#i gift him someone who adores him. in a different manner of course lmao but i love these lil guys.
cursezoroark · 5 months
the oc x canon ive allowed myself in the rebornverse is rejuv mc and ren. they're so cute :']]]]]]]]]] to me,,,,, mona just BARELY gets a crush by like karma files though and ren feels Nothing though sooooo lmaoooooo they're doomed as soon as i created them. well ok not Nothing he cares for Mona a lot, just not as like,,,,,, the extent of affection??? if that makes sense. the whole gang's a bit held up with the xenpurge and he's one of the Centers of it i don't think he has the time or thought rlly. for my fav rejuv character and my special lil guy. dorky teenagers in world apocalypse. who are so so doomed.
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petersasteria · 4 years
Can’t Go Back (Epilogue) - H. Osterfield
DISCLAIMER:  *This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.*
Summary: Harrison is getting married to a different girl and Tom isn’t happy about it.
Pairing: Haz x Reader
Requested? Nah my dudes.
Masterlist / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8 / Epilogue
* * * *
Five years.
It's been five years since that incident at the park.
Five years since Harrison's wedding that didn't push through. Five years since Betty decided to let Harrison go. Five years since Y/N left, not only Harrison and Tom, but also her fiance. Five years since Tom left.
It's been a rough five years for Harrison. He wasn't used to being alone. However, he did have his family and that was important. It made him really thankful. Him and Tom aren't on speaking terms, but they still like and comment on each other's posts on Instagram and sometimes, Twitter.
Harrison isn't dating anyone, because he's working on himself and his career. He figured that when the time is right, he'll meet someone unexpectedly. But right now, he's alright without seeing someone. He realized that he didn't need another person to be happy or to be complete. Having a partner will just be a bonus.
Harrison kept in touch with Betty and he was even invited to her wedding. She met someone on a cruise to the Bahamas and they fell in love instantly. Harrison was very happy for her... genuinely happy. Now, Betty and her husband are expecting their first child together with Harrison as the godfather.
After breaking up with Timothee, Y/N moved out of their shared home and moved back to her own apartment. Timothee didn't take it well at first but when she told him that she didn't choose anyone, it made him accept why she was leaving. Besides, he didn't want to get married either.
But he did love her.
They also remained friends and their parents were not happy with the decision they made. But they didn't care, because they were happy.
Tom had everything until he didn't.
He lost his best friend and the love of his life. They completed him. His career was doing great and his family is alright, but he can't help but wonder how Harrison and Y/N are doing.
Of course, he's sort of up to date with Harrison through Twitter and Instagram, but that wasn't enough. He hasn't been talking to Y/N, because she changed her number again.
He wanted to see them. He wanted to see them so bad. He wondered if they ever did get back together. It's been five years after all.
Well, what he didn't know is that he'll finally get what he wants.
"Thank you." Tom smiles at the cashier and walks out of Lacoste with a big paper bag in hand. Quite fancy, but he decided to treat himself after wrapping up in shooting his latest film. He went through so much, mentally, and he wanted to give himself a little gift for pushing through. So, he bought himself two shirts and a pair of shoes.
While walking, Tom pulls out his phone to check if he has messages. There weren't a lot of people and he was thankful that so far, no one is interrupting his 'me day'. As he's scrolling through Instagram, his phone pinged and he sees a name from his contact that he never thought he'd see again.
Haz hey mate I can see you walking lmao I'm across the street
Tom looks up from his phone and looks across the street and sure enough, there stood his best friend who he hasn't heard from or seen in a long time. A smile slowly makes its way to both of their faces and Harrison waves at him in glee. Tom does the same thing.
It was truly a wholesome moment.
Harrison quickly crosses the street and stands in front of Tom as soon as he did. They engulf each other in a hug and they sort of teared up a bit. They pull away after a while and just smile at each other.
"Before you say anything," Harrison starts, "I know I'm too late, but it's better late than never. Tom, I'm sorry. I really am. What I said back then totally crossed the line and it was obviously not cool and I hope you forgive me."
"Of course I forgive you, you div!" Tom chuckles. "It's been five years. Yes, what you said really hurt me, but if you think you'll get rid of me like that, you're wrong. I got you and you got me; it's always been like that."
Harrison smiles, "That's great! So, want to catch up? There's this new restaurant and I thought you might like it. I haven't been there, though. I always told myself that I'd go there with you."
