#i gasped when looking at this...like woow hes so gorgeous
galaxymagick · 6 months
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231217 jump up fansign | ©쥬 시 쥬 시🧃
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imactuallynotsorry · 4 years
Robin x MC (Emma)
It was a hectic and exhausting day at the office, doing a marathon just to get from one point of the building to the next and back. From overseeing the drop off of their prototypes at the robotic Lab, to the multiple urgent documents that had to be sent out two days ago but Sam idiotic self forgot to sign and have his actual assistant mail them. Robbin had to work his charm, and kiss some ass, in order to fix his brother's mistake just to make sure the documents were delivered without complications to Dalton’s partnerships. And the oh so many meetings he needed to be present for, were draining him. 
Robin was making his way back from lunch when a tall, slim woman talking to the receptionist caught his attention. His eyes drifting down long wild curls, watching the way her hips and ass filled those jeans. A familiar soft feminine voice reached his ears. Snapping  out of the trance, Robin quickly jerked his head to the ceiling, realizing the stranger he was gushing on was Emma. Running his hands through his hair, a weak last attempt of combing his heated thoughts out of his head. Be professional, Robin.  
“Emma!”,a wide grin was plastered on his face, “It’s delightful to see you again!” Woow, did he just sound as enthusiastic as M&M with one of their experiments? Robin’s excitement was met with an equally wide smile from Emma, “Pleasure to see you again.” Deciding to ignore the pleasant warmth he felt at her assertion, and instead focusing on teasing her, “Ready to drown together?” Though it wasn’t much of teasing but just being realistic. Robin knew from past experiences how demanding Sofia was and how much she loved to micromanage every little step of the way. Emma’s smile faded, and a serious frown took its place, as if double guessing agreeing to help him out, “You really aren’t trying to sell this, huh”. Robin couldn't help himself, throwing his head backwards in laughter, “Come on Emma! I thought we could be honest with each other. Let's go get our hands dirty” He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively at the last part, leading them to his office. Without realizing it, Robin had softly placed his right hand on Emma’s lower back. Allowing himself to enjoy the warmth feeling he got from the contact this time. 
They worked besides each other in perfect sync, stopping only to steal glances from each other now and then, hoping the other wouldn't catch them in the act. Robin was amazed at how Emma’s soft voice shifted to a strong and determined tone while speaking with the event decorators. Thought it was hot when she lightly bit her lower lip right after succeeding in getting what she was demanding, adorable when she wrinkled her nose while reading an exaggerated demand from Sofia’s everlasting list. Found her little not so innocent smirk thrilling when she suggested sneaking in sliders to the menu. No wonder the twins cherished her so much, it was hard to look at her and not automatically love her. 
Need a drink. Getting up from behind his desk and slowly making his way to the drink cart; he needed to collect his thoughts. Reaching the golden shelf, Robin mentally kicked himself for only ever stocking up on whiskey. He poured two glasses of Balvenie and carefully handed one to Emma. 
“Whiskey? A man after my own heart”, a faint pleased moan escaped her lips as the whiskey made contact with her tongue. Robin smirks into his glass, satisfied with her reaction. They stayed like that for a while, just sipping on their drink quietly; Emma in her seat adjacent to where Robin stood leaning against the drink cart.  First to break the silence was Emma, “I have to say, I'm pretty impressed by the way you tackle everything, when we first met I figured you were..” she trails off, searching for the right words. “Just a party boy?” Robin finished for her in a more aggressive tone than he meant to. Emma wasn’t trying to offend him, he knows that, but for some reason it bothered him that’s how she saw him. Emma responded with a timid tone he hadn't heard her use before, “Can you blame me?” No. And he really couldn’t blame Sam either for telling her about his player party boy reputation. It's his own, for selecting that to be the cover he chose to present to the world. 
Before realizing it, Robin spilled everything to Emma, needing her to understand there was more to him than the last-call strangers he took home and the social events he filled his nights with. Wanted her to see he wasn't just ‘Sam’s assistant’ but a vital part of Delton Inc; wanted her to know his carefree, wild child persona was a defense mechanism, one that comes from years of working hard, trying your best and still not being enough. Thankful doesn't even begin to describe how he felt towards the Delton’s, but everything he has, from the clothes off his back to his position in the company could only be credited to his passionate work ethic. 
