#i feel like i mentioned a lot of nitpicky details in part 1 tho. oh well
viktoriakomova · 1 year
What's wrong with the ballet footage? Gen question, I don't know much about ballet
ok i will separate this into 2 parts, glaring fundamental flaws and pedantic nitpicky shit (which, to be fair, should only be corrected once the former are dealt with. but it looks like neither are happening any time soon so...)
Part 1: The Egregious
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Zero turnout happening. Usually i'd point to the hips and talk about if the rotation is coming from the hips (good) or the knees and/or feet (bad very bad and kinda dangerous esp in gymnastics). but they arent even doing that.
The arms. The elbows should be slightly bent to create a "curved" look. The arms should be held up and in front of you with your hands around the height of your belly button, supported from your upper back muscles. The girl in the back (nola???) actually has hers pretty good (ignoring the hands, see below) but i would say she should have them a little lower and it looks like her delts are doing the work to keep her arm lifted instead of her back muscles.
Alignment. its difficult to tell from this one screenshot (i refuse to put in the effort to watch these frames 100x to get a great one im sorry) both because the legs are straightening (after what is ostensibly a plié lol) and bc of the camera angle, but you should be able to draw a straight vertical line from the ball of the foot to the hips to the shoulders. again the girl in the back looks a lot better than jade or kayla here.
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More issues with turnout here that are more evident (bc theyre making an actual attempt to turn out here) they're starting to turn in passé here, i wont bother trying to articulate what the legs are supposed to look like bc miss betty okino here is doing it correctly xoxo.
i'll start with leanne. her supporting leg is actually quite nice and she's very high up on relevé, her ankle is straight/extended and right on top of the ball of her foot with her knee straight and quads engaged. however the leg she's bringing up to passé (pretty late, since shes turning, i should add) is basically totally turned in. the muscles in the hip that rotate the leg outward are doing nothing. the leg should be turned out from the hip the whole time you're bringing the foot up to the front of the knee.
now onto kayla. i circled the reflection because you can see the leg positions better, the video crops it out. she has the same issue with the hip turnout of the free leg, but her supporting leg is also turned in. look at the knee in the reflection. it's basically not turning out at all, but her supporting foot is like 45º turned out. considering that they're turning in this screenshot, thats bad news. turning out from the foot (ie rotating outward at the ankle) instead of the hip puts a lot of torque on your knee. its obviously not nearly as severe as the stress that twisting into the ground on a tumbling pass would put on it, just bc of the force being applied there, but its still not harmless.
Part 2: The Nitpicky
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The hands...... how are the fingers (jade's and kayla's) the body part doing the most work here 💀 broken wrists (but like. tense and intentional, inexplicably???), palms facing the floor. hyperextended fingers. thumbs rotated away/out from the palms. the wrist should be straight but not rigid, it should complete the "curve" mentioned above when i talked about the elbows. the thumbs should be in, but again not taut, just relaxed by the rest of your fingers. its hard to explain verbally how the fingers should be, but they shouldnt be taut and/or stuck together either (aka pancake hands or karate chop hands lol). the girl in the back, her hand would be decent if she put her thumb in and rotated her wrist 90º counter-clockwise
Forward head carriage. That's my only gripe about Girl In The Back's posture, and even that isnt really Bad, otherwise it's great. Kayla's would be fine too but her shoulders themselves are a little too forward. Jade's is.... not great, it looks like she carries a lot of tension in her neck. i typed this whole post hunched over in my bed tho so.... do as i say not as i do ;)
i didnt bother editing the picture to circle it lol but kayla's foot is sickled in the pic with okino
also the first pic is hard to look at alignment/posture bc none of them are on the same count kfjdkjfkdjfk so musicality is a big fat L there
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Hindsight: My thoughts on Loki (2021)
Spoilers below. Please correct me if I slip up. I am in no way shape or form educated on ANYTHING to do with the making of films, how to critique this stuff etc, this is all just my opinion. If I haven’t covered a scene, it’s probably because it’s already been covered much better than I can. This is my extended episode 1 review.
Pre-title scene
The scene titles looking like a train station combined with the scrolling through time is such a cool stylistic choice.
