#i feel like thats not. terrible for sunglasses right....the ones i bought last year were £8 and they didnt last a week...
steelycunt · 1 year
sorry for succumbing to the thrill of litl pakaj. it will happen again
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This is NOTHING. NEW. Let me share with you what occured at Fort Mason in San Francisco awhile ago, which will help to explain why I took a photo today of a woman with green hair at the park
Fort Mason
I have been in this builing (C) at Fort Mason lets say at least aroung 50 times.  Used to go there every Sunday.  At the time I was doing this it was maybe THE ONLY GOOD THING in my life at the time.  Going to this AA meeting in the marina.  I’m not sure anyone realized I liked it, how much it meant to me.  I was friendly, sure.  Overly so.  I am not always an easy guy to read.  I try to be more so now.  Its just easier, buy you know this is a strange time to be living in the Bay Area USA this 2018.  I enjoyed, back in the day, walking from aquatic park in Fisherman’s Wharf, up along the hostel up on the hill, the kitchen in the basement being one of my favorite places to relax and just watch the water- the hues of blue were amazing at a few hundred yards from the bay around dusk.  At one of my places in North Beach I had 35mm color prints scotch taped to my wall from sitting .....okok.  I’m getting WAY off track.  I’ve been trying to get off and stay off speed since 2005 when my life in Santa Cruz came crashing down all around me.
     I’m not sure I’d ever been hiogh INSIDE building C.  Not severly so anyways.  I had a feeling from the early early morning that this was probably going to be a doosey of a day.  I had bought from a new source on this run, and I had been high all night, had a bunch left over, and was considering just trying to get some sleep and not use the rest of the speed.
     For an adidct/alcoholic of my variety this is almost unheard of.  (Let me interject here and say that part of the reason I am doing THIS writing, on THIS blog TODAY (I have not written in the SFICA’s Calmoddity blog sinvce praising George Packers book “Blood Of The Libersal’s in a blog entry) is there has been VERY weird shit happening in my life (mostly spawned by my occasional saucy mouth true.  In addition to being bored and lonely)-- Oh. There will be some NEW information for y’all here i’m sure- well.  Not SURE.  One can never be.   Let me say this! I have never put my hands on someone who was age inappropriate for me.  I am told by a possible good source that I could be “set-up” for raping a twelve year old.  Wow.  Thats really honorable and admirable.  No surprise I guess considering the fact that - this is on social media now- I am accused of stalking newcomer AA girls- NOT TRUE.  That I am a “sex offender”. NOT. TRUE. apparently this last claim came from a gentleman who warned me to take it easy on FOX news.  The stalking of the newcomer claim is - BOGUS. What.  Is this an attempt to SPIN my stopping to see Hadley at her work one time (after hanging out with her twice) to talk to her. YEAH.  THATS stalking.  YOU know what I LOVE about my life??  I’m coming up on two years totally sober in a few months, after attemping longterm sobriety since 2005 (lets be REAL though.  In EARNEST?  Since 2008).  I have changed my reactions toward life to the tune of- get THIS- Gio atr Hornblower Cruises in San Francisco, while I was in training, trying to learn the system- VIOLENTLY swipes my hand off the screen.  If anyone had seen this (and there are cameras, but i’m not a bitch, I can take some shit boy, (except smug milionaires being assholes to me on the street.  That I don’t like so much), in part, throught the practice of zen and doing the AA work, I need to defend my ego less and less.  Things come up all the time - just at work the other night the prettiest waitress in the restaurant I was dishes at seemed to make fun of me for eating food off the plate before washing it.  People that tease hungry broke and homeless folks will always be around.  Maybe I have even been one in my younger days.  
OH.  There ARE biger fish to fry- like insinuations and innuendos, stolen clothing including sunglasses, BIG reaction from my boss regarding sexual harassment policy.  Thats him probably trying to help me.  Shall we talk about POULET?  My last restaurant job?  One of the owners makes a big deal of saying I can have a MEAL per shift. So , there was QUITE the hub-up concerning my ordering. It was OBVIOUS the four or so people for present were HINGING on every word.  Waiting with baited breath you might say.  Mimi (if that is her name) right away asks “Are you a beast man or a leg man”?  My sponsor at the time seemed pretty disappointed in that.  Said “she didn’t need to say it like that”.  Hey.  I can take it.  Another employee, female, said something extremely inappropriate as well.  Since I’m NOT A PUSSY, I just took it.  I had my sales director, Allan Ramsey (if thats HIS name) insult me in the elevator. Made an age joke.  I had an instant response for that one I tell you.  
I am told in the last few years - “you don’t have a family anymore”- my mopther says this to me on the phone
That I’m going to be set up
 That I can help alot of people
accused of things that I never did.  Told that I’m going to be set up for a terrible crime which I would never commit.
The list goes on
told to “quit criticising the government”  by a guy who works for the government
I’m told “they are trying to keep you away from women”  (ALMOST EXACTLY THIS).  By a girls reaction at the bookstore, and the Dylan and Francesca episodes this makes sense.  
The woman and the dog from the park today?  Longhaul.  The dog at least
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