#i feel like i'm digging for pitty here
Relaxing Tickles
Summary: A surprise tickle attack ❤️
(Thank you @parker-fluff for helping to create this idea ❤️ enjoy!)
"Come on One, I just want cuddle with you."
One gave the oldest Peter a look. "You have that look."
"What look Peanut?"
The youngest took one step back. "Like---like you're up to something."
Peter 2 smiled. "All I'm up to is cuddles."
"In the recliner?"
"It's better for my back."
One studied his older brother a little longer. A part of him told him not to trust the oldest, but another part didn't want to disappoint. Especially when his older brother gave his baby brother the biggest puppy dog eyes he could.
"Please?" Two pleaded. "I'm old and cuddles make me feel better."
"Mmm . . . Okay."
"Yes!" The oldest Peter pulled Peter 1 into his lap.
"Just . . . Don't get any ideas!"
Two leaned the recliner back as he popped the footrest out. "No ideas here Peanut. Just a good comfy cuddle."
Although One's spider sense tingled a warning at him, he chose to ignore it. He really wanted to cuddle and Two didn't look like he was up to anything. So he cuddled closer to his older brother with a contented sigh.
Meanwhile, another figure crawled behind the recliner just out of view.
Two readjusted him just a bit. "Your elbow is digging in there Bug."
"It's alright Peanut." The oldest Peter shuffled over so he was under the youngest. "Comfy?"
You can stretch out a bit if you need to." The oldest Peter stretched his arms above his head. "Really get the muscles relaxed."
The youngest was still skeptical, but he decided to take Peter 2's advice. He stretched his arms up above his head.
And then his arms were grabbed. "Ah-ha!"
One squeaked.
Suddenly Peter 3's head popped into view. "Surprise!"
"I got you."
"Two! Help me!"
Peter 1 couldn't see it from his perspective, but a smirk appeared on Two's face. "Aww, don't worry Peanut."
One knew that tone. "Wh-whahat?"
In response, Peter 2 rested his fingers against One's sides. "Ihi can hehelp you."
Two dug into his younger brother's sides. "Too late."
"AH! Yohou trihickehed mehe!"
"No I didn't, this is just part of the comfy cuddle."
"Noho! Not cohomfyhy!"
Peter 3 smirked. "Yohou hear that Twoho? Your tickle game must be weak today."
The oldest clicked his tongue. "Guess I need a little extra practice."
So his fingers crawled up to Peter 1's ribs. And the youngest squealed.
"Not where?" Peter 2 pinched a random rib. "Not here?"
"AH! YES!"
Two pinched another random rib. "Or here?"
Peter 2 moved down to the youngest's hips. "Ohor maybehe here?"
Peter 1 squealed and bucked. "NO!"
"Yohou mahake the most adorable noises whehen tickleheled Pumpkin," Peter 3 cooed.
"But he can't." Two spidered his fingers up One's torso. "If you make cute noises, he has to tell you. It's the rules!"
"Suhucky ruhules."
Peter 2's finger paused right on the youngest's topmost rib. "It's the behest rule."
Peter 1's eyes widened. "Don't yohou dare!"
"What's wrong baby? Awre youw newvous big bwothewr's gonna get youwr pitties?"
"Ihi'm nohot a bahabyhy!"
"Yes youw awre!" Two's fingers dipped into the youngest's armpits. "Youwre da cuwtest baby awound."
A high pitched squeal erupted from the youngest's mouth as his legs drummed into the footrest of the recliner. "TWOOOO!"
Peter 2 grinned. "Yehes Buhug?"
"Aww, the baby has suwch tickwish pitties."
"I think we've got the most ticklish baby ever," Three added.
After a few more moments of torturous tickles, Peter 2 paused his attack so he could pepper some kisses into One's face.
"Eep! Thahat ticklehels!"
Both Peter 2 and 3 shared a look before Three finally let his arms go. "You okay Uno?"
"Whehew. Yohou guys ahare ehevihil!"
"Sorry wehe tricked yohou Buhug." The oldest Peter pulled the youngest into a hug. "But I really did want a cuddle."
One playfully squirmed. "Nah Ihim mahad at yohou!"
Peter 2 poked out his bottom lip. "Why?"
The youngest Peter turned to give Two a glare. "You knohow why!"
"No I don't. What have I done to deserve such treatment!"
"Fohor being aha meanihie!"
Peter 2 gave One a kiss to the temple. "Just doing what a big brother does?"
"I'm not done growing yet. I can get taller than you!"
Two smirked and stretched his arms up. "Yes, but you'll never hahave the sahame level of experience."
Once Peter 2 got done stretching his arms, he started to lower them. However, he didn't get far before two hands grabbed his wrists and pulled them back up.
"Get him Uno!" Three exclaimed.
Before Two could protest, One's fingers dug into Peter 2's ribs. "Myhy turn!"
The oldest squeaked in surprise before dissolving into cackles. "Peheteher!"
"Nohow I can gehet thahat experihience yohou talked abohout."
"Yohou did mention that," Peter 3 replied.
Peter 2 shook his head. "Nah! Dohon't sihide wihith hihim!"
"I can side with either of you. That's the joy of being thehe mihiddle brother."
"Hmm, Ihi think hehe hahas all hihis ribs tickleheld." Peter 1 moved up to Peter 2's armpits. "Buhut what abohout yohour pitties?"
The loudest squeal yet erupted from Two's mouth before he dissolved once again into high pitched cackles. His feet kicked out as he tugged on his wrists.
One giggled as he continued. "Ahaw, whose aha kickyhy bahabyhy?"
Peter 3 gasped. "Rude! I wouldn't take that if I were you Uno."
"Ihi shouldn't." One moved to scribble into his older brother's neck. "Should Ihi."
When One attacked, the cutest squeaks the younger two had ever heard filled the room.
Both One and Three paused to stare at the oldest.
"Oh . . . Sohorryhy abohout thahat."
"Do it again!" Three exclaimed.
Peter 2 started giggling again. He forgot how ticklish his neck was. It had been a while since someone exploited it.
Peter 3's jaw dropped. "How did we nohot knohow about this!"
"Ihi dohon't knohow, buhut Ihim lovihing ihit nohow."
"Yohou guhuys ahare jeEEERKS!"
"Nohow you knohow hohow wehe feheel!" One teased as he wiggled just under Peter 2's ears.
"Not so tough nohow big bro," Three added.
"Eek! Yohoure teheasihing mehe!"
"That's kind of thehe point Dos."
While Two was distracted by the middle Peter, One snuck down to his sides. "Whahat abohout thihis ticklehel spohot?"
"Ah! Wahait!"
"Tohoo quihick for yohou?"
"Aww, look at that smile." Three shifted Peter 2's arms into one hand so he could use the other to poke Two's cheek. "It's so precious."
The oldest Peter tried to bury his face deep into his arm. "Noho! Ihit's horrihible!"
The tickles stopped and both Peter 1 and 3 stared at the oldest.
Peter 2 peeked out from his hiding spot. "Whahat?"
