevee that Blue ends up having was actually a semi pet for Blue and Green.
Much like Pikachu,it was mostly in the professor's lab, chilling.
Of the Oak siblings, it did like Blue more, but Green was it's second favorite. Red was okay lol.
I think the plan was for the Eevee to become either Blue or Green's starter Pokemon, but after some thinking, oak realized that 1) the siblings would fight non stop about who gets it and 2) Red would probably feel left out, hence the three official Kanto starters.
Though I can see Eevee being Blue's unofficial starter before then. Like he would try battling with it and such.
Exactly how Eevee joins his team is unclear to me. Maybe it was his first pokemon outside of his Squirtle? Honestly with the way I'm seeing Eevee right now, I doubt it would just sit there and watch it's favorite human run off with another pokemon lol. So yeah, unofficial second starter.
Green and Clefairy :
To put it simply, during the mt.moon climb, Green stumbled upon a horde of Clefairy being harvested by some team rocket grunts. And there was no way she would just sit there and let that happen, so she fights them.
Though she quickly learns that she bit off more than she could chew. She hot overwhelmed quick. But she wasn't gonna give up!
If she can't beat them with force, she can outsmart them.
I don't know the specifics but she manages to not only trick the grunts into doing her bidding ( maybe she says she wants to join TR), and help one Clefairy escape, which let to the other clefairys escaping,which ultimately lead to Green leading a Clefairy army, overwhelming the rocket grunts and sending them packing.
I like to imagine Red coming in on the scene ready to kick rocket butt only to see them dashing off past him, and to see Green with a mob of Clefairys by her side.
Anyway, one of the Clefairys, the first one that she managed to get free, decided to join Green on her adventure!
Red is confused but happy she found a new pokemon.
Anyway, yeah! Those are the ideas right now. I think these are good, specifics be damned. I hope you enjoyed them.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
I love the idea of Blue straying away from his grandfather's legacy to create his own, as in being a full time trainer.
....but those blasted reguri fics really made me like Professor Blue too. So! I have come up with a solution! Full time trainer and a part-time professor Blue! His older sister Daisy is the one that ends up taking up the mantle as Kanto's pokemon professor, and Blue still works at the Battle Tree and primarily focuses on battling, but every so often he helps/ does his own research, and does whatever a standard pokemon professor would do. I would also say that it took him a considerable amount of time to even consider doing part time work because of 1) how adamant he is about not going into the field at first 2) even if he was interested, partially, he knows people would expect him to be the next Process Oak, when he doesn't want that and 3) he knows Professor Oak with nag him and he super critical of his work if/ when he does. But eventually he gets passed it and tries to be a professor part time.
Also, he 100% came to this decision on his own. No one was pushing him to do so. This is important because he certainly acts like they were.
Blue: UGH, FINE! I'll get my degree, sheesh.
Red, signing: No one was asking you to Blue-
Blue: See, I'm becoming a pokemon professor, just like everyone said!
Red, signing: Blue-
Red puts up with a lot. But so does Blue, so it's an equal exchange. On a serious note, despite his drama, Blue is happy that he found a way to do both of the things he loves while still having a healthy distance from his grandfather's legacy. Daisy can have that. As for Green/Leaf ( who is Blue's other sister in my au), I honestly see her more as a traveler than anything at the moment. She's a battle junky much like Red and Blue, but I think she's more into sight seeing than anything else. She does not want to be a pokemon professor. Again, leaving that to Daisy.
Edit: Also I think it's very in character for Blue to be the master of two things just so people know he's the best at it ( even if he's doing one of those things part time).
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Daisy: When are you going to get a girlfriend?
Blue: Or boyfriend, she's bi.
Daisy: Damn, no one wants you fr fr
Blue: That's what I'm saying!
Green: I wish I was adopted.
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
Okay I wanna talk about the Legendverse Oak family due to the post earlier.
