#i gotta spread the good word of bottom nagi bc y'all are missing out on the glory of it all
redrocketpanda · 11 months
babes, wake up and smell the teen spirit
Nagi Seishiro is a sleazy little pillow princess who likes to lay there getting fucked to within an inch of his life by Reo. And Reo is nothing but committed to bringing service top energy to every single situation and position involving Nagi
idk where this Nagi is a Top/Reo is a bottom propaganda came from but... what?! Have you met Nagi? Mr. "Sounds like a Hassle"? Pls. That boy don't do shit 😂 and Reo?! Mr. "Nagi is my treasure". I will do everything for Nagi. I carry him on my back and spoon feed him. The man does everything. His entire M.O in life is to pleasure Nagi.
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