"I'm sorry, I know I did not just hear that right. Did you just say your smile is horrible?"
"But---but ihit ihis!"
Three retightened his hold. "Okay, you're not leaving this spot until we show you just how adorable you really are."
Two's eyes widened as he tried to bite back his smile.
The youngest Peter grinned along with Peter 3. "Yohoure nohot gettihing away ahany tihime sohoon!"
The oldest Peter turtled into his shoulders.
For the rest of the afternoon, both of his younger brothers reminded him just how adorable his laughter really was.
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mezmerwrites · 2 years
If You're In, I'm In.
A Steve harrington x reader insert.
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Tw: alcohol consumption, drug use, smut if you squint, bad writing.
AN: this is my first fic so be nice if you point out mistakes lol. I also didn't edit this, oops. I have more parts of this fleshed out if this picks up, so send me an ask telling me what you think, or to be added to a tag list.
I originally wrote this as an !oc so if I missed anything while trying to change it to reader let me know. New ro reader inserts 🥲
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I stood outside of Tina's house, leaned against the brick siding as I dug around in my jacket pocket for the lighter I swore I had stuffed in there.
I let out a string of profanities upon realizing it was not in my pocket and probably lost somewhere inside. I huffed in annoyance and was fully prepared to walk home at this point when a similar string of frustrated profanities pulled my attention towards the side of the house where a familiar voice was rounding the corner.
Steve Harrington stalled when he saw me leant against the house, an appogy falling from his lips. "Oh, shit. Sorry Y/N, I didn't know anyone was back here." His voice was a little shaky and higher pitched than usual, signaling he was upset about something. He started to back track, moving backwards and running a hand through his already messy hair, about to leave me alone again.
I waved him over, the joint still balanced between my lips. "No worries. Got a light or somethin?" I asked, offering to share if he could get it going. He looked like he could use it. In the dim light coming from a open window on the side of the house I could see his puffy red rimmed eyes and hear the slight sniffling coming from him.
He was upset.
He fumbled around in his own jacket pocket before procuring a silver lighter with a slight grin. He stepped over and handed me the lighter as he matched my stance, leaning against the side of the house. I took a moment to light the joint, taking long drag before passing it over to one of my oldest friends. "So, what's wrong?" I asked, lifting a brow as he took the joint from me, groaning at my inquiry.
"Dude, everything. It's just not my week." He began to open up, telling me about the current Nancy situation and the Billy basketball situation and the bad English grade situation. He looked defeated, especially the shitty part about Nancy, less so about the basket ball thing, and even less about the grade.
I let out a low whistle, taking the joint back from him. "Bummer." I offered softly, my smile even softer. Steve was a good guy underneath all that King Steve bullshit, and I knew he really loved Nancy, it didn't take a rocket scientist to see he was pretty torn up about it.
He hummed in agreement. "Yeah, It sucks. Ever been down in the dumps like this?" He asked as he took the now shorter joint from me, bringing it to his lips. He watched me as I shoved my hands under my arms in attempts to warm them up. I had worn a stupid playboy bunny outfit, matching with a couple of my friends and I regretted it the longer i stood out here.
I kicked the dirt under my shoe, shrugging. "Yeah, once." I answered with a breathy sigh. A half smile pulled at my lips as I recalled the gut wrenching heart break I'd suffered at the hands of Jason two months ago when I found out he'd been hooking up with Chrissy Cunningham while he was supposed to be meeting me for a date. "It sucks, but it gets better." I reassured him with a gentle smile, hoping it made him feel a bit better.
He passed me the almost out joint before digging in his pocket for his car keys. "Wanna get out of here? I have beers at home and the rents are out of town." He offered, an invitation I hadn't received in quite some time.
I thought it over for a minute, absent-mindedly looking towards the house party where my friends were dancing inside. "Yeah, let's go. I'm cold and I have more weed at home." He smiled a bit wider at the thought of having a pitty party at home in private instead of unfront of all of Hawkins high.
The drive was short, and as soon as we were parked I skipped over to my house next door to retrieve the goods and change into something warmer before meeting Steve out by his pool, using the gate on the fence that separated our yards.
He had an ice chest drug out, his feet propped up on it as he lit a cigarette between his teeth.
I plopped down on the other end of the pool chair, pulling the bag and papers from my hoodie pocket, along with the bottle of vodka I'd cracked open earlier in the night before the party. 
It was several hours, one bottle of vodka, and two joints later and Steve and I were laying side by side, smushed into the same lounge chair staring at the sky, a thick quilt from inside draped over the both of us. Steve had just finished spilling his guts on the truth about Barbra, what had happened to that will kid, and what the upside down was and the monsters that lived within it.
At first I thought he was pulling my leg, but I realized he wasn't once he looked towards the pool with a haunted expression, and then started talking softer like someone might hear his confession and book him on the spot.
I wasn't sure what to say, so I didn't say anything for a while. I just laid there with my head touching his looking at the stars absorbing all the information he dumped on me. I cleared my throat after a moment and spoke once I decided on what I wanted to say. "So, you tried to kill it with a baseball bat that Dustin Henderson hammered a bunch of nails into?" I just couldn't get the mental imagine out of my head of how that played out.
Steve scoffed, "Out of everything I just said that's all you retained?" He nudged me with his shoulder, a dazed look in his eyes before returning them back to the sky.
I sighed, shaking my head, "No, I retained all of it..." I began to trail off, "That part just seemed less traumatizing honestly." I whispered, trying to picture the monster he described. I shivered imagining the rows upon rows of teeth.
Steve hummed, sounding spaced out like he was stuck in his head. "You know you can't tell anyone. I was swore to secrecy by the government, they'll kill you if you tell." He was definitely drunk, that I could tell from the way he talked during the whole story, but his tone was different now, a little scared. "Thats why I had to tell you out here, pretty sure my house is tapped or something." He mumbled, wiping a hand across his face.
I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat, pretending like that didn't freak me out. "Don't worry, lips are sealed." I reassured him that I wouldn't talk about it, but part of me wished he didn't dump all that on me.
The other part of me wondered how he was holding all that inside in the first place. I snuggled closer into his side as the wind picked up, my nerves quelled for the moment as he rested his head against mine.
"Why did we stop hanging out?" He slurred softly, eyes not leaving the sky, "We used to be so close Y/N." He sounded sad almost, but mostly just drunk.
I sighed again, thinking about the complicated last two years. "I dunno, Steve. We just- people grow apart sometimes." I kept my tone soft, careful to tiptoe around his already bruised feelings about his very recent break up. "We never quit being friends, we just got closer to other people, it's okay and normal." I reassured him, turning my head to look at his side profile.
He tucked his other arm under his head, adjusting on the chair we were almost falling out of now. "Yeah, I guess." Was all he said before he fell silent for a long moment, swallowing hard before his next set of words hung in the air. "I didn't want to grow apart from you, though."
My breath caught in my throat at the softness of his words and how he shifted next to me, turning on his side under the warm quilt. The truth was I didn't want us to grow apart either, but when I started seeing Jason last fall he made it very clear I was not to hangout with Steve, or anyone else.
