#i genuinely believe no one dared to report his behaviour but whenever something happened they all knew he was involved somehow
pinkniz · 10 months
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I can't help but think Freddy had a reign of terror in whatever school he went to because what kid or what teacher would actually dare to put a kid THIS BIG in his place
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(also lets pretend that the Tyr thing is still kinda canon and Everett actually went to the same school as Freddy and he was the only one who actually called him out on his behaviour im delulu leave me alone)
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xhanisai · 5 years
I watched Loveeater and it basically broke me. I really need more Kiss AU, so... 1) What happens during Chameleon? 2) What about Chloe, she still hate Marinette with a passion or Adrien managed to make them comfortable around each other?
Here my poor child, I hope this picks up the fragments of your broken heart ;;;; If you don’t mind, I’ll just answer about Chameleon cos I have a big idea for this.
Chameleon - (remember, Adrien and Marinette aren’t aware of how evil or manipulative Lila is here. They thought she was okay after the akuma incident and forgot about her during her absence, supposedly doing small charity work in Achu. They’re not too fond of her and Alya is sus about Lila.) Also, this is still pre-relationship (or so they convince themselves oof lol)
This episode starts off with Lila already in the class, bright and early. However, she’s in Nino’s seat...
She convinced Mdll. Bustier that she had tinnitus and needed to sit at the front so that she can listen to what she’s saying. Caline doesn’t bat an eye at this, simply accepts it as she’s loaded with so much work. 
The rest of the class walk in, sending a curious eye to Lila but shrugs it off. When Adrien, Mari, Alya and Nino walk in, Alya is the one to question the seating. She raises a brow at Lila’s tinnitus reasoning. She finds it shady. Nino just tells her that she’ll sit with him.
This puts Mari and Adrien in a dilemma. They’d have sat at the back but Lila points out that she doesn’t want to be alone, rubbing her arms and looking to the ground. Caline requests that one of them sits by Lila which takes the class aback- it’s impossible to separate Adrien and Marinette.
“You’re making me split up with my life partner?” Adrien gave kicked puppy look, clutching onto the hem of Marinette’s jacket. 
“Adrien,” Caline sighs out tiredly. She doesn’t have enough caffeine in her system to handle Adrien’s usual shenanigans. “It’s only temporarily. Lila is a new girl and she’ll need all the help she can get. Marinette isn’t going to flee to New York with Lila in her arms.”
The cat hero then turned to Marinette, eyebrows pleading for her to say something on his defense. 
“Come on, it’s just for a day. I’ve been slacking in my class president duties as well so...please?” The model was always a sucker for her sparkling bluebell eyes before rolling his eyes in annoyance and nodding. Marinette gave him a quick kiss on the cheek, ushering him to the seat next to Nathaniel before plopping down next to Lila. 
Lila and Marinette hit off really well here- or so Marinette thought. Mari felt slightly off around Lila, especially when talking about the work she did in Achu and completely flattering Marinette when she found out about the work she did for Jagged Stone. 
Adrien didn’t like how Lila would cling to Marinette’s arm like a clam, fingers sometimes trailing up Mari’s arm. Marinette felt uncomfortable but didn’t want to be rude. She and Alya had no boundaries when it comes to touching, overly affectionate like sisters- so why did Lila’s touch feel like poison? Why does her fingers often brush against her midriff or upper thighs...? 
Whenever Adrien tried to get to Marinette, Lila would lead the designer away or elsewhere, especially in a big crowd where a fuss can easily be made. Alya pointed out that if Adrien took Mari away from there, he’d be labelled as dangerously clingy and undesirable rumours could start.
He tried to calm himself down but as soon as he saw Lila lean close into Marinette’s face (which was paling like a ghost as she was trying to back away), he snapped. 
“Excuse me, I need to borrow her for a second.”
Marinette felt an iron grip on her wrist and she was immediately tugged out of Lila’s grasps, led away from the playground and into the lone lockers room. She didn’t even need to look up to know that it’s Adrien; his touch committed to memory. 
When she finally regained her bearings, she noticed how her Chaton was seething on the spot, glaring out of the door. Probably to see if Lila followed. Luck was on his side for once as other students went up to her, curious about the new girl. Plagg and Tikki flew out of their respective hiding places, nuzzling Marinette on each cheek before leaving to give them so privacy. Adrien then faced Marinette, hands on shoulders.
“Hey, breathe. You’re shaking like a leaf.” The familiarity of his sweet emerald eyes brought Marinette back to the real world, glancing at her hands that were indeed shaking. She took a few deep breaths, falling into Adrien’s embrace. It took her a few minutes to completely calm down, with the safety of his kisses on her hair and his warm arms around her body, rocking them both slowly back and forth. 
