#i dunno. people here always say I draw with an american/european style and it makes me really insecure...
birdmenmanga · 9 days
the fact I can't draw conventionally attractive people makes me undoubtedly sad. however I would never trade my ability to draw middle-aged men for it. so there.
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spice-ghoul · 7 years
I was tagged forty two billion eons ago by @caligurl32 I’m sorry it took me so loooong!
How tall are you?: I’m 5′2″ but I have a Napoleon complex, so I’m always wearing some sort of heel.
What color and style is your hair?: I have platinum blonde undercut with the little death rock sideburns! I’m a cheap bitch so I uuuuuuusually have 4 inch roots though, hahaha!
What color are your eyes?: I’ve been told they’re technically hazel, but they’re mostly green so I’ve always just said they’re green. *shrugs*
Do you wear glasses?: Sure do! I’ve had the same pair for 6 years now, I really need some new ones. Badly. But, as I’ve already said, I’m a cheap bitch. *shruuuuugs*
Do you wear braces?: Nope. I have relatively straight teeth, but I have an overbite and I guess my Mom didn’t think that was important enough to correct? I don’t really care about it either, so I guess she was right?
What is your fashion/sense of style?: It depends. My day to day style has really simplified recently. Usually some black leggings or a simple black skirt, black blouse with some metal detail, hair down, a necklace or two, simple cateye eyeliner and a red lip, and little black boots and black jacket. IF I actually have something to do or somewhere to go, I go back to my older, more extravagant style of looooooots of jewelery, layered skirts and tights, floofy or boob-y blouses, corsets, trying (and failing) to do something with my hair and just giving up and putting a crazy hat or headband on, and super over the top makeup. I hope that when I move back to Dallas I’ll have more things to do up there and I’ll feel like I’ll have more of an excuse to dress up like that again.
Do you have a sibling?: One older brother. He’s always been the wunderkind so I spent the significant portion of my youth comparing myself to him and just faaaaailling to achieve everything he has so things were rocky between us for a long time. But I’ve chilled over the years and now we’re actually pretty close now and it’s nice. :3 
What kind of student were you?: Elementary school - Over achiever and teachers pet. High School - Underachiever and a spazz. College - After I almost flunked out my first semester I became a super over achiever again because I realized it meant I’d have to move back in with one of my parents and I WAS NOT OKAY WITH THAT! Hahaha, all it takes is the right motivation. 
What were your favorite subjects?: In college it was definitely Fashion Illustration, Figure Drawing, and Astronomy. I actually think I miss Astronomy most of all.
What’s your favorite TV shows?: Boooooooy, I’m such trash and I watch so much TV guys. But here we go, I looooove: Fargo, Better Call Saul, Dexter (though that final season was...so not okay, ugh) Game of Thrones, Mad Men, Black Mirror, Stranger Things, The Walking Dead, Batman: The Animated Series, Full Metal Alchemist, Sailor Moon (though that final season was... so not okay, ugh!) and there are a couple of seasons of American Horror Story that I love (and a couple of seasons that I loathe) Favorite Books?: HAHAHA GUYS I’m such trash and I’m so ashamed...I don’t really read very much. I’m pretty self conscious about it because it’s like...you know, the thing smart people do, and I just...don’t enjoy it like everyone else does. Q_Q Buuut, that being said I love the Harry Potter books. And I really enjoyed the Anita Blake Vampire Hunter books until they turned into pure smut. (Yeah, I know I’m weird. I’m here for the violence guys, not the sex *shrugs*) I do also like true crime books when I’m actually in the mood for reading.
Favorite pastimes?: Going to concerts, talking/chatting/spending time with friends, watching movies, drawing, making clothes when I actually get motivated to do so. A bunch of stuff that I can’t think if right now. 
Regrets?: Hah. Yeeeep.
What is your dream job?: I’ve talked about some of my dream jobs on other things like this, so I’m gonna take inspiration from @caligurl32 to say something new and throw out there that I’ve always really wanted to be a singer in a band. Sadly I don’t play any instruments and I’m probably not a great lyricist (I don’t actually know, I’ve never tried, but you know, if I’ve never bothered to actually do it, I’m probably not very good at it) and most bands at LEAST want their singers to also provide the lyrics, if not also play some sort of instrument, soooooooo...it’s just never happened. 
Do you want kids?: I’m leaning towards no now adays, but you never know how your future self is gonna feel.
How many countries have you visited?: Oh! I’ve been to Germany, Austria and Italy, as well as Mexico and the Cayman Islands. Hopefully some day I’ll be able to go to Japan, The UK and do like, an extended European tour! I also wanna go to California/The West Coast some day (I know it’s not another country, but I’ve just STILL SOMEHOW NEVER GONE AND IT BUGS ME!!!)
I’ll tag @betteroffdeaddesigns, @spoonriverrat, @betterneko, @gingersnarls  aaaaaaaaaaaaand anyone else who wants to do stuff? I dunno. I’m always so bad at tagging.
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