#i had quite a rough week with nasty pms and lots of crying
jossun-kyyneleet · 8 months
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WTF I drew Krisko 🤯
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hobiorbit · 6 years
table for one (m.)
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pairing: kim taehyung x reader warnings: cheating/infidelity, public sex, slight exhibitionism(?), dirty talk, (semi) rough sex, waiter taehyung, jikook fuck around but its mentioned like.. twice, reader is biologically female summary: after being cheated on by your boyfriend, you figure the only thing to cheer you up is some food from your favorite local diner. only, they hired a new waiter and he's really hot- office sex ensues. A/N: cross posted from my ao3 account, also conveniently known as hobiorbit!
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” You said quietly, voice full of rage. In front of you was your boyfriend in his pale naked glory- flopping on some other girl who was most certainly not you. She sounded gross, too.
Immediately after hearing your voice, Yoongi jumped away from the girl, yanking the blanket around his own form as he left her naked and afraid in your shared bedroom. “Kitten, I can explain.” He said breathlessly, sweat slicking his hairline. The nickname used to be something you loved- however, not it filled your with disgust. You saw the man try and reach out for you, to which you violently turned your shoulder away.
The other girl was just watching from the bed, not even bothering to try and find her missing clothes. You sent her a nasty glare. “Get out, bitch! Or I’ll beat your ass too.” You threatened, even though you had zero intention of beating anyone’s ass. As much as you hated the truthfulness to it, violence truly was never the answer. Nonetheless, both parties seemed to be scared, as Yoongi stiffened while the unnamed girl finally scrambled to gather her things and get out.
When you heard the front door to your apartment shut, Yoongi continued to make his case. “I was drunk- Y/N, baby, believe me. I love you so much.” He said desperately, making you roll your eyes in response.
“It’s barely one in the afternoon, Yoongi. You’re not a fucking day drinker. Listen- let’s just cut to the chase. This is unforgivable, and you’re dumb if you think I’d take you back after this. I don’t care if this is the first time or the hundredth, all I want you to do is get your shit out of here and never talk to me again.” You told him, walking to the front door and grabbing your backpack, bending down to put your shoes on. Yoongi walked after you, comforter still wrapped around his form.
It was a pitiful sight.
“You don’t mean that, Y/N. We’re soulmates, every couple has some hiccups in their relationship.” Yoongi told you. You wondered to yourself- when did he start saying such dumb things?
“Yoongi, a hiccup in a relationship is forgetting an anniversary, or cancelling too many date nights. Not fucking some random chick in your own shared bedroom. Seriously. I’ll stay with Hoseok for a day or two, but after that I’m coming back. If your stuff isn’t out of here I’m gonna call the police or something. You’d better call Namjoon.” You told him, not bothering to listen to his curses as you left the apartment, slamming the door behind you for good measure. So what if the neighbors were mad at you for a day or two.
Hoseok was used to you coming into his house uninvited- you tended to do what you wanted after years of friendship, and he couldn’t get mad at you for it because he tended to do the same thing. Even when you were in a relationship.
However, Hoseok wasn’t used to seeing you crying- you tended to do that in peace, and you weren’t one to make a big deal over it. The sight pulled at the strings of his heart, because he immediately dropped what he was doing to run over and wrap his arms around you.
“Y/N, what happened? Are you okay?” He asked, holding you tight as he spoke softly against your ear. Your body wracked with silent sobs as you tried to compose yourself enough to speak. You were fine until you got to Hoseok’s house, reality finally setting in.
“Y-Yoongi,” You said breathlessly, heaving in heavy breaths of air. Hoseok shushed you, trying to infer what was making you sad due to your state. “Yoongi what? Is he hurt?” Hoseok asked you, making you cry harder as you shook your head.
“No,” You said, violently wiping at your eyes, causing Hoseok to tear your hand away from your face. “He cheated, on m-me.” You stuttered, fat tears coming from your eyes and streaming down your face. Hoseok cursed, bringing you close once again as he whispered promises to hurt your now ex boyfriend- along with telling you that everything would be okay, and you could do a lot better.
Taehyung hated his new job. Tutoring randoms and picking up small campus jobs wasn’t cutting it, and he needed to find something new and accessible. The diner job he picked up was both a blessing and a curse. It provided a nice stream of money, seeing as he got paid both minimum wage and tips. On the downside, he spent hours on his feet and he had to deal with the public.
Some days went smoothly and he met cool new people, and other days middle aged office workers felt the need to take their dissatisfaction with their own lives out on him. Whatever worked, he guessed.
“Taehyung, this is your first closing shift. You sure you’ll be okay? Jungkook and Jimin are still here, and Joy’s in the back.” The manager, Jin told him. Taehyung nodded affirmatively.
“I’m sure I’ll be okay. Thanks, hyung.” Taehyung told the older man, watching as he left, the doors jingling with the bell that signalled the arrival or departure. Taehyung looked to the clock, sighing as he knew he had quite a night ahead of him. The clock was just pushing five-thirty pm, and his shift didn’t end until about midnight, counting clean up.
There were a couple people seated in the diner, mostly old couples along with a couple of middle and high school students, enjoying their time off from school.
Most of them were seated in Jimin’s section, who was a pretty good waiter when he wasn’t flirting with the cook, Jungkook. Jimin always seemed to know when to visit his tables, though, seeing as they never got irritated with him and always left good tips. Damn his good personality and charming smile.
Things went pretty smoothly since Jin had left, Taehyung busying himself with bussing tables and cleaning up various surfaces when he wasn’t able to entertain himself with customers.
When the clock struck eleven pm, Taehyung knew he was in the homestretch. Jungkook was doing cleanup and would be heading out as soon as it was eleven-thirty, and Jimin and Joy had left hours earlier. Taehyung got an early start to his cleanup, and things began looking up as he imagined the pay check he’d receive at the end of the week.
However, everything came crashing down when he heard the bell above the diner doors ring, a telltale sign a customer in. Jungkook let out a muffled ‘Fuck!’ from the kitchen, grunting about how he’d have to clean up all over again. Sharing his coworker’s disdain, Taehyung shifted his gaze over to the new customer.
You hadn’t eaten the entire day. You’d been too sad to do anything, lazing around on Hoseok’s couch, going in and out of bouts of sadness, crying on your best friend’s shoulder. He told you that he’d come with you, that he’d order food to the house or go and pick something up. And as tempting as the offers sounded, you knew some alone time might be good- to clear your head, you hoped.
Although, you didn’t realize how late it was. It was clear, judging by the emptiness of your favorite diner. There was a new waiter, staring at you curiously. Your eyes were bloodshot and your face was puffy- telltale signs that you’d been crying.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize the time…” You mumbled, eyes looking toward the fridge where you knew they kept their cool desserts. “I’ll just take some pie and get out of your hair, then.” You said sadly. It totally wasn’t what you wanted. You were craving the warm feeling the diner’s breakfast gave to you, but the last thing you wanted to be was a burden.
If you were anyone else, Taehyung would’ve shoved the pie in your face and sent you on your merry way. But you looked so sad, so broken. Taehyung was infatuated, and he wanted to hear a little bit of your story, maybe even see you smile. “Hold on.” He said, holding a finger up before going back to the kitchen.
“You can just go home, Jungkook. I’ll cook her food and finish clean up, it’s not that serious.” Jungkook looked at the older wide eyed, wondering if what he was hearing was real. He quickly took his apron off, as if he was too slow Taehyung would take the opportunity away.
“Thanks, hyung. I’ll give you ten bucks off my next pay check.” Jungkook said in a rushed manner, quickly going to leave the kitchen. Taehyung told him it wasn’t necessary before returning out front to tend to you.
“Good news, I’m the only one left and I’m willing to cook. What can I get for you?” Taehyung asked, fiddling with a menu before you put your hand up. “Are you sure?” You asked before rambling off your order, giving him time to change his mind so he could return home earlier than half past midnight. Taehyung sent you a strong nod, looking at you expectantly.
“The original breakfast plate, please…” You trailed off, observing the waiter- Taehyung, according to his name tag, curiously. He sent you a large, boxy smile that left a warm feeling in your stomach, the first time you felt a positive emotion all day.
“Good choice, our breakfast rocks.” Taehyung said happily. “By the way, you can grab a seat wherever.” he told you over his shoulder. Once he was out of sight, you looked around the restaurant. Your gaze lingered over the booth you and Yoongi always used to occupy, a lonely and empty feeling occupying itself in the bleakness of your chest.
Deciding tonight would be the night of new beginnings, you chose a booth on the complete opposite side of the restaurant, patiently awaiting your food as you fiddled with your phone. You sent Hoseok a text saying that you were okay, knowing the man would be up all night if you didn’t do so. Well, he’d probably stay up anyway, just with less anxiety.
In what seemed like record time, the cute waiter came out with your plate of steaming food, filling you with anticipation. You could smell it even when he was a couple feet away, and your stomach grumbled for the first time that day. Your appetite had been restored.
“Someone’s excited,” Taehyung giggled when he saw your face, setting the food down in front of you. You smiled sheepishly. “It’s been a tough day… Haven’t eaten for a while.” You said sheepishly. Taehyung frowned at the revelation. Something about his presence made you want to spill all of your feelings to him.
“I mean, I get it if you don’t want to talk to your random waiter at 11 at night- but I’d be happy to listen.” Taehyung trailed off, idling by your booth as you weighed your options. Figuring you couldn’t sink much lower, you nodded your head slowly.
“I think I’d like that… You can sit down. I’m Y/N.” You figured introducing yourself would be the best course of action since you’d probably end up telling the waiter about all of your recent life problems. Taehyung gave you what seemed to be a signature soft smile, one that made you feel comfy, almost. “Nice to meet you Y/N. I’m Taehyung… If you didn’t see my name tag already. So, what’s got you down today? If you don’t mind me asking.” He asked after sidling into the other side of the booth, clasping his hands together and looking at you expectantly.
