#i forgot knuckles birthday 😭
delopsia · 7 months
hi del! happy early birthday!! here’s my submission for your birthday bouquet đŸ©·
pigeon post- rhett & bob, title: NFWMB, flower: carnation (my favourite flower!)
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I don't know where I wound up going with this one 😭 Edit: I entirely forgot to include Bob in this?? 😅 he's here now It also took me...so long to realize that NFWMB stands for 'Nothing Fucks With My Baby' Join my Birthday Bouquet Event! 💐
It's a funny thing, really.
The way that the ghosts from one's past can emerge from the stadium shadows. Unintentionally crossing paths with others who bear similar stories, hopelessly seeking to reclaim their places in your lives, regardless of whether you remember each other's names. The kind of oversized nuisance that digs beneath your skin like a rusty nail, with their spotless boots and perfect, glittering smiles, dissolving into a sea of giggles at the sight of your husbands.
It's an irritant hammered home by heavy gazes and jingling spurs, so lost in the idea of undressing you that you can almost feel the clothes being pulled from your body. The only thing that keeps them at bay is the arms that have long since circled around your waist, built of steel and grit, still trembling from another winning ride.
Rhett's warm nose bumps into the juncture of your neck, unshaven jaw tickling your exposed collar. "Y' alright?"
At your side, your limp hand twitches. Drops of crimson trickle from the split in your knuckles. Raining from your fingertips, splattering on the concrete and the side of Rhett's boot.
"You should be asking the other guy that," you mutter after a moment. Your eyes are still fixated on the ambulance medic, fussing over the shattered nose of a motherfucker who should have known better.
His chuckle rumbles through the length of your spine. "I don't give a fuck about 'em." 
A hand appears on your back, gliding up and down in dizzyingly slow strokes as if you're a wild horse that can bolt at any time. In some senses, perhaps you are. 
"Let me see," Bobby's speaking quietly, already beginning to glide his way down your shaking arm. But as Rhett steps back, the mere inches of distance between your bodies has you wondering if another face from the past is going to try their luck. 
But it's only Bobby who reaches for your swollen hand, quickly followed by Rhett. Their palms practically wrap around you entirely; Rhett's touch is rough and calloused from a lifetime of manual labor, whereas Bobby's is a little softer. Not quite silky smooth, but not as rugged as your cowboy is. 
"'s not broken," Rhett observes aloud, twisting it back and forth as if to root out any underlying issue. Nothing new arises. "Jus' gonna hurt like a bitch in the mornin'."
Bobby doesn't seem all that convinced, carefully tracing over the bones in search of any abnormality that wasn't there before. But, like Rhett, he doesn't find anything. 
A giggle erupts behind you. Shrill. Dancing across your last remaining nerve, hanging on by a thread.
Bob's eyes snap up. Ice gold gaze blistering into someone standing behind you. But when you turn to get a look, you find nothing; not a soul is looking your way. 
"C'mon," Rhett's motioning with his head toward the parking lot, already beginning to move. "I know a place where no one's gonna bother us." 
Nobody in this damn town understands that being a trio does not equate to an invitation for someone new to join, but you'll be happy to remind them.
...if Bobby doesn't get to them first.
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peoplcshope · 10 months
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happy birthday Trunks / @acoldsovereign
Don't mind her just casually looking at her nails. "Happy Birthday." Of course she was casual with it-- she wasn't the type to be an openly exuberant woman. However if one wasn't careful, they'd miss the way the corners of her lips lifted up towards the heavens. (A smile, a very rare one graced her features. Has she done something terrible yet again for him to figure out later? Would she? Perhaps). She leaned forward, her chin within the palm of her other hand as she sat across from him upon her ship. Her eyes caught his own and her hand (the one she was previously gazing at before), dropped to the table. "I am very glad you decided to be a good boy and listen today," she said, because she just could not help herself. Sadism wore her, possessed her much like a demon. It made a permanent residence within her heart, her soul, her body. (To separate this from her would be like having a winter without snow, a summer without sun, a spring without balanced temperature-- it just didn't make any sense). "I was thinking about taking you out," she continued. "I know there are planets you have not seen yet. Atmospheres, foods and cultures you have yet to experience. You've made impressive strides in adapting what I've taught you about our Culture. I'm feeling generous." She pushed her hand forward, curled her fingers around his scarred, rough knuckles and then interlocked their fingers together without much thought to it. (Sometimes it amazed her how gentle she could be without thinking about it-- because why would she think it? Being nice was not how she got to conquer twelve planets. Being kind, being thoughtful-- no, absolutely not). "What place would you like to go. . .? You only need tell me," both of her hands reached out again, and held his face. She had forgone her sitting position. With no effort at all, she bent one leg and left the other straightened out. Her height let her lean forward some more across the table (or more accurately be draped across it). "--and I will take us there," she finished in a whisper, her forehead pressed to her husband's own. As terrible as she was (even if she did mellow out some), at least she had charisma and a romantic streak to balance things out. She even tilted her head up and planted a suggestive, teasing, yet tender kiss onto his nose. {{Maiz don't degrade her man in some way, shape or form challenge: FUCKING IMPOSSIBLE. ALSO MAIZ??? BEING ROMANTIC PROPERLY????? WHO TF IS THIS I DON'T RECOGNIZE HER SKSKSKKSKSS 😭
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OH, she remembered his birthday, that was an impressive feat which meant she really was keeping up with the earthly calendar and its concept of how many hours were left within one entire day. Even if the tone seemed dismissive he was thankful nonetheless because even if she was quite busy with her nails it meant for a moment her mind had thought of him and little victories like those from this chaotic demon are worth it.
