#i gotta stop drawling eddy baby i drawl him 2 much
riverpasta · 7 months
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*throws this at ur face with full force* here take this doodledoo
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mutenized · 2 years
Red String of Fate
Modern Eddie Munson x AFAB Photographer reader 
Part 2 is here! thank you all for the love, it really means a lot! @omgitsd0lly​ really encouraged and supported me to make this fic more than it was going to be! With her support I’ve decided to make this a series so if you haven’t read part one you can find it here and the playlist I’ve made to accompany this work can be found here!
I really don’t know the word count since I’ve been drabbling this in my notes so apologies!
Also I don’t know the name of the one Hellfire Club/Corroded Coffin member so I’m making it up, please don’t hate me lmao
Warnings: alcohol consumption, mention of social anxiety, Dustin is 18 in the fic so it’s not like they’re taking a minor on tour but really would you think Eddie would separate himself from someone he sees as a little brother?
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Playful giggles left Robin and you as you two nestled together against the crowded bar. Taking advantage of the swarm of fans trying to say hi to Jeff, Gareth, Michael, and especially Eddie, Robin opens the gallery of her camera to show you the photos she took. On your way over, the two of you had agreed to laugh at photos that weren’t even that serious just to make Eddie even more jumpy than he already was.
“Oh and LOOK at this one! What a DORK!” A chortle left Robin which made Gareth push through the crowd to join the both of you at the bar. “That doesn’t look funny at all, what are you two doing?” With a lowered voice, you filled in the brunette in on your antics to which he enthusiastically joined in on. 
“Dude! Eddie looks fucking dumb! God bless him.” Fluttering his lashes while he faked a southern drawl, Gareth chuckled as a wheeze laugh escaped your lips. That was it. Politely excusing himself from the girl who wouldn’t stop clinging to his side and flirting, which he playfully returned, Eddie made his way to your part of the bar with crossed arms and feigned annoyance. 
“Let me see this photo!” Long arms reached for the expensive body of the camera in which Robin instantly reacted by leaning away from him and cradling it by her chest. 
“DUDE, I suggest you don’t grab for my baby unless you want a handful of boob and an earful of terrified screams.” The words that fell off of Robin’s lips made the taller metalhead to retract his arm back to his side before sighing dramatically.
“FINE but I’ll see them later in the hotel, you know that.” With a final pointed (but friendly) glare to the girl who reminded you so much of a more chaotic version of Peter Parker, Eddie’s chocolatey doe eyes focused on you as you nursed your vodka soda. “I’m Eddie, by the way. I hope these two didn’t make you think I’m too much of a dweeb.” Cracking a sideways smile, a hum escaped your throat. 
“I don’t know.... they both told me unholy secrets from your high school years...” a lie in which the duo played along with. God you three would be the death of him, he already knew it. 
“Oh god.” An exasperated sigh leaves him as his shoulders slump. Rolling your eyes, you hold your hand out and officially introduced yourself. “I was wondering what your name was. You tood out like a sore thumb compared to all this...” Wildly motioning his arms around, you took in the crowd only to shrug. “Hey I’m here to capture the moment and listen to good music, even if it usually isn’t my normal flavor.” With a swig of your drink, you placed the empty cup on the opposite side of the counter before waving to Bella who nodded and quickly threw the cup in the trash.
“Well, big boy,” you teased, slapping your hand against his chest, horror filling his face as he realized you had heard the name the girl whom was previously attached to his side had used, “I gotta go do my job and get the band’s set captured. See you after.”
Pushing through the crowd, you felt a mix of embarrassment and pride fill your chest. Little did you know, Eddie was staring at you with widened eyes and admiration whilst Gareth, Robin, and Jeff, who had joined at the tail end of the conversation, gaped and folded into one another laughing harder than ever before.
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The show had come and gone, and you slouched behind the two folding tables that made up of the merch table for the bands. Leaning against the wall, you had gotten into a conversation with your friend’s girlfriend about the photos you’ve taken for the set as well as the ones you had snagged of them in the green room right after the set. Pride was too weak to describe how you felt about these photos, some of them being your best work. 