The music is familiar, but followed by an alternate shot of Loki as Cap. A different perspective of something known, how fitting. FYI, I’m going to mention music a lot.
Love how no one questions the Hulk terrifying people.
This is the last time Loki will hear Thor call his name, or speak to him. Oh darn, I made myself sad.
Marvel studios logo
The Marvel logo changing colours + Loki theme finally taking the centre stage. I love it.
The comments made on Loki soundtrack videos saying ‘I see that the Mandalorian soundtrack has become a genre’ are so accurate it hurts. Shout out to Ludwig btw, he deserves all the awards for his soundtracks.
My thoughts so far: This part is setting up the general shift in tone from what we’ve seen in past Marvel projects, even the other shows. It reaffirms the audience’s subconscious that whilst we are familiar with the characters, there’s new twists up ahead, subtle hints to oncoming mischief. Props to the entire team behind the series.
Gobi Desert Scene
As much as I liked the opening bug crawl, the following interactions look a bit CGId. I’m being picky, they really are gorgeous. It’s also difficult after having seen the Mandalorian, but that show really paid attention to scenery as it was an instrumental part of the story, whereas here it’s just one scene and all the others are stunning.
The parallels to Tony in the desert. Loki immediately rips off the muzzle (?).
I just watched the scene and yes, Tony rips off the mask immediately.
Also I think I would have definitely had a crush on young RDJ.
And Gwyneth Paltrow (GOOP LADY) if I didn’t know her now.
Props to Tom Hiddleston’s acting. Loki’s face when he sits up is just pure confusion but with the signature hint of indignation that I’d expect from his characterisation at this point.
The rock lmao.
Also props to the supporting cast of minutemen, where does Marvel find these people? They’re so well choreographed, they all move perfectly and it’s a joy to watch.
Love the time doors honestly.
I couldn’t have been the only one who thought that the temp pads were Samsung phones for a sec right?
Lol is that unintentional foreshadowing about the TVA? Jk I’m just clowning.
Has anyone spoken about what the Temp pad showed?
My theory is that ‘Units’ refer to a predetermined rate of change [e.g. m/s] where one unit = one increment of change.
The steady rate of change here is interesting. I’ll talk about it more at the end of the next episode.
I love the music, just the slow ticking increasing in pace and the dramatic flares brought on by the strings (I think), simply divine. Natalie Holt got it spot on and props to Tom Hiddleston and literally everyone involved for understanding the importance of good music with this series. I’ll talk about this in depth in the next episode, just wanted to mention it when it first started that I noticed.
In retrospect, I can definitely retract my critique of the background in the scene. It holds up well now that I’ve rewatched it.
B-15 doesn’t get enough love. Shout out to Wunmi Mosaku, she’s a trooper and I’m here to hype her up.
Also y'all I just checked the cast list and ???? Mark Ruffalo, Jeremy Renner and Tessa Thompson are on it?????? MARVEL TF IS THIS WHAT TOM MEANT BY EP 4 BEING WILD I-
Tom’s acting chops: The face moment. You know the one. It’s pretty incredible.
Theory from me: the reason that Loki doesn’t see the hit coming is because B15 was moving unnaturally fast.
It’s the immediate change in the music to reflect the audience’s reaction at the standard fight scene taking a strange turn for me lads.
B-15 doesn’t smile, which I think is in character for her.
She’s seen this shit wayyyy too many times.
We’re not even five minutes into the first ep and a) I’ve waffled this much, Gods, and b) the music has changed at least 3?? Times to reflect what’s happening. I love it.
My theory about resetting the timeline: the reset charges get rid of anything in the immediate vicinity of the branch, pretty much a mini-apocalypse of the timeline. If everything is erased, none of it matters. Does that make sense?
Taking away the Tesseract while yes, it serves a purpose with showing Loki the might of the TVA later on, also reflects how nitpicky the TVA are about their time-keeping. They do everything in a very orderly fashion, but as we see later, the outdated nature of things is very human.
The TVA - the elevator thing
Man I love the TVA’s look. Someone (and I’ve heard that Kate Herron was also very particular about the set design) went to extraordinary lengths with every single scene, not just this one, but the one before as well.