I just wanna start off by saying, I have no clue how exactly I want to handle Oak here. I know he's root of the problem in Blue's behavior as a kid, and I know that his relationship with Blue and Green is a strain. I also know what after hgss, Beryl has their own personal reasons for not liking Prof. Oak. What I don't know is his actions where a " I genuinely did not realize I was effecting my grandkids in such a way, and while this does not excuse anything I want to make it up to them" way or " I'm just an asshole" way.
Not including Red, Daisy was the golden child. Both due to her being the oldest and the one that takes most of the heavy lifting in raising Green and Blue. Much like Blue and Green, Daisy does get a lot of pressure from Oak, but he's the nicest to her. She's not going to be the one told to do better, or stop acting a certain way. Doesn't mean she didn't have any expectations laid on her, but she was "let off easy" Now her relationship with her younger siblings is interesting ( read: I'm not exactly sure how to describe it cause I can see it going multiple different ways). Daisy basically acted more like a mother than an older sister. Which is not good, given how I see her as only in her as in her teens by frlg( like, 17 by then). Both Blue and Green agree that they prefer Daisy as their sister then as their mom. Individually, I feel like Blue is closer to Daisy than Green is. Sure, Blue really needs to visit her more and both Green and Daisy like to tease him about stuff, but ultimately I just get the vibe that these two are just close. Green on the other hand.
Now I'm not saying that isn't close to Daisy or didn't love her. I am saying there was some animosity here. Daisy was the golden child. The one that got the least criticism from Oak, and thus the one that got it easy ( in a young Green's eyes). Meanwhile Green and Blue seem to have the most pressure put on them. So, while Blue took his negative feelings out on Red, Green took it out on Daisy. Mostly in the way of ignoring or blatantly doing the opposite of what her sister asks. Though, much like her brother, she realized how unfair her actions were and they did talk it out, but that awkwardness never fully went away. Daisy struggles with being a sister rather than a mother, while Green struggles with properly talking out her feelings ( an oak family special). They make it work though.
It's interesting to think of Green as an Oak mainly because she's a secondary protagonist. Meaning that she's just as in the forefront of the plot as Red is. I'm working on how this would work in the FRLG plotline, but it's still very interesting. I.... don't think Blue was ever a bully to Green as he was to Red. Not that the two didn't butt heads ( especially with Green taking Red's side than Blue's which definitely caused a rift in their relationship), but Blue never really went after her. And I know it wasn't for some weird sexist shit cause the one time Blue tried not to include Blue in what he and Red were doing, she kicked him so hard he cried.....so maybe that's the reason he never bothered Blue as much. Also just the hidden understanding that Green ultimately feels the way he does. The only difference is how they go about it.
Going back to the post I made this morning! Blue and Green feel like family disappointments cause Grandpa Oak will not stop asking them what they are doing with their lives. One could argue that Blue got more immediate success,as he became a gym leader, the 8th one at that. Green focused more on traveling. Both wanted to follow their own paths in life, rather than a legacy. Neither of them wanted to be a pokemon professor. Well. Green didn't want to, Blue was partially interested. As a kid , it was just battling, but as he grew older it was still. battling but with a hint of Pokemon research. But, for a long time,neither of them really followed "The Oak Legacy". Which, again, Oak ( and honestly a lot of people) would never fail to remind them. Daisy, Red and Red's mom were their saving graces, honestly. Now, the siblings are proud of what they do, and aren't really ashamed of it. But when almost everyone is telling you you should be this thing, it gets to you.
Anyway, that's all of the Oak family I have for now!
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
The disaster siblings
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Blue and Green. They are currently in their slutty era and nothing can stop them. If you've caught onto the coloring scheme, the two like to wear each other's colors ( Blue wears green, Green wears blue) to confuse the hell out of others ( Blue getting called Green, Green getting called Blue). When they were younger they hated it ( especially when grandpa oak kept mixing them up), but being the gremlins they are, they grew up to embrace the chaos.
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a-tale-of-legends · 4 months
Something for me to keep track of I guess.