He studied my face, I could feel his gaze on me but I wasn't ready to turn towards him, his face was much to close to mine to be able to hide what I was thinking or feeling. "Was it because of jason? Or me and nance?" He asked gently, his warm hand skimming up my thigh, resting on my hands that were interlocked together on my stomach.
The sudden contact made me turn to look at him, my resolve on not talking about it faded as I took in the way his hair flopped over his forehead and into his eyes that were red rimmed and blown out from the drugs and alcohol. I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing my eyes back to his and away from his bottom lip that was pouted out.
"Jason." I whispered, tongue darting out to wet my lips. I didn't miss the way Steve's eyes lost focus on my own at the action.
I tried to clear my head, squeezing my eyes shut. "He, uh, He didn't like how close we were. He was threatening to put you in your place or break up with me so I just... quit coming around." I admitted, unsure now that was ever the correct choice.
Steve hummed, eyes ghosting down to my lips ever so quickly, but not unnoticed by me. "Jason is a punk, and wouldn't have got far with that." He mumbled, rolling his eyes. "Plus, it would have probably deterred him from doing what he did to you if he knew I was still in your corner." He sounded a little pissed off at the thought, which sent a tingle of something down my spine. Pride, maybe delight thinking about it.
I giggled at it, at him, and turned over on my side to face him. The hand he had holding both of mine slipped away, ghosting over my waist as his arm coiled aroind me, pulling me closer towards him as I almost teetered off the edge of the lounge.
The quick movement had me pressed against his chest, foreheads touching and legs tangled together. It felt too comfortable and normal, reminding me of the countless nights spent like this last summer.
He studied my face for a moment, hand moving from my waist to tuck stray curls behind my ear. "I think about that night all the time." His voice was barely above a whisper, his eyes never leaving mine. "It was the best kiss of my life." He finished, the softness in his voice melted all the resolve I had.
I let out a sigh and leaned into his hand, big warm and as inviting as I remember it being. I didn't trust myself to say anything that wouldn't get me in trouble, I already felt the familiar pull in my chest and the desire to fall back into an old pattern. Steve moved slowly, his hand anchoring behind my ear and pulling me towards him as he dipped his head ever so lower as he pressed our mouths together in the softest of kisses.
Just like I remembered him.
It was soft, doting, the kind of kiss you wrote in your diary about. The explosion of tingles from his hand on my face and his lips against mine was mesmerizing. I kissed back, pressing into him just a tad harder, encouraging him on.
His soft kisses grew fevered, more urgency behind them as he shifted. His hand left my face and returned to my waist, the other one slipping under and between the gaps in the plastic chair to spray across my upper back, holding Me impossibly close.
The kiss was gradually building, soft pecks to more pressure, to quicker and faster. I couldn't resist the urge to flick my tongue out against his lips, gently asking for him to kiss me harder.
He complied, deepening the kiss but still letting me take the lead, letting me guide the kiss into a gentle and slow make out session to rival anything I've ever seen on TV.
I finally pulled away a few short kisses later, needing to breathe and cool down before I suffocated. Steve didn't mind, he just rolled, pulling me under him just slightly as his hand on my face pushed my jaw upwards to press soft kisses against my neck. "I should have never let you go out with Carver, you could have been mine all this time." He grumbled, not letting up on the soft presses of his mouth against my skin.
I relaxed into it, sighing as the thought rolled over me.
His. His girlfriend.
His girlfriend.
"Steve." I breathed out a warning as I came to my senses, my hands moving to his sides, trying to ground myself back to reality and not dream land where he was mine.
He let out a deliciously soft groan hearing his name, totally not letting up and only taking that as encouragement as his lips parted, kisses becoming wet and sloppy now.
My body betrayed me, head falling back into his grip and eyes fluttering closed at the sensation. A soft whimper blew past my lips as I pulled together all the resolve I had in my body and pushed him roughly, remembering why this was a terrible idea brought me back to reality.
He lifted off me, his eyes confused and a little hurt looking as he started to ask me what was wrong. "Y/N, I'm sorry! I thought you wanted too- I mean you were kissing me and-" I shook my head, sitting up on my elbows as he shifted off me, halfway falling off the pool lounge.
I tried to steady my breathing, my mood shifting from perfectly content to wildly embarrassed. "Nancy." I breathed out, running a hand through my hair as I tried to push back the guilt washing over me.
Steve's eyes widened, his lips pink from my lipgloss fell into a small "o" shape, realization fanning across his body.
I struggled to find my next words, going for a sentence this time and not just one word. "I don't want to be your rebound and hook up with you when you're sad drunk about your ex girlfriend, it hasn't even been 6 hours." I grumbled, suddenly a little angry at myself for letting him con me into this position.
He immediately apologized, "You're right, that was a dick move wasn't it? I'm sorry Y/N." He half smiled, but I could tell his mind was somewhere else still as his gaze dropped back to my lips.
I rolled my eyes and pushed him all the way off me, standing up. Just as I was about to turn away his hand shot out and grabbed hold of my bicep, he tugged me back into his chest. "And I don't want you to feel like a rebound, okay? That's not what any of that was to me." His brown eyes locked on mine and he let his hand fall into mine, locking our fingers together. "Seriously, y/n! You're more than that to me, you know that." His voice was soft and tender, begging me to believe him.
I let out the harsh breath I'd been holding at his confession and leaned into his chest. "I know, but figure out what's going on between you and her before you decide to kiss me again." I instructed, pulling away from him before I decided not to.
I turned on my heel and walked through his yard and through the gate onto my own, feeling better with distance between us.
It was well after midnight by the time I got out of the shower and got in bed, head reeling as I touched my fingers to my lips.
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darkh3llscap3 · 4 years
Kai Parker x Female reader pt.1
Summary: You come home to find your boyfriend Kai cheating on you. You end it after him begging you to stay. After the breakup things start to get weird.
Warnings: cursing, mention of cuts, witchy stuff, mention of sex, cheating, and a lot of angst.
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I was getting off of my shift at work early today. It was about 10 at night and it was really dark so I had one of my friends drive me home. When I got home I unlocked the door I see clothes thrown all over the place. thinking the worst panic starts to bubble up in my nerves.
I can hear moaning coming from our room. I can feel a sick feeling as I get closer to the door I can feel myself burning with tears. I open the door to see Kai with a woman that has blonde hair on top of him. Their body moving against each other.
"What the hell!" I can feel the burning sting of the tears as they fall down my face like a waterfall.
His head shoots up to see me in the doorway he pushes the girl off of him. I walk out and start heading for the door to get out of this nightmare. I feel a large hand grip my shoulder I turn around to see Kai looking at me with shock in his eyes. He's only in his boxers he puts his hand on my face and tilts it upwards to look at him. I stare at him picturing him and that girl.
"Y/n I'm so sorry, this doesn't mean anything I swear please don't leave me." He asks with regret covering his face I stare at the wall not wanting to meet his eyes.
