#i get so flattered when tagged in these eep thank you senpai
weretigerkun · 7 years
another about me tag game
Tagged by @looking-for-stray-dogs aaaah, thank you very much, lea! :D
How old are you?: 18
What’s your current job?: wailing over academics, learning japanese, writing about boys in love (oh i wish this was my job), trying to get through life you know.... 
What are you good at?:
...knowing fashion stuff? :D
paying attention to details, working really intensely once i’ve focused
noticing pretty sunsets, cityscapes, and angles in a city that not many people would consider pretty ;w;
digging through the bowels of the internet to find allllll the content for my current fandom/interest
discussing... existential crises.....
buying presents, or more accurately, finding clothes in someone else’s style that they would like
spending too much time in bookstores
What is a big goal you are working towards (or have already achieved)?:
big goals? i dont have much right now eep
obviously i want to graduate and get a job in my field! something related to art curation. i just want to be creative and be surrounded by creative people honestly~ and then be fluent enough in japanese to read allll the books and comics and fanworks i want to! and share them with others bc japanese literature is sooo rare in my country. mura.ka.mi is basically it lol.
What is your aesthetic?:
this is... difficult oh my ... my aesthetic is always changing i think
long skirts, flowy tops and poofy hair (or in a bun)
cityscapes!!! neon!! the city at night!
character-focused, moody novels
antique stores and film photography
deer antlers, flowers
that feeling when you’re riding the train and it’s full of people but it’s like you’re trapped in your own little bubble, you know?
cloudy weather
green tea-flavored everything
Do you collect anything?:
Memories.... :~)
okay but for real, fandom stuff (whether official or fanmade) and notebooks that i don’t use because they’re too pretty.....
What’s a topic you always talk about:
obviously this varies depending on who i talk to but in general:
existential stuff? feelings? friends are here for that ;w;
art and literature
other people because i am a terrible gossip i am sorry
events that happen in general, especially regarding my country or community (on one level i do mean it seriously #staywoke but on the other hand it’s just a part of connecting with your community you know :D lmao me talking as if im not a shy introvert eep)
What is a pet peeve of yours:
i have sooo many but for now let me say: WHEN CARS PARK ON SIDEWALKS!! side walks are for PEOPLE please let me pass so i dont walk on the road and get potentially run over. thanks.
Good advice to give:  
everyone is just as afraid, just as nervous, just as unsure as you are. we’ve all been there. and nobody has to know your fears if you don’t let them show. fake it till you make it :D you will survive! you already have gone this far!
“If you never ask, the answer will always be no.”
What are three songs you’d recommend?:
Gem Club - Twins
KANON69 - First Lady
IV of Spades - Ilaw Sa Daan
[i have more indie OPM recs if anyone wants them!]
And here they are, those who stole my heart♥
technically only one person but....
tagging @magicalgirlmafu @nekojimaxosamew @fandoms-today-fandoms-forever @shiori-reiko @lunajpg !! no pressure if you don’t want to do it, and i also hope you guys havent done this yet whoops
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