#i found an album last night that suits him and ezra very well
scalpelofshar · 11 months
Only one undead in BG worth my time and his name is Malus Thorm
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paisley-print · 3 years
10:00pm / Happy Birthday
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About: It’s Jack’s Birthday and you planned something special. 
Warnings: Marriage problems, infidelity, alcohol.
Rating: 18+
Characters: Agent Whiskey x Reader
Note: You wanna see some real speed boy? (Months of not posting and two chapters in less then 24 hours. Whack.)
Series Master List
@scorpionerd  @just-here-for-the-moment@sherala007 @jediknight122 @pintsizemama​ @kenbechillin @elegantduckturtle @hearttbreak @tintinn16 @showbuckysomelove​ @somenerdyuser @kesskirata @ohyeasam @athalien @spideysimpossiblegirl @littlemisspascal @sheresh0y​  @voteforpedro09 @greeneyedblondie44 @feel-it-on-the-way-home13
“Hi Jack, it’s....” you glance over at the clock on the stove, checking the time. “It’s ten. I’m calling to see when you’ll be home. Okay, love you, bye.” You played the message back, cringing a little at the way your words slurred together, but sent it, anyway. 
You reached over to pour yourself another glass of wine. It was your third one, but you were already feeling the effects. He said he would be home at seven. If you knew he was going to work overtime tonight, you wouldn’t have spent all day rushing around. 
Your stomach hurt just thinking about the tray of lasagna and birthday cake you spent hours working on. Still though, you wanted to wait to eat until he got home. 
This year had to be better than the last. You doubted whether you could make it through another twelve months of silence. Plus, with the whole Ezra thing, you needed a grand gesture to show that you were willing to work on this. He cared for you; he had said it. He loved you. He would always love you, and although he looked through you as if peering at a specter, you believed him. You hadn’t been the best wife these last few months, so you felt as though you owed him this. 
Tonight was just for him, and everything had been prepared perfectly. His favorite movie on the TV, beers in the fridge, birthday gift all wrapped on the nightstand upstairs. Months ago, he mentioned a pair of cuff links his father used to wear while the two of you were combing through old photo albums you had found in the attic. They were square, with yellow gold trim and two crossed six-shooter pistols set into a background of black onyx. 
Jack’s father left when Jack was nine, and one of the few happy memories he had was the day his father brought home his first suit for Sunday mass. His father taught him how to make sure his shirt wasn’t creased, how to wear a necktie, comb his hair back with gel, and finally the importance of cuff links. 
While looking over the photograph, Jack had mentioned liking the style of the cuff links in passing, but you could see they held quite a bit of emotional value. After that, you had spent weeks tracking down the exact set. With the help of a Reddit board, a few antique shop owners and one generous seller on Etsy, you secured a pair identical to those in the photograph. 
Keeping the secret had been tough. You almost let it slip a few times, but you will yourself to go on a little longer. The surprise would be that much more meaningful if you gave it to him on his birthday…. if he ever planned to show up, that is. 
As you finished another glass, you stood from the table and walked into the guest bathroom to reapply your lipstick. A few hours ago, your makeup was perfect, but it was now looking smudged. You tried to fix it as best you could while the room around you spun.
You had one of his dress shirts, with thigh-high stockings and a new lilac set of lingerie you bought specifically for this occasion, and heels you took off about three hours ago. You felt so incredibly ugly looking at your reflection, and you weren’t sure why. A few hours ago you were on top of the world, now you were willing yourself not to cry. 
Once you were done touching up your lipstick, you grabbed another glass of wine and took a seat on the couch. It was then your phone buzzed, and a number you recognized popped up on the screen.
You picked it up, becoming aware of how fast your heart was beating in your chest. “Hello?”
“Little bird?” Ezra’s voice came floating over the receiver. “Forgive me for calling at this hour, but I was becoming worried about your lack of response to my messages. Noticed your car in town today on my way to work and I wanted to make sure you were alright.”
You felt guilt grip tightly at your chest. He had sent you a few texts since the night of the shooting. You couldn’t bring yourself to respond. This man was bad for you. It didn’t matter how much you liked him; you were a married woman trying to work on your relationship. Ezra knew that, he should respect you and understand why you weren’t jumping to text him back.
“I’m fine” your aid.
