#i expect i'll never be super active on it but nonetheless; i'm here. :P
humanitydiscarded · 3 years
Coming back to this blog after 6 months of inactivity more like IT’S TIME FOR A NEW VERSE FELLAS-
So this verse is essentially about a time travelling, Shiki!Toshio. Specifically, ten years after the events of Shiki, Toshio made a deal with some creature (haven’t decided who or what yet) that let him travel back in time to before the Kirishiki’s moved to Sotoba.
However... as the price, he has to become a Shiki himself. He was fine with this, since he planned on killing himself after killing the Kirishiki’s anyway. What he wasn’t told, though, is that he was made into a different type of Shiki - one that can’t die through any means apart from starvation. That means that even if he were to drive a stake through his own heart, he’d still regenerate.
Obviously, he’s horrified when he realizes that that’s what’s happened. But he decides that, fine, he’ll simply starve himself until he dies - he has no intention of inflicting the curse of the Shiki onto Sotoba again. But after finding himself unable to resist the urge to feed once the starvation reaches his peak, Toshio realizes that he needs to find a new solution to the Shiki problem... and fast.
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rampagingsuga · 4 years
[ you're lucky i'm nice ]
pairing :
classmate!kageyama x reader
warnings : none
genre : fluff , friends to lovers
synopsis : school holidays meant that you were always up late on your phone watching anime & switching between your various social media apps. but when a certain classmate of yours decided to text you, you experienced something you never knew you longed for.
a/n : helloo!! i thought of this at an ungodly hour and just couldn't get it off my mind so here it is :> i know not all schools are on break at this time but for plot convenience this is what i'm using !
time - 1.10am
your eyelids fluttered shut as the ending song of the anime episode you were watching began to play. normally, you would be fast asleep at this hour but you allowed yourself to stay up more now that you were on school break. you checked your messages one last time before setting an alarm for 8am. you wished you could sleep in but there just had to be holiday club activities that day.
after plugging your phone into the charger, you curled up in bed. just as you were about to drift off to sleep, your phone began buzzing non-stop. slightly annoyed by the buzzing, you picked up your phone and let the bright light blind you.
"who in the right mind spams at 1 in the morning?" you thought.
26 new messages from [ kageyama-kun 👊]
[ texting ]
y/n : kageyama?? do you realise what time it is??
k : yeah
k : i need your help with math
y/n : at one in the morning?? i'll help you tomorrow
k : but it's urgent!!
y/n : i know for a fact that it's not because we don't even have extra lessons during the holidays 🙄
y/n : and even if we did, you wouldn't bother going, mr i-need-urgent-help-with-math
k : ouch okay fine.. but can i call you?
y/n : no ❤️ i want to ✨s l e e p ✨
k : woi y/n boke let me call you
y/n : wow way to show respect kags. fine, but if i see a math worksheet i'm hanging up on you
k : fair enough
y/n : you're lucky i'm nice 😒
k : you can call me tobio btw
that last text struck you.
somehow, these few text messages with kageyama led to you gaining so much more energy than sleep would ever let you. maybe because he always came to you for help when he had friends that he was probably more comfortable talking to. or when he managed to help you accept your bad results in that one test by bluntly spitting common sense into your head.
you sensed a growing fondness for him. it was when he texted you that you felt needed. it made you feel like someone depended on you. you felt important with him around, though many saw him as bothersome and rude. you liked it.
"hi," kageyama's raspy voice greeted you from the other end of the phone.
"hi kag- tobio," you replied, stuttering at the use of his first name.
"ne y/n, what are you doing up?"
"i could ask you the same question. but i was watching anime,"
"i was.. mustering up the courage to talk to you"
you froze. mustering up courage?? to talk to you?? but he always texted you for the most random things. usually related to school, nonetheless, what could he want to say that took so much courage?
"oh" was all you managed to say.
"d'you know about the rumours that have been circulating about us?" kags asked.
"oh? rumours?"
"yeah, people keep saying you treat me like your child with how you always look out for me. and how i always ask you for help, like a needy child," he paused, expecting a reply.
"they think we look good together, y/n,"
this caught you completely off guard. you were speechless. you had heard of such rumours but had simply brushed them off as irrelevant remarks. partly out of fear that they would ruin your friendship with kageyama. and partly because you didn't want to accept the fact that you believed they were true. you wouldn't mind being in a relationship with him.
but there was also another rumour that kageyama had been crushing on another girl. it wasn't specified but she seemed so much better than you when you heard the descriptions people gave of her. surely you had no chance with him compared to her.
"so, what do you think of it?" his calm voice breaking your train of thought.
"uhm, i don't want to believe it," you lied.
"besides, tobio-kun, you like someone else already right? why don't you talk them?" you continued, hurting your own heart in the process.
you had to let him go.
"oh.. oh wait you know about that?"
"well that girl is actually you, y/n," he spat out.
so that's why he needed so much courage to call you this one time. you contemplated confessing your own feelings at that moment as well. but you felt like you wanted to toy with him a little. without saying another word, you hung up and set your phone down.
[ the next day ]
[ texting ]
y/n : tobio-kunn can you meet me at school today? at 2pm after i finish club activities for the day
k : sure
after club, you strolled to karasuno's main gate where a certain kageyama tobio was waiting for you.
"hi, wanna go to coach ukai's store? i'm hungry," you asked.
"yea..," he replied, still confused as to why you suddenly told him to come to school.
on the walk back there, you were telling him about the things you did in club. surprisingly enough, he listened attentively as you rambled on.
this lasted all the way until you were about to leave the store.
"tobio-kun, i actually want to tell you something,"
"i like you too," you continued with full composure.
he stared back at you for a few seconds before realising where you were coming from. the previous night's, or rather morning's, call. his shoulders immediately relaxed as he took your hand to pull you out of the store, away from ukai's burning glare.
"walk," he said.
so you did, walking side by side. your heart skipping a beat whenever your hands brushed against each other. somehow halfway through your journey home, kageyama felt a sudden burst of confidence.
he stopped in his tracks. leaving you to turn around confused. he signalled for you to come to him (a/n : yk like how kenma did it to lev JSJSJ). when you got close enough, he quickly pulled you into a hug. relaxing himself into your small figure. and you did the same. you leaned in and embraced his warmth.
"thank you for letting me love you," he said sheepishly.
"any day weirdo," you replied, you head still on his chest.
when you pulled away, you motioned to continue the journey home. the both of you walked in a comfortable silence. with you feeling grateful that you had waited to confess.
when he laced his fingers with yours, you knew you were in for a ride.
a/n : AKDJSKJD the ending is kinda sloppy but this was super fun to write!
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