#i feel like it'd still be easy to identify luka in the videos lol
rainba · 17 days
Kairos and Luka with a P-star...... that is all, oh great one
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These two asks are a little similar, so I’m gonna pair them together (─‿‿─)♡
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If darling was a porn star, Kairos would definitely be your number one fan! Always donating you the little bit of spare money that he has, constantly watching all your videos/staring at photos of you, etc. He'd always have at least one tab open with your content on there. ☆⌒(> _ <)
Kairos would be addicted to watching porn of you while being insanely jealous that other people get to fuck you on camera, and not him. ^^;;;;;;;
Aggressively jerking off as he listens to you moaning, closing his eyes and pretending that it’s him who’s making you cum and not the other person in the video. One day, it'll really be him!! One day.
Kairos would also leave anonymous comments on all of your posts, LOL. And he always argues with anyone who dares to say anything bad about you online. ┐(シ)┌
If you’re a sex worker without all the cameras, Kairos would be envious of your partners… But he figures that you’re only doing that stuff for money, and that you don’t actually have feelings for anyone else. >_<
He dreams that one day his career will pay him way more, and he'll eventually be able to provide for you!! If he has enough money to support you, then that means you no longer have to do sex work. You can just put all your attention on him instead! ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
But, for now... All he can do is save up his money and hope that he can afford to 'be with you' one day, at least once. In his singular session with you, he'll make you fall in love with him!!
After that, you'll quit your work sooner rather than later, simply to be his devoted partner. ..・ヾ(。><)シ
Flawless plan......
If you're just a darling who was a sex worker in the past, Kairos wouldn't mind that much. Does it bother him sometimes that other people got to see your body...? A little bit!! But that's only when he's feeling deeply insecure about himself. 。・゚(゚><゚)゚・。
On most days, it isn't really that serious to him... Because he has you now, and that's what matters most! You love him, and nobody else from your past.
All those people were just a means to an end... Meanwhile, he's your true love! (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
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With Luka… He’d basically make you quit your line of work immediately. >_<;;;;;;
It doesn't matter if you're a P-star or just a sex worker in general. When you’re with him, you’re not allowed to be with other people– he’ll be the one to provide and support you financially!
With being a P-star and all, though… There would be one exception: you can keep making videos, so long as it's only with him. He wouldn't mind showing the world just how good he can fuck you, so long as his face and name aren't posted on the internet with it. Only his body. (*^^*)♡
(Luka wouldn't really want to have his coworkers/boss to find out about it... It's just easier if he doesn't have to explain the situation to them.) ┐(シ)┌
Also, if your sex work is all in the past, Luka really doesn't care. You've been with other people before? You used to show off your body for money...?
Who cares?
You belong to him now. The past is irrelevant. ღ
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