Then she mentioned that she was glad he decided to listen. HOW CONVENIENT that she forgot that the only reason he came aboard was due to blackmail. Spending time with her was something he’s all for, but with the responsibility she’d placed on his lap. Though nothing could have prepared him for what she said next. Planned on taking him out?? Like an actual date? On a nice planet he’s NEVER visited yet??
His eyes looked at her skeptical for a moment, she even went on to ask where he’d like to go. It was HIS decision of where the ship would travel, the power was ALL HIS? Huh
he removed the glove from his hand and began feeling his beloved’s forehead. Pretty chilly, however she continues to surprise him by cradling his face, her words were soft and the way her eyes stared into his own. It was lovingly, affectionate. Does she know something that he didn’t?? Was he dying?
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“Well..do you have any planet that has a tropical feel to it?” He asked with curiosity in his tone of voice. An island escape would be perfect..or an island restaurant where they can taste the best delicacies of the planet. He was still HALF saiyan so it meant his stomach could pretty much tolerate most meats no matter the planets considering the things he’s heard her ingesting within her many stories. Of course Trunks was still wary of this change in his beloved but of course the half saiyan was not going to let an opportunity like this slip through his fingers.
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many-gay-magpies · 2 years
sorry i’m so late 😭 i’ve been meaning to get to this for a while. irl stuff has gotten hectic to say the least unfortunately, but i am here now!
now i’m thinking abt the vamps doing ~mild crime~ to get around after they escape the orphanage and i Love it. jakah would be a Stellar pickpocket and i think noa too, he can move in darkness, steal smth, and not be seen at all. jaan can just generally beat up people who get too suspicious, jino lights campfires for them when they can’t get shelter and have to sleep outside (yes ik vampires can’t feel cold and see well in the dark but idc), shion with his mind-control powers (which are . barely mentioned in the webtoon or webnovel??? cuttoons my beloved) persuading people to let them stay in their homes for a night, solon staging wolf attacks so the livestock disappearances aren’t suspicious. maybe noa got so good at sleeping upside down and climbing stuff bc they’d regularly break into barns and things to get shelter for a bit and he would hide from the owners in the rafters. just . the group as a bunch of little ruffians committing their little crimes
“when you get your memories back, we’ll celebrate all your birthdays” OW. MY HEART. PAIN. sooha being the one to metaphorically slap the brothers awake (or physically, she’d slap them anyway!) from their “plan” of just getting through immortal life is so great to me. just imagining her like “wait so y’all have never tried laser tag?” and they’re like “no wtf. what is that.” and she’d be like “oh right y’all were literally born a million years ago.” “actually it’s just a few hundr-“ “ANYWAYS WERE GOING TO LASER TAG THIS WEEKEND BC CLEARLY YOURE NOT USING YOUR IMMORTALITY WISELY” and dragging them to fun, stupid little things because what good is an immortal life if you don’t fill it with happy memories unique to every time period you’ve lived?
- vrvr anon
ahh its np!! life happens, but like you said, youre here now! [and as a bonus i waited (see: forgot) to answer this for three days to even the field a bit LMAO]
BUT ANYWAYS yes. crime. who doesnt love a bit of crime here and there? for legal reasons this is speaking strictly in a fictional sense YES pickpockets jakah and noa! people at decelis THINK their brothers call them the "terror twins" (despite them not being twins) because of how deadly they are on the nightball field, but REALLY its because of how they used to tagteam pickpocketing from the upper class when they were fresh out of the orphanage. JAAN BEATING UP PEOPLE THAT GET TOO SUSPICIOUS YES GO VIOLENCE. maybe a particularily large asshole is threatening to out them as vampires and jaan is just like *cracks knuckles* "well ig its about time to pull out the big guns" meanwhile shion next to him is like "...you know i can just erase that guy's memories right-" "nOPE IM DEAF NOW CANT HEAR YOU. GONNA BEAT THIS GUY UP NOW" (IF the memory-wiping is something shion can even DO that early on—it would be interesting if it isnt, and instead its a more specialized skill he develops over time, because then their only resort at the start really WOULD be jaan beating people into submission to keep them from telling)
i can totally see shion using his mind-control to coerce people into giving them shelter-- and then when the brothers leave he tells them "just remember, we were never here, alright?" so that the host forgets and cant tell the orphanage anything if they come calling. theyd absolutely sneak into barns for shelter/rest, and now im thinking about them getting really familiar and friendly with farm animals because of it, and really having a soft spot for them even far into the future—like the school goes on a farm field trip or something and heli is, like, REALLY good with the chickens and the farmers are impressed and asking him stuff like "oh have you been on a farm before?" and he has to physically stop himself from blurting out "yeah when my brothers and i used to sneak into peoples' barns to sleep as kids (their early vampire days probably seem like a childhood to them, in a way) i got really good at calming down the animals" (which. also now that i think about it adds a small level of angst to them killing and eating the livestock on some of those farms. but we dont need to talk about that <3). i also absolutely agree with noa get at good at climbing because of climbing in the rafters of barns, and solon staging wolf attacks to make the livestock disappearances less suspicious—they probably wouldnt have to do it that often, either, because an entire cow (if they knew how to properly drain it) would probably sustain them all for a while. little ruffians committing their little crimes!