Legendverse! Blue champion team: Blastoise, Pidgeot, Alakazam, Exeguttor , Arcanine and Rhydon
Gym leader Blue: Pidgeot, Exeguttor, Rhydon, Machamp, Cloyster, Arcanine.
Blastoise and Alakazam aren't fully retired, more so they are benched when it comes to gym battles due to their experience ( plus they can now focus on making sure Blue is okay). Pidgeot stays on the team bc it will act as Blue's ace for his "normal" type gym, and outside of Eevee ( who I will get to ), Pidgeot is the most qualified.
Machamp and Cloyster are The New Guys, having been trained by Blastoise and Alakazam personally.
I think, if Lance was the one who suggested the team change, Blue would have been bitter at first, but I think he likes to idea of expanding his team, if just a little bit. Bc it's Machamp n
In tournaments Blue isn't exactly restricted to use his gym team, so Blastoise and Alakazam are still being used! That, or whenever Cloyster n Machamp are out of commission for whatever reason.
Aerodactyl and Tyranitar are both pokemon that I'm not exactly sure when it happens. Maybe masters will give me some insight on Aerodactyl but T-tar seems like it could have been something that Blue caught while going up on Mt. Silver.
Also can we just. Talk about that for a second. In hgss the only place you can ever catch a larvitar is on mt. Silver. Tyranitar appears in Blue's rematch battles. Which means to imply that after beating Red ( I'm assuming the player just went straight to mt. Silver before doing any rematches tho I could be wrong), the player probably told Blue and he went up that damn mountain immediately. I mean. Okay I think we all kinda gathered that would happen, but still!!! Insane. Anyway.
Eevee is a very rough spot for me. Bc I have no clue what to do with her. I don't exactly know if she battles, is more of a pet, how Blue got her, if she'll ever evolve etc etc. I just know that Blue has her and adores her with all his heart.
Okay that's all. This was mostly for me to get my thoughts in order, lol.
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a-tale-of-legends · 5 months
[ an argument is happening between Blue and Green. Again. ]
Green: Actually you know what? Fuck you. Red back me up here.
Blue: Do not bring Red into this-
Red: ......
Blue: WHAT?! RED!!
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a-tale-of-legends · 7 months
Green: Blue, you're my brother, and all I want is to see you succeed.
Blue: .......But?
Green: But it would be really funny if you bellyflopped when trying to surf so please do that.
Blue: What a wonderful sister I have.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Blue can control metal btw. I mean that should be obvious, he's the Chosen of Melmetal so of course he has control over metal but you know. Might as well point it out.
He generally carries a bunch of small nuts n bolts so he can manipulate them just in case he's in an area with no obvious metal he can control.
He's pretty creative with it, liquifiying the metal and forcing it to expand at his will. So essentially he's water bending with liquid metal.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months
( random conversation I thought of, not sure if it's something that I would consider canon. Might be ooc for characters)
Blue: Aaaaand that's everything that happened today! Which.... isn't a lot but whatever.
Red: ....
Blue: .....( Leans back) Sooooooooo. How's things for you? You haven't, ah, really said much since you came back down Mt. Silver...( Tries to perk up a bit,forcing a smile) You're usually such a chatter box, you know?! Gotta be something interesting for ya today, right?
Red: .....
Blue: ........( Grimaces slightly, still trying to keep smiling. His voices lowers, as if the whole world would hear if he goes any louder) Come on Red, you- throw me a bone here, something-
Red: ( his eyebrows furrow slightly) .....
Blue: ( immediately back pedals) O-only if you wanna, I don't - you don't - ( he sighs, exasperated) Green? H-have you at least talked to Green?
Red: ( he flinches at that. The punch to his face still fresh in his mind. It was a year ago. And even so-) .....
Blue: ( he should back off. He really should-) Your mom? Have you at least talked to your mom?
Red: ( that causes him to outright glare at his....friend? Rival? Babysitter? What are they now? He doesn't know. But he doesn't like this conversation.) . . . .
