#i feel like im a fake bcoz i want to live but could only watch when others literally lose their lives
watcher0033 · 5 months
Almost 1AM and this exchange brought me to tears.
Hear here, we’ll never stop till the world listens. It’s not forever. It’s now.
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wokainight · 6 years
Could I request a dad Doyoung and dad Johnny (or Yuta if that's easier) ? 😊 Thanks
notes: how dare u ask for a father!doyoung,, are you looking forward to my funeral????? (jks u lovely af
that dad who revolves his life around his kids but also very attached to his bed/couch
like would v much so cook for them, care and watch cartoons with them (but he’s lying on the couch and they’re snuggled up against him)
can b pretty strict bcoz he just wants the best for them 
“but daddy i want the toy!” and doyoung would cluck his tongue, shaking his head once again. “you got something recently and i dont think ive seen you play with it more than once”
can’t stay mad at them for long and would constantly come to u for reassurance like,,
“i don’t think im doing this right” he would crash into your arms, sighing
“why do you think so? i think you’re doing great” you laugh lightly, patting his back in a gentle, repetitive motion
“they’re giving me the puppy eyes,” he pulls back slightly. “do you know how pitiful that looks?”
no ofc not doyoung,,
ur not the mum ofc not,,
(insert blatant sarcasm)
really tries hard to make healthy things
but kids and sugar is like not separable,,
and then when they have to get their cavity filled, he’s like banging his head against the wall, cursing himself for being too soft on them
because his baby is literally crying on the chair and ur holding their hand and he can’t cry along cos that means he’s approving the fact that the dentist is a scary place–
but he does whine to you that night and is more silent towards his baby moreso than usual
(what is doyoung without the snappy remarks???)
(a sad_dad!doyoung)
literally knows what his kid wants for christmas, birthday and literally every occasion he needs to check off and buy them a gift (ofc he knows u v. very. very. well as well)
would actually get off the couch to play with his baby (tho only if they came up to him and bribed him with a kiss)
“okay fine,, but just for ten minutes yeah?” literally spends the whole day trying to amass this big ass lego town set he bought them for christmas
steps on lego multiple times and has to bleep himself out of context
“sHIT–”wide eyes, glancing at his child looking right back at him, “TAKE MUSHROOMS!” and sort of looks at ur direction, sending sos, “mummy do we have any shittake mushrooms- i really feel like eating some”
calls u mummy sometimes, jagi (honey/sweetie/darling in korean) other times,, and ur names esp when ur alone
and just to mess with him sometimes, u’d legit call him daddy and u bet it’s when ur kiddo’s in bed
because doyoung’s eyes are on u like a hawk and you bet it’s a whole heap of a messy make out session
and then ur kid kinda wal;ks in
his voice breaks: “aNd GooDNiGhT kiSsEs FOR MuMmY”
“me too! me too!” ur kiddo kinda runs into bed and doyoung tries so hard to not be noticed when he pulls his hand away from ur pants
daddy needs to keep it PG
u just kinda cackle in ur seat lol
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the cool dad
so laid back he’s taking away the couch’s job legit so legit
the type of dad that comes up to pick up his kid, running a hand thro his hair, an iced americano in hand (even during winter), lookin so fashionably cool and not quite dad fashion,,
and just strolls up (sometimes with sunglasses, or fake non prescription glasses)
anywho so damn extra
the house literally smells like a coffee shop because so many goddamn beanss and grounded coffee and cold brew and so damn extra once again
lets the kid taste test coffee and their reaction is literally his phone bg because their nose is scrunched up like a bunny and the shock is to live for
will legit tease them about it in the future because he’s got that in vIDEO 
is pretty chill when getting them toys but would always double check with them first
“do you really want this baby?” and when ur kid nods absentmindedly, looking over the box once again, he repeats. “like do you really really really think you’ll play with this for a long, long, long time?”
yes no maybe?
toast or cereal kind of dad
is okay with cooking but it’s kinda limited and he doesn’t quite enjoy cooking
but he does do other housework like putting up the laundry for you or washing the dishes
things that take less skills practically
reads to his baby almost everyday before bed and would be so animated
“and then the princess comes out of the castle and–”
“it’s mummy” your little one would point out, finger outreached. 
johnny follows the guidance and puts on a big, wide smile when he sees you, leaning on the doorframe with a mirroring expression
he just looks so soft and you wonder how you got so lucky
so when he beckons you to come and sit beside him (despite there def not being enough room in the single bed), you sort of lay on top of ur husbando and listen to him story tell, letting you read some lines and listening to your kiddo’s tired giggles and twinkling laughter
when the two of you untangle yourself and smoothly exit the room cos ur baby is in night night, johnny just turns to you with open arms
“i did a great job didn’t i?”
when you wrap your arms around him and hum, nodding in agreement,
all you can hear is johnny’s soft chuckles and the two of you rock side to side, content in each other’s embrace
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