#i got a sweater blanket thing. snuggie. with cats on it
jellyfiishbones · 2 years
guys i think people might know i like cats
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chaoslordjoe · 3 years
Bloodlines AU - Tiny Warmths Part 1
The cane clacked against the Schnee Manor's front door. Winter was welcomed by Klein who always showed her to the living room, knowing she needed a rest from the trip back home for the newest addition to the home.
"Long flight, dear?" Willow asked by the staircase, sniffing her coffee.
"More like a long sail, mother. We were inspected for hours by sea/air traffic control." Winter grumbled, walking over to the sofa.
"Yes, I heard about it from the news reports. You'd think they would recognize our snowflake by now."
"I'm not sure I want to test that theory." Before she could sit down, she was welcomed by a hug from her blue-haired brother-in-law.
"Good to see you Winter." 
Winter returned the hug best she could. "You as well, Neptune. How's fatherhood?"
Neptune could only sigh. "Exhausting so far. He's almost five months and I feel like I'm still getting used to all this."
"Weiss certainly wasn't kidding about how anxious you've been." She was handed a spot of tea. "Thank you, Klein." Then she turned back to the spearman. "Is my sister adjusting any better?"
“Surprisingly. But Nicky's been dealing with colic pain, so patience is a virtue she’s been having better than me. She's taken to this so much easier than I have."
Winter sipped at her tea. "It can't be easy with both you and her running businesses."
Neptune sat taking a cup of tea. "It's not, but we've adjusted and tried to settle into a routine. Even when she's at her busiest she refuses to hire nannies and will rock or breastfeed him while on a business call."
Winter tented her fingers. "It's funny. I never really considered how that works until seeing the photos she sent me while I was overseas."
"Pretty much no choice if he’s cranky.” Neptune answered. “He won't take a bottle from Klein. That’s how much he’s already making up his own mind.”
Klein aided Willow on her way to the recliner. "I believe the important part is that I'm trying, sir."
Neptune smiled at the butler. "You are. And we are so thankful for your help, Klein."
Willow sat back down. "He's less fussy when we get him on diaper duty. But clearly..." She grunted, sitting slowly onto the chair. "Clearly he's more in favor of his mom and dad right now."
"How are your back pains, mother?" Winter asked.
"Little stiff today.” Willow answered. “I'm only having one coffee cup for Nicky's sake, due to all the hustle and bustle of preparing for a visit before you arrived."
"Weiss is changing him right now." Neptune pointed out.
Winter exhaled. "Right. Meeting the nephew...How should I present myself?"
"Just be yourself." Neptune said plainly.
"You mean the military woman shtick minus the sternness." She asked.
“That sounds about right.” Weiss Schnee answered right behind her big sister.
Winter turned her head, seeing a joyful Weiss having just gotten off of work for the day with a bundle in her arms. Inside the blue blanket was Dominick Karl Schnee, cocooned and eyeing his mother fondly. Weiss bounced him in the blanket turning him around to face a new relative.
“Dominick, can you say ‘hi’ to your auntie?” His mom requested.
The future heir revealed his little face to Winter.
He weighed in at 8 pounds and 3 ounces in a handsome little bundle of his father’s bronzed skin, light blue eyes included. His mother’s alabaster hair was spiky but neatly groomed in time for being the up and coming prince of his family’s corporation. The baby stared through Winter, moving his tiny arm out and grabbing the edge of his snuggie.
The Specialist took the plunge by reaching out her hand with an adjustment from her cane to let him hold her bigger hand. “Um…Hello, Dominick. I’m your Aunt Winter.” She greeted after a heavy pause.
The baby reached out by placing both hands around Winter’s trigger finger.
She flinched from the sudden grapple. “Is this his way of reading people?”
“I think he’s trying to figure out who you are.” Neptune observed.
Weiss gave a big smile. “Would you like to hold him? You’ll be fine, just be sure to support his head.”
Winter reached out, gently taking her nephew and still appearing uncertain. Unfortunately the toddler disagreed. Who was this mysterious lady who looked almost nothing like mommy? 
Her grasp felt unwelcoming with baby Nick kicking up a fuss. Winter cringed looking up to her sister in a panic.