Heck I just want to appreciate how much of a visual feast this series is. Good on ‘em.
The shots changing angle is also very interesting. They switch it up between one-takes, close-ups of differing extremities and it just keeps the flow fast-paced, ya know?
Watching Loki run was hilarious.
“Sounds dumb.” - Casey, Null Time Zone.
This weird robot is what I think of when the TVA is mentioned. Advanced tech mimicking a retroistic 70s feel.
The cat’s adorable.
The clock. The cup. The placing of props. Impeccable.
The clock’s hands don’t move whilst they’re on screen.
The realisation on his face when he eyes the stack of papers.
Why is the wall so badly scratched???
I love that the signature is in character. I have a huge thing for attention to detail lmao.
Again, why are all of the walls so scratched? If they could talk, I’d presume it’s just a set design choice but it’s interesting that they did that.
Does anyone else want a TVA sweater vest?
The opening zoom in on Loki combined with the consistent brown-orange colours of the set makes the room look uniform and encompassing. I love how the lights are always placed in a repetitive manner so rooms are given the illusion that they go on forever.
Lighting here creates depth, but whilst the lights form a ceiling, we can’t actually see how they’re suspended and I think that’s neat.
The posters. Yes.
This is the first time I noticed the different minutemen uniforms. This one’s half orange-red and black. Pretty cool imo.
Shout out to Tara Strong and the entire animation.
The butterfly was a nice hint to the butterfly effect, and the music is perfect as always.
The wooden walls in the background of this shot. How very 70s.
The reflection showing the guy getting pruned is pretty cool.
Again, another clock with no movement on the wall.
The first 11 minutes are up and we’ve made it to the title! If you’ve read this far, congrats.
1549 Aix-en-provence, France
Just speculating, we’re in a church with an initial high-angled nearly bird’s eye view and then a cut to one looking up at Mobius. I guess it means even if we think as viewers our perspective is omniscient, we’re not spared from the mystery in this series.
Who’s in the stained glass window?
I love how they tie in a detail as small as the gum. It just goes to show when you haven’t got much time, every character interaction is meaningful.
Props to Owen Wilson, he really sold Mobius to me.
Mirrors in a church showing the devil behind Mobius. Or on his side.
Time court 37
The time court 37 really reminds me of train stations.
The chairs remind me of pews. They sure are reverent of the Time keepers.
The lighting is a cool, bluish tinge for the first time I’ve noticed. Especially on Ravonna (MY LOVE!).
B-15 knows Loki’s clowning lmaooo.
Ravonna isn’t here for it either.
Ravonna’s nailpolish is a very nice shade of brown.
Theory: Resetting is ‘being brainwashed for the TVA’. Not very original, but it’s interesting that the TVA thinks that Loki would be useful as a worker, unlike the guy who got pruned earlier.
The TVA exterior is amazing. It also extends forever in all directions, even down.
Time Theatre 25
What is that elevator music??
“I thought you didn’t like to talk” Ragnarok, anyone?
Loki reading the ‘Time theatre’ sign whilst rambling. Gotta give it to him, he’s always aware of his surroundings.
The little TVA logo on Mobius’ shirt.
Shout out to whoever did the costuming. Personally, I liked the shirts with no collars, and the armour of the minutemen and Hunters came off to me as practical but not ignorant of the branding that the TVA likes.
Theory (bear with me): Once you’re a part of the TVA, you’re not collared anymore, though there is an appearance of that on the shirts.
Seriously tho, what are those shirts like? Mobius doesn’t have a collar.
Why do the ties just… end?
Neat details:
Holo projector 35.
The lights being reminiscent of skylights but still leaving the characters in the dark. “The sun will shine on us again, brother.” Not yet.
The reflection of the projector in the table/on the ground.
Loki: *turns away.*
Mobius: *sips Josta.*
Seriously, the lighting is great. Loki moving in and out of the shadows? Great way to show his mistrust/ unease of the situation.
The illusion speech is the last time we really hear 2012 Loki in my eyes, mainly because Mobius really gets into the cracks of who Loki is and then there’s action.
The ‘I was- I am” Freudian slip is perfection.
