#i had fun though and thts what matetrs.
favoringeyes · 2 years
lena hey hii i read ur tags on angie's post abt ra*bits being exaggerated assets of nazuna's insecurities and since i dont read many of their stories i would rlly like to hear ur thoughts abt it 😸
I FORGOT TO ANSWER THIS IM SORRY NIKI SOB. but yes yes i love talking abt how flawed nazuna's treatment of ra*bits was in the beginning thank u.bc its overlooked a loooot but it wasnt as toxic as his relationship in ex-valk since he barely even knew these kids when he left valk. ANYWAY. im sorry if this doesnt make sense i am insane and terrible with words but i hope u enjoy either way (also theres a lot of words. like fair warning its really massive so i understand if u dont read all of it 😭)
nazuna when he first began to help hajime, tomoya, and mitsuru had a shallow view of each of them. he sees hajime as the good girly kid, mitsuru has the bad rowdy kid, and tomoya as the normal kid. (he literally states this in a story i think its happy spring?) so lets start with what ra*bits was formed on as a whole: being cute. nazuna thought tht without shu or valkyrie his only saving grace was his looks, so he projected tht onto ra*bits when he first started to form the unit. he thought the only way he could "save" these kids was to exploit their cute looks since thts the only worth he saw in himself, it was the only worth he saw in them as idols. but to get more specific lets start with hajime. hajime is the epitome of a cute idol, girly, quiet, warm personality etc. hajime represents nazuna's insecurity abt his girlish appearance, and hajime at first, was insecure abt it as well, and was only keeping up this image to help ra*bits. but as time goes on, he slowly begins to enjoy being tht kind of idol, and embraces all his girlish traits to the full, finding strength and joy in it, which nazuna could never accomplish. moving onto mitsuru, hes basically the fun rowdy more boyish of the group. he isnt really afraid to act like himself and do whatever he wants, he loves to run and be loud, and he wears his emotions on his sleeve. but this gets him in trouble a lot, and he often gets scolded for things he simply enjoys doing or gets told hes a "bad kid." in the story "bad boys" this frustrates him, he believes the ppl he loves so much dont feel the same, and see him as a nuisance, even when he's one of the most emotionally sensitive characters in enstars, he just doesnt want to be alone again. but slowly through time, mitsuru learns tht this part of him is what makes him a wonderful idol. he also learns tht his feelings do matter, and he doesnt have to be a troubled kid all the time, bc he isnt, hes just mitsuru. this is probably a stretch, but i think this is supposed to represent nazuna's insecurity abt acting too "out of his image." or not being the good quiet doll he was so used to being for so long. and finally tomoya. tomoya is normal, hes not pretty like hajime, or bright as the sun like mitsuru. tomoya knows this, in fact its mentioned in almost every story he's in, either by himself or someone around him. this makes him feel inadequate to those around him, like he will never be able to catch up to everyone else, but especially his fellow unitmates. but, through time, he begins to realize "being normal" is like a super power for him as an idol. he utilizes it, being able to stay grounded and be completely balanced as his own idol. like his feature scout is titled he is "the epitome of idols." others can look to him for the example of what an idol is supposed to be. tomoya probably represents nazuna's biggest insecurity, his fear of being inferior in the eyes of others. its the whole reason he became shu's "doll" in the first place. shu let him stand above the rest, it gave him confidence. when shu broke down, this meant nazuna would become "nothing." just an ordinary person destroyed by the war and forgotten. so, thts why nazuna is so quick to categorize ra*bits into their basic traits, bc he's scared tht ra*bits will far apart. he feared tht if he didnt do this, if he attempted to break through the mold he fit ra*bits into, he would go back to before. he wouldnt matter unless he acted a certain way. he always wants to fit into roles tht r useful in some way (i think this is why he wanted ra*bits to see him as a big brother, as their guide, bc this made him extremely precious to them) bc tht way he doesnt have to acknowledge how insecure he really feels. as he gets attached to ra*bits though and begins to really see them like his kids, he's forced to learn tht these molds he fit all of them into didnt do them or him any good, it only managed to damage the kids so precious to him. and so through loving ra*bits, he learns to love the parts of himself he loathes the most.
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