#i fucking love chara oh my god you don't even KNOW. i will defend them for the rest of my fucking life.
chasmbreach · 1 year
i wrote this in a frenzy at 3am. i love undertale so much you don't understand
2:55: i hate it when my brain starts thinking too much in the fucking late ass hours of 2:45 am anyway, i got recommended fallen down piano with reverb on yt again and yknow, obviously i gotta listen to the hella peaceful ass helllll music because it just do be really beautiful yknow? but then i thought about how when monsters fall down, they're considered fallen monsters? i'm forgetting my exact undertale lore, but wasn't it about how the monster was dying of old age, or just having a weak SOUL in general? which was why alphys did her experiments and the whole point of the DT experiments to prevent them from dying. and i know your best friend is the first song you listen to when you begin Frisk's journey through the underground, but i'm just thinking about how he's probably not done that to all of the other children that have fallen before Frisk, considering that Toriel is always there to help the children and care for them.  So, tying back to Fallen Down..., all of the kids that fell into the Underground had "fallen" in the sense of if they were a monster, they would've been dying. all of the children who fell into the underground had a sense of not wanting to continue their lives with the other humans, which is why they decided to fall into the hole in hopes of finding release from their lives.  they've been emotionally dead for a long time. that's where they start, and that's their emotional state when they decided to fall. they're children who don't have the will to keep going, but then toriel comes in and takes care of them, they want to feel loved, to be a child, to be a human where they can just be. it's why each and every one of them make the decision to go through the ruins door, to experience living
2:56: anyway this is bullshit analysis it's nearly 3am i don't think i made sense
2:56: me getting emotional over fallen down for the 27345394 time
2:58: gods i love undertale characters i fucking love toriel and her flaws, because it's what makes her seem like well rounded person who has motivations and grief, and that grief is what makes her so, so unique in how she presents herself
3:00: i fucking love papyrus because he is so skroigly but also because he believes in you. even in the no mercy run, he isn't naive. he isn't, good god. yes he sees the best of people, but it does get more than that. he loves. he loves so much. and isn't that just difficult in this society sometimes yknow?
3:02: i fucking love undyne, because despite her slightly misguided anger towards humans, she is, after all, representing of justice. she wants the bring the best out of everyone. she's critical, but she can identify when she's wrong. she just exudes so much confidence and is such a big motivator, it makes it so hard to dislike her.
3:04: i fucking love alphys, and isn't she such a complex character when at first glance. she really isn't that complicated in terms of how much analysis of her personality really needs. she wants to help, but she afraid to do it wrong. she wants to be the best, but she never feels her best. if she hides her mistakes, then nobody needs to know that she was a "bad person," when she was just trying to do what she thought was right.
3:05: i fucking love metatton, and after reading ALIVE AU it made me love him even more. yes, he's selfish, but he still wants the best for alphys. he's the type of monster who doesn't outwardly show he cares, but he will absolutely be there when you need it most, to bring you back and to make sure you're ok. 3:06: he also has some regrets and grievances, don't get me wrong, this is probably the most unknown character for me haha, but he makes me think about how, in reality, there really is just one life, and that one life you should make the most of it.
3:08: i fucking love asgore. a sad old pitiful shell of himself, but filled with so much pain and regret for all the things he's done. he wants to mend his wounds, but he cannot bring himself to. he feels as if his decisions were his to bare, and he must deal with his own consequences. he needs a hug, but he'd never accept one.  he doesn't think he deserves forgiveness, but he does. he really does.
3:11: and of course, sans. well, i know he is famous because of megalovania, but in the end, he really makes me sad, maybe pity. depression is a bitch. the amount of hope he exudes when he sees the sunrise during the pacifist makes me cry. he never thought he'd get here. he never thought he'd be okay enough to be there for papyrus.  because isn't everything for him?  even when you kill papyrus, he doesn't do anything except call you a dirty brother killer.  he's so, so tired. really, he's just putting up a mask every day. and he is literally the exact opposite of papyrus yeah?
