#i genuinely feel like itll be either close to 100 or over
sereina-archive 2 years
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honestly tho i miss rps like this w crazy note counts. where are the 80 note threads. what happened to them. they are an endangered breed but we can bring them back-
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ibemandapanda 5 years
My Billy Hargrove theory
This is less of a theory and more of an idea involving the demodog shoved in Joyces fridge inspired by body snatchers. And if season 4 has a plot twist itll be that Hopper is actually dead, but I think it's pretty obvious by now Hopper is alive and well.
I know season 3 was similar to the body snatcher concept but it was more possession and Exorcist vibes than anything. To make this work, it would involve Billy still being alive as well (or not). Considering the demogorgans can make their own gates (and the demodog in the fridge is still alive), and preserving it in the cold of the fridge actually helped it evolve into a demogorgan (they like it cold). that being said we go all the way back to season two with Billy laying on the Byers floor out cold. said demodog now demogorgan frees itself from the fridge, and because its a hive mind, knows the gate is closing. although it is apart of the hive mind, its shown they can be self aware and possess unilateral thinking capabilities via Dart and how Dart **chose** to not attack Dustin and let Steve and the kids pass by unscathed. So demogorgan from the fridge opens a gate to the upside down in the house, decides to body snatch Billy and throw him in the upside down (or just kill him and throw the body in the upside down) and essentially taking his place in our world to survive. The demogorgan not only steals his image but his memories, mannerisms, and shitty personality. This may or may not help the demogorgan survive with the gate closed (because it has shifted into another creature) or there may already be another gate open via the post credit scene in season 3. either way its depicted that these creatures are still somehow alive with the gate closed.
so now we are in season 3 with the demogorgan shapeshifted as Billy. something that caught my eye was when Billy had a vision in the upside down, he never once questioned where he was or what was going on, he immediately asked "what do you want?" like he knew who he was talking to. maybe the mind flayer sat waiting in the steel works for demo-Billy (hive mind knowing this particular demogorgan was still out there) to come near (or it was an extraordinary coincidence), i find it hard to believe not a single person drove down that road over the x amount of hours from when the gate opened to when billy drove down that road by the steal works.
Billy's head injury. Billy gets a nasty cut on his forehead in the side not covered by hair from the the car accident in episode one. come episode two (the next day) this mark is gone. i didn't think anything of it until i saw Tom Holloway with a pretty noticeable band aid on his forehead from the wine bottle Heather whipped the shit out of him with. considering demo-billy is a shapeshifter, he could've, most likely, just shifted the injury away.
Billy pleading with Max. i think this would be kind of obvious. demo-billy has been blending in for about 8 months now as Billy and possesses Billy's feeling towards his step-sister so i feel like the reaction is genuine. i also find it odd how every time the Mind Flayer takes control, Billy's veins turn black but Will's didn't. could this be because this is the demogorgan and the demogorgan's blood beneath the human like skin?
Billy's picture. El used Billy's school picture to find him sitting in his room on July 4th. since billy has been in the upside down since November (or just dead) of the previous year, that picture may have been one demo-billy took for school hence her locating demo-billy and not billy in the upside down.
Billy's memories. like i said before, this demogorgan took not only billy's image but his personality, mannerisms and memories like they were his own because this is now the creature/person it is and has been for x amount of time now. billys memories held weight for the demogorgan, not because it held emotion for these fleeting moments or memories but because it reminded it of the person it was trying to be helping it pull away from the mind flayers hold.
As for Hopper, if the giant laser key had the power to open the gate, i 100% believe it had the power to transport to the dimension. i think Hopper was transported exactly how El was in season 1. i think Hopper is in the upside down and eventually meets up with Billy (if hes still alive) and they help each other survive (billy faring a bit better since he would have been there for about 8 months already). This is honestly the team up i never knew i needed and would kill to see it come to fruition.
The pale demogorgan at the end of season 3. could this be demo-billy? after 'killed' by the mind flayer the people inside are rushed out, US Calvary rushes in. considering a bunch of russians built an underground lair underneith a mall without anyone noticing i dont think its out of the realm of possibilities to think there are russians spies within the us government under Dr. Owens command that answers the SOS to the starourt mall. say demo-billy, near death, reverts back to its original form. having been in disguise for so long loses its natural skin tone and then abducted by the commies.
the american. i think the american is Brenner. how else did the russians know to go to Hawkins indiana specifically, build a 5 mile walkway from the mall to underneith Hawkins lab and open the gate where the ground was still scarred and healing. it has Brenner written all over it. i dont think Brenner was necessarily helping the red army but more or less using this information as a bargaining chip to spare his life. Or Brenner purposely sought out international funding for his research into the upside down since the american government caught onto him and shut him down. So the brains behind the Russians in Hawkins may have very well been Brenner, the cockroach that he is.
