#i expect a grand total of 0 people to read this and that's fine lol
deltarune thoughts
ralsei IS asriel, i don’t care if that’s a “basic” or “too obvious” theory
-they look the same
-darkners are apparently regular objects (hence: playing cards, checker pieces, computer viruses) in the light world and turn into beings in the dark world...maybe ralsei is a photograph of asriel
-but, having said that, if lancer and rouxls turned into statues because darkners can’t travel between/exist properly in other dark worlds, but ralsei remained Alive And Statueless, that means ralsei is a lightner, right?
-lancer and rouxls only got to the other dark world via kris’ pocket, and the NPC darkners only got to castle town because kris carried them there in the real world, but ralsei can travel between dark worlds by himself offscreen. thatse a lightner babey
-ralsei didn’t have a labelled room/cell in queen’s mansion, but “your brother” (asriel) did, and the narration did not specify a name...i think that was ralsei’s room, because ralsei and asriel are the same person
-ralsei did not seem to recognise kris upon first meeting them, or let on that they knew who they were, but i don’t think he has amnesia (i think the writing in ut/dr is Better Than That) so i’m going to say...escapism? asriel secretly didn’t go to university, discovered or created a dark world, learned about it or created the lore, and took on a new persona (because, like susie said, the dark worlds are better than the real world). typing it out like this seems like a bit of a stretch and that’s because it is! it’s a real weird headcanon that probably isn’t true!
kris is an amalgamation of frisk and chara
-to clarify, i’m not using “amalgamation” to mean the same thing as the amalgamates in undertale, and fusion isn’t quite the right word to describe what i mean if you’re going by the su or dbz definition. i don’t mean that they’re literally two people turned into one person, or a bad DID/”split personality” character, or two souls fighting for control over one body...it’s hard to explain what i mean. an AU where frisk and chara never existed but are also the same person?
-but kris’ reflection “it’s what they call “you”” kind of suggests that they’re not a real person? and deltarune chapter 1 begins with the player creating a “vessel”...even though the game immediately discards it, it sets up the concept of vessels at least
-kris keeps ripping their soul out in order to do weird shit like slash toriel’s tires for no apparent reason and i don’t have a theory for that i’m just noting it
-BUT kris appeared to be the one making the dark worlds, or at least the Next dark world (by ripping their soul out? that’s part of the process?), so i predict chapter 3 is going to be Toriel’s Living Room: Dark World Edition...chairiel is going to be the next boss (i’m kidding...but imagine), toriel might accidentally find herself in the dark world, toriel will recognise ralsei and there’s the big reveal (or at the very least, will tell ralsei he looks just like asriel for some reason) and asriel will get into big trouble for Not Actually Being At University
-lore-wise it’s stated that a “knight” created the dark worlds, and kris’ dark world form looks like a breastplate and a cape
-i love evil robot kanaya
-i love evil robot white diamond
-naming conventions and character design would suggest that she is lancer’s mom, but i feel like that might have come up if that were true...besides, if darkners are Actually Regular Objects, i don’t think they have parents/offspring in the traditional sense, darkners probably just Decide that they are family
-although it would be really funny if in a future chapter lancer says out of nowhere “yeah, she's my mom” and everyone’s like ??? why didn’t you SAY THAT before? or maybe queen unofficially adopts lancer when she finds out that king sucks. i remember some text saying that she is A mom (whether the text meant that literally or if that’s just describing her personality) and she kind of??? treats noelle like a surrogate daughter? noelle’s room is not a cell and is much bigger than kris’, and she’s always calling noelle pet names...all this to say i want her to Decide she is lancer’s mom
sweets, cap & k_k
-are the best characters
a Joke Theory
-papyrus actually created the dark worlds and is the final final boss and that’s why he isn’t in the real world
and i don’t know shit about the snowgrave route or spamton neo lmao
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