#i feel like these are getting repetitive maybe my version of okudera is not as subtle as i thought
majimemegoro Β· 2 years
these questions (https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/m3v3/684999647462375424?source=share) for OG okudera
πŸ‡: What sort of friend are they? Where are they in the group dynamic? party guy but also kinda a drifter, like hes fun when hes around but no one would notice that much if he isn’t there. didn’t have super close relationships with his buds. they had a lot of good times though.
πŸ‰: Does your OC have a particular piece of jewellery that they always wear or refuse to part with? no
πŸ‹: What is your OC's most painful memory? losing his mom probably. unless its some of his own actions he looks back on with terrible guilt
🍍: Where does your OC feel most comfortable? thats a hard one... some kind of high-energy fun environment like clubbing or bar hopping or gambing etc. helps him push down his discomforts, but for TRUE comfort: that probably only comes in some really quiet moments with a loved one if and when he’s able to address some of his issues.
🍎: Do they share any features or traits with any family members? looks probably pretty similar to his brothers
πŸ‘: What sort of traits does your OC look for in a Significant Other? hot, funny. if we’re being truly sincere, he wants someone dependable who would stick by him through thick and thin. but he doesn’t think he deserves that.
πŸ’: Has Your OC had their first kiss yet? If so, with who? a girl in his home village or the local town
πŸ“: Does your OC have any particular scents they like? Or hate?loves the smell of good food on the town!! like fried chicken !!
πŸ†: Does your OC have any favourite form of affection, physical or otherwise? im assuming the questions about GIVING, so hes most likely to give physical affection (shoulder gripping, pats on the back, massages, and when it comes to it making out and so on). also big on giving encouragement and compliments, but sometimes has to hold back with sato (on both counts) because sato often reacts with discomfort when faced with affection. you have to approach sato sideways like a crab.
🌽: How does this OC feel about acts of affection? What's their favourite act of affection, physical or emotional? im assuming this question is about RECEIVING. his fav is just physical touch of all kinds. words of affirmation are more meaningful to him but also too emotionally fraught. honestly hed just as well prefer to avoid them bc he finds them hard to believe.
🍰: What's something your OC counts as unforgivable? everything bad he’s ever done no matter how small :) he needs therapy
πŸŽ‚: Has your OC have any contradictory interests or traits to the first preception people have of the? How do they surprise people? well hes not as stupid as he can come across, nor as harmless, and not nearly as happy or self-assured.
πŸͺ: What is something that's sentimental to you OC? gets sentimental about hijinks he got up to with pals back in the day. also wont admit it but hes a tiny bit sentimental about his childhood in the mountain village, at least the good parts.
🍩: What's a crime your OC is most likely to commit? What's a crime they're most likely to get arrested for? uhhhhhh like brawling or causing a public disturbance. has been arrested multiple times probably. has also killed people.
🍾: Does your OC believe in luck? If so, do they have any charm or ritual they do before a stressful event? sort of believes in luck and/or fate, curses etc. when bad stuff is happening to him (which is quite often). but instead of having superstitious rituals he will just try to ignore it or live in a state of despair or drink alcohol or try to distract himself with some other unhealthy coping mechanism
🍷: What's one of your OC's pet peeves concerning food? not picky about food quality but does NOT want to cook by himself. it makes him feel like he never escaped the boring life of the rural village.
🍹: Does your OC have any funny anecdotes told about them? probably millions, by acquaintances AND strangers. he has done lots of insane things in his day.
🍻: What's your OC's favourite comfort ritual? How do they calm themselves down after a rough day? uhhhh alcohol probably, as well as anything else that can extremely distract.
πŸ₯ƒ: If your OC was in this universe, what would be their favourite show/book/band/social media platform? loves samurai movies and cowboy movies !!!
πŸ•: How does an OC spend a lazy day? doesnt count as a lazy day unless he literally sleeps the entire day. which he can and will do.
πŸ”: Are there any recent trends you think your OC would hate? Or love? probably would love tiktok. would let it consume his life. it’s fun videos back to back, whats not to love!! why not stare at it for 6 hours straight !!
🍟: What does your OC admit to be their guilty pleasure? What actually is their guilty pleasure? doesn’t feel guilty about classic pleasures, can feel guilty about actually being happy though
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