Blue: R-right! Right, of course you- ( he takes in a breath. Why does he feel so sweaty.) Sorry. Sorry, that was just- Let's just forget I said anything, yeah?
Red: ( his glare softens, looking at his....whatever they are to each other, with concern. He doesn't know if he'll get used to Blue Oak apologizing for anything ever. He raises his hand to sign-)
Blue: ( he raises his hand before Red does, eyes pleading) Let's just forget I said anything, okay? ( Please )
Red: ..... ( He lowers his hand. He hates the look blue is giving him. He blames himself for it, as always) ( Okay )
#so. okay.#the idea is that this is red post mt. silver. maybe like. a few weeks in?#red is struggling to readjust and blue is being. very cautious about his friend. perhaps too much#blue wants to help but doesn't know how. doesn't want to overstep. doesn't want red to run away again bc he scared him off#red doesn't know what he's doing. he's scared. he doesn't know what to think of others. green punched him a year ago#and Blue is acting weird ever since he got back down#he doesn't even know if they're rivals anymore. if they're still friends#( blue n green both have visited red on the mountain for a year before he finally came down )#( of course they're still friends. they want to be friends again. but red latches onto their rage and hurt and uses it against himself)#Red and Blue even back in their old rivarly prided themselves in being able to understand each other#no word necessary. that just got each other.#but now thar connection seems to be....lost?#they don't know how to talk to each other. too scared to do so.#so there's cases like these where Blue is trying to push but not wanting to ruin things ( more than he already has)#and Red who is beyond scared to really. have these conversations even if he hates seeing Blue like this. with him specifically.#and they both just agree to. not talk about it. ignore the pushing. for now anyway#again i'm not entirely sure if this is the direction I want for these two post mt. silver#but this conversation came to me so ( shrugs)#r rambles#legendverse#reguri#trainer red#trainer blue#rival blue#tldr of all those tags: red and blue are teens who don't exactly know how to communicate and navigate their feelings just yet
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a-tale-of-legends · 10 months
Green, on a fun day out with Red and Blue, is approached by a child. Said child has a piece of paper and pen. Looking behind them Green can see what she assumes is the kids mom, giving an encouraging smile. The kid wants an autograph, clearly. Green has been in these situations before though. They don't want an autograph from her. They want one from Red or Blue. Green has long since accepted that fact, so she gives the kid a smile before they can open their mouth.
" Hey there kiddo! Blue and Red are a bit busy at the moment, but they'll be back soon. Wanna wait with me?" A practiced line that she hopes doesn't leak any of the small bitterness she feels. That wouldn't be fair to the kid. Hell, that wouldn't be fair to Red and Blue. The child looks up at her in confusion, shifting awkwardly and fiddling with their pen and paper.
" U-um. I...I actually wanted your autograph, Miss Green!"
The child continues, getting braver with each word, " I-I just think you're really cool! I like watching your battles a lot, a-and I wanna be as cool as you are someday!" Bowing slightly, thrusting the pen and paper forward, " C-can I please have your autograph?!"
Well. Damn. Fuck. She wasn't expecting this. Since when did she get fans?! Was her head too stuck in her ass to notice? Well now she feels like shit. Now she....now she feels like she's gonna cry. Fuck.
" You're really sweet, kid..." Green tries to keep her voice steady, a new reality settling in. She has a fan. Said fan wants her autograph. Holy shit, " Of course, I'll give you an autograph! Lemme see..."
She gingerly takes the pen and paper from the kid, and signs it. She winces at her work. She really needs to work on her signature. Kinda sloppy, and the kid doesn't deserve that. Still, not wanting to hold up the kid and their mom up any longer, she gives the pen and paper back, giving them a wide smile and a wink.
" Here ya go! One autograph for a very special fan, right here!" The kid eyes practically sparkle, excitedly taking both items and staring at it as if it's the entire world. Arceus, Green can feel the tears starting to swell, fuck.