You sighed before shoving a forkful of hashbrowns into your mouth, chewing slowly to avoid answering the question. Taehyung tried not to squeal at how cute you looked with stuffed cheeks.
When you swallowed your food, you pouted before beginning to speak. “My boyfriend… Well, ex-boyfriend,” You said, feeling weird at how the words sounded coming from your mouth. “He cheated on me, to keep it short and simple.” You cut to the chase, averting your gaze from Taehyung’s in embarrassment.
You kept eating, trying not to think about the waiter’s impression of you- A pitiful girl who couldn’t keep her boyfriend around, eating breakfast at 11:18 at night.
“Sorry for being silent,” Taehyung said quietly. “I just can’t really believe that. I know I haven’t known you for too long, but no one deserves something like that. You seem nice and you’re very beautiful.” Taehyung said genuinely, making your body heat up. His voice was deep and honeyed, caramel skin complimenting all of his features beautifully. Being complimented by him could restore even the most insecure person’s view of themselves.
He must’ve noted the surprise in your expression, because he smiled and nodded. “Yeah, I mean it. I haven’t even seen you smile yet and you’re definitely one of the prettiest girls I’ve ever seen- not to be a creep or anything.” He laughed, almost making you choke on your eggs.
When you swallowed, you gave him a real smile. “Thanks, Taehyung. I guess I needed that. I mean, I get that him cheating wasn’t my fault, but it doesn’t stop those thoughts from coming in. Like, not to get graphic, but maybe I just didn’t satisfy him enough, you know? But the worst part is that he dared to call it a ‘hiccup.’ As in, something every relationship has. I almost had to throw a shoe at him.” You said, making Taehyung snort in disbelief.
“Sheesh, he sounds like a keeper. Honestly, at least he’s out of your hair for now. And I bet you were just fine. Men can get greedy and you’re right, him cheating on you has nothing to do with you and everything to do with him. What an asshole.” Taehyung scoffed, narrowing his eyebrows a bit. His eyebrows were full. They looked nice.
You giggled at how blunt he was, finding his company very nice. “You’re pretty cool, Taehyung.” You told him. He smiled and averted his gaze, feeling fully flustered. “So, what brings you here? I come to this place pretty often and this is the first time I’ve seen you.” You said honestly, wanting to get to know the hot waiter more. “Ah,” Taehyung started, nodding. “I needed to pick up a job to pay for my classes. This was the only one that agreed with my schedule and my student loans.” Taehyung said bluntly, making you snort.
“God, I know the feeling. My ex tried to get me to work at hooters, I never turned something down so quick. I used to work as a barista, and now I work at a flower shop. But hey, now that you’re here I might start having to come in more.” You said in a very obvious attempt at flirting. Taehyung smiled and bit the corner of his lip.
“Hooters… classy. And yeah, come in any time you want. It’d make my shift worth while.” Taehyung told you. He clearly received your signals and was sending them back full force, making excitement grow in the pit of your stomach.
“You flatter me, Mr. Waiter. I’m sure all the old lady regulars are just keen on you.” You told him. He smiled and shook his head.
“Actually, everyone seems to be obsessed with another waiter- Jimin’s his name.” He said, making you nod and hum.
“That makes sense. Everyone loves him. I think my ex even started to have a crush on him, maybe that’s why I haven’t been in in a while,” You giggled, covering your mouth. “But in your defense, I think I like you more than Jimin.”
Taehyung’s eyebrows raised in surprise at the revelation. “You know just what to say, don’t you?” He said in that deep voice of his. You smiled flirtatiously and tilted your head to the side, taking a sip of the water he’d brought along with your meal.
“Not usually- I’m always pretty awkward. Maybe you just bring out the best in me…” You trailed off, feeling the embarrassment of your flirting start to catch up with you, a burning sensation crawling up your neck all the way to the tip of your ears. Taehyung hardly seemed phased.
“Y/N…” Taehyung said. “Feel free to kick me in the nuts and leave, but I think we both might be on the same page. So I’ll just get straight to it- Do you want me?” Taehyung asked you, leaning over the table to get closer, eyes piercing into your own.
Air seemed to stop circulating through your lungs, eyes opening wide. Sure, you’d both been thinking of it, but you didn’t expect him to say it out loud. It filled your entire being with lust.
“Yes…” You answered, sure of yourself. Hoseok smiled and tilted his head. “Yes what, sweetheart?” He asked you. Oh, so this was his game. “Yes… I want you, Taehyung.” Seeming pleased with your answer, he smiled and got up.
“Come with me, then. Sorry if you’re an exhibitionist, but this is a bit too many windows for me.” Taehyung said, holding his large hand out for you to hold. You took it, stomach flipping in anticipation as he led you farther into the diner.
“Where are we going?” You inquired curiously. He looked at you over his shoulder and winked. “The office, of course. It’s got enough privacy… And it’s the only room without cameras in it, not that anyone checks them. Jimin and Jungkook come in here on their breaks all the time.” Taehyung said matter of factly, making you flush with embarrassment. How could he be so chill about having sex on shift?
“Nice.” You said, not knowing what else to say. He took out his keys and unlocked the room, allowing you to walk in first- not without a light smack to your ass that excited you more than it should have.
“Fuck, you’re so hot… Right when you came in you took my breath away.” Taehyung said, pulling out the office chair and sitting in it, spreading his legs and patting his lap as a signal for you to straddle him. You followed immediately, his constant genuine compliments doing nothing to hinder your confidence.
His work pants did absolutely nothing to hide his hard on, thick and hard right against your thigh as you settled over him. Taehyung immediately slid his hands up your legs, stopping at your hips and gripping them firmly. “If I’m hot, you’re godly.” You breathed against his lips.
He broke the distance between the two of you, capturing your lips in his and immediately ensuing in a passionate, hard kiss. Taehyung rubbed his hands up and down your sides, grinding his hips into yours as his tongue weaved into your mouth. He suffocated every one of your senses in the best way possible.
You whimpered when he made a particularly hard thrust, grinding your ass into his lap in fervor.
“You want it, huh? Want me to fuck you, baby?” He asked against your lips, hot breath fanning over you. You nodded enthusiastically in response, but it wasn’t enough for Taehyung. One of his large hands slid down to your behind, grabbing your ass firmly. “Answer me, Y/N. Use your words like a big girl.” He told you.
You whined but entertained his ideal. “Yeah, Taehyung, want it so bad. Want you to fuck me so hard.” You moaned, rolling your hips over his and throwing your head back. “Fuck,” He said, hands going to undo his belt. You hovered above him, letting him push his pants down- they only made it to his knees before he got annoyed, pulling his underwear halfway down as well.
You outwardly gawked at his cock, wondering how beautiful the entirety of a human could be- his dick was just as pretty as him, veins running down the thick length accompanied by a rosie head with a bead of precum forming at the top. It made your mouth water.
“Like what you see?” He breathed, wrapping a hand around himself and pumping slowly, hissing at the sudden pleasure. You nodded, eyes completely clouded with lust.
“I’m feeling a little exposed, baby… Why don’t you lift that skirt of yours and show me that pretty pussy?” Taehyung asked you, toying with the hem of your pleated skirt. Originally, you’d worn it for Yoongi, knowing you in skirts was one of his favorite things. You were glad you did, because now it meant easy access for Taehyung.
Immediately, your hands went to the waist of your skirt, pulling it as far up your midriff as you could before holding the fabric up, wiggling your hips to show Taehyung your panties. Taehyung groaned, biting the corner of his lip before bringing a thumb to your covered pussy, pressing it directly into your clit. You jerked your hips, moaning out loud from the sudden stimulation he gave you. He hummed, clearly enjoying how responsive you were.
“Look at these pretty panties for your pretty pussy… Fuck, you’re so wet.” Taehyung groaned in awe, glazing his finger over the dampness of your panties, drawing tight circles on your clit before becoming fed up, pulling the fabric to your side. He threw his head back when you were exposed to his gaze.
“You really are beautiful… Best pussy I’ve ever seen, you know that?” Taehyung told you. You flustered at the crude comment, but appreciated it nonetheless. “I didn’t think a dick could be pretty until I met you.” You told him honestly, wrapping a hand around his length and gently jerking it. He canted his hips along with your hands, finally pushing it away when he couldn’t do it anymore.
“I need to be inside of you,” He groaned. “Here, I’ll get a condom.” He told you, placing a hand on the small of your back to stabilize you as he spun the chair around, hand pulling out a drawer and grabbing a condom. Your eyebrows shot up in surprise, wondering why on earth there were condoms in the office.
“I told you Jimin and Kookie come in here all the time…” Taehyung told you, ripping the foil open carefully and rolling it onto his length. Taehyung drifted his fingers over your pussy, stopping at your hole to tease it. “Do you think you’re ready for me, baby?” He asked you considerately. Honestly, you wanted to yell- you were ready for him the minute you stepped into the diner.
“Yes, fuck me, oh my God- please.” You begged. Taehyung laughed at your attitude but grabbed his cock anyway, rubbing it up and down your pussy before inserting himself. Both of you groaned when he finally slipped inside. You were deliciously tight, the friction you caused mindblowing to him. The thickness made you feel so perfectly full, it was wonderful.
“You’re amazing,” He breathed from under you, grabbing both of your hips and beginning a brutal pace. Taehyung wasted no time, slamming into you from under your body, hitting every spot inside of you deliciously. “Oh m-my fuck,” You whined, throwing your head back and jerking your body to meet his thrusts, finding your end already near.