The potential subplot device in season 4. knowing that this demogorgan shapeshifted into Billy, how many more are there? how does the group locate them? and how do they kill them?
So ends my long winded plot idea. I think I just really want Billy to live to I can look at Dacre Montgomery for another 8 episodes.
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Episode 8 Confessionals
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This is long overdue but I've been busy because my brother got married woooo! Okay so FINALLY WE MERGED! Jordan and I survived the hell tribe and we made it here. We had to lose Jay which absolutely sucks, I feel terrible for voting him out but I did what I think was the right thing. The biggest piece of news is that I was literally on the merge tribe for like 10 minutes and ended up FINDING THE IMMUNITY IDOL!! I WAS SO SHOCKED I COULDN'T BELIEVE IT!! I haven't told anybody about it but I might....MIGHT....tell Jordan about it to show that I do trust him after wavering so much on my decision about potentially voting him out. We have an auction coming up, I hope I get something really cool from it! Bryce told me that he was the one that gave me the idol but Zach told me that he was the one that pushed for him to give it to me so I'm thankful to the both of them for that. I think I could get good with Carson, Zach, Bryce and Charlotte. Katie and I have bonded over our love of true crime, she's super nice and her connection to Jordan Pines is incredibly strong so we can do this. I believe that Copa isn't dead just yet.聽
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finally got into an alliance with charlotte and chris
i bid well at the auction and got a nifty apple that lets me sit out for a round #blessed
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Finding out someone I want to work with is an Amy Schumer fan.... maybe shouldn't work with them :/. Jk!! But am I even DKSFJSD
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zack just sent me this message "and im in kuang si (it鈥檚 a main season, if you know what those are) asdjfk" I dont know how to respond to that
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Merge sweet merge! Okay so I'm officiallly in an alliance with Katie and Charlotte. We're the Senior Citizens. Katie is playing up to Jordan that she doesn't have any allies in hopes of him telling her any potential people from Ulta who might flip. Meanwhile I have to PUBLICLY pick 3 people to go to the wishing well with me. Obviously taking the Senior Citizens, but I then decided on Bryce because he was the only person not mention by Jordan as someone he thinks he's working with. Immunity just happened and as of right now I feel content with my score but some people are insane and will destroy me. I really hope I win because I feel like I'll get cut as soon as the opportunity arises.
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me two days ago: I should probably try to be less hostile towards JP. me today: DISADVANTAGE GOES TO JP. i'd say i'm sorry but that would be a lie.
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am i up to date on confessionals聽
hope i dont go home probably should have used my advantage聽
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We merged!!! and im stressed as hell. i have NO idea what im doing. chris won this wishing well thing in the auction and took katie, charlotte, and bryce. so it set off alarms to me and zach so we're working on the me/willow/zach thing we were planning on before, we just have mroe of a reason now. the plan is: vote jordan pines this first round (even though hes trying to talk strategy with me and if eel bad bc i told charlotte to use the disadvantage on him) recruit luke and katie and vote chris out at final 8 and thats our plan so far bc... its hard to plan things in survivor! yeah i have no idea i hate the merge especialyl when i know where NO ONE sits
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Whose got two thumbs and flopped at immunity? THIS GUY. But it's all good. We have two clear outsiders in the form of luke and Jordan. I feel bad because I genuinely like luke. I'm hoping we can get rid of Jordan and then I can swoop up precious baby luke to use him to get some of the ulta's I'm not close with out. For now, me, Katie, Carson, and charlotte are going for Jordan unless something drastic happens.聽
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I'm tired and I've been essentially goating myself this game yikes聽
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So at this point, it's the morning of the first merge tribal. Exciting? Yes! Nerve-wracking? Yes! Willow won immunity. I lowkey was going to force a tie because I know any intellectual could get 5 at most (Willow's smart, so I just expected it) then her comp adv. of -2 would ensure her a win since 3 is theoretically impossible. SHE GOT TWO! Good on her though! I overall chose not to snatch her score because I felt really bad, and it was with someone whom I potentially was going to work it or would work with. Speaking of, Willow, Carson and I formed a trio alliance. We both comprehend that the two Copa need to go soon. I think it'll be Jordan Pines this vote. However, a) I don't want Luke to go JUST yet, as we can utilize him, and b) the votes might flip and ADIOS me! I also have worrying speculation of an alliance including the newbies. This is purely because of whom Chris decided to take on his little... trip to the wishing well. It's just a little suspicious, considering Carson admitted to me he talks to Chris relatively every other day, so it was shocking. Nonetheless, it's a game decision, doesn't matter much.. My game plan from this point forward is to just try to be fairly more social. I've been talking to Chris and Katie a lil more. I'm on relatively good terms with Luke. Carson and I are best buddies. Willow is a LEGEND! - then we have Bryce, a king who I don't talk to much but is iconic. Charlotte, a literal icon. Jordan Pines! (that name along speaks for itself). It's going, I guess. We'll see ^-^
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So I finally found the wishing well thing and I completed my task yay!! I can now see who votes who for one tribal but idk when im gonna use it tbh. I think I'll tell carson about it b/c hes my number 1. But for this vote i'm hoping itll be easy and be one of jordan/luke just gotta talk to the other ulta people.