"No, no, no, you can't just cheat and expect me to stay with you. I trusted you, I believed in you, I fucking loved you so much? How do you expect me to forget the image of her on top of you? No, I won't stay with you!" He got on his knees with his head digging into my stomach whispering pleas.
"Loved?" He whimpered out in a desperately sad tone.
"I don't know how I feel about us anymore," I whispered out the girl quietly walked past me.
"Y/n please I can't live without you, I love you." I love him too but I can't just pretend that he could just do this and get away with it.
"No I can't do this Kai, I can't pretend that this is okay. I'm-I'm breaking up with you." I say reluctantly I could feel his tears seeping through my shirt.
"No, you can't do that y/n you just don't understand how much I love you and want you. I'll show you how much I love your company forever just don't break up with me please." I could see tears lining his eye's but I-I just can't do this it's too much.
I walk out of the house shutting the door behind me walking out hearing Kai sob behind me. I start to walk to Caroline's house which is only a block away. 
When I reach her house I knock on the white wood door. The outside light seems to be the only thing illuminating the outside.
"Come on please be home," I whisper to myself in a low voice I see the door open revealing Caroline with pink curlers on her head. She was also standing there with a blue nightie on making me feel bad for walking her.
"I'm so sorry for waking you up." I let out she looked at me squinting. Then I see pitty covered her features and she hugs me.
"What happened? Why were you crying?" She said in worrying about my well being.
"I caught Kai cheating in me with some blonde girl." I felt some tears fall over my words as I said them.
"What! Are you okay?" She sounded so worried it felt good to have someone who cares. She made a motion to come in so I did. I sat on the couch next to her she got me some water.
"Do you want to talk about it?" She said as she sat down right next to me rubbing my back.
"No, I stay the night? I don't really want to see Kai right now." She nods her head and gets out some pillows and a blanket for me.
"Here if you need anything like, someone to talk to I'm all ears. Now get some rest ill plan a girl's day tomorrow to get your mind off of him" She said nodding her head and going back to her room.
I set up my little spot and started to cry more thinking of everything that has happened. It being impossible to get the image of Kais weeping face out of my mind until I drift off.
I was waking steps echoed behind me getting closer. Panic goes through me as I turned around quickly to see nobody. I just turned back and started to walk faster than before.
I felt a hand grab my shoulder and turn me around my face was met with Kai. He had blood all over him and had a distant look in his eyes. I wasn't scared I didn't run I still loved him. The girl he cheated on me with was behind him with a sacred look on her face as she covered her neck weakly.
Her neck had blood flowing down it rapidly. I looked into his eye's he was crying I felt my heart drop I wanted to help both of them.
"I'm so sorry please forgive I love you look what I did for you." I wanted to forgive him and his efforts... but why this was crazy. Right? It felt like my brain was being clawed in the more I resisted this image.
"N-No." His face fell as I let out the words then he pulled out a knife. I started at him but I couldn't move not out of fear though.
He brought the knife and pointed it at his chest and slowly and swiftly stabbed himself cutting a long line into his chest. He looked like he was carving something but the blood covered the image.
My head started to hurt like a bad headache. I looked at him in utter confusion at his actions. He threw the knife on the ground making a clinking sound as it hit the floor. I looked into his eyes as has he chanted something under his breath.
I screamed again as I shot up from the couch. Sweat covered my face light was leaking through the blinds.
My heavy breathing came to a stop as Caroline walked into the room. She looked at me like I was crazy. "Are you okay, I heard you scream! I thought someone broke in for a second!" She hissed at me her hand covering her heart.
"Shit, yeah sorry I had a bad dream." She nods her head.
"Ok, you can use my restroom to get ready for girls' day. I invited bonnie and Elena heads up. Also, I'll lend you a clean pair of clothes and some other things you may need." She smiled at me while thanked her and went to the bathroom to get ready for the day.
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delicioustrashlove · 3 years
spaghetti brain
Wellness Wednesday .
At a moment in time , you need to stop and breath . And remind your self not every minute spent is survival mode. You can relax now.
Is that true though? … Is there such a thing .
We often forget to let our guards down because we have been fighting so long . I my self have come to a conclusion I self sabotage . And I am so afraid of things ending that I tend to push them away or I'm so used to such a dark place , that I struggle believing that good things are meant for me .
But I know I'm worthy and deserving . It's a Mental battle honestly . And its hard and very up and very down. It scares me a lot so I convince my self I'm better alone . Because why should any one want something so complicating ? Right .
Well, here’s the other half of my Brain about to speak its mind lol . Why should someone want something so complicating because I'm so so worth it . And I'm worthy . Thats the point of wellness Wednesday to reflect , to have a safe place to openly speak your mind and address your fears your insecurities and then conquer them . Its okay to feel low sometimes just don't live there. So every Wednesday I Will dedicate some free time to admit to my self to have a conversation with me , expressing and opening up about my worries and fears and concerns , then I will watch my self over come it .
“Oh sweet heart what on earth has happened to you that you're the only one you can trust .
The mind is one extremely powerful tool. It can build a empire or it can dig a very deep hole. Guess what though , guess who is in charge of that. You . You're in charge . You're get to design your own life. No one gets a say of what you can and cant be what you can and cant do. You're an artist baby, and here’s your brush . You're beautiful mind your nurturing heart and unconditional love and immensely pure soul . Those are the most powerful tools of them all. At your fingertips lies the ability to paint your canvas as you desire.
Sometimes you will fall some time you will even get kicked while you're down, but god sends his toughest battles to his strongest soldiers. And in my heart of hearts I truly believe all things happen for a purpose. How will you chose to let it serve you. Its easy to get lost sometimes but thankful of the bread crumbs you leave behind they will always lead you back home
And maybe home isn’t always a place , maybe its two arms holding you tight.
Some times they are your own arms , just being at peace with in your self. The ability to be alone is very brave and to find utter ad blissful content in that honestly very strong of you. Sometimes your the one that has to pick your self up off the floor and sometimes you have to wipe your own tears. But you have to keep going. For a majority of life you're going to spend a lot of time alone and with your self so get comfortable. That soul of yours its amazing . And tell your self e very day I love you.
People will come people will go , you’ll swear some days you cant go. On any longer . Then one day your okay then one day your striving then one day your thank yourself for being strong enough o wake up each morning and giving it your all. Whether that’s self care or slaying a project . Or sometimes it may be as small to the world and brushing your teeth and getting out of bed. And god forbid anyone would ever have to experience that situation as an accomplishment , but if you do , its okay. You did your best that day based on your emotional state your intellectual state your well being .
Wellness Wednesday .
I do this thing where I feel my struggles aren’t valid . Due to the world and the problems and the struggles others have to handle . I don't feel worthy of this pitty I some times allow my self to endure. Struggles are like lies though no matter how big or how small it has the same effect. And your struggles also fall into that category . They are just as valid . And its okay to express that or to reach out for help if need be. This is an ordeal I still am learning to partake in. The part where I accept my struggles are valid .. and its okay to feel pain .
