#i go home early tomorrow:DDD
dreamingofjoon · 7 years
That Gym Couple
Hey, head canon requests are open and please don’t mind my unoriginal title
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This photo does not belong to me. Credits here
You were on your explore page on instagram
When you found a video of this really cute guy and his equally cute dog
It wasn’t his account (sadly)
But the person who posted it tagged him
So you go on over to his page
And find out a bunch of stuff about him witcho stalker self
Like how he’s a video director
and has an adorable dog
but you ended up not so silently stalking his account
and following him on twitter too
so like two weeks later
this dude’s face is still stuck in your head
you listened to his group’s music
and you were highkey whipped over this dude you never met and probably never would meet
But anywho
One day you were just in the gym
Because you knew you had to get up and start working out again
You were on the leg press
Struggling because you put it on a higher weight than you knew you could take
your cheeks were puffed and you probably looked hilarious to anyone passing
you had some baggy, black joggers on
old nikes
and a big ass hoodie
so you lowkey looked like a bum too
BuT a cute bUM
ain’t nobody got time to put on makeup when you’re gonna sweat it all off so none of that (seriously bruh)
you finally reached your last set and just sat there, trying to let your legs feel some relief again
when someone came and tapped you on the shoulder and asked
“Are you finished with this machine?” all considerate like
“Yeah, sorry.” you apologized
but when you tried to get up, your legs felt like jello and you stumbled and almost cracked your head
But then the dude helped you stand upright
and you were all flustered but thanked him
then you looked at his face
and your heart dropped 
cuz it was the instagram dude
so of course you backed up off him even though you wanted him to hold you in his arms forever
and your legs still felt like spaghetti so you fell on the floor
and he laughed at you which made you both a lil mad but more embarrassed
he helped you up again
and you were suddenly aware of the other girl around the gym
like three others
two of them were wearing the typical “I’m trying to find a boyfriend” look
the other one looked like you yet still somehow cleaned up nicer
your legs were finally back to normal so you back up and motion towards the machine so that he can get on
but before he sat, he changed the weight to a higher one okay showoff
he started his set
and you forgot you were kind of staring
so he just looked at you and you got all surprised because he moved his head really suddenly
“Learning from the master?”
“Excuse me?”
“The leg press. It seemed like you were struggling a bit.”
you just went along with the excuse because you couldn’t come up with your own
“When I’m done with my next set, I can show you.”
“Thank you!”
dude you were squealing inside
“Name’s Christian by the way.”
so he showed you how to not strain yourself to much but still barely pushing your limits
so that you don’t have to walk around like a limp noodle
and you guys end up working out together
and he’s like
“Do you come here often?”
“First time in a while.”
“Well I come every Saturday evening. Hope to see you again soon.” he smiled and you swooned inside
so yeah you were planning to come next saturday
(and were planning to look a little better)
but when saturday came, you were in a rush and ended up in similar clothing (sux)
but when you got there, you didn’t see him
you started working out because that was still a focus here
like twenty minutes later, you feel a tap on your shoulder
you guys worked out together again
you ended up getting food after
which defeated the whole purpose of working out but oh well
and you were talking and his dog came up
“My dog loves running with me.”
“Lori, right?”
and there was a silence
and you realized that you guys were supposed to be strangers
“IT REALLY WAS YOU!” he yelled out of the blue
and you’re confused ????
“When you followed me, I looked at your profile because of all of the interesting comments you left so I thought I recognized you at the gym but I wasn’t sure.”
and your eyes bugged out
“Um um um…”
“Don‘t get nervous now.” he laughed
“Would you like to meet her?”
“…Lori?” you asked
he nodded so after the awkwardness passed and you finished eating
the dude asked you to meet him at a park by your house
and he brought his dog along with him
and you walked and had fun with them and got his number
you guys worked out every week together
and soon enough, you got the chance to look halfway decent for him
and when you arrived he looked at you weird
“Are you comfortable in that?” was the first thing he asked
Yeah, why?”
“No reason.”
you were just wearing a t-shirt and some running shorts that were a little high you had to admit
but you worked out nonetheless
near the end, you started to do different exercises
he went to the dumb bells
and you got some small weights so that you could do squats
you’re just doing your thing
then you heard a thud and turned around quick
Christian’s weight was on the ground in front of him and his eyes got wide when you turned around
“You good?”
“Yeah, fine.”
every now and then when you wore something that wasn’t big, baggy, or black, Christian would stare without you knowing somehow
the dude knew you were fine af but sometimes it was just disrespectful
one day, some dude came up to you while you guys were split up
he said he noticed you when you came a few times and would like to grab a bite after you guys were done
before anything even came out of your mouth
Christian does a batman and comes out of nowhere
slides his arm around you waist
“Sorry. We’re going to get something to eat after.”
the dude seems so sweet and accepts defeat gracefully
you’re looking at the hand on your hip like WHAT
Christian pulled away real quick
“You didn’t have to swoop in but thanks for pretending to be my boyfriend.” you awkwardly laughed
and he awkwardly laughed
instead of going to eat after the gym today, Christian invites you to his apartment
he showed you videos he was editing
and you played with Lori
you guys are sitting on his couch when Lori gets between you on the floor
and you both reach down to grab her
but hit your head against each other
and you suddenly turned to face each other
and he leaned in while your eyes just kept getting wider
he kissed you but your eyes were still open in shock
so when he opened his eyes and saw the look on your face, he thought he shouldn’t have done that
“Sorry Y/N. Can you just forget about it?”
“But I don’t want to forget.” you muttered
and he wAs liKE WHAT
“Dude, you saw my comments. You knew you were attractive.”
“I mean yeah, but then we became friends and I didn’t know if that changed.”
“Well it didn’t.” 
so he smiles and kisses you again
And you close your eyes and actually kiss him back this time
then Lori starts yapping and licks your toes
“This is thanks to you!” he said after lifting her
so yeah
afterwards, y’all are that cute gym couple that people say goals to
and he takes a lot of off guards of you whenever he can even if you say they’e ugly
In the gym
while you’re eating
even when you fell asleep on him
you met the other members of DPR
he produced a video of you guys together for your anniversary
you guys are such a chill but open minded couple
you travel
and eat hella diverse food
a lot of nights, you just go over and fall asleep while he’s editing and listening to music
he loves seeing you and Lori curled up together
music is just something you guys bond over
you also bond over Lori
you guys just bond over a lot
it was a reason why he loved you much
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