#i either need to find more roy mun icons or pick another fc for my mun persona… but i love roy. i picked him because i had short hair
equalstrength · 1 year
get to know the mun: hawk
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what’s your phone wallpaper : this lovely art
last song you listened to : all i wanted .paramore
currently reading : various ao3 works.. last physical book i was reading was an anthology of horror stories
last movie : gotg v3
last show : my country: the new age . netflix
what are you wearing right now : hogwarts tee + halloween themed disney pj pants (it’s my day off)
piercings / tattoos? : 2 floral tattoos (one large design on middle back, one large poppy on right upper thigh), size 6mm gauges in both ears + second piercing on lobes, + one upper cartilage piercing on right ear that has mostly healed
glasses ? contacts? : glasses since i was in fourth grade
last thing you ate? : hotdogs + cold brew
favorite color(s) : violets + greens, reds + black, blues + greys
current obsession : frogs… korean period dramas, the same two avenged sevenfold songs back to back (almost easy + a little piece of heaven)
favorite fictional character(s) : other than shoto and bakugo? roy/fmab, kuro/vld, cas/spn, all mxtx couples, vegeta/dbz, link/loz…i could go on forever..
tagged by: stole
tagging: anyone who wants to do it!!
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