“You’re s-so good.” You whined, putting a hand on his shoulder for leverage. Taehyung leaned forward, dragging the collar of your shirt down and began to suck and kiss at your neck. “Baby, you’re better. So fucking tight and sweet.” He told you right against your ear, leaving your completely breathless from how much stimulation he was giving you. There was no doubt in your mind he could make you come without even touching your clit- something that you weren’t even sure was possible.
“Oh my god, Taehyung, I’m already gonna cum.” You whimpered, leaning your head down onto his neck. He grunted, moving his hips even faster, gripping your own body to slam you down onto his cock. “Me too, Y/N, me too baby. Wait for me- fuck, wanna come with you. Wanna cum in your tight pussy.” He told you, leaving you to let out a long moan.
With a couple more intense thrusts coupled with his thumb rubbing circles onto your clit, both of you were reaching your highs. You pussy clamped down on him as you threw your head back, mouth open wide in a silent scream. “Fuck!” Taehyung grunted, stilling inside of you and giving small jerks, riding his high out. He kept rubbing your clit until you weakly swiped it away, discomforted by overstimulation.
The two of you sat in silence for a bit, you still tucked into his neck as the both of you tried to regain composure. Taehyung was breathing heavily against your ear, eyes fully closed and a lazy smile on his face. He looked really cute, you hated to admit. After a couple of minutes he opened one eye, raising his eyebrow at you, fully aware that he’d caught you staring.
“What’s up, good looking?” He asked, earning himself a light slap to his shoulder. “Oh, you know, just got done with some personal affairs.” You answered nonetheless, making him snort. “You’re cute.” He told you nonchalantly. You averted your gaze in embarrassment. “Thank you…” You trailed off, not knowing exactly what to say. This certainly wasn’t like any other one night stand- you found yourself thoroughly enjoying Taehyung for his personality, as well.
When you moved backward to right your clothes, he did the same. Once the two of you were as decent as you could get, you exited the office in silence. It wasn’t awkward- but the tension was apparent. Like there was something that the both of you were itching to say. When you finally got to the door, Taehyung reached his hand out to close around the sleeve of your sweater. He looked flustered and troubled- how did he make everything look cute?
“I know I’m totally doing this backwards and it’s probably way too fast considering your situation, but I really like you, Y/N. Would you… Want to go out on a date with me?” He asked you, locking his gaze with yours. His eyes were hopeful.
A soft smile stretched across your lips at the question, nodding your head happily. “I’d really love that, Taehyung. I like you too… Here, I’ll give you my number.” You said, holding your hand out idly and waiting for your phone. Immediately, Taehyung digged in the back pocket of his pants for his phone, almost dropping during the journey from his hand to yours. You tried not to coo at his wallpapers, which were pictures of him and his friends.
Within a couple of seconds, your contact was in his phone. Thanks to the clock, you were fully aware that you were gone way too long to just have gotten a simple dinner. “I hate to cut it short, but my friend might have a heart attack if I don’t return home, like, now. But seriously… I’d love to go out with you.” You told him honestly. He smiled happily in return.
“Expect a call from me in three to five business days! Actually, probably a lot sooner. I’m not good at waiting.” He said, shrugging his shoulders and making your laugh. You shook your head.
“Me neither.” You agreed. Leaning to plant a kiss on his cheek before exiting the diner and travelling to your car with a new pip to your step. Maybe you should’ve thanked Yoongi… Nah.
Thanks to that wonderful thing called bluetooth, you called Hoseok on your drive home to his house. He answered almost immediately, and you could tell he was displeased with your absence. You saw that he’d left you texts, but hadn’t bothered to read them.
“Where have you been?” The man asked, getting straight to the chase. You giggled, wondering how you were going to explain the recent events to your friend. Deciding it was something that should be spoken about in person, you continued on.
“I really want to get to the details when I get there- but basically, I just had the best sex ever and I might have a date, too.” You told him, shrugging your shoulders even though he couldn’t see it. The line was silent for a while, as if he was processing the information. You snorted when you imagined what his face must’ve looked like.
“Bitch, what? You were supposed to be getting food- where’d you go?” He asked incredulously. You laughed in response.
“Oh, I got food. A two for one, if you will.”
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hoseokmylovesworld · 5 years
Picture of Love | 14 (M)
Pairing: Photographer!Hoseok x OC x Producer!Yoongi
Genre/Warnings: Hoseok AU/Yoongi AU/Includes strong language, anxiety attacks, violence, mentions of death, fluff, smut, dirty talk, rough sex, deep throating, choking, oral and vaginal sex.
Words: 9,464
Summary: Charlotte Galloway is the leader of the up and coming girl band, “She-Bang”, with a side hustle as a photographer for anyone who will hire her.  She meets a fellow professional photographer named Jung Hoseok who helps “She-Bang” realize their dreams and Charlotte to make a love connection along the way.
A/N: This is the longest one yet, but please read to the end, it’s a doosey
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“Leyah this is serious, come on.” I chide, yanking her back from flicking the blinds with her fingers in the empty apartment. After browsing the internet and newspaper idly for more adequate living situations for the last few weeks, the girls and I finally decided to actually take a look at some of them.
“I was just checking if the blinds were up to par...they’re not.” She flicks them again and they shake wildly, proving her accusation.
“We can always replace the blinds Leyah, what do you think about this place?”
“I think it’s way too small.” she responded curtly, looking up and around in an unsatisfactory way.
I sigh in defeat. “It’s one of the only ones we can afford so it’s gotta count as a definite maybe right now.” Leyah just hums and rolls her eyes.
The apartment we were viewing was much like the others we looked at this week. Two bedrooms, a small kitchen and a small living area. Everything was just small and as much a we needed a space to accommodate all of us and our belongings, we all made the same living and it just wasn’t enough.
“Well, maybe if you asked your loaded boyfriend nicely, he might pitch in.” Leyah muttered with her hand against her cheek as if she were telling me a secret. I slap her arm quickly.
“That’s not funny, Leyah. I wouldn’t ask him to do that, we’re not even like...together, together yet.” Leyah whips her head around to face me with a shocked expression.
“Are you serious? You guys haven’t talked about making it official yet? It’s been like...over two months.” Leyah’s eyes went out of focus as she did the math in her head.
“No, we talked about it.” I share as she follows me to check out the master bedroom once again. “He didn’t really understand why I didn’t want to be called his ‘girlfriend’, it sounds really selfish now that I’m telling this to someone else, but he understood. Like he does everything. We agreed to just be together without any actual labels. It’s like our own little ‘official’.” I shrugged, thinking back to that awkward conversation.
My breakdown in his kitchen, prompted many questions about our relationship from Hoseok that I couldn’t ignore. After going into detail about my strong aversion to the word girlfriend and relationships altogether before I met him, he decided he was content with simply being mine and vice versa.
“Wow, you are officially the luckiest girl alive.” She drawled, looking quite impressed with Hoseok herself. “Thank you, but I’m aware.” I smiled to myself and we moved onto the next apartment on the list.
After hopping all over town from Ocean Avenue to Daly City looking for apartments, Leyah and I crash as soon as we enter the apartment around 7:30 PM. I plop down onto my bed, lazily removing clothing items from where I lay and drifting to sleep easily.
“No, Char! Are you dumb or something?”
“Should you still be eating? Gimme that, you’re gonna get fat.”
“I should’ve known you wouldn’t be able to do it on your own!”
“Why do I even bother? You never do anything right!”
“God! Have you always been this dense?”
“I literally said the opposite. Fucking listen for once!”
“Gak!” I gasped as I was jolted out of my sleep by yet another nightmare. I look up at the ceiling, focusing on it’s squiggly pattern, trying to calm my heaving chest and my racing mind. The room was pitch black in most places, the only light being offered was by the moon in lines of white along the walls. I lie awake, convinced that if I attempt to go back to sleep, I’ll only be able to see his face barking at me for all of my defects and faults.
The sudden need to need to vomit that will never be relieved takes over my gut and the heaving of my chest has increased and as it was constricting tighter and tighter.
Instinctively, my hand flies to cover my mouth when the familiar sting behind my eyes begins. The last thing I want is to wake any of the girls and have them worry about me. I try and try to shake the nasty voices, but the tears keep coming and I can’t find it in myself to be silent any longer as it was getting harder and harder to breathe.
I quietly make my way to the bathroom, shut the door and climb into the tub where I hugged my knees and allowed myself to sob, but somehow still keeping the volume to a minimum.
This had to be the fourth one this week.
It would surprise no one that I am no stranger to nightmares and I that usually handled them better than most people did. That is, if you can call suppressing my own emotions and traumas handling it, then I’m your girl. But this recurring shit storm that I was experiencing was different than any of the nightmares I’ve had previously. The reason being: they were all about my past. And almost all of them were about Yoongi.
Whether the dreams were pleasant or brutal, I was always an emotional mess afterward, feeling empty from reflecting on my past. I would get them often after Yoongi left. That’s when the panic attacks started getting serious. Knowing that I was actually alone in the world with no one to call a friend or even care that I existed unleashed a lot of dark thoughts and I had to learn how to make it on my own for real this time. If I had known opening up to J-Hope was going to send me spiraling back down that dark hole, I would have shut up and ate my pancakes.
But, I can’t put the entire blame on him. He didn’t force me to say those things or revisit the past and as cheesy as it sounds, the nightmares only come when he’s not sleeping next to me. I’ve noticed over the past couple of weeks or so that J-Hope is my personal dream catcher and tonight has solidified the fact that if I didn’t have him by my side as I slept, I was royally fucked.
The pounding in my ears softened and eventually slushed to a holt. The vice grip on my heart faded at a devastatingly slow pace and my breathing evened out as I counted the tiles on the shower wall. I let out a thankful sigh once the room stopped spinning and I was painfully aware of the silence in the room. I let my body fall back and I turned to lie on my side, still letting the tears fall from my eyes silently. I debated calling J-Hope during the aftermath. Hoping my personal ray of sunshine would pull me from my depressed funk as usual.