“Shh-shh-shh, it’s okay honey. Mommy’s here.” Weiss cooed. “Try rocking him a bit.”
She rocked him back and forth. Except this wasn’t the left-and-right direction. This was back and forth, on the couch where things had been static. The boy whimpered from the incorrect rocking, shielding his eyes and curling up.
Weiss frowned. “I'm sorry Winter, he's just not used to you yet" She took back her son, bouncing him again to soothe his cries.
Winter frowned next. “I would know having raised you.” She wanted to comment.
Dominick was suddenly calm being set back down on the couch by Weiss. He curiously eyed the living room around him when Weiss stood up stretching across from her kin. “I’m guessing you were hoping to ask how Neptune is adjusting, sister.”
“The thought crossed my mind back on the tarmac.” Winter replied with a nod.
Neptune could only sag his shoulders. "I'd like to say that I am but then I’d be fooling myself. Last night, Weiss was in a board meeting and I swore I could get Nicky to bed. I don't know what I did wrong but he screamed his head off for almost fifteen minutes until she came to bail me out."
“It was...Troubling.” Klein recalled while he handed his infant master a rattle and chewing ring.
Weiss nodded next. “Took me a little bit to calm him down, taking even longer to bring Neptune back into his usual bouncy self.” She squeezed her husband’s shoulder when he sank further at that recollection.
“I thought he didn’t like me. But can you blame me?” Neptune defended himself. “He always stops crying for you.” He groused.
“He just needs to take some time in getting to know you, dear.” Willow coaxed. “Klein could tell you a thing or two about that.”
The butler folded his arms with a sigh. “I take no joy in being the bearer of bad memories here. But mum is right, seeing as how...He was away at work,” Klein hissed, holding back his grumpy persona. “It took our snowdrops plenty of time to adjust to myself. Until one day they started speaking hand gestures asking where she was.”
“And how does that help Neptune?” Winter asked.
“I am saying is that there must be a moment for you and young Master Dominick to connect, just the two of you. Seems I got lost in translation there, sir.” Klein admitted to the blue-hair.
“Yeah, fair enough.” Nep conceded. “It's hard to settle a baby when there's so much commotion around the manor. And he's so attached to Weiss, that I thought we'd have that instant connection. He's my son but I guess it's just as hard on him as it is on me."
During his rant, Neptune saw Dominick following his dad’s words with a quizzical head tilt. “You like me, right little fella?” He wiggled his tan finger for him to see.
The baby took a moment to look upon his rattle. Then to the ring in his mouth. Take daddy’s hand, his 5-month-old instincts told him. Nick set the rattle down and grabbed Neptune’s finger with both hands, then babbled in an interested tone.
The intellectual laughed. “Yeah I’m your daddy. Can you say ‘daddy’?”
He cooed in D-sounds, but moving onto B-noises as he wasn’t opposed to learning new noises.
Weiss folded her arms proudly. “See? He’s learning.”
Neptune picked the baby up, flashing a goofy grin and holding him proudly. “My boy!”
Nicky squealed happily and joined him in a laugh whilst reaching for his rattle. Nep bent over, handing the rattle to him and holding him to his chest during one of his evening bounces.
Winter gave the slightest hint of a smile at the bonding moment in front of her while going back to her sister. “Among the other things I’m learning to catch up on, the delivery must have given you hell.” She said.
Weiss held onto her own stomach underneath the lovely sweater.
“It was...An experience. A scary one, to be sure. But Neptune ensured I stayed in bed while I was recovering. Minus a few stitches, I’m as defiant as ever. Hopefully.” She blinked slowly while watching her son and hubby in the background.
“How bad was it?” Winter asked while snapping a picture of her nephew’s playtime.
“Klein said I was working too hard” She woefully began. “That’s what brought on the labor. However, Yang was kicking in the door and kept me calm just in time. When the contractions started, I was already aboard Yang’s Manta craft while Ruby and Neptune held onto me during our flight to the hospital.”
Winter patted her sister upon the back.
“Neptune was so panicked, and it took so long that I was wheeled in for an emergency C-section.”
“Did they go through with it?” Winter’s expression turned to that of fear. Hadn’t her sister been stabbed and nearly cut open enough times during the Salem war?
