#i guess the thing i'm judging is ppl being like 'ah here's my Dark Stuff' when there's a general sense that Actually Dark Stuff
pacificgasandelectric · 5 months
hanging out in this server i'm in is wild to me bc it's a generally very. wholesome place. and there Are dedicated channels for nsfw and there's a Single "dark nsfw" channel that pretty much only hosts stuff like "what if it was TECHNICALLY dubcon but nobody involved was actually forced into doing anything they felt genuinely uncomfortable with" and i'm over here like. what if a character restrained and lobotomized their captive, who was horrified the whole time. what if i invent an abortifacient herb so one character can induce a miscarriage on another in secret, and then accuse them of "not caring about their baby enough" to not lose it. what if there was adoptive incest On Top Of the blood-relative incest. what if i invented ways to violate autonomy using magic or technology that you literally can't do in real life. would that be cool or what
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taesthetes · 7 years
hi it's jilt anon again and school kinda sucked today bc my music teacher ALMOST BROKE MY CELLO BC HE ALMOST DROPPED IT LIKE FITE ME (there's 6 of us in orchhestra how incredibly sad) what're you majoring in if you don't mind me asking this? and I also hate mornings and i happen to be a night person too (like if I'm feeling inspired I can stay up til 4-5 in the morning writing stuff or playing an instrument or reading fanfiction) and steamed w pork is so good omg we call that siopao- (1/?)
(2/?) -bc were Filipino. (I feel like I should share my age but I will be JUDGED FOR BEING A CHILD LIKE HOW I AM SOMETIMES ON MY BLOG SMH) ,, what’s your favorite color? lmao mine is black but ppl tell me that’s not a color so I say white and apparently that’s not a color either so grays the closest thing?? I happen to be short bc my family is short and cri I’m the shortest of all my friends standing at 5’ which isn’t even that short so I gave up coffee for chocolate milk and it doesn’t help me-
(3/?)- get up in the morning but that’s alright chocolate tastes good , I’m a chubby person and slightly self conscious but mostly have no shame bc full cheeks are better to squish , also still thinking abt jilt and I was telling my cousin (the co-admin in my blog and one of my best friends, idk if having family as a best friend is lame idrgaf) she said she already loves you (yes jk is my bias and he’s a lotta ppl’s bias but idc he’s fab) anyway have a good night/day! 😦 here’s the daily emoji
hello, sunflower!! first of all, that’s so cool that you play the cello! but secondly, yikes, your teacher should be more careful– instruments are expensive 😦 wow, but six musicians in orchestra? that’s pretty small, but maybe you can have more solo parts then!
and i’m double majoring in engineering and business! but i’m actually thinking of changing to double majoring in studio arts and business because i figured i should take one major that i actually enjoy. while i do really like engineering, i realized it’s not something i want to do for the rest of my life. i’m also really indecisive, hence having multiple majors haha do you know what you want to major in?
omg yeah, i work way better at night, which is when i write my fics up til 4 or 5 in the morning, too. and yess omg i really like steamed buns! oooh, siopao– i always like learning new food names aha and don’t worry, there’s no need to tell me your age if you don’t feel comfortable with it! and my favorite color is also black! i also like red, but black is number one. but yeah, some people have told me black isn’t a real color either but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ but white and gray are also nice! i think my favorite colors all come down to the colors of the clothes i wear?? i mostly wear black, various shades of dark red, dark gray, etc.
5 ft is a good height! and chocolate milk is way better than coffee. to be honest, i wish i was a bit shorter- i’m 5 ft 7 in. and yes, there’s no need to be self conscious!! be confident in yourself because you’re a stunner. and yes omg full cheeks are so adorable and squishy ahhh so cute aklsjdfkas and thank you for still thinking about jilt :’) i still can’t believe you would remember it for this long askdfasf
having family as a best friend is not lame at all!! or i guess if people consider it to be, then i’m lame too because i consider my sister as one of my best friends. asjkdhfkljas tell your cousin i love her, too, and i thank her for her love!! ah yeah, that’s totally understandable; jungkook was my original bias and he’s very fab. i hope you have a lovely day/night as well, sunflower!! ahaha and here’s the daily emoji for a second time: 😦
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