“Hey doll,” snapping your head to Saph, the singer and your friend, “I think fuzzball is making googly eyes at you like he was on stage. Need me to do anything?” Looking over her shoulder, you rolled your eyes playfully before shaking your head. “No, no it’s fine. I might’ve embarrassed him in front of his friends, so I think that’s why he’s like that.” Perking a brow, you filled Saph and her girlfriend in on everything which made tears fill both of their eyes as they folded and held their stomachs laughing. 
Making your way back over to the Corroded Coffin crew, you rested your elbow on Robin’s shoulder in which she responded by wrapping her arm around your waist. Your usual social anxiety was nowhere to be found, most likely thanks in part to the alcohol you had consumed earlier. You weren’t paying attention to the conversation filling the now empty venue until you heard your name being mentioned. 
“-so, what do you think? Want to join us on the rest of tour?” Snapping back to reality, your eyes focused on Jeff’s. “Oh word? What did you say? I’m sorry but I was zoned out.” A flush fell upon your cheeks as you admitted, half in part to your own fault of zoning out and other part due to Jeff asking you to join them on tour. 
“I was asking if you’d want to join us on the rest of tour. Robin’s main focus is on video so having her do double has been running us dry on content so...” Arching his brows and opening his arms out to you as if to say, ‘the choice is yours.’
Looking between the group consisting of your new friend Robin, Jeff, Gareth, Michael, and Eddie, you roll your bottom lip between your teeth gently as you rack your brain to see if you had any prior engagements. Shrugging after an anxious and hopeful pause, you nodded.
“Yea, sure! If you want, we can go out drinking then we can crash at my apartment which also gives me time to pack my shit.” A roar of cheers escaped the group before their merch slinger whom you had learned was named Dustin, trudged inside with a huff. “The merch is in the van, so what’s the deal for tonight!” 
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The Barcade was filled with the ideal demographic, and the staff didn’t mind Dustin being 18 as long as he didn’t consume any alcohol, so that was a win. Leaning against the Space Invader cabinet that sat unused, your eyes dragged over Eddie’s figure as he and Gareth yelled at one another in competitive spirits. 
Twisting the wheels of the racing game, stomping of faux gas pedals were paired with the rigs that held the steering wheels in slamming as they hit the end. “Jesus, if you drive like this in a game, I’m glad you don’t drive the bus.” Walking over behind Eddie’s seat, you focus on his screen and cringe as multiple cars pass his. “Damn, big boy, put some pedal to the metal.” God, there you went with that damn pet name again. If you weren’t so oddly hyper focused on the screen, you would’ve missed the way Eddie’s ring clad fingers squeezed at the peeling faux leather of the steering apparatus. 
“Well, princess, better watch what you say. I bet I can beat your ass at this.” Eddie’s head tilted up so his gaze could meet yours. A competitive glint played in the pools of his deep orbs in which you fell into. Rolling your own eyes, your hand lightly shoved his head before pointing to his screen. “You literally drive like a fucking grandma, I can beat you.”
Hopping into the plastic seat to the right of Eddie’s you press 4 tokens into the slot before a ‘waiting’ emblem appeared on screen. Eddie wouldn’t admit it, but between the way you had easily meshed with him and his chosen family, paired with the way you returned the playful jabs he was commonly known for using, his head was dizzy with an affection he hadn’t felt for anyone in a while. He was positive he was being delusional in his tipsy state when he thought that there was a magnetic pull between you both. 
Yet he didn’t know you thought the same thing within the first moment your palm met his.