“I...I’m freaking Ladybug...I shouldn’t be scared of a girl advancing on me...” She mumbled out. Adrien felt himself stiffen and his hold on her tightened. “We’re girls- it’s normal for girls to touch each other in places...right?”
Adrien pulled away just a bit so that he could face her. Raw anger simmered in his veins as his Lady’s lips trembled. 
“No, it’s not normal for strangers to place their hands all over you. It doesn’t matter what sex you are, no one has the rights to touch you in a way that makes you so scared.” His voice took on a grave, threatening tone. Similar to the one he used when Theo was staring at Ladybug like a predator. 
“I know that...I know...so why do I keep justifying her actions? She said ‘We could be great friends’ and leaned in...I never wanted to run away so badly...” Marinette’s sentence ended in a whisper, making Adrien push her face into his chest again.
“I’m going to kill her-”
“Don’t! Adrien no! That’s wrong-”
“I don’t care!” His fingers sunk into her shoulders, a scowl plastered on his face and his eyes gleamed toxically. “No one gets away with doing THAT to you. Nobody!”
“You’re better than this Adrien, come on. I’m okay now. I was just startled-”
“Stop. Stop that. Stop downplaying your feelings! You’re the one who taught me to stand up for myself, to not let people use me as a doormat, to tell my own father how I really feel about the extra-curriculars. So take your advice and tell her off at the very least, please! Or tell Mlle. Bustier. Anything.” His eyebrows furrowed desperately as Adrien leaned his forehead against hers. His hands trailed to her cheeks, cupping them with such tenderness and love. 
“It’s easier to give advice than to take them it seems,” Marinette giggled, loving how Adrien let his lips straighten into a ‘Really?’ look. The designer then frowned, looking away. “I can’t really file a complaint without proof. If it was a guy doing it, the school would have taken it seriously. But since Lila is a girl and I’m a girl...”
“Fucking double standards...” The blonde spat out with indignation. “You could fix that ya know, you’re class rep,” 
“Yes but also, what if Lila claims it’s an Italian thing and then bursts into tears for making this situation bigger than it is? I’ll feel so bad...”
“You’re the victim here Marinette. Alya and I saw the way she touched you- it was inappropriate and disgusting. I’ll report to Mlle. myself if you’re not going to do it,” The girl in his arms looked up like a deer in headlights, shaking her head with a small ‘No!’. “Or you could come with me? Alya is a witness- three against one. Surely action will be taken then?”
Marinette’s frown only deepened.
“Come one, maybe this could give Lila a wake up call? Improve on her behaviour? We could befriend her properly if she fixes up.” This got the girl to look up, a hopeful smile on her lips. “There’s my girl,” Adrien chuckled, kissing her forehead. 
Next, the trio plus Nino files their complaints to their teacher about what happened. Marinette wanted it to be kept at the down low since she didn’t want to tarnish Lila’s reputation. She genuinely believed that there is probably some good in Lila. 
Caline rounds just Lila and Marinette up to discuss about the incident. As Marinette predicted, Lila burst into tears “apologetically”, running into the girls’ bathroom. The heroine didn’t think twice to run after her, ignoring her teacher’s exclaims and her trio of friends who were waiting outside the room. They’re called in by Caline (much to their protests) so that she can explain that perhaps Lila hasn’t been educated on social boundaries and what lines cannot be crossed.
Meanwhile, when Marinette finds Lila “sobbing” in the toilets, she tried to calm her down. 
This takes a 180 turn. Lila shouts how she doesn’t want Marinette coming near her. How she feels so humiliated, gross and offended that Mari dared to think that her affections were a form of harassment. She goes on a rant with how she will never have any friends now, how she’ll get looked down upon and how it’s like her old school all over again with everyone bullying her. 
“I can’t believe you ruined my life like that Marinette...I thought you were a good person!”
Lila storms out as a shocked and distraught looking Marinette froze in the same spot she was in. The crocodile tears were wiped away and a smug, sinister grin crept on Lila’s face. 
The butterfly does manage to clasp onto Marinette, however, thanks to Tikki’s pleadings and her strong will, the girl fights off the akumatisation. She collapses on the floor in exhaustion, completely forgetting about the butterfly. She thanks Tikki for her support, finally seeing how toxic Lila was, how this was none of Marinette’s fault. 
She then realises about the butterfly and darts out, looking for it.