"I'd love to catch up with you." Tom grins as both of them walk to where the restaurant is.
The two men talked and laughed together as if nothing happened. They didn't care about the people around them who were looking.
All of a sudden they get interrupted by a small voice, "Wow, you're Spider-Man!"
Tom and Harrison stopped talking to look at the little boy standing next to Tom's chair. Tom smiles and says, "Yeah, that's me! What's your name, lil guy?"
The kid didn't answer though, because someone familiar answered Tom's question without them knowing.
"Sebby! What did I tell you about running from me like that?" a familiar voice says.
Tom and Harrison look at the direction where the voice came from and their heart stopped. It's Y/N. She looked more gorgeous than ever. She walks up to where they are and her heart stopped too.
"Oh, long time no see." she gives them a small smile. "Sorry if Sebby bothered you guys. He saw you and he just... ran."
Tom clears his throat, "Um, that's okay."
"Do you, uh, want to sit down... with us? We were just catching up and we'd love for you to join us." Harrison says softly, looking at the girl he once loved and still loved.
"If you don't mind? That'd be great." Y/N smiles, pulling a chair for Sebby to sit on before pulling the chair for her to sit on. The two men allowed Y/N and Sebby to order their food before they look at each other in silence.
"I take it, you want answers?" Y/N breaks the silence. Tom and Harrison look at each other and nod.
"Last time we checked, you didn't pick anyone but yourself." Tom says.
"Or maybe you have someone new?" Harrison says. Although it came out as a question more than a statement.
Y/N chuckles, she looks at Sebby and asks if he wants to color. The little boy nods happily as she pulls out a coloring book and some crayons from her bag. Sebby wastes no time and begins coloring.
Y/N looks at the men and smiles, "He's not my son. Well, technically he is. But I didn't give birth to him. I'm not dating anyone and I don't want to. Sebastian came into my life unexpectedly. He was just two months old. Someone left him at my doorstep and they left his baby bag and documents and a note that said 'please take care of him for me'. From then on, it's just been me and him."
Harrison nods, "That's... wow. He's adorable, though."
"Yeah, I agree." Tom smiles.
The three of them smile at each other and they begin to ask more about Sebastian. The kid was happy to hear that the two men with them are his uncles and wanted to spend every single day with them.
Harrison didn't get the happy ending he wanted with Y/N and that's okay, because he was contented being her friend again AND being Sebastian's uncle which is a bonus.
Tom didn't get to make his friends get back together like he wanted, but he did find himself someone special. She wasn't and could never compare to his first love, but she's amazing and loving. Tom loved her very much.
As for Y/N, Sebastian was her whole world and Tom and Harrison were there to help her raise him every time she's needed at the hospital. Her family wasn't there to support her, but that's okay. She had a new family now and she promises that she'll be better than her own parents when it comes to raising Sebastian.
All three of them knew that things weren't going to be like they were before, because now they're better versions of themselves and they'll go on new adventures to make new memories.
And they loved how everything turned out to be and they wouldn't have it any other way.
* * * *
Thanks for the support on this x
Taglist:  @sweetdespairbarnes @fanficparker @myblueleatherbag @justasmisunderstoodasloki @lcvelyparkers @tommysparker @allegra-soleil
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rockymountaingothic · 7 years
yo o o whats happening
I think a Guy Ritchie Raffles movie would be good ?
I don’t think he’s gonna, because ultimately it’s too similar to sherlock holmes which he’s already doing great with. But if he did, out of necessity it would walk talk and shoot gun differently. Probably more in the vein of The Man From U.N.C.L.E. with the expensive clothes and cars and high stakes sneaking around (napoleon solo even has the thief background so hyeah if you didn’t like his holmes adaptations pls go watch that)
And that would be amazing, right??? Holy fuck the dude makes crime movies /it’s what he does/ i would absolutely kill to see him take on /the gentleman thief/ archetype the way he took on /the secret agent/ in the man from uncle. here are some things raffles has that he has already demonstrated great use of in his other films
Morally ambiguous characters
Characters who are unbelievably good at one thing, usually a crime thing, and are flawed in almost every other way
Assholes who do shitty things but are so charming you can’t help but root for them
Usually because they’re up against someone who’s also on the wrong side of the law but also kills puppies or whatever, y’know. worse than them in some way
Card game scenes
Say what you will about RDJ as Holmes but that depiction of Victorian England kicks my ASS EVERYtime i watch game of shadows
So with that in mind here are some things I could see him doing and basically my version of a good Raffles adaptation by Guy Ritchie, and me, AJ
The movie starts with Wilful Murder, told as a pretty short introduction sequence. this shows us what their lives are like - as well as sets up the main conflict of the movie; their reputations are constantly in danger because of their activities. Raffles likes to think he isn’t above killing to prevent their exposure, and Bunny would follow him anywhere. But there’s no tension or suspense, because they fuck up climbing over the fence, they fuck up breaking the window, and they both trip over Angus Baird’s body and are extremely relieved like oh thank god.... thank fucking god he’s already dead (we realise yeah... these guys are kinda fuckin it up at the burglar thing...)