Even accidentally mentioning the fact that Sam is in an arranged marriage. Unlike with everything else he had mentioned so far, he wondered why Emma didn't bat an eye at this revelation. “I can tell there's no love when they stare at each other. Don't think they ever even kissed before” Emma stated factually as if answering Robin’s unspoken question. Did she like Sam? Everyone did, why would she be the exception? He tried to give her an unreadable look, one that wouldn’t portray how envious he felt towards his brother. So he reflected the only way he knew how, by shamelessly flirting, “In front of the kids, probably not” Robin looked down at his half empathy whiskey glass, before glancing towards her with a smirk plaster on his face, only continuing after coming into contact with brown eyes, “But they're two young, attractive adults sharing a drink and killing time” he made a point of lifting his glass in front of him, revealing they both were doing just that right now. Robin nudges forward, gazing at Emma flirtatiously, admiring how her lips parted just lightly as he inch closer, “Stranger things have happened.” 
Reluctantly, Robin made his way back to his seat on the other side of the desk, fighting the urge to lift Emma up, pushing her against the wall and proving which brother she needs to desire. Professional, you’re in the office, keep it professional.
Emma takes a sip of her drink as she tries to process everything, ultimately deciding to change the subject, “So why weren’t you set up?” Robin was both thrilled that they were done talking about the golden boy but irk by the turn of events. He was used to people querying about his life, but he could always shake them off with a bullshit answer. Not Em. She had a way of tearing down his wall, making him an open book for her prying eyes. Hesitantly, Robin confesses that love was just not meant for him. He was a good lay and a fun time but not worth the effort for the long shot. Waiting for the last shoe to fall because the past continuously proves him so, and it would hurt ten folds as the previews time. 
“Just because you haven't found your person..” She pauses as she reaches across the desk, interwinding her fingers to Robins before continuing, “I'm sorry if someone made you think it's hard to love you, but that ‘can’t eat, can’t sleep’ kind of love is out there”. She gives him a sad understanding smile, squishing his hand before leaning back, taking the warmth of her touch with her. Robin didn’t like the absence of her, but he hated that wistful look in her face more. 
“Did I ever tell you about the time Sofia tried to order pizza through the phone? It was hilarious she asked if the caterers had been to le cordon bleu or if it was just the chef….. You know, the caterers as in the delivery guy.” She threw her head back and laughed at that, loud and rich, her black hair spilling from her shoulder to her back. Robin couldn't help but to join her, her laughter contagious, he could definitely listen to it forever. Emma continued to giggle softly, accidentally spilling the whiskey on her top.
  “Crap!” She starts frantically apologizing, rumbling on about how the Balvenie cost more than her degree and she just wasted it on her shirt. Robin shakes his head as he springs up and grabs a handful of napkins, she’s too cute. 
Robin was about to help dab the stain away when he stepped back, realizing that would require him to touch Emma’s chest. “ I know how this sounds but the stain is less likely to set if you take off the top” Girls wear undershirts, right? This was safer than being close proximity to her bosom. 
  Gazing up through her eyelashes, Emma gives him a devilish smile, “Great idea.” That’s all the warning Robin got. She reaches for the hems of her top, curls cascading down as she pulls it over her head. He stared at her in awe. “Fuck” he gasps as he drops his head to her breast. Never a fan of blue, but staring back at him was a beautiful turquoise lace bra offering him a front row seat of the gorgeous view Em was.  
“Focus please, I’m going to be pissed if I got half naked in the office for nothing.” Got naked for nothing. Wait, she wanted him to make a move? Was that an indirect permission to ravish her mouth with his tongue? Did she crave being bent over his desk as much as he wanted her? Robin swallowed roughly. He never had trouble reading hints before so why couldn't his brain and body correlate. 
And of course his brother would choose this exact moment to interrupt them.
“Sam have you ever heard of knocking!” A pissed off Emma quickly slipped her shirt back over her shoulder. Robin turns a bit, putting himself between her and Sam in an attempt to help cover her, making Sam huff in annoyance. Robin smirks letting his chest beam with pride, marveling at how opposite Em’s reaction was to be seen in her lingerie by both brothers, creating a sullen look to take over Sam’s.