Its important I say this to my self. Brianna you are doing great . You’ve survived a wild situation And you’ve over come a lot . And guess what your going to continue to grow And learn and blossom and strive. You know the amazing women you are and the Beauty and joy you bring to peoples lives. You light up every single room . You are not our faults you are not your struggles you are not a burden. Your a blessing and you matter and you make a difference. You touch the hearts and soul of everyone that crosses your path. You truly are one of a kind and nothing compares to you. You may me struggling form time to time with your mental health and well being .sometimes you get lost and sometimes you mess up , but you are an extravagant creature. Let all those things teach you and guid you and serve its positive purpose . You are meant for so much . You will change the world piece by piece and step by step , one day at a time. The unexpected challenges to prepare you for well …. For you . The real you . The you your meant to be . Im thankful for my struggles and im also thankful for my mistakes . Yet I may have guilt behind some of my bad choices , I wouldn’t change a thing. It taught me a lot . It made me me. And who I am today . And im able to help and teach and be more open to learning.
The world is a little scary and love is a little scary and life is a little wild at times, but I challenge my self to not live in fear and not allow my self to doubt my potential. This world deserves my heart and all I have to give it . There’s so many things that I don't understand “why is this or why is that or what’s the point of this “ when those things have served its purpose then I will then be thankful yet again for something I went through and over came. The thing im most proud of is the compassion and self love I’ve learned. I’ve grown a lot and its served me well thus far. I never thought id look back and say wow thank you . Thank you god thank you me thank you to all those things I went through at the time I didn’t understand . I get it now .
People always ask me “what do you want Bri”
I could come up with a million and one structured literature and grammar to convince you I have that Devine plan .
But heres he truth .. HAPPINESS .
I want happiness . It's simple and sounds like there isn’t much thought behind that . But trust me its all I think of. In life I have chosen to take the ups and down and let life lead me where it needs to. But through all that the ultimate goal for me is pure happiness .
If something isn’t serving me that purpose I must set it down. If im not living my full potential in something, or if I'm not passionate about X,Y,Z I must set it down.
Happiness is often over looked. We set that on the back burner .
I understand though . But I vow to myself to never get lost wrapped up or settle for anything that doesnt give me my happiness. It's too important to me . And the meaning of what happiness is to me …. Well that’s a story for another day .
Until next time
And we have successfully indulged in wellness Wednesday ……
Side not: (this is just where my Brain is. do what brings you peace.
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hailbop1701 · 3 years
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Chapter Three: An Explosively Good Time
Chapter three guys! I'm both nervous and excited for you all to read it. It's pretty long and we delve a bit deeper into the story. Kirk wants answers and Bones needs a new shirt. 👀 Well, I don't want to give anything away. I truly hope you all like it! Thank you to my wonderful beta reader @dw-writes. You're amazing doll!
The tram slowed to a smooth stop, John lifted his weapon just as the doors opened. He swept the area with Beckworth on his left. Nodding to the security officer, John moved forward making sure Kirk and Chekov were just behind him. Taking up the rear of the group were Lawrence and Bitar, bickering all the while. Rolling his eyes, John squared his shoulders as he led the group into the residential area. The double doors hissed open to reveal a courtyard and John couldn’t help but appreciate how real it truly looked. Cobblestones, rich green plants, a running fountain, and automated birds chirping happily.
Beckworth let out a low whistle from beside him, “Fancy digs,” he murmured with an amused smirk. John stopped, listening for any possible threats that could be hiding in the area. Nothing. Just the hum of the base and the bubble of the fountain in front of them. It was way too quiet and peaceful for his comfort.
Jim moved so he was standing on his other side. “I don’t like it,” the Captain whispered to him.
John hummed in agreement, something didn’t feel right. He almost let out a snort. ‘Nothing about any of this feels right,’ he thought. The hair on his neck stood on end. John scanned the area again, only this time he eyed the plant life and the cobblestones. All of this said “TRAP”
Lawrence walked forward, his gaze on the plant life all around them instead of what was right in front of his nose.
Spotting what he was looking for, John hissed and was behind the young man within seconds, he grabbed the kid’s vest and yanked him back.
Lawrence yelped as he fell onto his ass, “What the-”
John held up a hand to silence gasps and yells of surprise. He then pointed at a thin fine wire mere inches away from where the security officer had been standing.
“Shit,” Beckworth grumbled crouching down to get a better look at the “Booby trap.”
“Holy crap, thanks Doc.” Lawrence gasped out as he scrambled to his feet again.
Bitar rolled her eyes. Reaching up, she gave Lawrence a swift smack upside the head. The action started a whole new bickering match.
John sighed, gesturing for the others to follow him and move out of the way. Pulling a knife from his boot, he gently tossed it up into the air before catching it nimbly by the blade. With a quick flick of the wrist, the knife shot from his hand. Spinning in the air a couple of times, the blade sliced through the wire before embedding itself into the cobblestone. Cocking his head to the side, he heard a mechanism click. Chekov let out a startled squeal as a haphazard metal spike trap sprung from the bushes and trees. Grunting, John strode forward, he examined the trap with a deep frown.
“Used pretty recently,” he muttered, touching one of the spikes. He showed his fingers to the group, “Fresh blood, and someone had to have reset it.” He wiped his hand on his pants.
Kirk furrowed his brow in confusion. “Do you think that means we’re not the only ones surviving here?” he asked, sounding hopeful.
John jerked his knife free from the path. He grimaced at his friend. “Honestly? It could go either way,”
Jim wasn’t the only one looking at him with a confused expression. Sighing John fiddled with the knife in his hands. He chewed on the inside of his cheek, trying to come up with the right words. He really didn’t want to give his best friend any more bad news. Sheathing the knife back in his boot, John pulled his tricorder free. Scanning the blood he began to explain. “This stuff can really mess with your head, and I’m not just talking about C-24 fucking with your DNA. Being hunted by monsters with an extreme possibility of never making it out, and a chance that you’d turn into something that is worse than death...well, I’ve seen highly trained and skilled men crack. Go insane and beyond reason.” He paused as the scanner chimed with the results that he wanted. Turning the device around so the screen faced the group in front of him. Chekov’s mouth dropped open in shock, he looked at John with horror in his eyes. John continued, “The blood has no trace of C-24 or any sick and twisted variation. It’s completely human…” He paused glancing at the screen again, “And Andorian, and Vulcan,”
Kirk choked for a second, “So you’re telling me that the trap was made by a living person and they’re killing other living people?”
John put the tricorder away, “That’s exactly what I’m telling you.”
Chekov took a shuddering breath, while Kirk just set his jaw. “So we’re being hunted on two fronts,” the Captain sighed, running a hand messily through his hair. Beckworth’s eyes darted around the peaceful courtyard with a healthy dose of paranoia. His younger security officers ceased their quiet bickering and pulled out their phasers, ready for a surprise attack.