“No. But the labor was quite long.” Weiss finally answered. “While Neptune was panicking outside it was the sisters who were keeping me steady. Before they could break out the knife, Dominick was- -Ahem…” She rubbed her eyes with an itchy throat. “Apologies...Dominick was born safe and sound. So we agreed we were having only one.” Weiss sniffled.
Don’t get her wrong, it was a happy memory. But the pain was more than enough to warrant a single offspring and heir being held in her husband’s arms. Winter dried her bottom eyelid on sisterly muscle memory.
“I’m glad that he’s here.” Winter added. “Thankfully, you’re not feeling the way Blake is right now in her pregnancy.” She mentioned.
“Oh, what have you heard from her?” Weiss lightened up at hearing about her cat teammate.
Winter folded her arms. “Only that she’s feeling stir-crazy. Moving around is quite difficult for her right now. relying on Nora and Ren for their recipes in case of any strange appetites...Though Ruby has contributed some odd ideas."
“That makes Sun at her beck and call.” Weiss guessed.
“Yes, quite.” Winter answered. “You probably don’t want to know what cravings Ruby conjured up for her.”
“Somehow I’m not sure that’d help with Nicky’s colic deal.” Weiss mused, grinning at hearing a joyful squeal behind her with her husband’s starry-eyed reaction. “Oh, mother. You haven’t held him yet.” She offered.
“I bet he’s been looking forward to spending some quality time with his oma.” Willow beamed. She held out her aging arms to her son-in-law. Neptune handed baby Dominick over with the rattle included.
Willow took the rattle and handed it to her grandson, rocking him back and forth with the proudest smile she could bear at 57 years with how he’s already turning out.
“Are you happy to see your Auntie Winter yet, my Little Yeti?” She teased.
Nick cooed after a prompt nose boop from the matriarch.
“Little Yeti?” Winter questioned.
“It’s cute, but I prefer to call him Snowdrop or Nicky.” Weiss admitted, shrugging.
“Yeah, you’re gonna grow up into a big monster and give mommy and daddy the runaround huh?” Neptune baby talked to the...Well, baby.
“Please don’t jinx it, Neptune.” Weiss insisted.
The infant could only blink at his remark.
“He was awfully big for his age when he came into the world.” Willow answered, giving him a kiss on the cheek. “But it just proves his strength and how he didn’t mean to give his Muti such a hard time. No you didn’t!” She teased the little one next, giving him a raspberry earning another laugh.
Weiss gave a dreamy sigh. “Oh, don’t you worry just yet my little snow monster. We’ve got a lot more to figure out.” She earned a babble of agreement out of her son.
Winter got up. “And hopefully he...Mmgh.” Another grunt, she steadied herself with grasping the cane. “He won’t run too much when I’m on babysitting detail. I’ll be in my office.”
Her sister got up, taking her arm. “Here. Let me help.”
“I’m okay, Weiss. Really.” The specialist insisted with her cane wobbling at her sister’s touch.
“No you’re not.” She backtalked. But not before supporting her. “Is your leg acting up again?”
“...Yes. My painkiller prescription has been delayed ever since President Baum had cut back on Specialist healthcare in light of the frontline grunts. Not that I blame them.” Well, that hurt to mention the G.I.'s of Atlas in light of her own health problems sustained in the line of duty.
“Then you should be in bed.” Weiss demanded. Not as CEO, but as her sibling.
Winter nodded. “Good idea. Klein, could you please get my laptop?”
“Certainly, Winter.” The butler answered. “You do look like you need a leg pillow as well.”
“It wouldn’t hurt.” Winter answered with a small smile. “Mother, Neptune, will you be alright with Dominick?”
“Of course, dear.” The older mom told her.
“Yeah, we got him.” Neptune answered with another warm nod.
A/N: Unfortunately, due to Tumblr having a frigging character limit, this must be posted in two parts. Until then, hope you enjoy the first part of this segment.
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russellthornton · 6 years
How to Glow Up: 20 Ways to Glo Up & Instantly Transform Inside & Out
Glow ups are not just a trend, but a movement. Take it from someone who had an eight-year-long awkward stage, knowing how to glow up really helps.
