#i had more points but i dont care anymore so im just hitting post teehee! you deal with this now
nebulaleaf · 2 years
forever disappointed in myself for making my fave characters the ones who always get misunderstood due to the fact that they're silent protags and thus the margin for interpretation is large; but they still have clear and obvious traits in canon that get completely ignored or misread in favour of that or one's preferred interpretation (which isn't a bad thing, the goal of a silent protag is to be projected upon) and it makes me feel so insane. I'm not going to act like joker persona 5 has the best most thorough hidden personality ever made, but there's Clearly something readable and substantial there, so when people act like he has no motives/point in the story/voice or completely contradict that scant set-out characterization I go boinkers (internally).
i just don't understand how that conclusion can be reached at times... persona 5 does an amazing job at setting up his true colours in the very first scene of the game; then bringing in the reality of it a bit later with the scene of how he got sent to Tokyo. He's a silent protag because the game demands it, yes, but he's also silent because of how much he's been beaten down and singled out. There's no point in trying to defend his innocence or speak out harshly, as that doesn't /work/. Then there's also the fact that he's a naturally introspective kind of character, taking a backseat in scenes because he's the type to collect information and then decide on a move. Joker isn't a rash person unless something urgently needs to be done right that moment!
Literally every choice he makes in the game, from helping Ryuji to his decision to take that massive L in December for his friends feels like a natural one that he'd take as it's consistent with his pre-established traits. There's not a single scene I can think of where he does something just because he's the protagonist and the plot needs to be pushed forward.
(now, other characters pulling that kind of stunt is another story lol)
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