It’s gotta be at least 3 am, he won’t answer anyway.
He might, we have to try.
And say what? Hi, I’m sad. Drop everything to make me happy?
Obviously not, but he cares, he’ll want to help.
He’ll want to go back to sleep and wish we never called.
Don’t do this. We need it.
It felt like my conscience was wrestling with itself or with me, knocking against my skull in the battle causing a pesky headache. It took all of my strength to peel myself off of the floor of the tub and drag myself back to the room, to the bedside table where my phone was. It was indeed 3:36 AM and the confirmation made me place the phone back on the desk and forget the idea of calling J-Hope entirely.
We need to sleep Char. Come on. My conscience scolded me again.
I wanted to fight back at least for the sake of my pride. I made it a point not to need anyone for anything after that asshole broke my heart and here I am needing someone else to be able to sleep. I felt pathetic in plain terms. But at this point I knew I needed to try.
I take the phone and a room key, sneak into the hall and slide down the nearest wall. I glare at the screen a while longer, hurriedly dialing the number before I could change my mind. After the third ring I moved to hang up and throw away this half-baked plan, but then I heard his beautifully, groggy voice through the phone.
“Charlotte?” he rasped. I gasped slightly, not expecting him to pick up.
“Uh, yeah. Hey.” I spoke brokenly. I didn’t take into account the condition of my throat and voice sounding like I just gargled glass. I sniffle subconsciously.
“What’s going on? Are you alright?” He sounds more awake now, coming to with concern.
“Yeah, I just…” I choked, not knowing what to do or say in this situation. I felt lost. My words were trapped in my throat that seemed to be closing in on itself again as I wipe more fresh tears from my face. “No.” I finally whimper.
“What’s wrong? Are you crying?”
I don’t answer as I am too overcome with emotion, my words being turned into snivels and moans. After a moment he tries to get a response again.
“Charlotte.” He calls out, making sure I’m still there.
“I’m sorry...for calling so late. I just didn’t know what else to do.”
“It’s fine, just tell me what’s wrong, baby.” The pet-name sends warmth through my chest and a fractured smile to my face.
“I’m…” How does one tell another ‘I’ve just had a panic attack and I need to sleep next to you’ over the phone? I scour my brain for answers.
“Uh...are you home?” I squeak through the phone.
“Yes, I am.”
“Can I...can I come over? I’m really sorry, but I-I just need to see you.”
“Of course, Charlotte.” I close my eyes and let out a thankful sigh.
“Where are you? I’ll come pick you up.” I could hear movement on his end, probably him getting dressed to get me.
“No! You don’t have to do that. You just woke up, I don’t want you to get into an accident. I’ll just call an uber.”
“It’s ten minutes, Charlotte. I’ll be there in no time-”
“No, please, just stay, I’ll be fine on my own.” I said sternly, not willing to budge this time. He figured as much. There was a beat of silence.
“You’re sure?”
“Yes.” I reply automatically.
“You know what, I’ll call it, just so I know you’re safe.” He decided.
I roll my eyes, but smile at the sentiment. “Fine, Jay.”
“Okay, I’ll see you when you get here.”
I tiptoed back into the hotel room, to change into something more decent, but ready to sleep in and grab my necessities to head down to the lobby. A good amount of my clothes were already at J-Hope’s apartment, some makeup and toiletries as well so I didn’t need to bring much. I began staying over so often that it would be silly not to have my belongings over there. The girls made fun of me for it of course, but for once I didn’t buy into it. I was comfortable with our arrangements.
In no time I was knocking on J-Hope’s apartment door. I could hear faint footsteps before the door swung open in front of me to reveal him. He was shirtless and wore navy blue, checkered pajama bottoms and a comforting smile. I immediately threw my arms around him and buried my face in his neck. He wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into the apartment and closing the door behind me. We just stood there for a long while until I separated us. With no words yet to be exchanged, J-Hope led me to his bedroom and basically tucked me in and watched as I got comfortable.
“Do you need anything?” He asked, still standing off to my side of the bed. “Water? Tea?” He added. I look up at him through tired eyes.
“Water sounds great, actually.” I all but croak. All the crying I did took a lot out of me and I realized I needed to rehydrate. He nodded, scampering off to the kitchen.
He made it back in record time, handing me a glass of water after I sat up a bit. He finally got in bed himself and I could feel him watching me. Studying me to see if I would break down again.
“You don’t need to watch me like that you know?” I say glancing up at him, he suddenly looks down when our eyes meet. “Like I’m gonna break at any moment.” I mutter.
“I’m sorry...it’s just when I heard you crying I got worried.” He looks me up and down again while I look at my already empty glass. “Thank you...for worrying. I really didn’t know who else to go to. I’m sorry.”
He grabbed my hand from my lap and squeezed. I looked at his wide eyes.
“Charlotte, you have no idea how glad I am that you came to me. I’m always gonna wanna make sure that you’re alright. Please don’t be afraid to come to me with things like this. You can trust me...Okay?”
I looked up at his deep brown eyes so full of emotion and nodded, believing in every word. I was still very much in shock that he’s not acting like I inconvenienced him or that he didn’t turn me away in the first place.
“Okay. With that being said...Are you alright?” He asked carefully, caressing my hand in his. I think about it and I find myself nodding slowly, once more. “Yeah.” Now that I finally have you next to me, yes.
“Good. What happened?”
“Uh, I had a nightmare.” I admit hesitantly. J-Hope knows about my recent night terrors and most of their contents. No matter how much I wanted to hide it from him, it’s like he has the power to get me to talk about these things. Like a vampire using compulsion. But he doesn’t know that he’s the antidote.
His shoulders drop and he sighs disappointedly. “Again?” I nod. “And then I kind of had a panic attack.”
He makes a pitiful face and clenches his jaw. He motions for me to put the glass down and then to get under the covers. We cuddle up to one another, facing each other and he rubs my back soothingly.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” I sigh as the familiar words leave his mouth. It always seemed to help to get these things off my chest to J-Hope so I threw myself back into the mess that started this whole ordeal.
“He was yelling at me again...barking more like. All those obnoxious things he used to say whenever I did something wrong...And then I was running. Down this pitch black street that never seemed to end. Until I get to this weird looking building with one white door on it...Y-” I wince as I almost uttered his name.
“He came out and just stood by the door like he was waiting for me or something. And then I turned around to see Maeve behind me...she looked like she was waiting for me too...It was like I had to choose. And I didn’t want to, but...I chose him.” I laugh bitterly before continuing. “It was so real, like a fucking slap in the face...No matter what happened between us or what horrible things he did or said to me, I always went back to him...all while pretending like Maeve never even existed. I turned my back on her, just like I did five years ago.”
“That’s not true.” J-Hope interjected immediately. “I know you feel like what happened to Maeve was your fault, but we both know that it wasn’t. And you were coping with her death in your own way.” I let out another harsh laugh.
“Well, thanks for seeing it that way.” J-Hope suddenly scooched down to my level and tilted my chin up to look him in the eye.
“You don’t know this, but I have made it my personal mission to get you to stop beating yourself up this way and to, instead, make you smile whenever you do. You’re so much better than that. I just wish you saw yourself the way I see you.” He said sincerely. I let the corners of my mouth slide up one at a time at the statement, knowing that, that is literally what he’s been doing and well. My heartbeat increased and small currents of electricity found a home in my fingertips. I had no words and so I settled for a slow, searing kiss to get my message across. “Mission accomplished.” He whispered when we broke the kiss. We giggle and actually settle in for bed, turning off the bedside lamps.
“Night, Charlotte.”
“Night, Hobi.” A few moments of silence passed before I decide I have a confession of my own.
“You don’t know this, but...you’re my dreamcatcher.” I say into the darkness.
He delivers a kiss to my wild hair and I smile once more before drifting off into a glorious, dreamless sleep.
I opened my eyes lazily, adjusting to the change of scenery. I find a strong sense of comfort in Hoseok’s arms wrapped snugly around me and I nuzzle myself into him further. He does the same, pressing our bodies together firmly and tightening his hold on me. I attempt to fall back to sleep when I feel a soft kiss planted on the back of my neck, signifying that he was awake. He continued to kiss along the side and make his mark on my cheek and jaw causing me to giggle helplessly.
I turn in his arms to face him and kiss his lips hard, both of us smiling into it like maniacs. It’s not long until he tries to get on top of me and caress my body with his strong hands. I allow him to do as he pleases and arch my body into his, inviting him to grind his core into mine.
“I can’t even stretch my limbs before you’re trying to ravage me.” I laugh into his perfect mouth.
“Haha, well I had to try before you left me for the girls.” He goes to plant another kiss to my neck as my eyes widen with adrenaline. I dodge him, turning to look at the alarm clock that read 4:47 PM.
“The girls!” I push him off of me and run to the dresser in record time while Hoseok watches, cluelessly. “I totally forgot, we have a fucking gig today!”
The show today starts at eight o’clock and usually waking up in the evening doesn’t compromise that, but seeing as I only have three hours to shower, dress, beg the girls for forgiveness and travel all the way to a venue in Bodega Bay, I’m beginning to panic slightly.
I race to grab some of my own clothes in his dresser, scamper into the shower and crank up the hot water. When I return I throw on the fullest face of make-up I can manage while moving at lightning speed. I manage to buff out my foundation and concealer, slap some brown and gold eyeshadow on my lid and brush on some mascara while Hoseok finds something and freshens up.
“Uh, I’ll drive you.” He decided in his sleepy stupor.
“Thank you. I’m sorry bout this Jay, I’ll pay you back, I promise.” I peck his cheek on the way out the door. He just laughs, rushing with me to his car in our pajamas. “Don’t worry about it Charlotte, let’s just get you back.”
