#i get the intent of trying to tell an overall concise story within the short amount of time they get
magicdyke ยท 2 years
I'll be honest, i was a bit sad with how weakly they pushed tome's frustration in the latest episode + the connection that her and takenaka formed. i wish they had emphasized that more instead of them spending time with the aliens, because i feel like that was the more important part/real intended purpose of the arc? since tome literally feels disconnected from all of her friends and feels that nobody really understands her, but takenaka does. he does understand. and he wants her to see that by doing something actually genuine for her sake instead of putting up a front like so many people around him do. and the sad part about all this is that they didn't even get a full ten minutes to explore that. like guys did u forget there was a whole new character u had to introduce and give an emotional arc for, as well as satisfyingly tie it together with tome's? idk. i just feel like it did a disservice to her with what was focused on
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