from upstairs, somebody shoots at them and BAM! TITLE SEQUENCE! Full of still frames and short slow mo clips of them rushing away from the house pursued by a gang of ruffians who had other beef with angus baird over idk a franz ferdinand song or something like that? what do the kids listen to these days. there are explosions, not sure why
dunno what the plot is but it involves at least three break ins, each zanier than the last, it probably takes some notes structure wise from Mr Justice Raffles but eh
Raffles probably has a threesome with Teddy and Camilla? just sayin
Inspector Mackenzie is there in like, a zenigata capacity and SHE’S BEAUTIFUL
Bunny does some voiceover but get this, it’s in the context of letters he’s writing to Miss Carruthers because that sounds like some movie shit they’d do! right!! she’s in the movie and she has a GUN
They play card games because it’s a guy ritchie movie but maybe we can work in that adorable thing from the show where the stakes are candy-based . huff. hff. charactersizaation.
I think Raffles’s sister helps them get out of a jam mid-movie. I’m just throwing in all the ladies i can
Cursing ( a lot )
Did i mention gun
JUST watch me I’m gonna write this whole thing just to prove a guy ritchie style raffles movie could be good
Bunny doing a voiceover of some burglary shop talk, explaining in detail how something is supposed to work, then as we see them doing it everything goes completely wrong and along with being funny as fuck its very becoming of Bunny as an unreliable narrator
a shot that shows you the inside of a lock as it’s being picked probably
like a slow motion fight scene between two people who don’t really know how to fight would be pretty great lmao
and then it ends with a gift of the emperor/knees of the gods style sacrifice and we realise Raffles was a selfish dick, but in the end he helped Bunny in the only way he could: by removing himself from his life
and Bunny is having a moment by himself like dear god he really did care and Raffles crashes through a window and dusts himself off like “back”
Roll credits
The best thing about what he does when he adapts is that he takes stuff like the characters and setting of the whodunit holmes stories and spy/action man from uncle and gives them a sense of humor about what they are- so yeah, maybe when you think about sherlock holmes your first thought isn’t greasy iron man kicking a guy so hard he flies 20 feet backwards through a boarded window and into a lake (and lives!) but fuck- I like sherlock holmes, I don’t really care for action blockbusters, but for some reason when you combine them it’s entertaining as all get out. And of course it’s not like the books, because that would be boring. And if anyone adapted Raffles in a way that was exactly like the books it would be boring.
Because the books are comprised of two things: One, very technical, concise descriptions of the way things happened, and two, how Bunny, as the narrator, felt about them. One being something movies are very good at showing, and two being something movies are certainly capable of with a very sensitive, emotional director like Lynne Ramsey but like... NOT guy ritchie, for sure. But if you want a Raffles movie, do you WANT something sensitive and nuanced? Do you want a heartfelt exploration of a younger man’s changing vision of the man he met in his youth as he finds himself manipulated into a life of crime or whatever? maybe but ... i dunno that sounds boring to me. maybe as a short film i could handle it
but like the real thing is “I want a fun movie and I want to see these characters I love brought to the cinema as it is in this day and age in a manner which i feel is true to the original nature of the stories and reminds me why I love them” and not turned into something which to me is barely recognizable from the source material
and if you don’t like ritchie’s holmes adaptations that’s probably why. Personally, i think Game of Shadows is a wonderful film and one of the best adaptations of a Professor Moriarty story, defs my favorite. Plus Rocknrolla and Snatch are some of my favorite movies and thinking about a Raffles adaptation with all the fun and charm and excitement of those gets me SO PUMPED UP
But also I know if it’s hollywood imma be disappointed. good thing its never happening?
you know what would definitely suck though? a wes anderson raffles. lmao holy shit
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