3:12: anyway. i didn't think i'd type so much haha 3:12: love letter to the game that made me feel
3:15: i think, because the story really makes you think about decisions, that your decision to reset, will affect everyone? makes this world really real for me. don't get me wrong, i love omori. the story is really good and i love it to bits. sunny has an incredibly complex history with his emotions but... the story will always just feel like just that. a video game character on a screen.
3:23: hmmm. i'm thinking again. i think what really did it in for me is this old comic i saw even before i got into undertale and saw a playthrough of it.  it was simply drawn, but basically someone wanted to replay undertale after the true pacifist route, and flowey comes on screen right? but then the comic artist wrote about how they couldn't do it. they couldn't reset, because it had been probably a few months or like a year since they've played, and Frisk had probably done so much in that timeframe, it would be incredibly cruel to take it all away because "you were curious" to play the game all again and it also ended with someone else commenting "undertale: the game you never play again" or something like that
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icharchivist · 2 years
What the frell. They decided to tell Cagliostro she wasn't trans. The one who made her own body and purposefully chose her own gender. Who respects someone similar to herself decision that she wanted to stay in the body she was born in. That great person. Wonderful person.
What the heck.
tbh it adds to my general frustration that happens every once in a while on how, gbf's lgbt rep is actually pretty good, but every once in a while it will breach containment and every. single. time. i get to end up hearing the most bad faith takes ever from people who don't even bother making a google search.
with Cagliostro it's always downright erasure. Just, people refuse to believe she's trans. I've seen other people say that since her transition was magical (ie: putting her soul in other bodies) it didn't count. As if it mattered when we have Cags for example having a panic attack when she was drowning because it was reminding her of her original, sickish body that she felt dysmorphia about. Like, it's not like they're NOT tackling important themes with that either??? like COME ON.
then we have anytime someone outside of the fandom learns about Ladiva where there's always an uproar about how her design is insulting, and honestly kudos for the fandom to always come in drove about it like "why the fuck are you insulting our mother."
It's like you can't win. You either have a trans character who passes enough that people are constantly denying the validity of the trans narrative of their characters, or they don't pass enough and it's a hundred threads about why this character is the worst possible type of trans rep ever.
and it's double frustrating when you actually have both of those characters discuss about dysmorphia and the idea of passing to start with. That you see the two of them having radically different approach and feelings on the matter and conclude that both of them have a valid approach about it and they love and respect each other regardless because even if the way they live it is different, they're still both living through the same experience.
And as fans of those charas it's always so frustrating!!!
And it adds a layer on frustration of constantly having to defend if they're good trans rep or not while, on top of just that, they're fully fledged characters in general, and yet we're always there having to argue about a basis that is not ignored by canon but not even the major focus of each characters. Like oh my god i'd love to be talking about just how great No Rain No Rainbow's theme was in regard to Ladiva's savior complex at her own detriment or the complexity of Cagliostro's arrogance be confirmed by the narrative as completely earned because literally no one is as smart as her and she's one of the people you can always count on with preventing an apocalypse because she laughs at the face of gods and she earned it. But instead we just constantly have to get back to those people like "no, they're not bad characters because you are drawing conclusions over the validity of their trans narrative by their designs alone", it's so frustrating.
It feels like running in circle and it's so tiring.
On this specific case it was just a poll, so it's not like i expect people to do researches about the characters they don't know about. But it's so frustrating to see this narrative of still erasing the fact Cagliostro is trans from people who've never heard of Granblue and how it happens aaaalll the timmmeeeee and it's so annoying. so damn annoying.
We can never win somehow.
But it's okay, /we/ know what's up. We know Cags is the best. (and Ladiva too). Can't be fooled by people who just don't know what they're talking about.
I'm just going to be constantly frustrated with people drawing conclusions about our girls just because they want to assume the worst out of a niche saga to start with. sighs.
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sinkingwmyships · 4 years
im back at it again with
JJBA (VA) Purge AU (3)
yeeee this is the one abt the relationship scenarios ;)))
part 1 | part 2
i highly recommend checking out the previous parts first, if not this might be kinda hard to follow
between me and my 1.5 braincells we're trying really hard y'all so pls go easy on us show some support ;_;
(oh yea a heads-up no ships are decided yet so treat all these relationship scenarios as hcs (yea imma make AUs inside an AU lmfao))
tw: (1 mention of) homophobia, referenced past abuse, bullying (??)