" Thank you, Miss Green! I'll cherish it forever! " The kid quickly bows and runs off to their mom,cheering as they do. The mom happily looks at the autograph her kid is showing off, looking up when her kid isn't looking. She smiles at Green, mouthing a quick 'thank you' before taking her kids hand and walking off, the kid rambling excitedly as they go. Green waves them off, a swell of emotion in her chest.
Cherish it forever.
Green chuckles- it's wet and coarse,no longer able to keep it in. Was someone really going to remember her? Cherish her name,forever? The bitterness in her laughs at the thought. The sweetness from that encounter shoves it to the side, and she relishes in it. She is crying fully now, smiling to herself as the kid and their mom are long gone.
" Hey, sorry for the wait. That line was terrible - what the fuck happened to you?" Blue's voice catches her attention. She turns, eyes full of tears, to Red and Blue, who's looking at her with concern.
" I have a fan!" she croaked, raising her hands to gesture writing, " They wanted an autograph!"
Blue blinks, then shakes his head and sighs, " Green..." He says, though the affection was not lost of her.
Red's worry melts away with a smile, signing to his best friend, ' I told you so'
"Yeah, yeah," she waves him off, sniffing and wiping away her tears, " Pass me some food before I start bawling,you dorks".
" Dorks-"
The day goes on as usual after that. Blue and Green's banter, Red following along half-paying attention, half in his own world. Pikachu and Eevee playing with each other through it all. Green repeats the words the kid said to her throughout the day, a big goofy smile on her face that not even Blue's assholery can wipe off.
Cherish it forever.
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months
Here's my tags from this post I made a day or so ago. Why? Bc I love them, and figured they deserve their own post lol.
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a-tale-of-legends · 1 year
Legendverse! Kanto trio incorrect quotes cause why not.
Blue : How did you even get in here?
Green: Red's window! Or, as I like to call it, "Green's door"!
Red: I’m closing the window.
Red, signing: What happened to Blue ?
Green: He died.
Red, signing : He what?
Green: He died, but he's okay.
Red, signing: …Can you please clarify?
Blue : Clarification is for the weak.
Blue : Dandelions symbolize everything I want to be in life.
Green: Fluffy and dead with a gust of wind?
Blue : Unapologetic. Hard to kill. Feral, filled with sunlight, bright, beautiful in a way that the conventional and controlling hate but cannot ever fully destroy. Stubborn. Happy. Bastardous. Friends with bees. Highly disapproving of lawns. Full of wishes that will be carried far after I die.
Red, signing: Edible.
( this is my favorite)
Green: Don't worry, I've got a few knives up my sleeve.
Red: I think you mean cards.
Blue : She did not.
Green, pulling out knives: I did not.
Green: Have I ever told you that I love you with my whole heart?
Blue : For the love of all that is holy, I am not taking you to McDonalds. It’s 2am!
Green: Mean.
Green: Do you guys want to see a butterfly?
Red: Ooh, yes please!
Blue , with their laptop open: I'm not going to stop working to look at a stupid bug!
Green: It's not a bug though...
Blue : ...
Red: ...
Blue : Well I still don't want to see.
Red, realizing: Please don't throw-
Green: Whee! *throws a stick of butter*
Green: Do you ever want to talk about your emotions, Red?
Red: No.
Blue : I do!
Green: I know, Blue .
Blue : I’m sad.
Green: I know, Blue .
Green: Guess what?
Blue : What?
Green: No, you have to guess.
Blue , thinking: I don’t know.
Green: Red is in the hospital.
Blue : Why would you make me guess that?!
Blue : What happened?!
Red signing: Do you support gay rights?
Blue : I’m literally gay.
Green, whispering to Red: He's avoiding the question!
Green: I honestly feel like some of our conversations here are almost word-for-word accurate to the generator.
Red, signing : Yup.
Blue, joking: Maybe the generator is watching us.
Green: Wouldn't that imply this conversation will be added?
Green: ...
Green: Wait—
( okay maybe this one is my favorite. Or a close second)
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