If you are stuck in a perpetual awkward phase, I feel your pain. I was there for a heck of a long time. But glowing up is not all about changing your style, your look, or you. When it comes to learning how to glow up, it is all about confidence.
Glowing up does not have to be the same as a makeover montage of an 80’s movie. It can be as minor as learning to love yourself for you are.
But there are numerous ways to boost your confidence from both the inside and outside.
What is a glow up anyway?
Before we get into the how, what is a glow up anyway? Well, it is a more modern term that means growing up. Not just with age, but also with your looks, your stance, and your confidence.
Yes, it can be a little bit superficial, but it is no secret that you feel better when you are comfortable in your own skin. And throwing on a bit of makeup or trying a new hairstyle really can make a world of difference. [Read: How to feel good about yourself and kick-ass in life]
How to glow up on the outside
The external glow up may sound scary, but it is actually the easiest and most fun part of the glow up process. Trying out new looks and seeing what makes you feel most like you helps you define your style.
You don’t want to pop on the most trendy skinny jeans or hat. You want to find what makes you happy when you look in the mirror. You want your outside to show off your insides. So here are some ways to learn how to glow up.
#1 Take a step outside of your comfort zone. Something that keeps us stuck in a rut and prevents us from having our glow up moment is keeping things the same. You may love to wear black and grey every day and there is nothing wrong with that. But you have surely loved something a little different.
But instead of walking past that red sweater or those yellow shoes because you think you can’t pull it off, give it a go. Just taking one baby step out of your norm can start things off. [Read: 18 ways to become more spontaneous in life]
#2 Wear what you love. If you love quirky t-shirts or sundresses or shirts with cats on them, wear them. If you are afraid of what others might think or if they will stare, you’ll never know if that will happen until you try.
If you hate it, at least you tried. But don’t forego what you love because you’re scared. A glow up isn’t all happy, there are scary steps to get there, but facing that anxiety gives you the strength.
#3 Do something different. A glow up does not have to be you going from wearing Crocs to wearing the latest trends. It can be you going from wearing a ponytail daily to styling a fun braid or dying your hair blue.
Do something different. If you love the latest trends, go for it, but try something that makes you unique. A glow up is all about your individuality shining. [Read: How to be beautiful and shine from within]
#4 Try a bright color. Pastels, grays, whites, and blacks are so easy to wear. We blend right into a crowd and sink into the background of photos. But to be successful in a glow up, you have to stand up just a tad more. Add a pop of color to your wardrobe, your eyeshadow, or your hair.
Color doesn’t have to be scary, it can be fun.
#5 Learn a new skill. Style is not all about shopping here and shopping there. Letting your inside shine outwards can happen through learning a new skill. Learn how to braid your own hair. Learn out to do a winged liner. Or even take it a step further and learn how to sew your own clothes.
This will boost your confidence and make you feel both accomplished and stylish. [Read: How to look hot – 18 tips to go from wallflower to flawless]
#6 Change your hair. Get those bangs you’ve always wanted, get a mohawk, or shave your head altogether. Making that much of a change can feel huge and terrifying, but the relief and excitement that comes with it are so much more.
Or even stop styling your hair and let it go all natural. Sometimes appreciating our natural selves is a glow up in and of itself.
#7 Get some new glasses. Changing up your accessories is a small step, but if you are hesitant it may be the one you need to go further in your glow up journey. If you have been wearing the same glasses since grade school, it is time for a new pair.
Go for a cat eye, something colored, or rounder. Head to an optical center and try on tons. Take some selfies, go home and scroll through. The selfie you want to post has the glasses that are for you.
#8 Toss out the old stuff. Making a change and stepping into the new version of you means saying goodbye to the old. If you bought a new wardrobe, toss out the old stuff. Or donate it.
If that is too much for you, just toss out one old item for every new item you get. It is a slower process but can be comfortable for those who are new to glowing up. [Read: How to dress sexy by throwing away the frumpy and going for boom]
#9 Experiment. Take risks. If you love knee high boots, but just aren’t sure, try them. Walk around the house, take some photos and see how they make you feel. Only see what makes you feel confident.
If you feel blah, return.
#10 Let go of security blankets. I don’t mean you have to toss out that crust teddy bear you’ve had since Pre-k, but do toss out those leggings you’ve been wearing three years straight that have a hole in the crotch.
