#i feel like they didn't know how to keep johnny and carmen together
mey-rin-is-fabulous · 2 years
I just finished Cobra Kai S5 like Friday with my mom and the Sam/Tory and then Devon team up was probably one of the best parts of S5
Honourable mentions to
The Johnny Robby roadtrip to get Miguel
Any Lawrusso moment
Terry getting his comeuppance by getting crane kicked to the face
Drunken and high idiots going to beat up Terry
Every single time Daniel dropped an f bomb
The kids protecting the eggs against Chozen
Miguel Robby and Eli all agreeing Eli should fight
Demetri and Yasmin still being together
Amanda taking Daniel into Miyagi's room
Also the Daniel/Chozen/Johnny team up
Dishonorable mention
The Johnny/Carmen having a baby plot line
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elsonambulo · 3 years
@alienfuckeronmain asked me to do Carmanda and Samtory for this shipping ask game, and I accidentally posted before completing my answer, so here is my answer in full. Sorry I made you wait so long kasldhfs
Ship it putting it in a fancy box and mailing that box to myself
1. What made you ship it?
Admittedly, at first I was just thinking they'd look cute together as a side ship to my main ship lawrusso. But then I started really thinking about it and I watched the Pulpo restaurant scene and I was like, "God Carmen deserves so much better than Johnny and I just know Amanda would treat her right." Then I really started thinking about it and I realized they have their own version of "different but same" going on, and that coupled with their great chemistry got me fully on board. So much so that my first fics for this fandom were not for lawrusso but for them.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
Everything aklsdhf. I like that they're both incredibly strong women, but in really different ways, and I like seeing how those different types of strength could mesh and clash. I like the potential struggle with the power imbalance due to class and racial issues in the society we live in - canonically, they seem to sidestep this nicely and simply fall into easy chatter if not outright friendship, but even without the pressure of romance, there's bound to be friction somewhere. Just because we don't see them disagree or become uncomfortable with one another doesn't mean it couldn't happen.
And on the flip side, I like the idea of times where they don't struggle with their differences and instead embrace them - Carmen teaching Amanda about her culture, Amanda spending money on Carmen because she wants to treat her. And I really like that they provide a different perspective on the karate war - they're involved because they have to be be, though really they'd rather not have to deal with anything karate related by now probably, and I think that in itself would be a serious point of connection and understanding.
Also as I said before: chemistry of the charts babeyyy.
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
I don't think this ship has enough of a following to render any opinions truly unpopular, but I will say I ship them in a distinctly "Amanda is aro and Carmen isn't" way.
Shipping it so incredibly hard it's insane
1. What made you ship it?
Honestly? Mostly exposure at first. I didn't really ship it, but I could see why people did. And then I saw more of it and curiosity took over and I made sure to search it out and then the Dynamic and all it entailed just suddenly clicked for me. Now I go feral at the thought of them being in the same general vicinity.
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
I like all the conflict, insane deadly karate rivalry aside: the Miguel and Robby thing, the classism, the bitterness due to socioeconomic differences, Sam accusing Tory of stealing and the ramifications of that, and the Aisha of it all. There's so much between them, so much to resolve. In my opinion, it's the inverse of Johnny and Shannon. Those two tried too hard to make it work between them and that, mixed with their own separate issues, is why they failed at being able to keep each other in their lives in a beneficial way. Tory and Sam, on the other hand, keep failing because they refuse to try to make it work. They keep approaching each other with antagonism. They have reason to dislike each other, no doubt about it, but instead of dismissing each other, they just keep engaging. Can't leave each other alone, and like. If antagonism isn't satisfying them, shouldn't they try something else?
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
Hmmm I don't think so? I think an unpopular opinion I have that's like, ship-adjacent, is that Tory develops a crush on Amanda, and in a way it helps her come to terms with her buried feelings for Sam. Because I think she'd like Amanda for things she already finds attractive on Sam, it's just easier to process with Amanda because Amanda is a safe adult who is helping her. Amanda makes sense in a way other people in Tory's life just don't, simply because she's one of the few rational people in the Valley. Just - idk it's easier to latch onto someone who's unattainable for a reason like "this is a grown ass woman and you are a vulnerable teenager whose life is in shambles" than someone who's unattainable because you're both teenagers who are rivals to the extreme and also you may have legit tried to kill her once or twice. Then you make amends with the girl you may have tried to kill and suddenly you realize you don't hate her and actually you really really like her and oh man you're not crushing on the safe adult anymore, are you?
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aestheticsuwu · 4 years
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No one else But us
( Okinawa Trip AU part 1 of Moodboards )
His plan was take Sam to Okinawa for her to meet Kumiko and Chozen.  Take a small vacation get away from the divorce . Even though Him and Amanda ended on great terms , and he didn't mind her now dating Carmen . And not to add to the mix that him and Johnny kinda have a thing going on .
Except Sam told the other kids ,  once he saw Robby eyes lit up and started rambling about the books he read . He couldn't help himself to invite Robby , and seeing the smile on the kid face made him happy ( you can also add to the fact Robby had given him a hug also . ) .
It wasn't a secret to the kids that both sensei's had their favourites . Even if Daniel tried his best not to show it . Johnny's was Miguel , Daniel was like a mother hen he couldn't help it . His list consisted : Sam , Robby , and Demetri . So in that same day, he  heard Demetri telling Sam he was having problem with his mother ,He thought One more couldn't hurt .
Once he got around to tell Johnny about the change of plans of the trip , it was all fine until he mentioned Kumiko and Chozen.  He wasn't  mad or upset of taking Robby , the blonde just didn't like the idea of Daniel being with his ex Girlfriend/ Rival .
