#i go to the library everyday because of my friends and istg it just feeds the delusions
afishcalledfatin · 1 year
i literally have the biggest crush on my university's librarian its not even funny anymore i dont know a single thing about this man besides him having an adorable smile and im not gonna see him anymore after this because im moving to another campus BUT GOD WHAT RIZZ DOES THIS SHY AND QUIET MAN HAVE THAT HAS ME GIGGLING AND KICKING MY FEET
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m0onbean · 6 years
Can I please get a Wonwoo from Seventeen college AU (maybe he helps you study for exams), fluff please
ok but imagine wonwoo tutoring you.... 
when they say that college students are dead inside, they really are
because here we have you studying on your bed, papers literally everywhere, and some sad music in the background that really fits your mood
and when your roommate barges in your room and is like "(y/n) i can feel ur bad vibes from my room " ur just kinda like "yeah i just pulled two all-nighters and i have an exam tomorrow and i haven't eaten anything except for a gallon of coffee. how are u today, Karen. :)))))"
it's not like you're not smart,,, you're just hella stressed bc your professor doesn't teach that well and the material is rlly hard to understand
and your exam for your biochemistry class is TOMORROW nd no matter how much you try to understand enzymatic reactions u just can't fully comprehend it
the next morning u arrive in class with hella eyebags and u just sit in your seat and lay your head down on the desk
nd ur best friend & annoying seat partner Mingyu is like "wow Mood"
mingyu is not the sharpest tool in the shed but he's only taking the class to "explore his options" so honestly he just stopped trying
nd u just kinda face him and ur like "bro i honestly don't understand these past chapters and if i dont im gonna fail this class and im gonna have to retake it."
so mingyu pulls out his thinking face and he's like "hmmmm i know somebody who can tutor you" and you're like "Mingyu,,,,, i'm not going to let seungkwan tutor me Last time we met at the library and he was wearing a flower costume nd told me that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell"
and mingyu just,,,, well damn i can't help u then
so the tests are passed out and as expected, you didn't know a lot of the answers and had to use your common sense
after u turn your test in you leave the classroom with a real heavy heart nd it rlly do feel like you have no more hope
nd when you leave the room mingyu is waiting for you outside while talking to this guy
the guy was about the same height as mingyu but had darker hair and was wearing these round glasses. he was also wearing these dark skinny jeans and leather jacket and ur like Who is This Edgy Dude
when mingyu sees you he's like :D and he's like "shoo" to the Edgy guy and the guy just kinda gives u a blank look and walks away
and you're like who is that guy you were talking to? nd Mingyu immediately "uHHH don't even try (y/n) he is not interested in relationships"
u're just like "OK I WASN'T- nevermind." bc YES he's kinda cute but u need to worry about ur studies too
then suddenly mingyu face lights up like he got an idea and he's like "WAIT. WAIT. OH my god i'm such a genius wow-"
",,so r u going to share ur good idea" and mingyu's like
and you're ?????????????????????????????????who?
without even answering your question mingyu just goes off and is like omg this is perfect oK wonwoo is actually hella smart and already took this class wow oh my god maybe a romance will bud from this-
next thing you know, you're waiting at the library with mingyu and you're just liKE are you Sure he's okay with tutoring me?? and mingyu's just like Okay i know he looks really edgy but he's smart
nd being the little doubtful bean u are u're just What If I'm too Dumb for Him????????? What If he gets frustrated with me????????????????? What if-
"do u want me to call seungkwan instead?"
"no. thisis perfect."
wonwoo arrives after a few minutes and u both introduce yourself and dang he's really good-looking up close
(in the back mingyu is staring at his two best friends proudly)
and mingyu just like... Ok, Gotta blast! and you and wonwoo are like WHAT
so now it's just you and wonwoo at a study table nd he doesn't even hesitate and starts from Lesson 1 (even though you're on Lesson 5)
his voice is really deep and soothing nd he's kinda quiet and doesn't make a lot of jokes
basically he's an alternate version of mingyu
nd as wonwoo goes over the lessons u realize how much stuff you overlooked and how things that used to not make sense suddenly become so clear!!!!!!!
and you're like Oh My God!!!!!!!!! you're so smart wow
and u can see wonwoo's ears turn a lil' red at the compliment
and before you know it??? u're caught up to Lesson 3 already
even tho he's kinda quiet, u can tell that he's hella sophisticated and whenever u have questions he explains the answers in great detail
nd at the end of the tutor session, you both pack your bags and you're shyly like "can we meet tomorrow at the same time?"
wonwoo just gives u a small smile and nods ur head and ur like wow...... he's really cute
and so it just kinda goes like that
you two meet up everyday at the library and he helps you study
nd ur always worried bc like doesn't he need to study.. too??
whenever u try to ask him that he just brushes it off and insists he's fine
and after a couple weeks you start to know him better like even tho he seems rly cold and reserved on the inside he's actually just a lame ass beanpole that lpves puns
u'd be like "Ok so nucleic acids convey genetic information....." nd wonwoo would just "... nucleic ASSid"
like e??efaleihfal??? that doesn'T MAKE ANY SENSE WONWOO BUT  GO OFF I GUESS
sometimes u two can go offtrack and start talking about the possibility of dogs conquering the government
nd sometimes u see him on campus and u wave vigorously @ him
and wonwoo's cute lil' nose will scrunch up and ohmygod he's so adorable!!!
so as time passes a rlly huge exam comes up for your biochemistry class and you're AAAAAAAAAAAAAAASCREAMING
but!! wonwoo saves ur life bc he helps u with every single thing
nd for once? u feel really confident!
on the night before the exam u're like calling mingyu and ur like "wow... wonwoo is actually really helpful. he's the best thing u've given me honestly"
and mingyu would be all smug nd proud of himself like istg do not feed this boy's ego
then suddenly mingyu would be like "..... do you like wonwoo" and you ????????????????????????????? NO
*insert panic*
but you actually kind of do
nd the morning of ur exam u're all pumped up and in class mingyu is like actually jealous annoyed at how motivated u are
"mayb i should've kept wonwoo to myself.." he'd mutter
and guess what? u're pretty sure you aced your exam!!
so u exit the classroom not feeling dead for once and u see wonwoo waiting outside without mingyu which!! is a first
like u two barely talk outside of tutoring
nd ur like "waiting for mingyu?" and he turns to u with a kinda flustered expression and is like... actually i came to see you
and you're Oh...... but then you get really happy and you're like "WONWOO THANK YOU SO MUCH"
nd without thinking you just hug him rlly tightly and he's OOF but hugs u back
and when you let go he's blushing really hard and he's like "so did you do well on the test?" and ur like "yep i'm pretty sure... thanks to u"
and you two are smiling at eachother until you ask him to have lunch with you so now you're both walking off while holding hands happily
nd maybe... just maybe u had big feelings for his cute ass
and mingyu is watching you guys from a distance while smiling at himself bc WoW he really matched his two best friends together
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