“Thanks, Hoseok!” I kissed him on the cheek once more before I’m flying out of the car and racing up to the hotel room, hoping to God the girls aren’t too mad at me.
I slipped into the room silently, not wanting to be seen out of embarrassment. The suite looked empty. Did they leave without me? The room was mostly silent, save for the whispering of two voices coming from the bedroom. My shoulders drop in relief as I approach the slightly ajar door, but I froze when I hear the deep, broken voice of Darren.
“So, what do you want me to do? Just stop feeling the way I do?” He huffed in his usual low register. What is he doing in our room?
“Don’t say it like that Darren, you’re making me sound like the bad guy.” I heard Leyah’s smooth voice join his and my eye brows furrow, my curiosity spiked even higher.
Darren replies, sounding defeated. “That’s what you’re saying though...isn’t it?” Leyah sighs and by the way the bed released a noise of pressure, I can tell she sat down. “Well, yeah...I guess I am...I’m sorry.” There is a moment of silence before Darren speaks up again.
“It’s just...it sounds stupid Leyah, but I can’t hold it in anymore.” My head cocks in interest at his ambiguous words.
“And I’m sorry, but I’m asking you to do exactly that.” I found myself leaning closer to the door as the conversation went on, hoping to get closer to what Darren was getting at.
“I just told you, I can’t. What do you want me to do?” He asked sarcastically with a bitterness to his voice. More silence.
“Look, I just want this to work out for everybody and in order for that to happen, I need you to-I don’t know, just somehow keep this to yourself, okay? I know I’m probably asking too much of you, but I promise you, it’s for the best.”  
“So this works out for everybody but me, huh?”
“Listen to me, I know you want a second shot or whatever, but telling Char how you feel is going to help, literally no one, trust me.” Leyah pleads with her best friend in a soft, reassuring voice and my eyes widen immensely.
Holy fuck.
They were having this deep, arduous conversation about me the entire time. So, Darren really did have genuine feelings for me and knowing Darren, that’s probably what he meant to tell me the night of our fight. That was weeks ago. By then, I already knew Darren had feelings for me, but hearing that his feelings were so deep that he literally couldn’t hold back anymore was daunting. I try to keep my breathing under control and not give myself away as I continue to eavesdrop for more answers.
“Besides, Char is really into that J-Hope kid and...they’re good together.”She spoke with an apologetic tone. “You telling her how you feel would just complicate things. Or it might get you hurt and I don’t wanna see either of my friends hurt. I…I just want you all to be happy.”
“Happy-what about my happiness, Leyah? Every time I see them together, I just want to punch something. I thought you were trying to help me in this-”
“That’s all I’ve ever done, Darren! And this time is no different.” Leyah suddenly yells, causing me to jump back from the door and almost lose my footing.
“You may be blind to it because of your feelings for her, but it’s obvious he’s it for her...and vice and versa. I know you see it, you just refuse to believe it and I’m sorry, but there is no way an apology and a confession is going to win her over when all she can see is him. The way they look at each other...even Char refuses to see it, but I know you do...I am trying to help you...this is me, trying to help you. Please don’t do this.”
I couldn’t help the corners of my mouth slowly turning up into a smile when Leyah said Hoseok and I were good together. I knew the girls didn’t mind him, but I never asked them what they thought of the two of us together. I’m glad my best friend approves because I intend to keep him around for a while. And despite how much I wanted to grimace at her saying he was it for me, I couldn’t fight the butterflies that erupted in my stomach at the thought. Day by day, I’ve been exposing myself to the wonderous world of monogamy that once disgusted me and coming closer to embracing it. It only took the most awkward encounter of my life to realize that Hoseok may actually be the one. I huffed out a laugh to myself at the revelation when Darren finally speaks.
“Damn, Leyah. Why don’t you tell me how you really feel?” He spat angrily followed by the sound of his footsteps heading towards the bedroom door. My eyes widened tenfold and I panicked slightly before tip-toeing to the hotel room door at lightning speed. By the grace of God I was able to open it and slam it before Darren barged out of the bedroom and directed his heated gaze at me, pretending I had just walked in. It quickly turned to shock and relief as he recognized it was me, his mouth opening and closing like he wanted to say something, but changed his mind. I had trouble controlling my own facial expressions, not expecting to face him this quickly.
“Darren-oh, Char. You’re here.” Leyah said, closing the bedroom door behind her and joining Darren and I. She exchanged her frown for an emotionless line.
“What happened to you last night?”
“Oh. I, um...decided to go to Hoseok’s last minute and I got...caught up-uh…I’m really sorry I’m late.” I stammer, trying to give Leyah an excuse that won’t trigger Darren in turn.
“It’s okay, Char. I called, they pushed us back, it’s all good.” She shrugged. I sigh heavily and practically throw myself at her, wrapping my arms around her.
“You are the literal best. Why are you not in charge?” I whisper into her neck. She just chuckles and says “Because you’re much better at it.”
I continue to hug her, recalling what she said about my relationship with Hoseok, helping me to realize what was literally in front of my face the entire time. “Thank you.” I whisper once more.
“Anybody coulda done it Char, it’s nothing...come on, stop being weird.” he began to shrug me off, the longer we embraced and I broke away from her smiling. I turn around, remembering Darren was directly behind me and immediately avoiding eye contact. “Okay. Where is everyone? We should head out, right?”
“They’re in the garage, waiting for us.” Leyah shares, leading us out of the room.
“What were you guys doing?” I glance at the floor, trying to play dumb.
“I spilled something in your room, while I was waiting for Leyah to get ready. She helped me clean it up. Sorry.” Darren told me robotically as we got on the elevator. The excuse created another batch of questions I could have asked, but knowing the truth, I just left it alone for fear of being found out.
My friends were all waiting in the van in the garage and had many questions for me once I finally showed up. I just apologize repeatedly and dodge their questions as much as I can until they get that I don’t have any interest in discussing what exactly happened to me last night.
The atmosphere during the gig lacked that usual feeling of giddiness and excitement due to the events that occurred in the past 24 hours. My mind was full of thoughts of Darren and this incredibly uncomfortable situation he unknowingly put me in. It was obvious that Leyah and Darren were feeling it as well, their gazes always glazed over and far away whenever I laid eyes on them, which wasn’t often as I avoiding Darren again. Whenever he happened to be standing near me, I quietly slipped away to busy myself or when our eyes met, my eyes would dart elsewhere immediately. The other members seemed as lost as ever and skeptical, like they hadn’t been let in on a juicy secret.
When the option to visit the bar at the venue presented itself, I jumped at the opportunity, in desperate need of a drink after our set was over. I take a seat at the bar by myself, not bothered or surprised that the band left me alone. I see Darren do the same at the opposite side of the bar.They most-likely noticed me acting off and decided to give me space. I actually prefer it.
I had just downed my fourth shot and was starting to feel the effects when Darren took a seat on the stool on the right of me. I tense up involuntarily. I continue to look at the counter intensely, not acknowledging him until he speaks first.
“Hey, Char.” I turn to him slowly and glanced up at him from under hooded lids. He looked worried, for which one of us I couldn’t tell, but it made me antsy. I just nod at him. “You okay?” He followed up. I just nodded again, wishing to be anywhere, but here.
“Okay, um, I was hoping I could talk to you for a minute.” He stammered.
I made a face before responding. “You are talking to me.” I drawled. He just laughed, his pearly whites on full display, reminding me how painfully beautiful his smile is.
“In that case...I wanna apologize again for everything I put you through in the past couple of weeks-”
“You didn’t put me through anything Darren, you...were trying.” I cut him off, not wanting him to beat himself up over something he couldn’t control.
If you wanna apologize for something, apologize for sticking your nose in my business all the time.
“Well, I’m thankful you see it that way, but I’m sorry for the way I’ve been acting.” He said sincerely.
Then why are you doing this?
“I forgive you...I still haven’t apologized for those things I said to you weeks ago. I’m not gonna lie and say they didn’t come from a place of truth, but I really shouldn’t have said them, especially like that.” I ramble drunkenly.
“You didn’t say anything that wasn’t true, just pills I had to swallow, I guess.” He shrugged. I just shake my head, thinking back to that night and how nasty I was to him. But I don’t speak on it anymore, knowing he would take my side every time.
“I also wanted to tell you something that’s been on my mind for a while.” He spoke slowly.
I turn to look at the counter again and sigh heavily and my heart beat speeds up significantly. Even after listening to Darren and Leyah earlier, I’m not ready to hear it from him for real, face to face.
“I know you were listening to Leyah and I earlier.” My head snaps up at him and the room spins slightly, my eyes widen. He just chuckles at my reaction. “I saw you run by the door to make your escape.” I wish I could laugh like him, but the severity of the situation still has me on edge.
“I guess there’s nothing to say then.” I say still trying to escape this confession.
“I wish there wasn’t” He replies.
“There doesn’t have to be.” I look up at him with furrowed brows and eyes that read ‘don’t do this.’
He makes a face, signifying that he recognizes my rejection, but he goes on.
“I know you’re into this Hope kid, but like you said, I’ve waited long enough, I have to try and I don’t know what I’ll do if I don’t get this off my chest to you now.” He says with a passionate stare.
My body I moves before it has time to recognize the command form my brain, getting up and walking past Darren. I just had to get away in that moment. I stumble back when I feel his strong grip on my arm, turning me to face him. My eye twitched and my hands balled into fists. “Char, wait.” he pleaded.
“Darren let me go right now.” I feel my breathing quickened as I tried to free myself.
“Char, I love you.” His intense eyes meet mine, his voice was deep and fierce. His words immediately filled me with a sense of dread and my heart pounded in my chest, I was struck again with the need to escape.
“This isn’t happening, please let me go, now.”