" Johnny nothing is gonna happen , okay . You don't have to be worry . "
" Of course nothing is going to happen , that ass is Mine and if I have to go there myself to keep my eye on you , so be it . "
He didn't think it was hot the way Johnny voice sounded and he totally did not end up on his lap to make out .
.... ....
The next day Johnny had called him saying Miguel was coming along . He knew how much Johnny loved the kid like his own . All the kids were getting along fine , sometimes they would get into an argument . Sam , Robby,  and Miguel had solved their differences  and now we're inseparable with the addition of Demetri .
Aisha had convinced her parents to let her do Karate and that was the only reason Tory was part of their dojo . At first he wasn't sure about her but Johnny had persuade reminding him she deserved a second chance  .
" She's just a kid , she got no one . Everybody deserves a second chance if their willing to change . "
The two girls always stood together . Hawk was the same , he had hurt Demetri and Sam was constantly keeping her eye on him , Until she saw he really changed . He can see Sam , Robby and Chris always kept Demetri Safe like their own little brother .
Amanda surprises him while he was packing telling him she was also coming along .
" What , Don't want me there ? C'mon Daniel , Would you really ditch your best friend ? . "
" Its not that , What about Anthony,  remember he clearly said he did not want to go . "
" He's staying with your mother , oh and Carmen is coming with me  , I think you should might as well invite the other kids "
He knew the last part was a joke but that's how he ended up having a trip to Okinawa with his Boyfriend , Ex wife and her current girlfriend and his class and Kids .
........... .......
Waking up early wasn't ideal to him but if he didn't want to miss his flight he had to wake up.  Including he had to go pick up his students   , might as well start getting ready .
Arriving at the airport , Johnny was surprise people were awake at this hour . Quickly trying to spot Daniel , it would've been easier if he wasn't that short . Telling the kids to keep an eye out . Once he caught the sight of Daniel and the kids like pups trailing behind him , he couldn't but feel warm at the sight .
" Sensei their over there , Oh My mom arrived to "  Miguel told him pointing at the opposite direction , making him  and the other kids run towards them .
Saying hi to everyone he couldn't help but hold Daniel in his arms . God he was so adorable but a hot babe .
" Someone missed me . "
" I always miss you , Bambi . "
receiving a kiss , he makes a mental note to say more cheesy thing like that . He could live off kissing Daniel if the kids had stopped complaining , guess he would settle for coffee .
As if reading his mind
" Do you want coffee , I already promised the kids on the way here to get them junk food on the way over . I swear they act like little kids . "
" That's on you , and don't act like it bothers you . you totally love it . Let's go get some coffee then .
Turning to his students , signalling to them he guess they got the message as they cheered on .  Smiling he waves his hand like a true gentleman he is . Daniel doesn't buys it
" You just want me go in front for you could stare at my ass . "
" I was trying to be polite , not everything is about your ass , LaRusso . "
 He starts walking as he gives him a ' I don't believe a word your saying ' . And for that he totally check out his ass , and starts running when he slaps it and Daniel shouts.
" Johnny ! "
..... .....
Daniel gives him his card as the cashier ringing up the items , as the kids start convincing him to go to different store . After paying , the cashier smiles at him .
" You have a beautiful family "
Wanting to correct her  that  only one of them  were his kids but he liked idea him and Daniel having a family .
" Thanks . "
He loved his students but he was glad the adults were separated from the students on the airplane . Not that he would admit it out loud but deep down the kids knew . Him and Daniel spent the time reading a book called The outsiders , he would've preferred anything else like making out but he couldn't say no to the those big Bambi eyes .
Amanda had to wake them both up once the airplane had landed . Being caught up on getting everyone's luggage and making sure no one was missing , he lost LaRusso . He was sure he was right beside him , Neither Amanda or Carmen had seen him . Voices and the noise from the airport was distracting .
" Quiet !  . Now that I got your attention I need to inform you all , we lost LaRusso . It's gonna be hard to find him with him being small and short but the man can stop talking to save his life . Stay by me or Carmen and Amanda , alright get your ass walking unless you want to get left behind  . "
" Yes Sensei ! "
Ignoring the stares they were all receiving and  started following Amanda directions .
....... .......
Daniel honestly thought they were all behind him . He hoped Amanda will know the way to the exit , He spotted Kumiko and Chozen as they waited for him . Huh Chozen was actually smiling , guess he didn't have to worry at all .
" Daniel-san " Kumiko Hugged him while Chozen bowed . He never thought he would say he missed Chozen , Guess he can count him as a friend .
" Chozen offered me a ride to pick you and Sam , We can't wait to meet her . "
" Yeah about that there was a change of plans , I forgot to inform you about this Kumiko I apologize.  It was a last minute thing an- "
" Your daughter is not coming " Chozen asked as he looked confused as Kumiko was .
Right as he was about to answer , He heard a excited  yelling that he knew to well after many classes at the dojo . Looking behind ,  his answer was confirmed . Catching Johnny eye , he guessed he was telling the group he had found him . As they started walking faster until they were all in front of him .
" Dad , where were you ? " " Did you get Lost Mr. LaRusso? " " Mr . L , we worried that they had kidnapped you ." " Daniel I don't know how you disappeared that quick . " " Dad , can we go get something to eat were starving ." " Please " " Please "
 Smiling , he loved how the kids still were full of energy .
" Quiet ! , Couldn't wait to get rid us , Daniel ? "
Turning to her  right , Kumiko says to Chozen .
" This is going to be fun . "
Sidenote: This Part 1 of the moodboards . Hope you guys like it and sorry for my shitty writing . Okinawa AU Trip .
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