He paused, hearing the way you were slurring your words. “Little bird-”
“Stop fucking calling me that,” you snapped, anger rising out of you from nowhere. “I’m not your little bird, okay? I have a fucking name.”
Ezra seemed incredibly taken off guard “my apologies-”
“And I need you to stop texting me and calling me. Whatever the fuck you think we had, we didn’t. You were convenient, that’s all. I think it’s seriously creepy how you keep trying to hit on me when you know I’m married. Seriously, go find yourself a real fucking girlfriend and stop trying to ruin my marriage.”
The silence that followed was deafening, so you continued, “okay? Please get out of my life.”
“Understood,” he said simply. “Have a nice night.”
You hung up the phone and threw it onto the other side of the couch.
It was nearly 5:00am when Jack finally came through the door. The first thing he noticed was the half empty bottle of wine left open on the table, then you, asleep on the couch. He set down his satchel and locked the door behind him. Then he went around, shutting out the lights, then the tv. Once he was done, he sat next to you and rubbed your arm to wake you up. 
His patience was running thin. He had wished you up in bed by the time he got home, asleep, so he didn’t have to deal with any of this. “‘Y/n’ come on. Time to go to bed.”
You drew in a slow breath and blinked at him as you woke. You could still feel the effects of the alcohol burning bright. “What time is it?” you mumbled, sitting up. 
“Come on, I’m gonna pick you up. Ready?”
 You nodded and allowed him to stand you up and put you over his shoulder. You noticed how his shirt was untucked in the back.
Once in the bedroom, he laid you down on the bed. He moved towards the closet but took his hand and stood. He sighed in annoyance and moved his face away as you wrapped your arms around him. 
“Happy birthday,” you smiled, the heat from the alcohol making your face feel warm. 
“Not my birthday anymore,” he said, trying to gently pull away from you.
Some part of you knew you were making a fool out of yourself. “I got a gift for you-”
He shook his head. “You’re disgusting.”
The words stung. You let go, your eyes widening, like you were about to cry. Then you realized what he thought you meant by gift. He knew you were too drunk to sleep with, so implying that he would have offended him.
 You laughed, trying to smooth over the awkwardness. “No, not like that. I’m sorry about - I. I drank when I was cooking because I thought you would be home earlier.” You noticed a smudge of pink on the inside of his collar. Then you noticed he wasn’t wearing a tie either. You lifted your hand, intending to touch it “What’s-”
 He jerked back, then turned, going into the bathroom and slamming the door shut behind him. You jumped at the sound and the way it made the photos hung on the wall rattle. You weren’t exactly sure what you did or saw to deserve a response like that. 
When you heard the shower turn on, you figured you would get ready for bed yourself, but before you did, you withdrew the gift from the nightstand and placed it on his side of the bed. After that, you made your way to the guest bathroom to take off your makeup, then back downstairs to heat up some food. Nausea was already beginning to set in. You needed something in your stomach. While you were down there, you made a point to pack some leftovers in Tupperware containers that he could grab on his way out the door in the morning.
You slept in the guest room that night, figuring it was best to allow him space. He left before you woke, but you could have sworn you felt the mattress dip sometime in the morning and a soft touch come up to smooth down your hair. It could have very well been a dream though. The hangover was a bad one, and it was times like this you realize your age was catching up with you more quickly then you would like to acknowledge. Your plan for the rest of the day was to clean, mostly because you didn’t know what else to do and if you sat mulling over the events of last night it would just make you sad. 
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ciphers-error · 4 years
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Intro to: Error (stylized as Intro to: ERRØR) is the first studio album released on November 25, 2014. With a total of ten tracks, this album contains a variety of sounds blended into one album to showcase the group’s talent as well as to delve into what may suit each member best.
01. FERMATA 02. 태풍 (The Eye) 03. Stealer 04. Ribbon in the Sky 05. Bad  06. KILLER 07. Boxer 08. Pretty U (예쁘다) 09. I GUESS I NEED U 10. Ghost
Music Videos
태풍 (The Eye) was released on November 25, 2014 at noon, marking it as the group’s official debut. The album was released the following day, and the dance practice was released on the twenty-ninth.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ watch the eye here !  