“No, please, just listen to me. There is no one for me, but you, I need you to know that.” I work on unwrapping his hand from my arm when I made eye contact with the bartender behind Darren. He looked me over and his face lit up with concern. He took off to the front of the club and I was left to fend for myself against my friend in this sea of people who seem blind to what’s happening in front of them.
“Darren, let me go, I need to get out of here.” I growled at him. His grip only tightened.
“Char, don’t be like this. Please, just give me a chance.” He urged, staring me down with desperate eyes.
“I don’t want to! I don’t want you!” I shout above the music.
“Darren, what the fuck!” Leyah’s voice shot from behind me. I turn to see her enraged face and a burly bouncer making his way towards us in the distance, the bartender leading him to us. I feel stinging behind my eyes as so many emotions came over me  all at once because this situation has gotten way too out of hand.
“What are you doing? Let her go, you idiot!” Leyah joins in trying to separate us.
“Char, you can’t leave until you hear me out, please!”
“You’re hurting me!” I screamed just as the bouncer took hold of Darren’s arm and yanked it. Finally, I was free and clutching my arm, tears flowing down my face.
“Why are touching me? I didn’t do anything!”
The bouncer tried to restain Darren, but he fought back and the bouncer didn’t take kindly to that. In no time a fight broke out and we all backed away. Leyah tried to comfort me by wrapping her arms around my shoulders and I shrugged her off instantly, not wanting to be here anymore.
I slipped through the bodies and made my way out of the building onto the street, gulping in all the fresh night air that I could. I bend down, touching my hands to my knees, trying to get my breathing under control, counting backwards from ten. When I have enough confidence to roam, I quickly walk around the corner and hope the band doesn’t think to look for me here.
I never expected to want to hide from my friends in a time like this, but recently I’ve done it more than I would like to admit. I used to run to them for stuff like this and they would help however they could. It was never enough though. Before them I would bottle everything up because it felt like no one understood. No one does. Except Hoseok.
I would deal with the issue the only way I knew how. Sex and alcohol. I got the alcohol part down seeing as I’m still slightly woozy, leaning on a cement structure near the bar. The only thing I need now is an orgasm and all my problems should be solved.
I laugh bitterly and rub at the dry tears on my face.
You can’t fix this.
I can try.
I ignore my conscience and seek out my old method of numbing the pain as I pull out my phone and call uber to Hoseok’s place. I get myself together as much as I can in the back of the car, avoiding calls from my bandmates. My whole demeanor changed once I arrived and took the elevator up to his apartment.
I knock sternly on Hoseok’s apartment door, biting my lip in anticipation and restlessness. Thoughts of tonight's events playing over and over in my mind, making me jittery and somewhat uneasy. I shake it off, knowing Hoseok would give me just what I needed in a time like this.
He opens the door steadily, not expecting any visitors, and brightens when he sees me. “Oh Charlotte. Come in.” I do more than that.
I leapt into his arms, immediately attaching my lips to his in a feral manner, my fingers splayed out, running along the expanse of his muscular body.
“Mm, hello to you too.” He mumbled against my needy lips, but going along with it, kissing me back and caressing my body as well.
“I need you.” Is the only excuse I give, making brief eye contact before leaning down to suck at the juncture of his neck. He moans and plants kisses near my ear. I push him backwards in the direction of his bedroom, sitting myself on his lap, legs on either side of his hips as soon as he touches the bed.
“Have you been drinking?” He panted.
I suck his bottom lip into my mouth, nibbling on it hungrily as I grind my hips into his quickly hardening dick. I’m interrupted from my magical state when Hoseok takes a hold of the hair at the crown of my head and pulled gently. “You okay?” He asked slightly out of breath from our make out, seeking out my eyes.
I cup his face with both my hands and look him in the eyes intensely. “I will be…” My tongue slides out of my mouth to lick a slow stripe up his parted lips. “Once you fuck the shit outta me.” I look down at his glazed over eyes, raised eyebrows and sexy agape mouth, finding no signs of resistance, but of course everything about it said he saw right through me. But I could care less if it means getting what I want in this moment. He just nodded understandingly. “Okay.” He let his sinful tongue wet his lips before forcing my face to his to devour my mouth and the rest of my will power.
He made quick work of his plain white t-shirt, throwing it behind me and then unbuckled the overalls of my dress. I help the rest of the way, removing my shirt, leaving just my black lace bra. He takes a moment to admire the view and then he rips the cups of my bra down to suck my nipple into his mouth, flicking his tongue against it and repeating his actions on my other breast. I moan out, arching my back into him, continuing to gain brilliant friction from grinding my crotch into his.
I kiss my way down his neck and chiseled front until I’m on my knees, in between his legs. I fondle his dick through his sweatpants graciously and all-but rip the garment from his hips. He cooperates, lifting his hips and pushes down his underwear as well. I waste no time with teasing, taking his head into my mouth as soon as it is presented to me. Hoseok instinctively threads his fingers into my thick hair and tugs slightly.
“Fuck, Charlotte.” He hissed through his teeth and began fucking into my mouth. I invite him in further, relaxing my throat and jaw, letting it go slack to feel him hitting the back of my throat repeatedly. I let him do as he pleased with my body, enjoying the feeling of making him feel good. I celebrate the fact that the tears that sting the back of my eyes are the result of mutual pleasure and not from being triggered by too many built up emotions. No. The only emotion I feel now is extreme euphoria  thanks to my affection for Hoseok. The yearning, the adulation, the complete infatuation I have with him. I look up through teary eyes at his angelic, gyrating form.
“Goddamn.” He groaned. “Such a dirty girl, looking at me like that while I fuck your little throat.” I moan around him and nod in agreeance as well as I could.
“You like that? Nngh...huh, baby?” He questioned as he forces my head down on his cock, my nose nuzzling his pubic hair. I gag trying to still manage a nod, my nails scratching at his thighs. He suddenly pulls my head back up by my hair, not giving me time to breathe as he captures my lips with his. Wetness pools in my underwear when he pulls my hair roughly to break the kiss.
“I almost came so hard down your throat just now.” He said heatedly, almost as out of breath as me. I whimper at the husky drawl of his voice and his fucked out gaze staring me down like he’s about to wreck me. “No, I got somewhere else I want it to go.” He looks me up and down, likcing his lips like he would tear me apart piece by piece any second now. And I was patiently awaiting that moment between his legs, loving the anticipation of it all.
“Where is that?” I rasped seductively, stroking his spit covered cock with both hands. He threw his head back quickly and regarded me cooly, almost scolding me for my actions with his eyes.
“Get on the bed.” He ordered, ignoring my question completely. I wanted to disobey, to rebel just to see what he would do. But my lust for him controlled me, forced me to rush to the top of the bed and remove the rest of my clothing at lightning speed. He just turned around and crept towards me slowly.
His hands glided along my legs smoothly, parting them further to make room for his glorious, naked body in between. He licked pleasant patterns into my thighs, moving deeper towards my incredibly wet core. He sucked one lip into his mouth before he spoke.
“Is this what you want?” I nodded eagerly. “What you barged in here demanding?” He cocks his head to the side and smirks a if to reprimand me.
“Yes.” I utter, guiltily.
“Not so bold now. Hm.” He sucks my other pussy lip into his mouth and pinches my thigh causing me to gasp.
“You know, dirty girls don’t usually deserve to get their pussy eaten. Do you?” He licks a swift stripe straight up my slit, slowing down once he reaches my clit. My breath hitches and I feel myself getting wetter at the filthy words falling from his mouth.
“Yes.” I breathed immediately. “Please eat my pussy, Hoseok. I need you, I need your mouth, making me feel good...you always make me feel so good, Hobi, please.” I pleaded, gyrating my hips into nothing in front of his face, just looking for some kind of relief and I was so close.
Hoseok seemed pleased with this performance and swoops down to flick his tongue against my clit at a vicious speed, making me throw my head back into the bed and wrap my legs around his head. He invites the gesture, dipping lower to take the bud into his mouth and attacking it that way as he held my thighs down.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Hoseok! Argh-oh my-yes!” I cried out helplessly, letting the immense pleasure take me away, his hair now in my vice grip. “Your fingers.” I blurted out, on the edge, my climax in sight. “Please give me your fingers.”
He didn’t hesitate to give me what I asked for, plunging two fingers into me and curling them forward to hit that spot that made my legs shake.
“Ah! Yes...I’m gonna cum.” I announce, the feeling of earth shattering pleasure fast approaching. Until Hoseok stopped what he was doing.
“What the fuck?” I whipped my head to look down at him and before I have time to register what’s happening, his cock was sinking into my heat and his hips were snapping into mine.
“Awk! Nnnnngh, fuck!”
I immediately fell off the edge, my body jerked as Hoseok’s dick collided with my g-spot, igniting violent explosions in the pit of my belly. My eyes cross and my vision goes blurry as I spasm against the sheets, focusing on the breathtaking pulsing of my hole around his cock. I arched my back into his chest and reach for anything to hold onto. Finding his neck, I wrapped my fingers around it and squeezed.
“Oh, shhhhit...that’s it baby, cum on my cock, just like that. So fucking good baby girl.” He growls into my ear, his gravelly voice sending vibrations through my fingers around his neck, causing warm electricity to course through my body. I gurggled mindlessly and subconsciously squeeze his cock at the erotic words.
He continues fucking into my lifeless body at a steady pace, breathing life into it with every thrust. My body recovers from before, but is inviting more overstimulating pleasure from Hoseok’s efforts to cum himself. So, I gather the energy to get him there.
I finally release my hold on his neck and grip his face to look me in the eyes. He gulps for air, still slamming into me steadily. “You fuck me so good, Hoseok. You made me cum so hard, baby. Only you.” Hoseok grunts, heavily. His thrusts becoming harder and faster, burying his dick inside me, staring into my eyes sensually.
