#i gave most of my ocs an exception pokemon just based on vibes
potatochip-oc-dump · 4 months
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could you imagine.... chip but pokemon trainer... life would b so beautiful
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a-tale-of-legends · 2 years
So I don't have pokemon masters, so I usually get the gist of certain events from @/jadeazora, so here's something I noticed so far with the new rival event:
Hop Hau and Calem- Now Hop and Hau seeme obvious, right? They are the two that people often compare each other with ( which I find totally unfair), and they seem to have very similar wavelengths in energy. Sunshine bois! Then there's Calem, who most would except to be the level headed voice of reason.
So here's the thing. I don't think that idea is wrong, but I think there's more than that. Hop and Calem, in terms of character, are similar in that they are kinda perfectionists( Calem towards himself and how much he can handle,Hop formerly in the idea of becoming a legend by living up to Leon's name). They both have this ' go go go, get things done' mentality, despite their different personalities. Hau here is really the calmness that these two need- a sign to take it easy. I will admit I don't know Calem all that much, so I could be totally off base with this and my next point: they all seem to be trying( or used to be trying) to actively impress someone/ live up to some standard Hop used to be like this in regards to Lee, Hau with Hala and Calem seems to just pressure himself? Or maybe that's the fanon/oc talking.
Next we have Marnie, Gladion and Barry. Again another team that has two that would get along great/match each other's vibe really well, and the one that looks out of place( I don't think out of place is the right word here, but I digress). But for me, the minute I saw these three I thought " ah yes. The stubborn, don't think about the long-term, just thing about the now and going team,". Yes this also applies to Marnie, which is probably just my interpretation of her haha. But like it kinda makes sense, to me. Gladion may be an older brother but he's done questionable things because he was just focusing on the now and going. For good reason, of course, but when you rush towards a battle with your former boss without a real plan, I think that kinda shows how you probably didn't think long term here. Barry is Barry, we all know his arc and we love him for it. Marnie is interesting cause from what I've seen from his event she's really actually focusing on Spikemuth? Idk, I don't play Masters so I don't know how the continuity is there when it comes to the SwSh characters all that well. But regardless of that, Marnie, and I mean this in the nicest way possible, always gave me the vibe of not thinking the whole picture. Like she's driven! Very focused on her and her battling and wanting to be champion! But like. Outside of that, with the state of Spikemuth, the state of being Champion itself, all the finer little details she kinda doesn't take into account for. I'm not saying she has to- she's a kid. I don't think kids have to take into account everything they do. This is just me saying that Marnie always gave me the vibe of act first, think later. Again. Could be completely wrong, cause I don't play Masters and I dunno the characterization of these rivals in Masters all that well. These are just my thoughts on the whole thing.
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