#i had some more outlandish ones but they were a lil Silly and didnt make sense so im leaving em out fghjk
sammyloomis · 1 year
so now that ive finished the games n shit i can Finally make this post without feelin like im missing anything SO:
hcs for how ellies infection affects her
because you are Not telling me that she has a Literal invasive parasitic fungus growing in and on her Literal brain and shes just. Normal and Fine. i simply dont believe you. so lets get into it tee hee
(sorry for the wall of text, i had a lot to say apparently)
eyeshine. because it looks cool and because i say so. and because i think having ellie look just Slightly Offputting for reasons people cant immeditely explain is cool
increased pain tolerance. like, i know Every character in these games get put through the ringer, but im specifically thinking about her boss fight with abby (where abby beats the everloving Snot out of her) and im like??? she gets choked out, knee'd in the stomach, punched DIRECTLY in the face SEVERAL times and shes.... still concious, for one, coherent and able to stalk abby around the basement for another, AND yeah shes bleeding from every hole in her god damn face by the end but shes still?? talking?? and dina got hit Way Less and is knocked the fuck out immediately. so yeah fghj i stand by this one. on a related note...
increased healing time. this is kinda relating to the fact that mushrooms are.... pretty quick to grow, and the whole "you cant kill me in a way that matters" cosmic horror bullshit that comes with them. so it would stand to reason that ellies wounds heal quicker than the average person (she just keeps getting fkn injured so its hard to tell sometimes)
now this one could just be because shes got the disposition of a feral cornered alley cat, but biting people. like, idk if youve Noticed, but ellie has this weird penchant for biting the FUCK outta people whenever given the chance, and i think its fun to imagine the zombie instinct is just subtly rearing its head with that
this ones kinda sad.... but i cant stop thinkin abt it, this doesnt manifest until years later, but i imagine if the parasite is still Growing in her head, even if its not actively killing her, i cant see that doing her any fkn good. so, later in life i can see her suffering from seizures or physical tics.
developing some kind of sixth sense for when infected are nearby. kinda similar to listen mode in the game, but having it manifest more like will from stranger things, where she gets prickling on the back of her neck and can just Feel that those things are close. again, this wouldnt be til later in life i feel, as the fungus grows.
and thats all i got fghjk anyway i love ellie i think shes neat i wanna study her in a lab
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