Stop wearing a hair tie on your wrist and keep it in your bag or your pocket. This will make every outfit look more put together. You may have your go-to pieces, but if you hold onto them for pure comfort or to hide, put them away as a keepsake, not in your closet as something to wear. The clothes make the girl: 15 tips to looking your best]
How to glow up on the inside
The internal glow up comes with the external, but is a bit more difficult. It may not happen with a fun pop/rock soundtrack playing in the background. But once you achieve your glow up, you will have your anthem perking you up daily.
#1 Fake it until you make it. Not everyone likes this advice, but I find it to truly work. If you want to know how to glow up, and are struggling with self-esteem issues don’t hide that inside. Talk about it with a friend, a family member, or a therapist. But if you are struggling to get past that last hump or self-doubt, fake it.
If you are close to having confidence, put on a confident face. It may be hard at first, but once you break free of your shell, that confidence will become real and you will be comfortable in your own skin for real. [Read: The art of making a great first impression – How to introduce yourself]
#2 Smile. Smiling may seem like a weird way to learn how to glow up, but it makes all the difference. Smiling is contagious. It puts you in a good mood and can actually make you happier overall. And happiness is a big part of a glow up.
#3 Be positive. Waking up feeling like today is a new day to get closer to glow up status will help you look forward to each day. Being hopeful and having a positive mindset will help you build up your confidence. [Read: How to be more positive and increase the quality of your life]
#4 Let go of the negative. Try not to let the negative thoughts get to you. I know how hard it is. You’ve been working hard to come into yourself, but then you get a massive zit or get a mean comment online. I know it hurts.
But instead of letting that one thing ruin your whole day and outlook, try to let it go. Focus on the positive parts of your day and let the negative bits just roll away.
#5 Ask yourself, not others. Instead of asking your friends, your social media followers, your beau, or even your siblings if something looks nice on you, ask yourself. Look in the mirror and realize your self-worth.
Analyze your own behavior and thrive on that. Your self-image, what you think of yourself on the inside and the outside is what confidence is about. It is not about what others have to say. It is always nice to get a compliment, but compliments from yourself are the best kinds. [Read: 17 ways to focus on yourself and build your own sunshine]
#6 Stop comparing yourself to others. With TV, social media, and magazines, we are constantly faced with images of others that are perfect. Whether that is with makeup, intense diets and gym sessions, or digital editing, we can’t help but wonder why we don’t look that way.
Your self-worth is not a competition. It is not about how similar you look to a celebrity, your BFF, or even the girl down the street. It is about how you feel within yourself and how you express that into the world.
#7 Do what makes you happy. Confidence comes from happiness. So if you aren’t doing what makes you happy, your confidence will suffer. If you love to paint, paint. If you love to write, write.
Go hiking, biking, or dance all night. Do what makes you feel good. Feeling good about all the aspects of your life will make your confidence sky high.
#8 Lift others up. Complimenting your friends on their new jacket or their generosity and kindness makes you feel better. Helping to boost others’ confidence helps you feel better.
Think about the bullies in school, and in the White House. Those who are critical of themselves need to put others down in order to feel better about themselves. But those happy with themselves can lift others up happily.
#9 Accept the bad days. Even the most confident people in the world have bad days. It is a part of life. So instead of dwelling, just let it in. Cry it out. Be down. Sometimes we need a day staying in, vegging out, and watching TV in a snuggie.
Let the bad days happen because once they’re over, you will have good days too. [Read: How to find yourself when you feel like you’ve lost your way]
#10 Celebrate. A glow up is not something to dust under the rug. When I got my braces off, dyed my hair, and cleared up my acne, I kept living life the same way I always did. I wish I had said, “Hey, you are happy with yourself, do something about it!”
So go out with friends, go shopping, bake a cake. Do something to treat yourself because you, my dear, have glown up.
[Read: How to discover self-love and happiness]
All said and done, remember that knowing how to glow up is not all about changing your looks, but your perspective on yourself. 
The post How to Glow Up: 20 Ways to Glo Up & Instantly Transform Inside & Out is the original content of LovePanky - Your Guide to Better Love and Relationships.
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