#i even forced my friend to change from the default chrome background
bugflies00 · 2 years
the reason i love having a little personalisable blog and also games like the sims is i love like. personalising and arranging a little space and stuffing it with stuff i like. kinda like a pin board but better. and u can literally just put anything u want on there like Wow a cool pair of shoes i just saw ur going in buddy . Omg ctommy
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jack-aa-boy · 7 years
Hacked - Chapter 2
       When my alarm went off the next morning, I felt like I hadn't slept at all. I knew it wasn't healthy to stay up all night when I had a job I had to go to in the morning, but the money for my night job was too good to pass up. Thankfully most of the events from last night had receded into my subconscious, and I had leveled that I had probably only experienced a sleep deprived hallucination.
I turned off my alarm, and rolled out of bed to go about my morning routine. I put on my green work shirt and got into my car, ready to drive to work. I hooked up my phone so I could listen to some music. I picked a song I liked and headed out. 
       It wasn't long before things started to act up. My music would stutter and skip like I was listening to a worn out CD. Videos that I had saved in my phone would open and start to play. My volume was changing constantly, going from blaring loud to soft and back again in the matter of seconds. I reached down and found the power button with my finger. I held it down and shut off the device, feeling a little electric shock go through me. I wasn't too worried. I remembered I plugged my phone in the wrong port last night and that this was probably just a lasting effect from that. I would reset it once I got to work and things would resolve.        I pulled into the parking garage at my work building, locking my car and taking the elevator to get back to ground level. The building I worked it was large and almost fully glass. The metal on the outside shined like chrome on a new car, and contributed to the overall sleek design. It was a suitable place for IT support to be located.        I checked in with my badge at the door and said hello to the workers at reception, like I always did. A few commented on my exhausted appearance, something that had become common for me, but I just waved it off as being out late with some friends. I wondered if that sounded believable to them. I took the elevator up to the 19th floor where my particular cubicle was located. I sat down at my desk, looking at the little piece of property that I could call my own. Not that it was super identifiable. I had no pictures hanging up, only a few bored doodles on sticky notes. There was a small badger plush that I had gotten as a gag gift before at a staff party once.        There was one feature that stood out, but only to me. I had a jar at the corner of my desk, about half filled with origami cranes. I liked to make them sometimes, when phone calls were so easy that I could literally just rattle off the solution to the customer while my mind was on something else. Recently one of my employees had started to help me fill up the jar. And if I wasn't mistaken-        Flick. Pap.        Yep. Just like clockwork. A little crane flew over the cubicle wall and landed on a stack of paper work. I smiled a little. I liked consistency.        "Thanks, Jack," I said, picking up the bird and placing it in the jar.        "No problem," he said. His head popped up over the side of the wall, his blue eyes shining and, of course, there was his hair. It was green, and very hard to miss. "So when you do you think you'll have enough?"        I shrugged, looking at the jar. "Hard to say. I think it'll be a while before the two of us make a thousand paper cranes."        "Well, when we do, we have to go halfsies in on the wish, okay?" he asked, then laughed. He was too sweet. "Of course," I said, looking up at him. "Tell me when you're taking lunch later, yeah?"         He started to reply, but the phone ringing began, and so did our work day. He gave me a thumbs up and disappeared back to his cubicle. I sighed, glancing at my blinking receiver. I picked up the phone and forced a smile and my most professional voice.        "Thank you for calling tech support. This is _____. How can I assist you?"
       It seemed to take forever for lunch to roll around, but finally another little crane popped over to my desk. Between the wings was a note that said: Lunchtime?        I pulled out a pen and scrawled the word yes on the back of the piece of paper, folded it, then tossed it back to him. Jack stood up a few seconds later.       "I'll have you know that landed in my hair," he said, taking off his headset. "It's a good thing I noticed or it would've got lost."       I rolled my eyes, but got up as well. "That's true since I doubt you wash that unruly hair," I joked, getting up as well. "Let's go to the break room."       Our break room was actually one of the good things about working here. Large couches and soft chairs filling up the space along with a few proper tables to eat at. There was a couple of fully stocked vending machines for drinks and snacks, which is where I found myself.       Jack was either impressed or concerned with my eating habits, I could tell by the way he quizzically watched my 'lunch' tumble into the dispensing tray. I retrieved my food and sat down on an unoccupied couch. Jack sat on the one opposite of me.       We chatted back and forth, at least as much as we could. We could never get far into a story without something popping in to say hello to Jack or to clap him on the shoulder (and nearly choke him in the process) as a friendly gesture. Every time they did, Jack always looked back at my apologetically, but I waved him off. It really didn't bother me too much. I knew Jack was incredibly well liked here. How could he not be? He was always vibrant, quite literally, and positive. He never failed to get the best reviews from customers. I'd even had a few people request him before.       It wasn't long before our lunch break was up and we had to get back to work. This was always the longest part of my day, something I had often lamented about before. Jack's resolve was to help pass the time as much as he could. I could count on at least one more origami crane before I left work, and possibly even a few jokes or ridiculous photoshopped images to be airdropped to my phone. Which reminded me that I'd had it shut down all morning. I reached in my pocket and turned it back on.       I sat back at my desk and resumed work, hearing Jack do the same. We were mostly busy so there was an unfortunate lack of jokes being sent back and forth, and no paper cranes. The good news was that the day passed quickly and before I knew it was was clocking out. I peered over the wall of the cubicle, seeing if Jack was winding down but he was still hard at work.        That didn't really surprise me though. He often got here early and stayed late. I asked him about it once, but he only said that he liked to keep busy. I wasn't sure that was true since I imagined there was a lot more fun things someone like him could do to occupy his time.        I left the office without saying anything, not wanting to disturb the others who were staying to work overtime. I got into my car and checked my phone. My lock screen was fuzzy and there were red, blue, and green lines going vertically and horizontally over the image.        I verbally cussed, wondering what I had done to screw up my phone. I hadn't dropped it or anything, and it wasn't that old. I unlocked it and the glitches went away. That only confused me more. I cut off my phone, then back on again. The glitches were back. I furrowed my brow.        "This doesn't make any sense," I muttered. How could my lock screen be damaged and not the rest of my phone? "Unless...?"        I unlocked my phone, and went to my pictures. All off them looked like my lock screen; with lines and distortion all through them. I dropped my phone in the passenger seat, not having the brain power to deal with this right now.