Reaper clenched his jaw and tensed. The hair on the back of his neck and his arms stood straight up. They were being watched, and not just by the cameras, but by a live body. He could hear their heartbeat thudding deeply in their chest. In his periphery, John saw a shadow on the second story landing.
Jim Kirk knew Leonard McCoy. Even though he may not have known as much as he originally thought. So when Bones - Reaper- tensed, he knew something was wrong. “Bones…” Jim prompted, trying to keep as casual as possible. The man tilted his head to the left; a subtle gesture but Kirk got what his CMO was trying to say: “Someone is watching”
Out of the corner of his eye, John watched as a shadow quickly disappeared. The sound of muffled hurried footsteps echoed in his ears. “Beckworth,” his voice carried no southern drawl but reverberated with authority. Beckworth couldn’t help but stand up straighter. In fact, everyone stood up a bit straighter, even the Captain.
“Yes, sir?”
“Get everyone to the third floor, there’s a bridge up there that attaches to the rest of the shopping district.” His orders were clear and without room for argument. Jim opened his mouth to protest but Chekov beat him to it.
“But what about you?” he asked, eyes wide.
John couldn’t help but smirk at the young navigator. With a half-hearted shrug, he turned to look at the second-floor balcony. “I’m gonna go say hello to the locals,” he muttered while moving off. The rest of the away team watched slack-jawed as Reaper bounded up onto a nearby chair, and table before he lept up, catching hold of a stone carving halfway to the second floor.
“Jesus, McCoy!” Beckworth called out with a short hysterical laugh.
John easily clambered up to the second floor. Swinging himself up onto the metal banister, Reaper sat and appraised his surroundings. From this vantage point, he saw a lot more, he couldn’t decide if his new view was a good thing or not.
The courtyard was clean at first glance, but from where he was John saw the gore underneath all the beauty. There were multiple bodies hidden in the garden, blood tainted the fountain and coated the walls surrounding him. Frowning, John leaned back on the banister to look down the long hallway. He was being watched again. Glancing down, he saw that the group was making their way through to the stairs. Nodding in approval, John rolled off of the banister onto the dirty corridor floor. A long blue - or what used to be blue carpet was covered in blood and torn to shreds - lined the hall. If John could hazard a guess, he had a faint idea of what wandered through. ‘ Damn Hell Knights,’ he thought darkly.
Taking a deep breath and closing his eyes, Reaper let his surroundings disappear for a moment. He could hear the base thrum under his feet, but it was growing faint; they were on the clock. The heartbeats of the rest of the away team thudded steadily, some rapid in fear, some in calm easy thuds. Then there was what was a lot closer. Running footsteps, and labored breathing. It was heading straight for him. John sighed sadly; this wasn’t going to end well.
Cracking his neck and rolling his shoulders, John opened his eyes just as a blur of a man jumped at him. Quickly stepping to the side, John saw what had been killing everything and anything. The man was ragged like he had been surviving in this hell hole for quite some time. His hair was long and matted, full of knots, and coated in many different substances. His clothes were ripped and repaired and ripped again. Reaper wrinkled his nose, pitty filling his gut.
‘Poor bastard,’ was all that ran through his mind as the cracked man screamed at him, pouncing again. John leaned back, holding up his arm, only noticing the makeshift knife at the last second. Letting out a string of curses, Reaper kicked away the madman and looked at the shank sticking out of his arm with an annoyed expression.
“God fucking damnit!” he hissed, yanking the blade out of his forearm.
The man he had batted away looked at John in pure terror. “Demon!” the man shrieked, pointing at John with an accusing finger. Rolling his eyes, Reaper tossed the knife away over the side of the nearby banister. He could hear it clunk against a mass of water as it landed in the fountain.
“You’re not the first to call me that, and you’re sure as hell won’t be the last,” he drawled to the man, who was scurrying backward away from John as fast as he possibly could. John held up his hand peacefully, “Easy now, I’m not gonna touch you.”
The ragged man stopped his scuttling and paused. He looked visibly confused. “You’re not- who are you?” he asked, voice raspy and raw.
Reaper chewed on the inside of his cheek; Jim called it his nervous tick. “My name is Doctor Leonard McCoy, I arrived on the USS Enterprise. My team and I are trapped here just like you,” he soothed trying to bring out the humanity in the man before him.
“Enterprise,” the man breathed eyes wide, his breathing quickened, almost panicked. “No, no, no,” The man shook his head in denial, he reared and screamed “No!” once more before he started laughing. It was hysterical and Reaper was now completely convinced that the guy was way too far gone.
John watched the man carefully, trying to figure out if he needed to be taken care of or just locked away in a closet until they could get back to the ship. But before the ex-privine could formulate a plan of action, the survivor abruptly stopped laughing, looking as serious as could be. “You’re the one she wants. Death himself.” The words were in a hissed whisper as if speaking any louder would bring forth the demons lurking in the shadows. John froze, body tense ready for an oncoming attack but none came. “You can’t run away from your past forever. If you do those around you are going to suffer and die.” With those final words, the man whirled around and sprinted at break-neck speed down the long hallway. “Face your past Grimm!” he hollered as he rounded a corner and was out of sight.
That was until John heard him let out a startled scream. To anyone else, it sounds as if a paint-filled balloon popped behind a closed door but, to Reaper, it sounded almost too familiar. During the third world war, John experienced a new form of suicide bombers. The bombs weren’t visible, you could almost never tell it was there until it was too late. “SCED” or “Subcutaneous Explosive Device.”
Reaper flinched at the memories that assaulted the forefront of his mind. During world war three John was not officially in the armed forces but had stepped in multiple times to help the wounded and civilians to safety. During that time he had seen and experienced firsthand what a “SCED” could do. Shaking his head, John moved cautiously forward and peered around the corner. John choked on his breath his eyes went wide,
“Shit,” he cursed, stepping out to take in the scene full on. The corridor was dripping and smoking. Blackened blood coated the walls and floor, parts of more than one person could be identified. What made John’s stomach churn and made his scientific mind curious was the fact that the blood was smoking. The man who had run from him was laid curled up on the floor, covered and burnt beyond recognition.
Kneeling down, John examined the man more closely: he was missing a couple of limbs and his face was stuck in a silent scream. ‘Burns aren’t consistent with an explosion,’ he thought with a furrowed brow. Cocking his head to the side, John sniffed the air and immediately sneezed. Wrinkling his nose, Reaper scowled. “Acid. It smells like fucking acid,” he muttered with a shake of his head. “What in the hell are these things mutating into?” he asked himself quietly as he slowly got back to his feet.
A low rumbling growl made John freeze and cautiously turn around. There stood a very large, incredibly fat infected not even ten feet away from him. Raising an eyebrow, John harrumphed, “Well, aren’t you all quiet-like. I’m impressed with you bein’ as big as you are.”
He had never seen an infected like this before; John fully just realized that he was in completely new territory. The demon snorted, seemingly unimpressed by Reaper. It stepped forward, its form expanding and gurgling as it went. Backing up, John reached and pulled his rifle from his back and took aim. The demon let out a blood-curdling scream as it expanded further, its skin pulled apart and cracked, revealing a glowing blackness underneath.
