#i forgot about sarah and glam choi and them when i answered the antagonists question lol
seriouscuttervoice · 7 years
MM Meme....(all of them)
SAL LMAO thank you hahaha
Okay let’s go
Mystic Messenger Ask Meme
1. Favorite character
Jumin Han
2. Favorite route
Seven or Yoosung because they’re interesting but if we’re talking about whose route I enjoyed most in terms of MC’s relationship with the character I’d have to say…. mmm, probably Jaehee’s.
3. Favorite theme
The opening lol
4. Favorite chat background
I don’t know. Nighttime?
5. Favorite “Cheritz” voice
Probably Seven’s.
6. Favourite voice
I… I don’t know. Depends. V’s voice is really nice and I love Jumin’s, Zen and Seven have fun voices, I like the way Yoosung… sounds, Jaehee’s voice is really cute…
7. Favorite chat emoji
I have a lot of favourites um.
Jumin crying, Seven hearts, Seven starry eyes, Yoosung crying, Yoosung’s triangle-mouth-I’m-so-done, Zen’s annoyed emoji, Jaehee breaking her glasses…
8. Favorite kiss
This would’ve been Yoosung if he didn’t have to ruin it with the last line of the route so I’m gonna say the first one in Zen’s route.
9. Favorite confession of love
10. Favorite RFA party outfits
Jumin and Zen… aka the ones who look least different…..
11. Favorite party guest
This is a hard question!!!!!!!!! I love most of them!!!!!!!!
12. Favorite chat
do you have any idea how many chats there are in this game??????
13. Favorite call
pick basically any of jumin’s calls and some of seven’s on his own route
14. Favorite CG
Jumin’s normal end CG
15. Favorite good end
Again it WOULD be Yoosung if not for his last line so I’m gonna go with Zen
16. Favorite after ending
Zen’s because of the JuminV line Yoosung
17. Favorite bad end
I haven’t done a lot of them TBH
I like the Casual Story Bad Relationship End tho
18. Worst bad end
Haven’t done a lot of them so I don’t know.
19. Favorite headcanon
Jumin and V used to hug for comfort when they were little.
20. Favorite ship (platonic/romantic)
JuminV in all its forms lol
21. Favorite character interaction with each other
… Jumin and V
22. Best plot
Yoosung and Seven.
23. Best character development
Jaehee and Yoosung.
24. Best antagonist
Er if Vanderwood counts then Vanderwood
25. Worst antagonist
26. Best character design
Jumin appeals most to my personal tastes and V is objectively prettiest
27. Character who left the biggest impression on you
Mmmmhhhhh I’m not sure.
28. Character you’d want to be BFFs with
I– this depends on context but um. Hmm. V?
29. Character you romantically ship yourself with
I don’t know??
30. Most relatable character
Jumin Han
31. Most tragic character
Zen/Yoosung/Jaehee routes: V
Jumin route: Seven
707 route: Jumin
32. Funniest character
33. First route
I did Zen and Jaehee’s at the same time
34. First impression of the game
“Here’s a stupid thing to waste time with. What is happening I don’t want to join ‘RFA’ what. Rika is definitely alive. Why isn’t this letting me talk.”
35. First impression for each character
Saeran: ok who the hell–
Seven: oh that’s the one everyone’s obsessed with, looks a bit like fanon Matt and he’s also a hacker so he basically is fanon Matt
Rika: she’s definitely alive and probably evil
Jumin: goddamnit i’m going to love him aren’t i. fuck he’s said three sentences and i already love him,……
V: god he has the hair colour I want
Jaehee: omg she’s so strict and serious i adore
36. First character you fell for
Jumin >_>
37. Korean OP vs English OP
38. Current number of hourglasses
3 lmao
39. How did you find out about this game? What made you decide to download it?
It was on my dash and people I weren’t expecting to like it were liking it and I got sick of waiting for Episode to update the stories I was following so I downloaded it to kill time
40. When did you start playing it?
I think October?
41. Have you completed all the routes and unlocked the secret endings?
Yeah but I still have to do bad ends/bad relationship ends.
42. Free to play or paid to play? If so, what did you spend on?
Mostly free but halfway through Secret Ending 1 I ran out of hourglasses and hearts so I bought some.
43. Were you ever obsessed with this game at one point?
You mean right now?
44. How dedicated are you to this game? Do you set alarms and try to get 100% for each day etc?
Right now I forget I’m playing a lot tbh
45. Do you play the game blindly or follow walkthroughs?
I’d reference walkthroughs when I wasn’t sure
46. Did you play the game properly? From casual route to deep route in recommended order?
I did Zen/Jaehee at the same time, got Yoosung’s first Bad Relationship End three times because he got on my nerves so much I wasn’t actually playing it, beat Jumin’s route, then Seven’s, then the Secret Endings, then I finally went back and played Yoosung’s route.
47. Moments that made you laugh out loud?
There were a lot?? this game is big and very funny
48. Ever cried or shed a tear while playing?
I don’t physically cry often so no
49. How many photos/screenshots of MM are in your photo gallery?
On my old phone I had more than 2500 but now I have 700
50. How has this game affected you overall? Do you regret playing it?
It’s all I think about so
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