NO BCS NOW I HAVE EVEN MORE FEELINGS ABOUT THE BOYS' IMMORTALITY AND ABOUT SOOHA TEACHING THEM TO (METAPHORICALLY) LIVE AGAIN. because now im just thinking, the vampires' lives (that they can remember) basically consist of just the orphanage, the escape, and then running—and nothing else for a long, long time. they had to run for so long with the threat of the orphanage hanging over their heads that it just became the norm to them. the threat's still there today—it will never completely be gone, and so, the running will never stop. it's all they know. then sooha comes along, and her existence—her new, bright presence in their once-closed circle—kicks them into realizing that theyve been existing rather than actually living their (non-) lives for the past several centuries. after sooha HERSELF realizes this, she gets a bit aggressively sad/indignant for them and everything theyve missed—have they ever even BEEN to a modern movie theater?! to a water park? to an arcade?? have they been on a road trip, an actual road trip, meant for sight-seeing and experiencing things rather than endlessly running from whatever's behind you? when they go into town on the weekends, is it to have fun, or is it just performative; just to seem like all the other kids at decelis? did they even do that before she showed up? i just have a lot of feelings okay (and so does sooha)
however now this brings a happier scenario to mind—wherein sooha is giving the boys this big impassioned speech, making them realize how much theyve missed while thinking that running was all their lives would ever amount to, and then right at the end of it she yells, full of anger and pain for them, maybe a little teary-eyed; "just because you died doesn't mean you can't live!!"
silence. they all sit there blinking as the realization of what sooha just said sinks in— sooha herself equally dumbfounded. then, the entire atmosphere diffuses as they just burst out laughing; the full-bodied, hysterical sort of laughter that's been pent up for a while, making them fall out of their chairs or off their beds and struggle to breathe (or, well, in sooha's case anyway). they exhaust themselves laughing and then, when they FINALLY catch their breath (both metaphorical and literal), theyre in cozy enough states of mind to have a serious, but significantly more comfortable conversation about everything, and about the plans theyre going to make for all the activities they've missed that sooha is going to introduce them to. i like the idea of them maybe making a pact to do one new thing every weekend, whether it's going to the movies, going to a karaoke bar, or just having a sleepover as a way to teach the boys how to enjoy life again, and also give them some good-old friend group bonding time :)
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when-wolves-howl · 3 years
1. yes, my sisters (my mom made me)
2. no
3. maybe
 depends on the cereal..
4. no but i’ve wanted to 😇
5. no but i did go back to old ones
6. no but i’ll make you one
7. no
 i probably need to blood honestly
8. not really
9. one by my knee.. it was from a knife
10. my friends but they don’t know my blog name
11. nope
 i crack mu knuckles đŸ§â€â™€ïžalso cussing like a sailor
13. no
14. both
15. getting a lecture
16. no
17. red, who the fuck wouldn’t want to live in the matrix
18. yes
19. no but i should
20. sorta
 last night.. lilo and stitch
22. yes
23. yes
 this one.
24. yes
25. no but i guess i was known.. wish i wasn’t tho
26. no
27. yes ;))
28. disneyplus account access 😭
29. neither
30. k by cigarettes after sex
31. my dads auto shop
32. paris hilton perfume.. my mom always wore it
33. in-n-out
34. i forgot my birthday 🙃
35. brownie or apple pie
36. no
37. dark and concerning
39. yes, i was 11
40. yes
41. yes
42. fuck 😇
43. no
44. http: talks, httpjupiterbby, http: natasha, http: not my writing, http: answers
45. no
46. tea
47. yes.. we are going to one
48. đŸ„șđŸ§â€â™€ïžđŸ˜ŒđŸ™„đŸ˜‡
49. no
50. sushi
 i want to say it but i’m gonna stay quiet
52. no
53. english.. a little bit spanish but that’s my parents fault and sarcasm
54. australia.. i heard they have lovely weather
55. yes
56. lavender and rose
57. sorta..
58. sorta..
59. no i don’t think so
60. not a question but i answered them <33
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