John fired just as the monster before him blew. The final thought that ran through his mind for quite some time was simple: “Fuck me,”
Sound was the first thing that came back to him. It wasn’t that spectacular if he were being honest. His head ached and the ringing in his ears was starting to piss him off. Groaning, John rolled to his side so he was sitting up on his elbow. His vision was blurry but was quickly clearing, and he grimaced as his surroundings came into focus. The area was worse off than before, the walls were practically melting and Reaper didn’t want to find out if this was going to cause a hull breach. Quickly pulling his rifle from under him - it was a miracle in itself that he managed to save it last second- and got to his feet, John stumbled down the corridor until he hit the stairwell. ‘Third floor,’ he thought numbly, he could faintly feel his burns and other fractures slowly knit back together. The healing process didn’t take long but it was damn uncomfortable. It felt as if his whole body had gone to sleep, the sensation of old TV static. It was always a painful experience.
Staggering up the stairs, John let out a sigh of relief as the numbness in his body began to fade. “ ‘bout fucking time!” he growled out as he made his way to the third floor. As soon as he was close enough for the sensor, the door hissed open.
Multiple cries of concern and joy filled his ears.
“Thank the Gods, we thought you were dead!”
And Chekov’s accented, “Doctor McCoy,” made him smile minutely.
Waving away whoever’s hand was trying to help him through the door, John straightened and cracked his back and neck. He looked closely at the group in front of him with a doctor’s eye before nodding satisfied.
Kirk coughed trying to cover a chuckle, “Ugh Bones, you uh need a new shirt,” he faked whispered, and pointed out the obvious.
Reaper rolled his eyes, “Oh gee Jim, I haven’t noticed,” he ground out.
The Captain scowled back half-heartedly but everyone could see his concern. “You okay?”
“I just got blown up by a fleshy acid bomb and I’m stuck in what has to be one of my worst nightmares. I’m - “ Reaper took a deep breath and shook his head. “I’m fuckin’ fantastic. This place should rate five stars, too bad Yelp is no longer a thing,” he muttered walking toward one of the residential quarters. Kirk grimaced at the blatant sarcasm, McCoy’s tone and quips were answer enough.
John squinted at the nameplate next to the door controls, his lip twitching in irritation. Sure, he was glad to see the away team unharmed, but the exploding demon really wrecked what was left of his day; though that wasn’t saying much.
“Well, Daniel Garrets, I hope you have a shirt my size,” John muttered punching the door just right. Bitar let out a soft curse from the group behind him as the door bent and caved in ever so slightly. Pushing his fingers into the small gap John yanked the door open easily. The door let out a shuddering groan as it was forced to roll on its track. Light from the corridor shown faintly into the dark room. Before anyone could go in, Reaper held up a halting hand and cocked his head to the side, listening. He breathed in deeply and all he could smell was must and dust.
Nothing had been in there for quite some time.
Moving in, John pulled his rifle around so it was aimed into the darkness; he’d rather be safe than sorry. Despite his gun being slightly melted it still worked perfectly fine. Reaper didn’t want to express it but he was rather impressed by how detailed the replica truly was.
Clearing the room, John waved the rest of the team in. John eyed down both sides of the hallway before he forced the door closed with a deafening squeal. Turning around, he saw that Chekov all but collapsed in a chair, his nose buried in a PADD. Jim paced the length of the room in deep thought, muttering to himself. The three from security were quietly talking about the best way to keep their captain and Chekov safe. John wasn’t the least bit offended that he was no longer included in that list. Though it did make him a bit sad, it was a step closer to leaving the Enterprise. To leaving his first home in a long, long time.
Sighing, Reaper shucked his rifle and his tattered shirt. Bare-chested he moved through the small room to the closet, silently praying that the man who had once lived there wore the same size. Opening the closet John frowned a little, not quite but close enough. Grabbing a simple black t-shirt from the hanger he pulled it over his head and rolled his shoulders so it fit on his frame better. Turning from the closet he moved into the bathroom.
Upon finding the sink, John started the tap and let the water run for a few seconds before ducking his head under the stream. Grumbling, he ran his hands through his hair trying his best to pull the matted blood and bone from the tresses. Lifting his head he saw Jim in the mirror. He was leaning against the door frame with his arms crossed, an almost unreadable expression on his face. He wanted answers now.
The shock of the reveal was wearing off and now Jim Kirk wasn’t going to hold back anymore. Veera’s dramatic reveal was something he didn’t want to believe but now he didn’t have a choice. Since the atrium, Jim has been in complete and utter denial. He had seen what his best friend could do, he had seen how different he was. Jim’s eyes flashed in the light, his jaw set. No more joking, no more keeping up his causal maverick front. He was pissed and McCoy - Grimm- was going to see it. But no matter who Bones was. He will always be Jim’s friend. He had already decided to hear the man out. To listen to what he had to say, to hear what’s true and what’s fiction.
Reaper hummed and jerked his head, inviting Kirk into the small space. Moving into the room, the starship captain kept silent waiting for his friend to talk. As he carefully thought over his words, John rummaged through the cabinets around him, after he found what he was looking for (an electric razor) he finally spoke.
“I told you the gist of what happened on Mars. Olduvai. It was an honest to god shit show, Jim. Eight fully trained specialized privines - eh private military contractors - were sent in to search for some scientists. Well, we sure as hell found them.” John let out a dark humorless laugh and shook his head. He was halfway done cutting down his hair, it was no longer messy but shortened and military. John swallowed hard, he looked just as he did when this all happened the first time.
Kirk thinned his lips as he let his friend search for the words he was looking for. Reaper brushed away the dirty hair from his shirt and clicked off the razor. He turned and leaned against the sink, crossing his arms he looked down at his boots.
“We found that the research up there wasn’t exactly kosher. They uncovered humanoid remains in the archeological dig and found that some of these remains had a synthetic chromosome. It made them superhuman. Faster, stronger, incredibly intelligent, and apparently live obscenely long lives. The Oldulvians ruined themselves and we almost followed in their footsteps more than once. They created a rudimentary transporter called the Ark and fled to Earth to escape themselves. You see, C-24 didn’t affect everyone the same way. There were some that turned into monsters.
My sister - Sam- who was an unwitting accomplice in all of this, had a theory that it only turned those with genes that had markers for insanity. She was actually the one who discovered that not everyone would turn into monsters. But, by that time, my CO had lost what was left of his sanity. He began to kill everyone whether they were infected or not, and at this point, some infected had gotten through the Ark and into the Earth facility. No matter how horrible it sounds, but we were lucky that the quarantine was still active at that time. A little over two hundred people died, men, women, and children, my unit included. Only Sam and I made it out.”
Kirk was smart enough to figure out this was a shortened account of events but it was enough for now. He nodded but frowned, “How did you get C-24?” he asked curiously.