       It wasn't until later that night that I turned my attention back to my phone. I reset everything back to default, and plugged it up to my laptop to load everything back up. That was a big mistake.        Within seconds the screen flickered, lines glitching in some parts and completely black spots in others. I tried to unplug my phone, but it was burning hot to the touch. I started hitting every command I could think of to make it stop, or to at least power down the system, but nothing deterred it. I was about to call it quits when the screen went black, and the computer restarted normally. No errors or display issues.         My login prompt came up, and after a moments hesitation, I put in my password. My laptop had been wiped of all my program shortcuts, and my background was a black screen with small green numbers: 01100001 01101110 01110100 01101001. The numbers repeated until the screen was covered with them.        I leaned in to try to decipher the code, though my binary was a bit rusty, but a program opened and I jumped back. It was a notepad application, with a message written already.        Ì ̷r͏e͢d̸e̷c̢o̶r̴a͡t́éd, d̛o͟ ̛you ̸l͡iķe it?̢        The cursor blinked underneath it, wanting me to write back. I slowly began typing a reply.        No, I don't. Who are you?        I watched as one by one letters were typed out, the font corrupted and strange, but it was still legible.        Di͝dn'͞t y̨ou  ͡get̛  ͠m͡y̡  ͢m͘ess҉a̛ge? ͟I͜t ̧wa̢s a̧ll̨ ͡ovęr̡ y͟ou͞r home s̵c͏r͞ee͏n͘.͘        I glanced back to the numbers I could see peeking out. I slowly went through the alphabet, translating each set of numbers.        Tian? What kind of name is that? I wrote out. The screen warbled and warped a for a few seconds.        A̴ńt͝i, ̨y̛o̧u ̕įdiot̶!́ It̷'̀s ͡An̕t͠i͘.̶        I supposed that did make more sense. I shook my head, and typed back.        Listen, I'm not going on with this little prank any further. You're probably just some kid who learned a few things on the internet and decide to spend your free time screwing with people that have more important things to do. So piss off and leave me alone.        My screen went to static and I heard that same laughter like sound from before. Whatever this kid had learned how to do, I had to admit, it was impressive. That didn't mean I'd appreciate it though.        Y͟ou ̛wi̷sh͝ thi̵s ͘w͡às͝ ̵j̶u͘s͟t͢ a ̛p̀ra̡n̶k̨,͢ d͟o̢n't ̶y̡ou̶,̡ _____?̀ ͞But̴ th̢is ̸i̛s som̀ethi͡ng͟ ̧f͟ar ͡w͢òrse. Yoú d͠on'͜t k̨nơw w̢ha͟t you҉'͞r͢e͝ dea͢ling wit̕h̀,͏ ̸and́ I̶'̧m ̶s͢or͘ry ͏fo̶ŕ ͞t͡ha͟t.͜ D̢on't f͟r͢et t̡h͡ơugh̕, ̶you͠'l͟l ̸c̢omé ̨tǫ kn̶ow ̨me ̴very͝ ͏perśo̶nall͞y soo̸n̡.̨ H̷ehehe..҉.͏        I didn't like the idea of this little punk getting under my skin, but he was starting to. So I did the only other thing I knew to do to make everything go away. I shut my laptop.       Anti, or whatever his real name was, couldn't bother me unless I interacted with technology. It was annoying, but I could give up my computer time for tonight until I found someone to fix it.
AN: Thanks for reading this story guys! I know the first chapter was short, but this one is a bit longer. I really liked writing Jack in this, he is just too cute 💚 I hope you enjoyed it as well! Feel free to leave feedback, constructive criticism, anything to help me write a better story!
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