#i get down to the parking garage and my driver's side window  was nonexistent
arrow-guy · 2 years
someone broke into my car while it was out tonight, I’m fucking livid
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The Scoop of a Lifetime - 19
Whumptober Day 19 - BROKEN HEARTS
Tagging: @mnmlover2002, @cupcakes-and-pain, @lave-e, @appy-polly-loggies, let me know if you want to be added/removed!
Whew, this chapter.. kind of got away from me, both in length and content. It’s almost double my usual length, and it’s pretty rough. Heed the CWs and stay safe guys!
CW: suicidal thoughts (in the “I’d rather be dead than have to go through this, why couldn’t I have died?” vein), violent death, gun violence, blink-and-you-miss-it noncon implication, threats, reference to past torture, previous injuries, Devin has a pretty unhealthy mindset throughout this chapter, please let me know if I missed anything!
Masterlist // Previous
Once they were settle back in their room - they’d stopped trying to convince themself it wasn’t theirs - Devin simply laid on the bed, their ankles wrapped tightly and elevated by a few pillows. They stared up at the ceiling, trying not to think. And failing.
Is this really going to be the rest of my life? Being tossed around and hurt, depending on Wildre’s every whim? How long can I actually survive like this? How long will I actually want to survive like this?
Their thoughts restless and dark, they must’ve fallen asleep eventually because at some point Wildre was knock, knock, knocking on their door, his much too cheerful for this early in the morning voice ringing through the door. “Good morning, love! It’s time to get up! I’ve got a fun activity planned for today!”
Devin dragged a hand across their face with a soft groan, before pulling themself out of bed, forgetting about their ankles until they tried to stand. They had to quickly sit back down on the edge, slowly moving their ankles to stretch them out as much as they could. Every morning, they seemed to have to re-remember that i’m crippled i’ll never be the same as i was before he’s hurt me for the rest of my life what had happened.
They shakily stood back up, swaying slightly and grimacing at the pain but gradually making their way to the bathroom, stopping to grab a change of clothes from their wardrobe. 
Once inside, they quickly stripped off the clothes they’d fallen asleep in and the braces, dropping the clothing on the floor and carefully setting the braces on the sink counter before stepping carefully into the shower. They stayed under the steady stream of hot water as long as they dared before shutting it off and drying themself off. They squeezed the water out of their hair, making sure it wasn’t dripping and that it was out of their face before pulling the plain, long sleeved t-shirt and blue jeans on, refastening the ankle braces on before giving themself a cursory look over in the mirror, frowning slightly at the deep shadows beneath their eyes.
They sat down on the bed to loosely lace up a pair of sneakers before running a hand through their hair and pulling open the door, unsurprised to find Duncan waiting for them.
They silently followed him down the hall, until they reached a room they thought was on a lower section of the house but weren’t completely sure, Duncan motioning them through the door.
Cautiously, they stepping through, their eyes quickly taking in a small underground parking garage filled with more cars than any one person could ever need, with multiple tunnels leading out in different directions.
Wildre was standing by one of the cars, perking up immediately and calling out, “Oh, Devin, love, there you are! I was worried you’d gotten lost.”
Devin and Duncan made their way over to him, going at a slow pace due to the former. Once they reached the car, Wildre easily opened the backseat door for Devin and, as they slid in, he tossed something to Duncan before climbing in afterwards.
Duncan sat down in the driver’s seat and started the car. Devin took a deep breath, feeling slightly i can’t breathe they’re trapping me in i have no space surrounded with Duncan in front of them and Wildre next to them.
The car started to move as soon as everyone had done their seat belts, quietly humming beneath them, and although Devin knew nothing about cars, they could tell this one was definitely expensive. It drove through one of the tunnels, lights flashing above them as they passed. The car was deathly silent, so Devin settled for staring out the window, watching the concrete walls fly past. 
After a while, Devin would have to guess around fifteen or twenty minutes, although they’d never been good at estimating time, the car seemed to pull into another similar miniature parking garage, this one with less fancy cars in it. They stopped and Wildre turned to face Devin, an unreadable expression on his face.
“Now, love,” he started and they immediately began tensing up, “I’m about to bring you on a little trip, okay?” They bristled at how he spoke to them as if they were a child but they slowly nodded. “You might see some things, and they might not be pretty, but-” He reached out and grabbed their jaw firmly, but not painfully, forcing them to meet his gaze- “it is crucial that you keep your mouth shut. Am I understood?”
They nodded, licking their lips nervously before saying softly, “Yeah, I-I understand.”
He smiled, and Devin hated how that made them almost relax. “Good.” He opened the door and, once he stood, reached back a hand for Devin and they accepted, leaning on him more heavily than they’d like to admit.
