#i forgot to mention the cool use of hunger game quotes from winners
bigbuffjoonie · 4 years
Quarter Quell - A review (with a side of comments from the peanut gallery)
This was like, days overdue but due to personal life at work I haven't gotten the chance to sit down and write this but now here we are! I was suggested to apply to be a beta reader for the next Quarter Quell chapter, so I'm giving it a shot! I don't know if I had to reply or make a new post so...I hope this is okay! And honestly even if I don't make it, like, this is moreso for people to see and check this fic out because DAMN. This is a (self insert where you're Y/N) jungkook yandere hunger games au fic titled Quarter Quell by @chinkbihh !!
WARNING: Spoilers for the fic ahead, as well as violence, gore, murder, death - please read the tags before you read this fanfic as there is a lot of content people may be uncomfortable with.
If you're familiar with the Hunger Games series, then have you ever thought about what would be worse than being reaped into the games? There are many answers to this of course, but in this story we get to find out a horrifying scenario. That a contender from the Careers, the most dangerous districts, is absolutely obsessed with you and makes it known he will not stop in the games until he has you. And you haven't even said a word to him. Or if you're familiar with yandere characters - then how do you escape a yandere in the hunger games? Better question is, CAN you? This fic is a thriller that you don't want to miss as you read Y/N's struggles.
The fic starts off strong with Jungkook's interview, where we are introduced to his dark eyes, brutal mindset and shark smile as he declares he fully intends to win by whatever means necessary. And takes pride in it. What's even scarier, however, is when he confesses his love for Y/N - the crowd eats it up but we are left with Y/N's horror as she recalls never having said two words to the guy. And it only gets worse for her from there. As the story continues we are left with the questions: Why is Jungkook so attached? What will he do?
The characters in this story pull you further into the story and help move it along no matter how big or small a role they have. Chenle, however briefly he appeared, continues to cross both Y/N's and our minds, wondering if he is okay. Taehyung's character and his death left me with a feeling of grief and what could have been - the scenes we shared with him when he was looking after Y/N led us to a caring personality shining through his intimidating nature. Their alliance, though short, was a bittersweet camarderie that is unforgettable to both Y/N and the audience.
Another unforgettable alliance is that of Y/N's and Joy's. Such different personalities and morals but still they came together and it was the sweetest frenemyship to witness despite the circumstances. Each chapter had surprised me with Joy's involvement starting from the first chapter where she tried to warn Y/N about Jungkook's obsession, up to the latest chapter where Joy was the one who wanted to uphold the alliance a little longer. Joy is a girl who thinks nothing of killing others, yet she is not a one-dimensional murder machine. She's sassy, blunt, and gives off the older sister vibe without realizing it herself. More brash than Y/N, yet I could envision her lip wobbling of its own accord at Y/N's rejection - I am going to miss their unlikely friendship very much.
Jungkook I am interested in as I feel the less I know of him, the more I wish to know (similar to that of Taehyung). Yet I understand that as Y/N, we only know as much as she knows, cementing the horror in having this murderous stranger after us due to his obsession (apologies for the royal we and us lol). It makes you uneasy, and even from reading his point of view, you worry about him catching up.
And lastly, Y/N. I haven't read many hunger games fics, but this protagonist was refreshing to read. With a realistic view of her chances, and a soft, stubborn side of her not wanting to murder to win that we could relate to, Y/N is a character you can't help rooting for (even if you want to shake her for standing still sometimes). You want her to make it and more importantly, you want for her to escape Jungkook's grasp.
A short note is the attention to the environment/surroundings in this story is top notch. This is a fic that cares as much about the character's surroundings as it does about the plot, with everchanging arenas in various climates that really drive home the Capitol's cruelty. The fic pays a lot of attention to the hunger games original, and the quarter quell twists keep on coming. Just like the arena, the plot twists keep changing and you will never know what happens next. The cliffhanger (HA) at the end will make you scream. Please do give this a read if you like hunger games and thrillers, you will not be disappointed. Now if you'll excuse me I have some more screaming to do BECAUSE I'M STILL NOT OVER CHAPTER THREE HOLY SHIT-
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