Side note the music’s changed yet again. It’s definitely setting up the more mournful tones for seeing his mother’s death.
I find it interesting that the door is partially in the shadows.
Doors are symbols of opportunities, barriers and both death and birth from what I remember of high school English.
From what I know in interrogations the person being interrogated is allowed to sit with their back to a door. Initially, both Loki and Mobius are sideways, equidistant from the door. When Loki wants to run, he edges closer to the door, even if it is just to make a point. Excellent blocking in my eyes.
Oh man, Mobius’ little gestures.
“Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself.” I really don’t have to talk about the significance of that line, do I?
Frigga being stabbed in the back. Little solace to a dead man? Ouch. That hurt me too.
Loki’s wounds heal unnaturally fast, because he’s no mortal.
Mobius really drives home the last point. Who says ‘like you did your mother” ??? Owen sold how Mobius can influence Loki's mind.
The ‘best versions of themselves' line and showing Thor must have hit Loki hard. He spent two movies trying to prove who he is, measuring himself against Thor. And then he sees them both working together and being equals.
Loki’s escape
Wunmi and Owen’s line delivery is unforced and charged, completely in character.
Mobius looking under the table is hilarious to me.
The music.
The tidy cubicle = healthy timeline is a bit contradictory because they’re supposedly in the null time zone but okay.
Is no one going to mention the taxidermy ferret?
Loki just had an identity crisis. His ‘gut you like a fish’ seems in character.
The dude’s really questioning everything he knows lmao.
Casey’s ‘what’s a fish’ was really our first hint that not everything is what it seems to be at the TVA.
It amuses me that Loki’s on his knees when he gets the Tesseract.
I’m sure someone’s pointed it out already, but given that Loki takes back the Time Twister, it’s possible he could have stolen an Infinity stone.
Again, point’s already been made but Loki seeing the Infinity stones is what sells the power of the TVA.
Please, the rest of the office not giving a damn when one dude’s having some drama is hilariously on point. They really said ‘not my problem’.
Loki’s future
The screen on the table showing what he’s rewinding as it happens.
Btw if you pause any moment during that, you’ll see a scene.
A quick note on Loki’s characterisation:
He’s been through a lot in a very short period of time, quite literally finding out that his actions don’t have any consequences. He’s lost all autonomy, especially as a god who probably believed he was not as restrained as mortals. More on this in later Eps.
I really liked Ragnarok because it showed Loki and Thor’s maturity; they had to step out of legacies that were thousands of years old and come to terms with a universe that was much bigger than them. It also fleshed out their relationship as brothers, but not at the expense of who they were. Loki still is a schemer, and he talks more because he has less to hide in my eyes. He’s no longer just a villain, and that can’t be shown by just actions, especially in his own tv show.
Loki’s little laugh when Thor talks about giving him a hug. Man that was sad.
What shouldn’t be forgotten is that Loki doesn’t know how it ends. He doesn’t know whether Thanos gets defeated. For all he knows, he died in vain and left behind a brother with no family.
The collar says DANGER.
This is the scene that really nails it home to Loki that his purpose in life was to cause pain. He found out his glorious purpose in that timeline, he’s conflicted as Sylvie points out in Ep 3.
When Loki talks to Mobius, they’re both in medium shots. They’re on the same page.
Loki’s delivery has changed when talking about the 'illusion' but Mobius hasn’t. That may change in the later episodes.
1858 Salina, Oklahoma
Others have covered this better.
Sylvie’s theme is similar to Loki’s but not identical.
It’s got sinister tones which change throughout the series.
I love how you can see the images of the minutemen’s past and future as they walk through a time door, they literally step through time.
I’ve got a whole other post on the end credits scenes. Cheers if you read this all lads.
Ep 1 review
All in all, this was a scene-setting episode. One of my friends texted me and said ‘Loki really went through ten years worth of character development in minutes’ and I think that sums it up pretty well. It’s a great set up, but the next episode is where the plot begins to progress. Really enjoyed it. There’s not too much that was aided by what we know from ep 3 besides Casey’s fish from what I caught.
See y'all next time, if there is anyone reading this. Look after yourselves!
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