His possessiveness and territorial demeanor made sense now. It was clear, how obviously into her Sam is. It didn’t seem to matter that he is an engaged man, Emma was the crack in Sam’s perfect golden boy persona. “I’ve left you alone with Robin enough for one day, ready to go home...” Sam’s eyes darken as they dart to Robin… “Unless you still have some unfinished business here.” 
Cheerfully Emma chipped in that she had already accepted a ride from Robin, casting sourness to appear in Sam's face and a cockiness on Robin’s. Though it was a lie, he hadn’t offered Emma a ride, but it was a lie Robin was more than glad to comply with if it meant spending more time with her and antagonizing Sam.
“Em, have you ever ridden a motorcycle before?” Robin asked as she looked down at the bike skeptically. It wasn’t til they were in the Delton parking garage that he remembered he rode his bike to work this morning. Riding his motorcycle had been an exciting change of pace, now looking at Em’s terrified face, it just seemed dumb. 
Emma started to walk backwards, stuttering, “Um sa..Sam’s probably still close, maybe he-“ 
“Just trust me, I won’t let you get hurt,” he said, tossing her the helmet. She sighed and pulled it over her head. 
Robin stood in front of the bike with his hands on the handlebars and motioned for Em to come closer. “Besides, I know you’ve been dying for an excuse to get all over this”, lifting his arms, rubbing them seductively in circular motion, all over his broad chest while wiggling his eyebrows almost comically. 
Shoulders visually relaxing, she makes her way to him, chuckling , “In your dreams lover boy”. “Honey, you do a lot more and wear a lot less in my dreams”, Robin corrects her.
A light pink shade appears in Emma’s checks, she returns his bright grin with a shy smile of her own. Coming to a stop right in front of him, she tries to tuck a lock of loose hair behind her ear but she’s met with hard metal. Snickering, Robin reaches out to close the shield. “You’re wearing my helmet, dummy”. Messing with Sam was fun, but making Em blush? Now that was his new favorite thing. 
“Climb behind, and hold onto me”. Emma does as she’s told, only hesitating for a second before wrapping her arms around Robin’s torso. He turns on the ignition and sets the kill switch to “on” making the motorcycle roar to life. Emma tightens  her grip, flushing her chest close as humanly possible against his back. Robin looks over his shoulder smiling, “Got her started and you’re still in one piece, so far so good”. 
“Still? Are you planning on breaking me apart?” Emma said with a glint of smile. Turning back around Robin murmured, “You know what they say, if it isn’t rough..” 
With a simple twist of his wrist, they're zooming off through the garage doors. The tension from work, he didn’t even realize he was carrying, evaporates as the fresh air hits. Robin skillfully leans into the swerves and corners of the road. His attention totally focus on what he is doing when the smell of vanilla and lavender fill his senses. Emma. Comforting. That's interesting. Having her press up against him was exhilarating but oddly comforting. Like she was much part of the adrenaline and freedom as the demon rumbling between his legs, and miles speeding away beneath its balck wheels.
 What would have been a forty-five minute ride in the subway or even a car, took only fifteen on the bike. Emma instantaneously jumped off the motorcycle as soon as he parks. Remembering her scared reaction,Robin winced, maybe he shouldn't had accelerated right off the bat, “Look Em-”
“That was unbelievably incredible! You were all rrrrrrrrRRRRR!!! And the bike just vvvrrrrrrrrrrAAAAAAHHHHHH” she clapped her hands together making a loud clack, “And I was just in the back like WAAAAAAAAA but the BIKE was like pa pa pa”  She was shocked, “ YOU! You were so calm and collected!” Robin almost fell throwing his head back laughing as Emma tried to mimic riding the motorcycle with her hand motions. There was a jolt of satisfaction across his heart, “Alright settle down, greyhound”. Emma placed her hands across her chest in fake shock. 
Robin swings his leg over after killing the engine, steping in front of her with a soft smile on his lips. Placing a hand in each side of her head, he delicately lifts up the helmet,rosy cheeks coming into view, “Yikes, maybe you should keep it to help hide that” he points at her face as he crunches up his face. 
