#i finished the golden deer route if you can't guess
snowflop · 2 years
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Girl... I only played like 15 hours of 3Hopes total how did it make top three?
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iturbide · 2 years
I haven't gotten around to playing Claude's route yet (I haven't even finished Dimitri's route) and from everything people have been saying, it sounds like they basically turned Claude into Yuri. The kicker there is the fandom basically said when Yuri was released back in Three Houses he was basically what Claude should have been.
Maybe playing the game a bit more will change my mind but, from everything I've heard, this game feels like a Fix-It to Three Houses following the fandoms suggestions. El not working with TWSITD, Claude being more like Yuri, etc.
Again might just be me and not having played enough to say for certain.
HEY YOU'VE PLAYED MORE THAN ME SO I STILL CONSIDER YOU MORE OF AN AUTHORITY THAN I CAN BE how are you liking it out of curiosity I'm really curious because my dash has...not actually had much about this game on it. I get more answers in my inbox and notes than I have from my dash and I don't actually know what this means.
To be fair, I actually haven't played through the Ashen Wolves stuff, so I only know Yuri by appearance, not personality. If they did just copy-paste Yuri's personality onto Claude, I can't say -- though I actually do have that DLC, so I could theoretically get background on Yuri before I ever play Three Hopes (and I have been meaning to wrap up my Azure Moon playthrough and start another Golden Deer run to try out the Ashen Wolves stuff)...but I never actually heard that fandom thought Yuri was what Claude should be. Then again, Claude was always the least popular of the original three Lords, so I guess I'm not too surprised that the bi bishie was more popular and considered "superior" I'm not going to go off on a rant I'm not going to go off on a rant.
But I can say, based on what I've gathered from the stuff in my inbox, that it sounds like Golden Wildfire has pulled plot points from Crimson Flower -- and I mean that in exactly the negative sense that I always do when discussing that route. Having a defeated enemy with ties to Almyran royalty that your side kills (though it was optional in Three Houses)? Crimson Flower, Edelgard and Byleth taking down Claude. Main lord personally responsible for the death of a sibling? Crimson Flower, Edelgard beheading Dimitri at Tailtean.
I really don't know what they were aiming for with Three Hopes, but I can say that what I've heard...well, it's certainly tempering my expectations for the game.
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