1. fugio
the first scenario that popped into my head is that Fugo and Giorno go to the same university (for some reason Gio's parents can afford to send him there, idk he probably got financial aid or sth, and then after he killed them (😳 awkwardddd) he's probably using their life insurance in fear of it running out). and Fugo doesn't really care for Gio bc he's a rich boye and he has his quality™️ elite friend circle so why bother himself w a nobody. but in reality all of Fugo's friends are either only on a social level (u know those ppl who you're friends w but u won't necessarily have deep convos w them or choose to hang out w them n stuff), or they're fake and only hang out w him bc of his wealth & status, or bc their rich parents are friends. plus (im referring to the anime backstory here), after the scandal w that professor who sexually harassed him, many ppl secretly hate him and talk shit abt him behind his back due to homophobia.
but anyway, Fugo's plotting against all those biches :) so where does Giorno come in? Gio, being this innocent poor boy who doesn't have a home to go back to, lives on dorm. and let's just say Fugo does too bc he doesn't have the best relationship w his demanding parents, so he was overjoyed when he finally talked them into letting him move from home into the dorms instead. (side note he prolly doesn't Purge his parents bc he needs their money.) so Gio and Fugo know of each other, but not acquaintances or anything.
and then
one day when Fugo's either
running into trouble with some authority figure at school again
just minding his own business and planning his Purge targets
Gio walks in on him, and he's either like
"omg Fugo r u ok do u need help what happened"
"omg Fugo idk what happened between u and ur targets but Purging ain't good, pls reconsider"
and Fugo, having the short-ass fuse that he does (plus probably having his pride wounded and just general mistrust of the ppl around him spurring him on):
"stfu u know nothing about me, but now you've seen this i guess it wouldn't hurt to kill you too"
"stfu u know nothing about me, ur probably one of those happy asshats that have no need for Purges, reconsider?? haha the only thing i'll reconsider is if i'll add u to my kill list" (bc if Gio reports him or sth, Fugo & his fam can get into trouble, since his targets are probably rich and/or influential ppl, but it isn't Purge time yet, so it can be considered malicious intent and/or attempted murder i guess, and so anyone who has any beef w the Fugo fam can bring them down) (i know nothing abt law don't come for me)
and then Gio is like "fuck dis shit im out" and he skrts tf out of there, but sadly Fugo ain't lying 😔 the day of the Purge comes, and Giorno was just trying to barricade himself inside his dorm room when suddenly, Fugo pulls an FBI OPEN UP and breaks inside using all his high-tech weaponry n stuff (i'll share my hcs for chara design later!!). Gio is freaking out so he jumps out the window into the streets, even risking going outside during Purge just so he can get away, but oh 🅱️oy is Fugo stressed tonight. and he literally hunts Gio down and almost kills him
2. abbacchio & giorno:
Abbacchio is tasked w hunting down a certain rogue criminal, so he's la-di-da cruising thru Naples to get to Bucci's house, when suddenly this fucking kid comes running up to him with his hair and clothes all messed up and tears running down his face, and is like "pls help me sir i beg u i just need somewhere to hide pls i don't want to do this i don't want to die" and Abba's like "fuq??" but then he hears manic laughter and chainsaws revving and shit, and the kid sniveling all over his crisp™️ Purge suit looks like he can explode with fear at any moment (and plus Abba understands that nobody would ever run up to another person for help during Purge like this, unless it's really their last option), so he sighs, "fine. get behind me."
the kid drops to his knees and Abba can't help but think "aaahhhh fucking dead weight", but he said he'd help, so that's what he's gonna do. now ANOTHER kid rounds the corner but he barely looks sane, he seems almost possessed by something. *fighting ensues* but being a professional cop Abba knocks the kid out cold w a few swift moves, and when he drops to the ground that crazy expression finally leaves his face. he's already wasted too much time, so Abba turns to Kid 1 and is like "go back home brat and dont get into trouble again", but Kid 1 is still a trembling mess on the ground, and he says "i don't have any home to go back to."
subconscious Abba's like "well that's between you and god" but he knows he's basically this kid's god now (besides, there can't possibly be a god that would let things like Purges happen), so he's like, "fine. get in the car and DON'T get in my way" but THEN Kid 1 points to the passed-out demon child, "but we can't leave him here"
A: "he was gonna KILL you!!"