Bad made its release on December 12, 2014, a full music video much like The Eye, as a continuance of the cinematic storyline brought along by previous releases. Despite having choreography of its own, Bad was only performed once during the group’s promotional period, as companion to The Eye’s goodbye stage.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ watch bad here! 
Pretty U (예쁘다) was released after the promotional period made its conclusion, on December 30th, with three following dance practices serving as gifts to the fans of the blooming group all labeled ‘love ver’, ‘letter ver’, and ‘dear cipher ver’.
⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ ⠀⠀ watch pretty u here! 
Concept ⤻ Virus
While Pretty U has a vibe that matches along with Vision, the title track and Bad are nestled within the Virus concept. In both songs, the lyrics suggest chasing after a bad girl, and in the other, finding the courage to leave a poor relationship despite having lovelorn feelings. 
Code  ⤻ Story
[ The Eye ] ‘ We are met again with Kiha, the previous last man standing in the Error music video. His body is whole, so it assumed the ending of the prior music video was instead a deconstruction on something unseen by the human eye. While standing alone, Kiha appears to be in reflection of a night previous, where he’d been unwillingly dragged across a dirt path, kicking and screaming until being left abandoned amongst nothing but rubble and a packaged box, his clothes grimy and bloody from an unseen ordeal. He pulls a paper bag over his head and returns to the ground, falling unconscious.
In the next few scenes, we see an abandoned structure, in great detail—filled with furniture, though ragged, a sign of life. The package is brought into focus, and the members are found together at a table as the lyrics bring up forgetting about someone, letting go of their memory. The lyrics suggest that thinking of the memories with this unseen loved one brings them great agony, with Ezra seeking to cover Jin’s eyes in one shot, and Jaebeom fighting with Leishen in another, showing that with one duo, they want to hide from these painful memories and run from them, and Jaebeom seeks to fight against them. Realizing that he is instead hurting his fellows by fighting it, Jaebeom backs away, fear chilling at him, as he is pulled into a closet labeled as such by another member, Ace, who has already succumbed to this fear. From there, they watch Kiha stagger from where he had been attacked, as if he was the source of this terror.
The following scenes show each member in small groups going separate directions, always wanting to stay together, but going their separate ways regardless. We’re brought back to Kiha alone, the loss of his members a terrible shock to him, leaving him isolated in the large structure, looking back on the events that unfolded and only being able to shed tears when thinking of their departure. As much as he would like to, he can not to stand on his own and move forward by himself. He’s alone, and he feels trapped. 
We find the other members elsewhere, together, yet still in the same building. Jin is at the forefront, holding a device that appears akin to a light. The members are all huddled together, as if they cannot meet up with Kiha. The light switches on, and from outside the stone building, in the midst of a storm, we see the floor from where the golden glow was unleashed. At the very same time, we return to the Kiha who lay unconscious. As soon as the light-switch is sounded, awakens, face to face with a street-light overhead. He pulls the paper bag off his head, as if he’s dumbfounded by the ‘dream’ he’d awoken from. Near his body, the final shot is a wallet, assuming to belong to him, with a picture jutting out with nine boys present in the picture.
[ Bad ] ‘ From the start of the MV, we see Jin sprinting from an unseen individual. In some shots, they appear to be gaining on him, but with each step, we only see colored fog, and no person behind him, hinting that the one chasing him cannot be seen by the naked eye, or possibly, that they are shrouded in the fog and darkness of the scenery around him. We’re then cut to a shot of a blonde woman, standing alone in a colored room, a clue that this may be who Jin runs from. 
Each of the other members appear to be alone in a room including a mirror. One of which room we see is mostly made up of tiles, including a sink and the mirror is shattered but we still eye their reflection. The room is dirty, and the members have a hand wrapped up as if each one of them had tried to punch through the mirror and shatter it completely. The first difference in each mirrored room is with Jem, sitting in a purple-colored room on a chair, surrounded sparsely by plants and mirrors in different sizes, sitting in front of a mirror where he is staring at his own reflection. The next different scene we find Sol sitting in a bedroom under swinging lights, again, in front of a mirror. He looks to his right into his reflection, and the member looking back at him is Leishen. 