The trio of friends are escorted back into the class but Adrien quips that he needs the bathroom. Caline saw past his lie but let him go anyways. It was a pure miracle that she kept Adrien and Marinette apart for so long anyways.
Agreste comes across Rossi midrun. They both have a stare off, one hoping that the other didn’t see her smirk whilst the other spotted it a million miles away. Adrien’s face twisted into a dangerous glare.
“A-Adrien? Why are you looking at me like that? I thought Mlle. Bustier fixed the matter-”
“I’ve been surrounded by lying, fake, atrocious people all my life. I know you’re one of them too.” The boy growled out. One side of him wanted to claw the girl’s face off whilst the other needed to check on his princess. 
“...you’re not as angelic as everyone else described you know.” The sarcastic, dry tone was such a huge contrast against the fake shy, sweet voice she tried serenading the class with. He very much preferred the real deal.
“Not when it comes to anyone hurting my partner.” He snarled. His nails dug into his palms. It took everything for him to restrain himself. Lila simply scoffed, crossing her arms.
“I’d watch what I say if I were you Agreste. You sound so possessive...so angry...those types of boys are usually kept away from sweet princesses like Marinette. One scream from me, one shout, and everyone will come aiding me no matter how well they love you.” Boldly, she flicked his cheek with a sickly sweet smile, relishing the way he bristled up and the colourful swears he let out. She stalked off triumphantly as Adrien ran off in search of Marinette.
She caught a flutter of dark wings nearby- her smirk widened to the point that would rival one of Chat Noir’s insane grins. 
Adrien and Marinette finally catch each other, the former fussing over her, asking if she’s okay. The sudden shout of an akuma in the school snapped them out of their conversation, both failing to bring up what happened to them. Marinette doesn’t waste time, dragging them both in the closest cleaner’s closet and pulling Adrien in for a kiss.
This kiss was a mess, desperate and full of frustration. The suit was quick to encase them but they kept on kissing, grabbing onto each other, letting their feelings out. By the time Ladybug had Chat against the wall, another scream was let out outside, a familiar voice yelling Nino’s name.
They had to pull away reluctantly and speed out. 
The fight goes similarly to canon except Chameleon took the form of Nino instead of Adrien. Towards the end, they find out it was Lila who was akumatised. Ladybug looked at her sympathetically but then she notices how Chat watches Lila with confusion. 
“She was smiling like she won the lottery when I last saw her. How did she get akumatised so quickly?” Chat eyed the Italian cautiously, leading Ladybug away by hand instinctively till she whipped her yoyo out and they simultaneously leapt away, missing Lila’s pissed off gaze. 
“What do you mean smiling? She was crying so badly when she ran out of the bathroom...” Ladybug added. 
Chat narrowed his eyes as did Ladybug till they both suddenly looked at each other. It clicked.
“She faked everything...the whole crying out of Mlle. Bustier’s staff room and bathroom was all a fake...to make me feel bad...”
“That’s why she looked so damn proud of herself- but that doesn’t explain the butterfly.” He glanced back at Ladybug, taken aback by her guilty look. All that Chat saw was red.
“Bug. Were you almost akumatised...because of HER?” Ladybug’s silence was all that Chat needed. Enraged, he made way back to the eiffel tower, thirsting for the blood of a certain Italian.
He didn’t expect his transformation to drop mid jump, quickly saved by Ladybug’s yoyo string, dropping them both down a secluded alleyway. Her transformation fell too. 
“Adrien. We are heroes. Don’t hurt her.” Instead of answering, Adrien slipped his ring off and laid it next to Plagg who laid with exhaustion and a block of cheese. He stormed towards Marinette, hands trembling but successfully taking off her earrings, laying them by Tikki who was by her counterpart along with a cookie. Marinette didn’t even flinch.
She let him crush his lips against hers. Let him push her against the wall. Let him kiss her senseless without a care about school or classmates or anything else. All that mattered was each other. She finally closed her eyes, arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. 
By the time Mari and Adrien does make it back to class, everyone teases their dishevelled look and messy hair. How are they not dating yet, they’ll never know. The duo ignored Lila’s presence as they made way to the back of the class. 
They vowed to not only protect each other but anyone else around Lila’s presence. If they want her to be caught, they’ll need to be patient. Good thing Alya is an aspiring journalist. The ep ends with just adrinette and Lila having a stare off outside the school.
“This is War.” Lila mouths, the same devilish smile stuck on her face before it twisted into that sickly saccharine smile, yelling out her goodbyes to them both. 
Satisfied? :’DDDD
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