Once they were all out, they fell into a formation, with Wildre in the lead, Devin a step or two behind him and to the side, and Duncan bringing up the rear. They headed for a door along one of the walls, a keypad locking it. Wildre punched in a long code before pulling what looked like an ID badge out and swiping it. The light on it turned green, and the door swung open slightly. 
Walking through it, the three were greeted with what looked like receptionist’s area that wouldn’t look out of place in a downtown office building. A young woman sitting at the desk glanced up at them then did a double take as she spotted Wildre.
Standing up, she brushed nonexistent wrinkles out of her clothes. “Mr. Wildre,” she greeted, glancing discreetly at a clock hanging on the wall. “We, uh, we weren’t expecting you for another hour, sir.” She took in Devin with a narrowed gaze. “And we weren’t expecting a, a guest,” she added, tone as if she thinks i’m a threat as if i would voluntarily have anything to do with him decidedly less friendly.
He smiled and waved a hand towards Devin. “Oh, Devin? They’re harmless.” She seemed to melt under his paparazzi grin, and Devin flushed, biting down on their lip to keep quiet. “And I enjoy showing up early. What can I say?” he said with a laugh and careless shrug.
The woman nodded before gesturing to one of the doors behind her. “Well, Mr. Westhaven is in the warehouse right now, getting ready to send out a shipment.”
Wildre gave her a nod and another smile, before taking Devin by the arm and marching them towards the door she had indicated. He had to enter another code and swipe his badge again before they were standing at the top of a stairwell, looking down on a bustling warehouse, filled with large crates and loud machinery that looked disconcertingly normal. 
Leading Devin down the stairs, Wildre looked around the busy area, Devin’s ankles protesting at the i can’t keep up please slow down i’m in so much pain harsh movements. Once they reached the bottom, he made a beeline for an older man who seemed to be at the center of the chaos. As they passed, workers began recognizing Wildre and growing quiet. 
By the time they had reached the other man, the warehouse had become nearly silent, every eye on them. Devin felt heat creep up their neck as they felt eyes landing on them and tried to subtly shrink into Wildre’s side, a fact that, while he clearly noticed, evident by the smug grin on his face, he thankfully did not comment on. The older man turned around and, seeing them, gave a huge grin. 
“Mr. Wildre!” he called, and Devin was surprised to see such an older man, he had to be in his fifties or sixties, call Wildre “Mr.”
He responded with a small wave. “Westhaven. How’s this shipment progressing?”
The man chuckled. “Very good, sir. Running smoothly. What brings you by so early?” While he portrayed the picture of ease, Devin could see that he was scrambling by the sudden appearance of his boss and, judging by the gleam in his eye, Wildre saw it too.
“Oh, just wanted to see it in action. I do miss being part of the day to day activities sometimes. It’s not nearly as fun being stuck in a stuffy office all day.” He saw Westhaven’s eyes turn towards Devin, neatly tucked between Wildre and Duncan, and grinned, wrapping an easy arm around them. “Although it does come with its benefits.” 
Devin stiffened almost imperceptibly at the he’s touching me stop don’t touch me like that please get away but that man is staring at me like that i don’t like that possessiveness in the gesture, but Westhaven seemed to get the message and easily changed the subject.
“I can see that. We’re just finishing loading the last of the crates before we send them off-”
At that moment, shouting erupted from one of the many doors throughout the huge room, and Devin’s eyes widened as a man staggeringly ran out. They had to grit their teeth so they wouldn’t disobey what he told me to do he told me to be quiet cry out when they realized the man was littered with cuts and bruises, some still leaking blood.
Wildre exchanged a look with Duncan and shifted slightly, so Devin was more blocked from view. The man, catching sight of the movement, locked onto Wildre and charged towards them. “You! You bastard, how dare you-” 
Devin would never know what he was going to say because at that moment, Wildre pulled out a gun he seemed to keep concealed, tucked away inside his jacket, and fired it, the bullet punching smoothly through the man’s skull, all in one smooth motion. 
Devin jerked back from the sudden spray of blood, not quite believing what they were seeing, a hand clasped over their mouth to keep from sobbing or screaming, they didn’t know which, as their gaze locked onto the growing pool of crimson only feet away.
As they were slowly lead away, brought into another room, one that looked like a typical boardroom, and placed in a chair sandwiched between Wildre and Duncan, their gaze remained far away, stuck on the way the man’s body had continued propelling himself forward for just another second before being unnaturally jerked backwards, the desperation and raw hatred in his eyes, and just one thought kept running throughout their head.
Why couldn’t Wildre have put that bullet in me?
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