Throughout, we see Jin running away in darkness, and the woman making chase by way of going through the mirrors, making the allusion that these reflectors are actually portals, or doorways, to different areas. There is a pink hallway full of them however, covered up by paper, thus she cannot seem to gain access. Ezra and Ace appear in two matching rooms, with the looking glass all over the walls, ceiling and floors, to which they sit, trapped, and hiding from the woman who tries to enter. 
Jin finally stops running, and the person chasing him catches up with him. He turns to face them, but he is not met with the blonde woman seen before, but instead, a vision of himself. Turns out, what had been behind him the entire time, was a mirror, and looking back at him was his own face. He takes slow strides from the object to which he had run from, finally braving the courage to face this truth, and closed the gap between himself and the mirror. The Jin looking back at him smiles, we see a glitch, and it’s suddenly Kiha looking back at him, and stepping away, out of focus. The other members inch closer to their own mirrors, as if to check their reflection for its’ audacity, and disappear from where they had been sitting or standing, being pulled inside, and through the mirror to an unknown place. The video ends with Jin, staring into an empty doorway, reflecting everything around him but himself.
[ Pretty U ] ‘ Welcome to Vision! A dark, very sizeable brick building is met with light as Leishen and Eli pull open the doors allowing sunlight to stream through the brick building, and immediately upon the light reaching the ground, a packed vehicle spills inside, driven by Jin. Immediately, Jem and Ezra are found inside a building similar to that of a school with spray paint and posters. While Jin, Leishen and Eli unpack the car and prep the dark building, Ace, Kiha, Jaebeom and Sol are found at a restaurant, eating lunch. This shows each member in a lighter setting than previous MVs, so it stands to reason, they are in a similar world to that of Adore U, untouched by the pain and misery of the Virus. 
A food fight is brought on by Jem between his group and Ace’s, and the members engage in a very messy battle, unbothered by the other residents of the restaurant—and of course, why would they be, when this is a world where anything goes, and any broken rules from joy and well-good fun are not to be looked upon with disgrace. Noting the mess they started, Ezra and Jem make a run for it, and their members coated with table condiments give chase. Chaos ensues throughout the city, with Ezra and Kiha spray-painting an abandoned structure, and the others of the two groups going to a bowling alley and playing in the absence of all over-head lights. 
The following morning, the members continue their train of chaos by vandalizing public properties with their own made stickers, even taking a mostly empty bus around town while the other half of the group decorates the brick building in preparation for a great party. Another day well-wasted, the boys can be seen running and jumping in joy and glee under a night of celebration with fireworks lighting up the sky. Finally, the party starts with Jaebeom and Sol running through the sliding wooden door of the brick building with their car, and the members hold their party all in good fun, blissfully ignorant of their Virus side and what terror may come with the truth of it.
Starting on the evening of November 27th, stages can be seen throughout three weeks of the following month, complete with three presences on stage, once each week. Unfortunately, through three weeks and three stages, Error has not recieved their first win with The Eye.
Stage Outfits 
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11.27, M Countdown
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12.7, SBS Inkigayo
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12.13, Show! Music Core
𝄞 For this era, each member stayed with their natural hair-color and style, though Sol was the first to mention in a VLive after their official debut that he wouldn’t mind dyeing his hair next time around, curious about what color would fit him the best.
𝄞 Pretty U was originally filmed in the late summer, shortly after the release of Adore U, but its release was initially delayed until December because Jin and Sol agreed it would make a precious gift to fans during the cold holiday season.
𝄞 Ribbon in the Sky saw the birth of song-writer Jaebeom. Working closely with Sol, Kiha and the company’s staff, Jaebeom wanted to bring forth a song calling out corruption in day to day life with the relation of the social system and media.
𝄞 Boxer was originally talked about to be the group’s title track, but after much discussion, The Eye ended up being chosen.
𝄞 There weren’t very many solo lives during this era, however, members Kiha and Sol often had duo lives, talking about working on the music videos and the interpretations of the lyrics and storyline. Starting out as awkward as one would expect, the two grew very confident in front of the camera that separated them from fans very quickly over time, showcasing bright and giddy personalities on screen as the direct result of finally debuting. 
𝄞 Unexpectedly, Jin was the member with the most solo lives through the group’s promotional period, and after the goodbye stage. Often joined for a short time by Jaebeom and Leishen, the oldest member of Error spent a lot of time talking with fans about working towards their debut and everything in between. 
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