#i gotta stop hitting my head on the car door snd shelves at work. its affecting me
sningo-prompts · 2 years
Sningo chasing a laser pointer.
I am sorry if i somehow make this angsty. Its all i know how to do
Im gonna use the subway staff. I think they make a lot of mistakes before Emmet finally just tells them. Though that post is gonna be angsty. Oh well its for another day.
So set up. Theres an emergency and the staff go to fetch Emmet. Its someone causing a fight so he leaves Ingo behind, gonna be a lot of people for that and Ingo is still a secret so hush hush. He gives his staff a look and says to watch him. They know that look. Its the “if you fuck this up i will end you” look. So they better not screw up, spoilers they screw up.
Emmets gone and they take the time to gossip. Which is what you do when the boss aint around ok i know trust me. “Man he sure is protective over this lil guy.” Ingos just sitting there waiting for Emmet. “Can you blame him, thats he cutest sneasel i have ever seen!” Oh lord. “Its so well behaved too though its always napping or sitting around watching Emmet battle or work isnt that kinda unhealthy?” Well Ingo loves to watch his brother battle and not much to do while at work, give the guy some slack. “Hey i have an idea!” That gets Ingos attention. The staff member takes out a little metal ?pen? Ingo has no idea what it is. “Hey YEAH it couldnt help if the lil thing gets some time to play once in a while!” Oohh Ingo doesnt like where this is going.
They shine the laser on the floor just below The bench Ingo had been sitting on. It takes him a moment to spot it. First he just looks at it confused, tilts his head left to right. Them they move it a little. Oh now what is that?? He hops down to see what it is only for it to move slightly away from him. At first hes just slowly walking after it till he loses to those sneasel instincts. He full on pounces at it. He was so sure he got it but one look under his paws tells him other wise. Right in front of him he sees it. Almost taunting like as it circles in front of his face. His eyes go wide and he reaches out for it. The laser stays just out of reach as he continues to chase after it. Then it gets a good distance from him and he crouches down on all fours, he keeps trying to get lower and lower till finally he leaps for it. Now they are moving it faster so hes all but running after it on all fours. The staff are giggling and laughing but he doesnt care he just has to catch this this thing. How does it keep getting away. It’s frustrating for him.
Then all of a sudden Emmet walks back in chatting with the staff that went with him. Everyone freezes. Well except Ingo who finally sees his chance at the still dot to leap again at it. Quickly the staff turn off the pen. Ingo franticly looking around for it. Nervous laughter feels the air but Ingo doesnt care. Where did it go he has to find it. Emmet is giving them the look the look of “oh now you fucked up im gonna murder you” and they all quickly apologise saying it was just for fun. They just wanted to give him some fun since he is always doing nothing. Emmet is about to give it to them when he notices Ingo state. He tells them to just leave for now.
Ingos eyes are still wide and wild. Emmet when he first saw Ingo lose out to his instincts panicked thinking Ingo was gone but now he knew what this was and could better help Ingo regain control. Slowly he walks up to Ingo and kneels down. He keeps his voice low and soft as he calls Ingos name a few times. Ingo is panting a bit but slowly he focuses on Emmet. Blinking a few times his eyes return to normal. Oh boy is he tired. He stands but up on two legs, holding his head in on paw he looks up at Emmet. “Snee?” Emmet tells Ingo it was a laser pointer. Of course how could Ingo not remember. Ingo is suddenly over come with exhaustion and staggers a little. He must have really gone all out. Emmet is fighting the urge to pick Ingo up and carry him but Ingo isn’t a child and Emmet knows Ingo hates being carried at the station. Though the staff have already seen him act foolish he still tries to keep some dignity. How ever little he still has left.
Idk how to wrap this up to be honest. Like originally i was gonna have Emmet carry Ingo out back to their office so he could nap it off but i really like the idea of Ingo not wanting to be see helpless but the staff. Hes embarrassed lmao. Just wait till they get told the truth. Which i like to do before everyone else finds out because to some point the twins do trust the staff. Well they tell them after that one thing they do that crosses the line.
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