“I can feel you pulsing inside me, ready to blow.” I purr, caressing his arms as they work and flex to propel him forward into me. He abruptly takes my legs to hike them over his shoulders, his dick delving deeper into me, creating a new delicious angle that has both of us moaning like mad.
“Holy mutherfuckingshit, you’re gonna make me cum again, fuck.” I spew, not being able to hold back with another intense orgasm barreling towards me.
“Can I cum in you baby?” He pants, his hips sputtering with how close he was to finishing.
“You can do whatever the fuck you want-uugh! Mother of fuck! No one’s ever fucked me like you do. I swear I could fuck you for the rest of my life. Oh my fucking God, I want you forever.” I whimpered, so fucking close to that white light.
“Argh, fuck!” He cums into me with so much force, I’m sent flying through time and space, frozen in this one moment dissolving into pure euphoria forever. I let out a shriek, my tense, jerking body unable to contain the pleasure coursing through it.
Hoseok collapsed onto me briefly, catching my lips in a passionate kiss before giving me room to drop my legs back down onto the bed. We couldn’t keep our hands to ourselves afterwards, neither of our mouths wanting to leave the other’s body. Moments later he pulled away from me and looked me over thoughtfully.
“What?” I whisper, the silence in the room making itself known now. He doesn’t answer immediately, still weighing whatever it was.
“Nothing.” He decides and places the covers over us, cuddling me. “We’re talking about that in the morning.” He points to the new bruise on my arm that Darren created and closed his eyes while I tried to formulate an excuse for what happened.
I woke up to Hoseok tracing light patterns into the skin of my shoulder from behind me. I could feel his eyes on me, but not in a creepy way. I turn to lie on my back and regard his beautiful face with appreciation.
“Good morning.” He said, now tracing patterns on my sheet clad stomach on his side and resting on his head in his hand. His eyes were focused on what he was doing, almost like they were distracting him from something else.
“Morning.” I replied, studying his face. He looked deep in thought, his brows slightly furrowed and his lip tucked itself under his teeth as he thought of his next words.
He opened his mouth to speak, pausing in even more thought before he found the words. “Last night was very fun for me, but...what exactly happened?”
Jeez, so soon?
I too, distracted myself with his movement on my body as I tried to figure out what to say.
“What made you come over here...like that?” He wondered, concerned.
I sigh. “Uh, at the gig yesterday...Darren, he…” Hoseok’s movements stop momentarily at the mention of my guy friend/roadie and then continue again. I glance up at his face that was now filled with malice. A look that didn’t look good on his angelic features. “What did he do?” He whispered sternly.
I swallow nervously. “He...he told me he loved me.” I force out in a small voice. The words sounded so foreign coming from my mouth, a person who doesn’t even deserve love. It was like I was finally coming to terms with it after running from it since it happened.
Hoseok’s movements stopped again and his hand lifted off of my body by millimeters, in shock. He rested his hand on the bed and I look up at him to see his reaction. His face is disgruntled and conflicted. I can just see the gears turning in his head.
“And do you...do you feel anything for him?” He spoke, not meeting my eyes.
“No.” I say immediately. “Of course not...not in that way. Not when I have you, how could you even think that?” I asked incredulously, grabbing his hand and placing our joined hands on my stomach.
He just shrugs, his bothered expression gone. “Because he’s built, good looking and you could have anyone you want.” He forces a laugh.
I lift my hand to stroke his soft cheek. “Well I want you so none of that matters.�� He finally looked into my eyes and smiled genuinely, swooping down to kiss me firmly. “And for the record, you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever met.” I say when we part. He blushed slightly and smiled wider in thanks.
“So that’s why you came all the way here so...excuse my French, out of it? And what happened to your arm?”
“Yes. I didn’t exactly react too well when he told me...I tried to leave, but...he held onto my arm to keep me there.” I relay calmly, analyzing the bruise that’s only gotten worse since last night. Hoseok’s look of animosity was back.
“He did this? What a fucking asshole! Who does he think he is?” Hoseok spewed a few more insults before I climbed my way on top of him. He was now on his back, my hands on his bare chest not caring to toy with the sheet that fell from mine.
“Hey, forget about him. The bouncer took care of him...I think. He just got a little passionate, we were drinking and hey, I’m fine.” I smile to convince him.
“But he hurt you and you’re okay with it?” Hoseok asked hesitantly.
“I didn’t say I was okay with it, he and I will have words, but I am fine.” I leaned down to kiss him. My lips moved against his and his hands reacted by gripping my butt. I let go after a few moments. “And I would like if we stopped talking about this for a while.” I request, giving my best puppy dog eyes.
“Okay, fine.” He relented, stroking my face with his hands and staring into my eyes. “May I ask one more hard hitting question, though?” His profound features didn’t match his joking tone, I had no idea what to expect.
“Go for it.”
“Did you mean it? What you said last night? About...forever?” His eyes were intense with curiosity, like he had everything riding on this. I do some quick thinking of my own. Hoseok is everything I’ve ever wanted in a man, that much is obvious. And as much as I say I have trouble with commitment and intimacy, I’ve already committed myself to Hoseok. We weren’t seeing anyone else, nor did we want to, plus we were infatuated with each other. I can’t ignore this fact. Even though I have some issues that needed work, that doesn’t mean I have to let it hold me back from life.
“Yes...I don’t know about forever, no one does, but...” I answer, honestly. I watch him smile brightly in front of me, basking in his warm glow. “I wanna be with you, Hoseok.” His eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
“You are with me.” He grabs my hand and squeezes.
“Like be with you, be with you.” I thread our fingers together in the air, gazing into his beautiful brown eyes.
“But I thought you said you didn’t want to...you know...labels?” There it was, that look of hopeful curiosity that Hoseok wore best and that always made me grin.
“I know, I know...I’m just done with letting my issues control me.” He smiles proudly, resting a hand on my cheek and stroking, gently. “So, Hoseok, if you’ll have me, I would love to be your...your g-girlfriend.” I fought back the bile building up with the sound of Hoseok’s comforting laughter. He grasps my cheeks and brings me down to his level, putting our foreheads together fervently.
“I think I’m supposed to ask you that.” He laughed.
“Well, when you do, I’ll say yes. Easy as that.”
He nods happily. “Are you sure about this? I don’t want you pushing yourself too far.”
I shake my head. “It’s the only way I’ll learn...and I wanna learn with you.”
Hoseok regarded me with a look of longing in his eyes and kissed me once again with so much emotion, it spread warmth throughout my entire body and tendrils of electricity to the tips of my fingers and toes. “Okay....okay.”
The two of us lay there whispering sweet nothings until I heard my phone buzzing from across the room and I sigh, figuring it was time to stop ignoring my friends. Hoseok properly stretches and I dangle my body off the side of the bed to reach for my phone and check my messages.
Several calls and texts from each of the girls riddled my screen, but I was surprised to find no messages or calls from Darren. I settle back into bed and Hoseok attaches himself to me again as I call Leyah back to check in.
“Char, hey, are you okay?” She picks up right away and her troubled voice filled my ears.
“Yes, Leyah, I’m fine.”
She sighs in relief. “So I can assume you’re with J-Hope right now?”
“Yes, I’m at Jay’s right now.”
“Okay, well, you might want to get back soon.” She said nervously.
“Why is that?” My skeptical tone caused Hoseok’s eyes to pop open in intrigue.
“Uh, Darren kinda got arrested last night after you left and we’re gonna go bail him out.”
I rolled my eyes and rubbed a hand around my face in annoyance. Well that explains the lack of messages. “No, you all can go bail him out, I’m going to stay here.” I say sternly. Hoseok moved to rest on his elbows beside me, studying my stressed out face.
“Are you sure? He mentioned wanting to see you.”
“I could give a fuck what he wants right now.” I spat. She just sighed. “Okay. I guess I’ll see you...later then.” She said dejectedly. I groan, hoping I don’t regret what I’m about to do. Her depressed tone shot right through me.
I know Leyah just the best for her friends and for me to just stop hiding and get this over with, so I figured I’d do her a favor.
“Wait, Leyah...I’ll go. I’ll be there soon.”
“Okay. See you then. Thank you.” We hung up and I ran my fingers through my hair roughly.
“Is everything okay?” Hoseok asked rubbing my arm comfortingly.
“No.” I answer easily, knowing the truth. “But I have to go. I’m just gonna take a shower first if that okay?”
“Yeah of course. Is it okay if I join you?” I just pecked his lips and nodded.
The shower was quick seeing as I had somewhere to be and I threw on a white t-shirt, black skinny jeans and the Doc Martens I wore last night.
On our way out, I see the glass on the nightstand from yesterday in the same place that I left it and decided to clean it up. Hoseok continues to gather his things in the bedroom as I make my way to the kitchen. I stop in my tracks when I see a familiar figure standing at the counter with his back to me. His height, shoulders, back muscles and even his hair (that was now a tinted, dark red) were all very visceral, creating flashes of so many memories in my brain.
My heart rate accelerates and my world begins to spin when the stranger finally turns around and I find that he’s no stranger at all.
His gorgeous face scrunches up in confusion and complete awe at the sight of me. “Charlotte?” His rugged yet celestial voice traveled over to me, sending a sinister chill down my spine.
“Yoongi?” I whisper brokenly.
“Oh, Yoongi hyung, you’re back!” I straighten up and blink away the blurriness in my eyes at the sound of Hoseok’s voice behind me.
“Charlotte, I see you’ve met  my temporary room mate, Yoongi. Yoongi this is my girlfriend, Charlotte.”
My heart leapt into my throat as the glass I was holding clattered to the floor, exploding into pieces.