John snorted, chuckling darkly. “Projectile weapons are a bitch kid. I got a damn ricochet in the gut. I was bleeding out and on my way to hell but my sister decided to take a gamble and inject my ass. Turns out she was right, but it had its consequences.” John ran a hand through his newly cut hair, a haunted look crossing his face. He looked up, “For what it’s worth Jim, I’m sorry.”
Kirk looked away his expression guarded. John knew he wasn’t going to get away cleanly but knowing the outcome of something didn’t make it hurt any less. His eyes were locked onto the floor, he was wound tighter than piano chords. He was expecting to be shouted at, told to go to hell. And he believed he deserves it.
“What can we expect here, Bones?”
John relaxed ever so slightly, shocked at Kirk’s tone. It showed less anger and frustration and more like his friend, John wasn’t forgiven yet but it was a start. He grumbled, “Well, we can expect strong ass monsters who want to either turn you or eat you. Other than that, I’m in new territory. This is completely new and, if I had a month, maybe I could tell you how much of a difference it is. The crazy pirate bitch changed things so much that it shouldn’t even be called C-24 anymore. Who knows what else is lurking out there.”
John could see how much Jim didn’t want to hear that by the set of his jaw.
“Keptin, Doctor!” Both men turned to face Chekov as he barreled into the small room holding up his PADD.
“What is it, Chekov?” Jim asked hopefully. The young man turned the PADD around and showed them a single dot on what appeared to be a map of Genesis.
“Sir, I managed to vind this under the station's jamming signal. It appears that there is another Starfleet officer trapped here! “
John and Kirk looked at each other, both were wondering if it could be a trap. “Is it just a signal or-”
Chekov was already shaking his head before Jim could finish. “No, there is a single message attached to the ping. It just says a name and some sort of code…” he trailed off as he tapped hurriedly at the screen. Turning the PADD around Chekov let the message play.
John felt his blood freeze.
“This is Layla Grimm, I’ve been compromised. Code: Ghost, I repeat - Code: Ghost! Run Uncle J-”
Reaper felt his knees buckle as screams filled the air of the bathroom. He faintly felt Jim grip his arm trying to keep him upright. His blood pulsed in his ears and all he could see was red. The look in John’s eyes made both Kirk and Pavel back up a step giving the CMO some space. John gritted his teeth breathing hard. “Where was that sent from?” his voice was sharp, making Jim wince.
Chekov cleared his throat as he looked down at the screen in his hands. “The medical wing sir,”
John looked at Kirk who just nodded in approval.
“Looks like we’re goin’ hunting.”
Everything: @thottiewithashotgun, @lauraaan182, @writerdee1701, @stileslover13-blog, @cowenby2, @bluesclues-1234
Hollow Castle: @chook007, @lauranthalasah
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weak-battery-acid · 5 years
C-can I get something for Stade "comforting" his new pet after a torture session? Like, the s/o is too far gone from being in captivity for so long, so they find comfort whenever Strade gives them gentle caresses and praises. Sorry, I'm gross lol
(I can not believe you! Don’t you call yourself gross ever again! Ever since I got this ask I thought this was one of the cutest asks ever! I really enjoyed writing it and I hope you get to enjoy reading it ^^)
You could feel your teeth chattering together, your fingers felt so cold from the blood loss, but you weren’t sure if you were shaking from the fear, or from the chill of your hands. Your fingers were digging into your arms as you tried to hold yourself together in your dazed state, tears had still been slipping from your eyes.
Even though Strade was back in front of you, your mind was left floating into a dark abyss. The tee-shirt you had on was stained with red, mostly at the bottom where you sat in your own blood, but stains lingered around the sleeves and neckline as well. The cold you were feeling at your fingers was not helped by the cool metal of the electric collar around your neck that was sending shivers down your spine.
A warm hand placed on your shoulder brought you back to reality with a start, eyes wide and swollen, cheeks still stained with tears, “Hey now, no need to be jumpy, mein Liebling¹,” you could tell he was trying to keep his voice calm even though he was still excited, you weren’t sure what made him more excited, seeing you scared and bloody, or making you scared and bloody.
You blinked up at him as he kneeled down in front of you, an all too cheerful yet familiar smile plastered on his face, and some pitty lingering in his eyes. His hand was still bloody as he reached forward, you flinched but when he merely pressed his hand against your cheek you melted into the gentle touch,
“That wasn't so bad, now was it?” you tried to force yourself to relax, but you couldn't stop from shaking as Strade picked up the needle and thread before carefully pressing the tip of the needle against his finger before leaning towards your leg.
“Let’s get started,” you winced, allowing more tears to drip from your eyes as the needle pierced your skin again and again. The flesh was tender, but Strade was being somewhat gentle as he began to stitch up your most recent wound.
It was the last one for the afternoon and Strade had already gotten so excited, he… slipped up and ended up cutting deeper than usual. Blood was still dripping from the wound as he stitched it up, your breathing was still uneven as you winced at every piece of the needle. It was painful, but you were lucky. You had Strade caring for you…
It took a while but Strade managed to finish stitching you up, and by the end, you both had started to calm down, the burn of the thread was still there and you were exhausted at this point, but the bleeding seemed to stop and Strade was here… you were okay.
The next thing you know you’re in the bathroom. You’re sat on the toilet, the sound of a tub filling echoing through the bathroom, you could faintly hear Strade humming over the sound of the rushing water, but you just watched the tub fill, sweet smelling bubbles foaming at the edges of the tub and seemingly sparkling in the light. Soon the water turned off and the only sound was Strade humming, he walks over and tugs at the end of your shirt, which was really his but you had nothing to wear. You lift your arms, not without wincing, and help Strade get you undressed, looking away shyly as you try to cover up,
“Come on now mein haustier²,” Strade unlocked the collar from your neck and you shivered at the unfamiliar feeling of your neck being exposed. Strade’s hand was extended in front of you, and you gently took it as he helped you into the bath, the water was warm, almost hot, and welcoming. The water made your lacerations and stitches burn, but it wasn't as bad as alcohol, you let out a soft breath as you relaxed.
You heard as clothes rustled before the water was once again disturbed, Strade stepped into the bath behind you and settled himself in, it was quiet for a moment, “Let’s get you cleaned up now, yes?”
Strade takes a small washcloth and begins to gently scrub against your skin, occasionally getting too rough and causing some blood to bubble up from reopening your wounds, but nothing truly harmful. By the time Strade begins to rinse out your hair the water has turned pink from your blood washing off the both of you.
You let yourself lean back against Strades chest, slightly surprising him. A weak “thank you” slips past your lips before you crane your neck to place a chaste kiss against the corner of Strade’s mouth. He smiles at you before muttering, “You’re welcome, mein Mausi³,”
¹ “My darling/my favourite/my love”
² “My pet” (exact translation is a domesticated animal)
³ “my mouse” (it may seem odd, but most all German terms of endearment relate to animals, for example, hase (bunny/rabbit), mausi (mouse), knuddelbar (snuggle bear), mausebar (mouse bear), and even schnecke (snail). In fact the term “Schnucki“ is commonly used in English as a term of endearment, and it derives from schnecke!
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