K1: "i know but he didn't mean it, he was just not thinking straight"
A: "Purges ain't where ppl think str8 kid, besides if he didn't really wanna Purge he wouldn't have geared himself up that well"
K1: “but he’s not a bad person. please, if we leave him out here in this state he’ll be killed for sure.”
at this point Abbacchio can't understand wtf Kid 1 is thinking, but for the first time in years he finds some of the humanity he was hoping to regain in Purge, so he's like "fine. haul him into the backseat. but you're sitting with him bc i got my shit in the front. and if he wakes up you're dealing w it this time. cool?"
Kid 1 nods, and surprisingly he has enough strength to shove Kid 2 into the backseat & get in after him. Abba is trying to decide what he wanna do w these kids, when his phone suddenly beeps, and in comes a new message from his superiors, "yo dawg u gotta hurry up and kill that Bucciarati guy, we'd better not catch u slacking" and he's like "yo Kid 1, can u fight?"
"uh, a bit. why?"
"well, that's what you're gonna do for me in return for my protection."
anywhooooo i imagine that later on, Fugo wakes up like "ugh wtf hello concussions????" and he sees Gio standing over him, and he snaps into defensive mode, sitting up and shoving Gio away and everything. but then he sees that Gio's hands are empty, save for maybe a bottle of water and a towel, and somehow Fugo's own wounds are all cleaned and bandaged, and he groans:
"dude, what the fuck are you doing? did i pass out? did you find help?"
G: "you got hit over the head pretty hard, don't move so suddenly."
F: "haha yea thanks i can feel that myself, anyway wtf were you doing?"
G: "uhhhhh... abbacchio patched you up but your face was really grimy so he told me to clean you up, and maybe give you some water?"
F: "no. i mean like what the fuck were you doing????? braincells hello?? kill me! i should be dead!!! is Purge over?? did the sirens go off before you can finish me?"
he suddenly notices how Gio just recoils and sits there with his eyes squeezed shut as Fugo shouts at him and flings his arms around. but he's seen how Gio defended himself against him, so he knows this guy can fight and is no stranger to Purges. this is the first mystery his 152 IQ has encountered in a long time, so Fugo reaches out to get Gio's attention, but then Gio jumps and slaps his hand away so hard Fugo feels his bruised brain jar. he pulls back immediately, holding his hands up, palms forward, finally kind of able to pierce together what's going on inside the blond's mind:
"sorry. wasn't gonna attack you. just... wasn't sure if you were listening to me, so i tried to get your attention."
"i was."
"okay. sorry." Fugo tries, but Gio is already standing up and leaving, glassy green eyes looking anywhere but at him. "wait! Gior— ugh??"
he almost faceplants the ground again. where's my stupid-ass helmet???? i need to be on balance mode stat. but then Fugo feels two arms helping him up, and he looks up to see Gio, frowning in distaste but still supporting him all the same. he feels bad for asking (as if he hasn't bothered this poor guy enough): "uh, so, what exactly happened while i was passed out?"
oh, honey...
a lot :)
ya know i might actually go w fugio after all :00 but if i do end up writing this, it will span over 12 hours / 1 Purge only, so even if there are ships they'll probably only be implied, instead of madly into each other by the end of everything :P
to be cont’d… 👀🔪 perhaps with other relationship hcs :0 or chara design?? who knows. suggestions?
feel free to drop any questions you have, or just scream to me in the cmts in general!! i’m happy to answer anything, from chara motives to backstory clarification, or anything else!! ik up to now these posts have just been walls of texts, so :’D thanks for reading thooooo 💖
part 4 | part 5
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