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ooontheroad-blog · 6 years
Selimiye, Turunç, Fethiye
We arrived at Dalaman Airport at 5 pm. The driver of the private car we arranged via www.selimiyetatilrehberi.com was waiting for us at the arrival's exit. The journey took a bit more than 2 hours. When we arrived at Selimiye Swan Lake Boutique Hotel, they offered us green tea at the Odette Restaurant, for which they charged us while checking out! The restaurant turned out not serving dinner and we felt lazy to go down the village, so we went to bed without eating. The hotel was nicely decorated; the room had various lovely details with a door opening into the garden viewing the sea where it was particularly peaceful during night-time under stars. The pool was empty since it was April yet, and they said the water would be very cold. I usually spend long time in hotel bathrooms but I didn't like the smell of water here; also their natural orange and olive oil soap wasn't charming for me and turned my nails into orange..
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Next day we set off to explore Selimiye after a rich and delicious breakfast at our hotel, walked through the village down to the sea. It's small village with only two branches of big market chains, doesn't have a pharmacy but has several ATMs. It was a quite village; we could hear roosters and cows occasionally. I didn't notice any architectural particularities. After following the road towards Akkum beach for a while, we wanted to walk on the shore but it turned out to be impossible because of the private properties leaning right on the sea. Then we decided to spend some time at one of the hotels on the beach and stopped by Kıyı Hotel which had swings and hammocks on its garden and loungers on the pebbly beach; and very friendly staff. We stayed there for the rest of the day; had lunch, lied under sun, played backgammon and my companion hired their kayak and went into sea paddling. If I knew about it before, I'd stay at this place instead of Swan Lake Hotel. On our way back we popped in Giritimu Restaurant, owner of which was at our hotel in the morning and so kindly offered to get me some allergy pills from pharmacy in Bozburun. We tried their special helva dessert there, which was a bit heavy but truly delicious. At the end of the day we wanted to walk back to our hotel but we missed the road going up to the hills through the village and I didn't want to take the dark highway where drivers wouldn't expect pedestrians. Without any other option, we had to call the manager of our hotel who came down to pick us up imminently.
Next day the manager of our hotel called a local boatman and we arranged to meet at 2 pm for a private tour. While waiting for the tour, we walked to Akkum beach which to our surprise was a sandy public beach with no visible showers or loungers. After walking in the shallow waters of the bay for a while, we went back to marina and met with the old boatsman who'd take us for a tour. It was a small boat and we visited several nearby villages stopping to swim occasionally. The tour took 3 hours and 300 Turkish Liras. We were planning to go to Bozburun after the boat tour and the boatman offered us a ride with his car but seemed to forget about his offer when we were back to Selimiye so we took public minibus for our journey, which turned out to be not an easy task because despite the central position of bus station (across the mosque) no one knew about its schedule. Waiting desperately under sun for a while, we managed to catch one. When we arrived at Bozburun we were already tired and just had a little walk in the central town and had dinner at a sea-side restaurant. My companion tried their octopus salad and liked it.
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Next day was our departure day and we decided to head to Turunç as suggested by the hotel staff. We took the first minibus to Marmaris Otogar after breakfast and again first minibus to Turunç from there. It took us only half an hour to get there and I fell in love with Turunç!
Turunç is a small, pristine town surrounded by mountains. The sea is clear; the beach is not sandy but pebbly again. When we arrived there it turned out that most of the hotels –which seemed to be available online- were not open yet and the town was mostly catering to daily tourists from Marmaris. We asked at least 5 accommodation facilities until a shop owner took us to Meva Hotel which was being painted by its owners at that moment. They said they could clean a room and get it ready for us in minutes. Since we didn’t want to lose any more hours of our single day in Turunç, we decided to stay there. After quickly changed in a dusty room, we headed to the beach. We had lunch at Körfez Restaurant and rested on their loungers for a few hours. Then my companion –who is in love with boat trips- wanted to see if it would be possible to go for a short boat ride and we sailed by the boat of Hüseyin Captain. It was an hour long trip with one stop for swimming. Hüseyin Captain was a nice man who is married to an English lady with kids. Later we found out that the marriages between English and Turkish citizens were very common in the town. Returning back to the town at about sunset, we went to the motel, changed in the room which was prepared for us and went for a walk in the town, and dined at Körfez Restaurant again. Meva Hotel was a nice, budget hotel (only 100 TL) but we were cold in the night with the thin summer covers. Next day we had breakfast the Green Garden, an English restaurant. Although I could have stayed in Turunç for weeks, we took a boat taxi to Marmaris for 100 TL –because of my companion’s boat addiction- and continued to Fethiye for the rest of our holiday as we planned.
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We took a dolmuş to Marmaris Otogar from the pier and another dolmuş to Fethiye from the otogar. The dolmuş ride to Fethiye took almost 2 hours with lots of stops on the road, on-and-offs of air-conditioning and conversations and arguments of the driver with the local passengers making it an even longer and more exhaustive journey than we expected. We booked Hotel Unique on our way to Fethiye and got there by taxi from Fethiye Otogar. We were met by smell of a flower mixture right at the gate of the hotel. Hotel Unique was truly fascinating with its detailed decoration merging the nature with the building and the infinity pool. It was an adults-only hotel and quite expensive but still well-worth the price. That evening we walked through Aşıklar Tepesi and Amintas Rock Tombs; unsuccessfully tried to get to Paspatur, finally dined at LemonH2O Bistro. We ended the day by watching Champions League semi-final (Liverpool-Roma) at a sea-side café which was not full of English people to my surprise!
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The destination of the 5th day of our holiday was Ölüdeniz. First we booked a 12 Islands Boat Trip for the next day and then took a dolmuş from Fethiye Otogar to Ölüdeniz and once we were there my companion rushed to book a canoe –another love of his- and we found ourselves changing into our swimming suits at the back of an office and on the canoe in a few minutes. Since I cannot swim well, I wore a life jacket and sat there for almost two hours under direct light of noon-sun in the most uncomfortable position! When we were back I was tired –although didn’t move a finger-, hungry and in a nasty temper. We had lunch at one of the cafes on the beach where despite the good food, the service was too slow. I don’t know how but we decided to go for paragliding –I might have suggested doing that!- after lunch and booked our places at the same agency we booked the canoe. While the canoe costed 150 TL for 3 hours, the paragliding costed 350 TL per person and an extra 100 TL each if we wanted to receive the photos taken throughout the journey. I still think that 100 TL was way too expensive to transfer photos from a computer to our phones; they didn’t even provide a USB stick! We climbed 1200 metres with a minibus and joined the chaotic group of paragliding trainees and customers up on the mountain after a rough drive. I already regretted going up there but was caught between a nasty drive down the hills or a scary jump to the sea! I decided to go with the flow, did not resist when they tied me to the pilot or asked me to walk a few steps forward and yes, we were flying! I didn’t scream but was terribly scared and held the ropes tight. The pilot made me hold the camera stick and tried to relax me but his talking and insisting made me cry rather than relax. Still he didn’t quit and asked if I wanted him to sing a song. He had a certain accent and when I learned his hometown, I wanted him to sing me a Kurdish song. It was the best part of the whole experience; however, we were so lost in it that we didn’t think about recording it. When we were back on the land after half an hour in the sky, I was full of mixed emotions crying and laughing at the same time. It was such a spontaneous day that we noticed we didn’t visit Blue Lagoon –which gives its name to the area- until we saw it from air. However, we were too tired to walk there on the beach again so we took a taxi to Çalış Beach and dined and ended the day there.
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12 Islands Boat Trip started about 10 a.m. in the morning. We were together with honeymoon couples, Turkish-American ladies with their daughters and a Turkish-Egyptian couple with their little boy. When we took off the captain turned on the music but I objected that since we were told it would be a quiet trip. The captain didn’t insist and we had a relaxing day on the boat sunbathing, swimming at beautiful bays, reading and snacking. We were back to the land by 4.30 p.m. and hurried to take a taxi to walk around Kayaköy before sunset. The taxi driver was a friendly man; he took us to Kayaköy and said to call him back when we were finished to take us back to Fethiye. Kayaköy was the most fascinating experience in Fethiye. Ghost village, as it is called, was grabbed by the nature and quiet. We walked up and down for about 2 hours on the paths abandoned first by the Greek, then by the Turks. It was interesting that the area was not reconstructed as a holiday resort but left on its own. We dined at İzela Restaurant down in the village, which was a very refined place with an indoor fireplace and outdoor pool. The taxi driver who took us to Kayaköy took us back to Fethiye. We agreed to pay him 600 TL on the next day for a tour of Saklıkent, ancient sites, Karadere beach and airport transfer.
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We visited ancient city of Tlos first on our last day. I do not like being in the open fields under direct sun light, so I didn’t stay there long. Our second stop was Saklıkent Gorge. It had a gorgeous landscape with a gushing river. After a short manmade path, we rented rubber shoes and began our rough walk in the river. The water was freezing; the tiny rocks pricked our feet. We aimed for 3 kilometres but could walk only 1 kilometre (in total) in 2 hours. It was an amazing and also exhaustive experience. The gorge was not very crowded, but they say it is usually packed during high-season when people go there to enjoy cool weather. The taxi driver took us to Karadere Beach for lunch but he got lost on his way and we could have lunch only at 4 p.m.! Karadere Beach was not a highly touristic area and didn’t have any public/private loungers or umbrellas. There was only one facility which offered food, drinks, bungalows and shower and toilets for the visitors and campers. My companion walked for a considerable distance until the sea reached his belly. Although not very touristic, the beach was not unknown to the local people who didn’t hesitate driving their cars on the sands. We were supposed to visit ancient sites of Xhantos-Letoon and pick local tomatoes at a greenhouse known by the taxi driver but being exhausted and late –due to the time lost looking for Karadere-, we preferred to go back to airport. Although the taxi driver was a friendly, easy-going man, I don’t think that the trip was worth the money we paid.
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In a nutshell, my favourites of this holiday were Kıyı Hotel/Selimiye, Turunç, Kayaköy/Fethiye.
April 2018
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