Okay so I think its just gonna be the easy vote of Jordan? Hope its not too easy and im not too complacent
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Here's the thing. Anyone who has ever played with me before, or knows me, knows that I pretty much play the same game. I stick with my alliance and only turn on them when I need to ... I'm not one for cannibalizing the alliance too early. But ... I'm bored. Everyone's quiet, no one's exciting me, and I really just want to watch the world burn. Do I like Jordan? Eh. Will he make the season more exciting? Absolutely. If I can convince Katie and Carson, or maybe Zach, to vote for Jordan ... the game will flip upside down. 聽I'm here for a little Chaos.聽
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is Jordan gonna die tonight? the answer probs wont surprise you as YES. AHHHHH. IM GOING HOME FUCK FUCK FUCK ME, FUCK YOU RYAN TEDDY PALMER. I am trying to save myself but i may be all out of lives.
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I'm watching Shookstralian Survivor and writing a confessional, I hear this episode is iconic so I'm preparing! Michelle is winning btw! Okay so back to Cordillera Blanca...I didn't win immunity...Jordan didn't win immunity which means that both of us are vulnerable at tribal and one of us could potentially be going home tonight which is worst case scenario. As of now I think the votes are going to Jordan and I would be open to playing my idol on him but I would need to be 100% certain that I'm not getting votes because I DO NOT want to idol myself out. If I lose Jordan this round I do still have my Golden Monkey Idol to fall back on at the next tribal council so hopefully that work out in my favour. Right now Jordan and I are trying to pull in Charlotte, Katie and Zach to make a majority of 5 so that we can take over this tribe. Stay tuned...;)聽
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Did Jordan just save himself? MAYBE?????? If all goes according to plan, 聽me zach luke, charlotte and carson will vote for chris and blindside him 5-4. So #letsnotkilljordanpines
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Omg so I have a randomized vote this round which really sucks but I sent in a fake vote so if people ask I can hopefully trick them also I'm shook I won immunity with4 guesses
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So... charlotte wants to flip and zach does too which.. i gues?? djksd we with jordan andl uke.. a VERY tight duo pretty much, and its gonna be hard to break that, so we cant let them get far. but getting chris out right now?? idk if its right. im still a bit bitter over him not taking me to the wishing well [3:59:22 PM] Jordan Pines: same here <3 [4:00:34 PM] carson: (y) if i hear anything i tell u but just know I'm down with u lukle charlotte and zach [4:00:46 PM] Jordan Pines: same here <3 also jordan sent the same message to me twice which.. kinda shady but like i hope its not anything bad?? if he rats us out i dont think im the biggest target but like.. ya never know in this game. also idk if my social game is good bad or whatever, buti m hoping its good and it can propel me to a victory?? zach keeps saying hes my lapdog andj ust.. uh i dont want that i want to be equal allies. whatevs?? idk. also willow's vote is apparently randomized from what zach said and charrlote found where the iodl was hidden but it waas found so someone else has it... so idk. IDK i feel like flipping on the entire tribe and doing 5-4 the first vote is soooo risky. im thinking that me/zach can tell willow we're voting chris even though her vote is randomzied so she cant rlly do anything?? she doesnt talk 聽a lot of strategy because she takes awhile to respond but she's cool and id definitely say i trust her more than most people here. like bryce, i cant read him or chris. katie's cool but i feel like shes a bit fake to me like saying how much she trusts me when we dont talk that much?? and charlotte/jordan/luke just give weird vibes idk. only person i trust 100% is zach ig uess because we talk 24/7 and hes cool. hope this vote can go as planned, and im still kinda having cold feet, but like... i dont wanna lose jury votes so i either commit or go home.
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hi can i have an episode title i came up with someone very clever here it goes: Why are all my tribe mates children like hey whats up welcome to lord of the fucking flies.
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So this vote for the longest time was going to be Jordan. I was going to stick with it, but knowing me, I don't like boring games and it'd be predictable to do that. Charlotte came to me about voting out Chris. Not that directly, I guess, but mentioned flipping. I was down for it, but I wanted to talk to Carson. LUCKILY, she wanted to include Carson to, so we made an alliance ^-^ I believe right now the vote is sailing for Chris. I feel bad but it's the game, and you gotta do what you gotta do. No hard feelings. The game is tough. WHY DO I PUT MYSELF THROUGH THIS ALL THE TIME ARGHGH
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