#i had no idea about grusha or the pokemon news so i looked up what it was about and these tweets came up
pokenimagines · 2 years
SFW Grusha fic, could we have him with a burnt out champion s/o? Like the s/o has been utterly overworking themself and choosing their pokemon's wellbeing over theirs?
Bro let's go; burnt out reader. I'm sure 90% of us have dealt with serious burn out and it sucks ass.
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SFW Grusha: Burnt Out
"So this is it? You're just quitting?" Grusha asked, as you hummed. The bags under your eyes had never been so prominent in your life; you let out a huge yawn, as you looked over at Grusha. You were just hanging out when you decided to tell him the news.
"Yup, I'm all done. I don't think I can do it anymore. I might battle on occasion, but...I'm kinda just...done." You admitted. You had been one of the youngest champions in the region, and with that came a lot of responsibility.
Nobody told you becoming a Champion meant that you'd be doing so much league work. You were always running around for the Chairwoman, going form gym to gym to test their strength, or even dealing with random disturbances. Free time was lost on you...hell most of your childhood and early twenties were now lost. That isn't even taking account for your team...
"You can't just quit..." Grusha grumbled, getting a bit pissed, "I thought you loved battling."
"I do...I really do but...Grusha how many gym challengers do you face every week?" You asked, turning to him.
"Maybe two a week, sometimes three. During the Treasure Hunt I can get up to ten a week." Grusha said and you hummed.
"Wanna know what I did yesterday?" You asked and he was quiet, "Seven black crystals popped up. Nemona was busy, so I had to go across half the region to take them down. Took twelve hours. My team is still sleeping." You commented.
"You took down...seven of them?" Grusha asked.
"Orders from the Chairwoman. Next week I'm going to all the gyms to fight everyone. I got a solid three days to fight all of you guys. Then the week after, I need to check in on the training camps. The chairwoman told me this morning, that tomorrow I need to deal with one of the titans that's acting up, so gotta deal with that as well." You explained. Grusha was silent for a few moments.
"What about Nemona?" Grusha asked and you shrugged.
"She's got her own things going on. Especially since she's leaving the region soon, so she can try her hand at Galar's gym challenge. Once she's gone I can only imagine the workload I'll be receiving." You said with a huff.
"What about a vacation then? Set some boundaries with the chairwoman as well. You and your team are burnt out." Grusha said; finally understanding. When he used to do snowboarding professionally, there were a few times that he debated quitting for the same reasons. He loved it, but everything got to be too much.
"Think that'll work?" You asked, turning to him.
"La Primera isn't ruthless...I don't think. She's just capable of lots of work and expects that of everyone else. She probably doesn't realize what she's doing." Grusha finally said.
"Man...she's gonna turn me into Larry 2.0 at this rate." You chuckled and Grusha groaned, hitting your side.
"Don't even joke about that." Grusha said, a bit annoyed, "I can't be seen with someone so lame."
"Whatever...fine...I'll ask her for vacation as well as work condition changes...but you're coming with." You said, as you decided you'd be doing that right now.
"Wait...why?" Grusha said, eyes widening a fraction.
"It was your idea, obviously. Now let's go!"
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moondust-writes · 2 years
『It's Cold Outside』 desc; having a break from classwork is a rare but wonderful opportunity, though maybe you should have worn something a little bit warmer when heading to glasedeo... a/n; no but why do the uniforms not have any proper protection from the cold if they're going to have students wander up glasedeo when it comes to the gym circuit???? no wonder geeta doesn't get many travelers. i like the cold but traveling in snow without proper snow attire??? just something i am pointing out - also first pokemon insert so all i ask is to not be too harsh with any critiques <3
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You rubbed your hands together for what seemed like the thousandth time as you trudged through the snow, blowing on them every now and again to try and keep them from turning blue with the continuously dropping temperatures. Sure, there was a winter uniform that the academy provided its students...but in areas like Glasedeo...well, it didn't provide much protection from the wind and falling snow.
Now that you thought about it...that's probably why you never encountered many trainers on your way to the gyms when you were doing the gym circuit - and was probably a factor for why Nemona and you were one of the few Champion Ranked students rather than La Primera's strength alone. Maybe it would be worth mentioning it to the Director? Changing the entire uniform could be tedious, but even just making the dress code more lenient for the colder months would be a good idea-
Lost in the train of thought, you hadn't noticed the way the snow seemed to flatten, to hold a shine to it as you climbed up hill to your destination. Even though the pokemon traveling with you a few feet away gave a short cry of warning as they galloped toward you, it was a few seconds too late.
"Wh-AH-" You turned your head to look at your partner with confusion, right as your foot struck the ice they were attempting to warn you about just a few moments prior. Slipping, you were lucky to avoid landing face first, hands instinctively stopping your fall in the snow. With a low groan of annoyance and frustration, you pushed up onto your knees, brushing your palms to get rid of the sting from both the impact and biting freeze when you felt a weight drop around the back of your neck and a gloved hand was held out in front of you.
Trailing your gaze up, you found blue eyes staring back at you with the slightest hint of concern shining through the expressionless face the trainer held. "You going to keep staring, or are you going to get up?" Face flushing with heat rather than the cold for the first time that day, you offered a sheepish smile before taking his hand and allowing him to help you onto your feet.
Looking down at your uniform as you cleared the snow from your clothing, you noticed the heavy fabric of the gym leader's scarf dangling over your shoulders- though you didn't have time to question it before Grusha turned to walk away with a motion to follow.
"You should be more careful. There's more ice around Glasedeo this time of year, and with more blizzards, things are more dangerous. Especially without proper clothes." Hurrying to catch up with him, you wrapped the scarf around you properly, pulling the material over your face and melting into the warmth as you tucked your hands under your arms. "Yeah, I know. Was just in thought," you started, smiling as your pokemon pranced up beside you and your new companion, not wanting to stray too far after the previous accident.
"Ironically, it about uniforms and the weather." You finished the thought a moment later after receiving a look of curiosity from Grusha, finding a small sense of pride rise within you as he seemed to chuckle in amusement at the information. "What are you doing up here anyway? It's colder than usual."
"Had free time, decided to travel." You spoke nonchalantly, shrugging afterwards as the two of you approached the gym-site. Rolling his eyes, he only shook his head before speaking again whilst he led you inside. "Of course- come on, get warmed up."
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saeraas · 2 years
two types of pokemon fans
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