“You’re an ass!”, Emma halfheartedly punches his chest. He reaches for her wrist and holds her against his chest, close enough that they’re breathing the same air. She inhales, her plump lips parting slightly. They weren’t in the office anymore. Could easily close the gap if he just leaned- “Ah-HUM” Still embracing her, he turns towards the unwelcoming interruption. Of course, of course, it was Sam.
 “Appreciated it, if you didn’t include what’s MY -“ Sam clears his throat as he catches Emma narrowing her eyes at him, “the kids nanny into your flavor of the week.” Still holding on to her hand, Robin steps back to have a full view of Emma again, “look at her, one day wouldn’t be enough!” “You couldn’t handle a woman like me”, Emma teased. “Is that a challenge?” Robin questioned back.
A pinched expression crosses Sam, his hands forming into fist, “We should head inside, Emma”. She purred, noticeably poring her eyes over Robin's body, “Goodnight, cutie.” Clenching and unclenching his jaw multiple times, Sam gave Robin one last stormy look before striding to the door. 
This was a first for Robin: seeing his brother so worked up for his flirting. A weakness Robin was willing to use for his own amusement. 
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rebelcap · 4 years
We are not just friends —Part 3
Chris Evans x bi!latina!character (Sofia is a person of color, she's brown.)
Chris and Sofia meet when their best friends started dating, it all started at friends with loads of bumps on the road.
Warnings: drinking, smoking, drug use (weed), assault, Chris being Steve Rogers, commitment issues, my girl Sofia kinda messy, lots of fucking (eventually)
This is slow burn at its best, at least emotionally.
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Part 1 — Part 2
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3. Cold
“Wear this patriot shirt?” Chris asked Sofia handing her a bag and she downright throws the bag over her head and kept doing the dishes with a smile. 
For the last five months, Chris had been trying to make Sofia a Patriots fan, so far. He was failing mostly because she found it hilarious and kind of endearing that he kept trying. 
“Sofia,” He said with an overly exaggerated whining pouting and his arms hung loose on his sides. “Please?”
“Dude, how old are you again?” She said with a smile splashing water in his face. 
“Look, little girl. You don't start watering me down—” He said putting his finger in the tap and  wet all off her shirt making her take a step back and gasp with a scream. “without some kind of retaliation.”
“Dude, I had a meeting.” She said looking down at her wet clothes. “What the fuck, Chris!” Sofía shocks her head and turns around to keep doing the dishes. 
“Oh, fuck. Shit. I'm so sorry Sof—” He tried to apologize but a glass full of water was thrown at his face interrupting him. Sofia was laughing looking at how Chris's face was dripping with water. 
“Oh my God, I got you. Ah, I got you so fucking good.” She laughed grabbing her stomach and had to crouch on the floor and Chris found the opportunity perfect. 
He grabbed the same glass and pour some ice-cold water from the freezer dispenser and pour it out directly on her lower back going down to her ass. 
Sofía let out a scream and jump up on the air as she runs in circles in the kitchen. 
“It's so fucking cold, on my Goooooooood!” She screamed as Chris couldn't hold it and fall down to the floor, barely holding the laugh until he felt an horrible feeling of thousands of needles perforating his dick. 
“What the Fuuuuuuuck-fuck. My dick!” He said cupping his balls and dick under his wet jeans as he moaned on the floor. “Oh my God.” 
“I can't feel my ass,” Sofía said touching her ass under her pants and her cheeks were ice cold and she kept laughing. 
“I don't feel my balls, I can't honestly feel my balls,” Chris said still on the now wet floor. 
They look at each of her and started laughing hysterically. 
“Luke is going to fucking assassinate us,” Sofía said looking around the kitchen, there was water pretty much all over. 
“We need towels,” Chris said walking to the bathroom and grabbed a few and throw some at Sofia.
They both dried up pretty much everything while they kept laughing on the occasional slip and ended up on their ass on the floor. 
“Oh man, what are we gonna do now? we're supposed to be setting the table.” She said and Chris seems to have an idea. 