‘Red string of fate is tangling I'll gently pull on the thread Unravel all that's mangling Unclear thoughts in my head’
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bleep-bleep-richie · 7 years
2 for the prompt thing bc i’m a hoe for angst
uhhh me too the fuckno but for realz thanks for sending this!and you didn't specify ship so im going wiiiiiith *spins wheel* STOZIER IN COLLEGE"please don't cry, i can't stand to see you cry"---------Stan pulled his scarf up so it covered his nose. He trekked across campus, cursing the weather for putting three layers of ice on every sidewalk. He watched his feet as he walked, hoping he wouldn't slip. He finally reached the house he and his friends shared off campus and dumped his stuff on the kitchen table.Richie glanced over his shoulder from the couch. "Hey, babe," he called, punching buttons on his controller."Ah, yes!" Ben whooped, "Distract him, Stan!""Yeah," Richie snarked. "Help him win for once.""Ben's not winning as long as I'm playing too," Mike said, sticking his tongue out in concentration. Bev rolled her eyes from the recliner. Her legs were draped over the arm of the chair, a book in her lap. "You're just lucky I'm not playing, or you'd all be fucked." Stan let their bickering wash over him as he settled next to his boyfriend. "Where's Bill and Eddie?""Finals. Speaking of," Bev paused to look at the clock, "I gotta go." She gathered her things and dropped a kiss to each boy's head. "Keep these hoodlums in line," she said to Stan on her way out."Impossible task," he countered. Richie pumped his fists in victory a moment later when he won again. "And to the victor go the spoils," he drawled, pulling Stan into arms for a kiss."Gross," Ben said."Double gross," Mike agreed. Stan pushed Richie away after a minute. "Quit it," he huffed, fake annoyed. Richie grinned at him. "Come on, darlin, gimme a smooch. I earned it." He wrapped his arms around Stan's waist and pulled him into his lap easily. "That's my cue," Mike said, standing and slipping into his coat. "We're outta coffee and I'm in desperate need of caffeine. Ben?" Ben grabbed his backpack. "Quiz me for my calc final, and I'm there."Stan waited until the door shut behind them to try to wrestle out of Richie's grip. "Why d'you always act like that when people are around?" Richie held tight. "To be fair, I act like this when people aren't around too." Richie leaned up to mouth at Stan's neck. Stan quit resisting immediately and sighed. "I got my... mmm, Rich, hold on.""Come on, sweetheart," Richie said in a husky voice. Richie kissed his way up to Stan's ear. "Lemme make you feel good."Stan gasped when Richie bit down on his earlobe, almost forgetting his protests. "Wait, wait," he said firmly, "I gotta show you something." Stan scrambled off Richie's lap, going for his backpack. Richie sighed. "Your constant rejections just kills me, baby," he said dramatically. Stan rolled his eyes. "Beep, beep," he handed Richie a folded up piece of paper. "It's my chemistry final." He bit his lip. "I wanted you to look at it first."Richie took the paper. "You know you did fine, babe," he assured. "Fine isn't good enough," Stan responded without thinking. "I had to get an A to keep my B in the class." He nodded towards the paper. "Open it."Richie unfolded the paper and twisted his mouth up as he looked it over. He glanced at Stan and back again. "You did great," he offered.Stan's face dropped. "Gimme it," he demanded, snatching the test out of Richie's hand. "I got a C?" he cried. Richie laid a hand on Stan's shoulder. "Stan, it's not a big deal-""Maybe not for you!" Stan yelled. "This could drop my grade to a...a D!" "It won't," Richie said."But it might! This is a low C!" Stan stood up, pacing. "Oh my god, oh fuck. My parents are gonna be so disappointed. They're gonna...they're gonna..."Richie jumped up, stopping his boyfriend. "Stanley, baby, it's okay.""It's not!" Stan snarled. Stan shook the exam in Richie's face. "This is gonna bring down my entire GPA!"Richie guided Stan back to the couch and sat down next to him. He gently took the paper from Stan's vice grip. "It's going to be fine.""Fine isn't good enough. Fine isn't good enough. Fine isn't good enough. Fine isn't-""Stanley!" Richie interjected.Stan looked at Richie, eyes huge, and burst into tears. "You hate me," Stan said miserably through his sobs. "I'm an idiot and you hate me."Richie looped his arms around Stan's shoulder. "Honey, no. I love you. One grade does not make you an idiot." He put his hand under Stan's chin and made him look up. "You're the smartest person I know."Stan sniffled, reaching for a tissue to wipe his nose. "That's not saying much," he said after a minute.Richie's face broke into a grin. "No," he admitted, "I guess not. Now, please don't cry. I can't stand it when you cry."Stan nodded and took a couple shakey breathes. He smiled gently. "Thanks, Richie." --------wow what trash??? idk, i just have a lot of feelings about stanley and his ocd
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