#i got to 5chedule an appointment vvith an endocrinologi5t becau5e my hormone5 are fucky
cthonicascendant · 2 years
I'm doing everything I can there's just so much going on. I've got a lot of weird symptoms doctors haven't figured out the root cause for. I see the ENT in December and I need to reschedule a GI visit, I keep forgetting I need to do so. I need to see a urologist. On top of that we need to get our room clean and keep the house clean and put the cat stuff in their cat room which includes to litter robots and a giant cat tree but before that we have to clean the room up and put boxes in the attic and I have a bad back due to sciatic nerve damage and bad knees dude to arthritis and I'm tired all the time but I can't ever sleep and it's just. A lot, yknow? Feels like we can't get out from under it. And more just keeps getting added on.
tho5e last tvvo 5entence5 i5 hone5tly 5uch a fuckin mood i dont knovv vvhat el5e to 5ay but i feel you
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