“Take off your clothes.” He ordered with a hand and Sofíalooked at him for a hot second and peel off the wet shirt from her body and stood there. “I really didn't expect that you do that.” Chris mumble and Sofíashrugged as he assesses her body. 
Little waist, nice hips, and her tits had a perfect size, Chris was sure his hand fit perfectly around them. is that a nipple piercing? 
“Ah, yes,” Sofía answered what Chris thought was an internal question. “It did hurt if you wanna know.”
“Oh.” He said gulping down and sigh, turning around as he grabbed her shirt. “We could put them in the dryer,” Chris told her making sure she was following h behind. 
“Oh you're actually kind of smart,” Sofía laughed making a face entering the little laundry room in Luke's house. “Beauty and brains, woow.” She said in fake awe.  Chris trow her wet t-shirt making it stuck on her arm. 
“Shut the fuck up and get naked.” He orders her, again and she laughed. They put their clothes in the dryer and stand in front of each other covering themselves with towels. 
“Jeez, dude. Have some decency and cover your man-boobs.” Sofía said adjusting her towel around her underarm and went about to press her palms against Chris's nipples. 
He erupted it laugher like a twelve-year-old and let out a series of giggles covering his nipples with his fingers. 
“What?” She laughs bending over a little. 
Honest to God, this was awkward as fuck for both of them but they were trying to make it okay. For the last months, they have been trying to ignore the obvious unfinished sexual tension they been building up with innocent banter, that pretty much always ended up on some kind of someone touching the other on the name of fun and jokes. 
It never escalated because he had a girlfriend back in LA. A beautiful actress with clear skin as Amanda had told Sofia when they Google her out of curiosity. 
“You're competing against this, you could easily take her out,” Amanda said with a confident nod looking at the computer screen. 
“I'm not competing, jeez. I think we're over the phase ‘Try to fuck Chris’ .” Sofía shrugged looking at the gorgeous brunette with everything staring back at her. “but that clear skin, tho.”
“I don't think he's over his phase ‘try to fuck Sofia’, I've seen the way he looks at you when you're not looking and it's not that I-want-to-bend-her-over—well,” She interrupted herself and make a face. “maybe yes. But there's more.” Amanda explained and Sofia scoff. 
“There's not more than that.” 
“But if he broke put with her girlfriend, you'll fuck him?” 
“If he's up to, yes. Besides, that he's our friend and your boys' friend. Dude, Captain America.” She said making a point. 
“Captain America.” Amanda agreed. 
“Hey, you okay?” Sofía asked, she was sitting on top of the washing machine with her legs crossed and holding her towel on her naked body. Chris was leaning on the opposite wall right in front of her, towel around his waist and his eyes were down.
“Uhm?” He asked looking up. 
“You okay?” 
“Yeah,” He said with a little side smile and look down. “I don't know.” 
Sofía stayed silent waiting for him to tell her what's going on, Chris signed a few times and cross his arms over his chest. 
“We broke up.” He finally said and looked up at her reaction. Sofia’s brows went up and let out an inaudible Oh. 
“Shit. What happen?... Did you guys had a fight or something like that?” Sofía asked with a frown.
“She wanted to take a break,” Chris said shaking his head. “I think she was trying to let me down gently.” 
“Man, that's—”
“Yeah,” He agreed before she could even finish but Chris knew what she was going to say. “It was over since the last time we got back together, I just… I couldn't let her go and I guess she didn't want me to.”
“Do you love her?” Sofía asked almost in a whisper.
“I did,” Chris said looking at her between his eyelashes. “I don't think I'm still in love with her.”
“Fuck.” She sighed. “But you okay?”
“I think I'll be okay, I got you,” Chris said with a wide smile and Sofia awwwwh him and extended her arms for a hug. Chris took the step forward and hug her, pulling her close as she caresses the back of her head slowly. 
“You've got me, you're my dude. You know that, right?” She said with a smile. This wasn't that I want to fuck you talk, this was the actual friendship that they developed these past months.
“I know, I know.” He said nodding against her neck. “Fuck. I'm so glad I meet you.” Chris laughed. 
Sofía couldn't agree more as they smiled, the clothes were done.
Thanks everyones, glad someone it's reading this.
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