#i ended up redrawing it but i don't wanna post the same picture that's slightly different twice
donuts4evry1 · 2 years
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miscellaneous Akuros doodles!
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vishnya-azraq · 5 years
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(Careful, long post ahead) I can't believe I created these kids a decade (maybe more) ago. Last time I drew them was 3 years ago, except for the redhead who I've drawn like, twice, ten years ago and mentionned once in a fanfiction I completely lost. They have been slightly simplified compared to what I remember but are still pretty much the same, except for, again, the redhead, who I almost completely remade since I didn't really like her first design. I wish I could show you all the pictures I used to draw when I was a kid, but I lost everything. I keep looking for the websites they were uploaded on, but they're either deleted or I simply can't find them. The original picture are also either lost or for most of them destroyed by *surprise" my dad, haha. At this point finding any trace or memory of them would be a pure miracle but I wanna believe tbh.
Anyway. From left to right we have : Leo, often nicknamed 'Blackie' because of the black beanie he refuses to take off (I wanted an excuse to keep his original name which came from a kitten I had back then...which is, by the way, the reason these kids exist in the first place), Lou, Cameron (not a definitive name, I'm looking for a cool unisex name starting with a C since the name I gave them as a kid was Cookie but...idk that sounds kinda weird now lmao), Melody and the one sitting in front of everyone is Danielle.
The reason I'm redrawing them is because I plan on making a RPG about them, and, you know, I don't know if I'm gonna keep this project, I don't know if it's an actual thing or just my adhd talking like 90% of the time where I'm super excited about something and end up doing nothing 5 minutes later, but tbh, this project and another one about my cat mascot and all my rodents...I want them to happen, no matter how it's fucking difficult for me to start something. I started comics and wrote stuff about them as a kid, lost everything, but I wanna do this again in a better way and this time with nobody to destroy it.
I'm probably gonna talk about this a little more another time because this post is already super long.
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