#i had this whole quote saved somewhere and it just screamed dean to me
Breaking Free
Characters: Dean Winchester, Y/N Winchester, Sam Winchester, Lady Toni Bevel
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Warnings:  season 12.22 spoilers (if that’s still spoilers), not much. SPN stuff. If you can watch the show you can read this.
Word Count: 2100ish
A/N: This is my entry for @percywinchester27 aka Ana’s PJO Quote Challenge and my prompt was: “It's okay,” he said. “We're together.” He didn't say you're okay, or we're alive. After all they'd been through over the last year, he knew that the most important thing was that they were together. She loved him for saying that. - I changed the prompt a little bit to fit the fic. I hope that is okay.  
Thanks to the sweet, amazing, lovely @like-a-bag-of-potatoes  for betaing this for me.
***My fics are not to be saved nor posted on any other sites without my express written permission.***
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You fell to the floor with your back pushed to the wall and your legs folded up under you as you watched your husband run up the steps to try to catch the door before it closed between the four of you and the world outside.
The moment you heard him scream was the moment you gave up all hope. It was the moment you started believing this was the beginning of the end. It had all happened so sudden. Over the past year you had started believing everything was going to be perfect. Or at least as perfect as it would ever get for hunters.
Lucifer’s baby was still about to be born and you had, like your husband, never trusted the Brits, but Dean was okay. The mark was gone. Amara was gone. For the first time in years you felt as if you had the man you married back. Fully and completely. Dean was himself and as long as you had him, there had never been anything you hadn’t been able to struggle through.
You felt numb and the secret you had been carrying for weeks was weighing you down. You had wanted to tell him for so long. You had just been waiting for the right moment and as the hours passed and the brothers worked with Lady Bevil on a way out, you knew there would never be a perfect moment. You should have told him the moment you found out. Instead here you were, having moved from the floor to a chair with Sam’s help a while ago, but you were still quiet. You saw Dean’s worried looks, you felt his comforting touch. Everytime he had a chance to pass you or to hold your hand, he did. Usually that would have been enough to snap you out of it. To stand up and fight, no matter what enemy you were facing. Even now that the enemy was your own home. But tonight you were just scared. Scared that these would be the last hours you spent on earth.
Dean had gotten you through everything in the past. He had been there for you when you lost your parents as a child and John had taken you in. He had cared for both you and Sam and kept you both safe. You had been lost when you thought you lost him, locking yourself away for months until he showed up on your front door, covered in dirt and with a tired smile on his face. He had been your best friend since you were a child, but being stuck in purgatory with him for over a year had changed that.
You had been in love with him for a long time and later on he had told you he had felt the same for years before he had finally kissed you. A kiss that lit a beacon of hope inside you. In a scary world, surrounded by monsters, you and Dean had been each other’s light in the dark. You had kept each other human and sane. You had helped each other adjust to the world and the loss of Cas when you got back into the world. You had married him when Sam got sick from the trials. You had both needed hope and something to hold onto, so you had let Cas perform the ceremony, with Charlie as a bridesmaid and Sam as the best man, while your surrogate mom Jody had walked you down the aisle.
You had been with each other through ups and downs and even when the mark had changed him, you had stayed by Dean’s side. Even with the pull Amara had on him you had never once lost faith in him. You loved Dean more than anything and you were always able to find him in his own darkness. Dean was always able to give you the courage and will to go on, but tonight his loving, concerned touches and looks weren’t enough. You knew something he didn’t and you felt as if you had failed everyone.
When their plan to turn the power back on failed, you stayed. You stayed put as all hope started to leave you. You moved to the staircase watching the two brothers beat the holy hell out of a concrete wall for hours before giving up. As they did, you ran. You ran through the Bunker and to your bedroom without a word. You let yourself fall down onto your bed, with your back turned against the door and tears streaming down your face.
This couldn’t be the end. This couldn’t be how you died. Of all the ways you thought it would happen, you never once pictured this to be how. Suffocating in the only place in the world that had always made you feel safe. Surrounded by the two people that were the only family you had left and some witch that you wanted to stab in her neck every time she looked at you.
You felt the bed dip behind you and before you had a chance to say or do anything he gently turned you around pulling you against his chest and closing his arms around you. That was when you really let go. Your body shook as you cried against his chest. Dean drew calming patterns on your back, while holding you flush against him, but he never spoke. He just let you cry, knowing that was what you needed right now.
Dean didn’t need to speak to make you feel safe or loved. He never had too. His presence, the way he looked at you, the way he touched you and held you had always been all you ever needed to know, you were his everything. You would always be safe with him and no matter what, Dean would always find away out.
“Dean…” you gasped, trying to regain control of your body and stop the flood of tears falling from your eyes.
“It’s okay. I’m here,” Dean whispered, pressing his lips against your hair. His calming voice helping your breathing to settle and your tears to dry out.
“I’m pregnant.” Your voice was barely audible as you buried your face against his chest. You didn’t want to look at him. You were scared of his reaction. This hadn’t been how you wanted to tell him, but you knew time was running out and if this was your last moments together you wanted him to know.
You felt him freeze up for a few seconds before he pulled you impossibly closer against him. You dared to look up into his eyes. The emerald green was swimming behind a sea of tears as his eyes met yours.
“You’re pregnant?” Dean repeated and you couldn’t help but smile at the awe in his voice. You had never planned this. You never would, but the moment you had found out, you knew he would be happy. You had wanted a perfect moment to tell him, but you had been so wrong. Any moment you could have told him would have been perfect. You allowed yourself to be happy in the midst of all your fear as he crashed his lips against yours, taking your breath away.
When he pulled back his smile faded and a look of absolute determination took it’s place. “I’m getting us out of here.” Dean pecked your lips before he rose from the bed, walking down the hall while calling his brother’s name, leaving your confused and slightly worried self behind.
It took you a while to compose yourself, but when the british bitch started screaming at the brothers somewhere from the back of the room the brothers had been trying to break through, you jumped to your feet and ran towards her yelling.
“You’re lunatics. This a colossally stupid idea,” Toni scolded them just as you entered the room and your eyes widened when you saw Dean raise the grenade launcher he was holding.
“Yep. Big, beautiful, and dumb.” He grinned to Sam, who shook his head, smiling back at his big brother. No one but Toni even noticed your presence in the room.
“You’re gonna bring the whole bloody place crashing down. You’re gonna kill us all. Your wife,” she nodded towards you as she addressed you. “Talk some sense into them.”
Dean’s attention instantly went to you when he noticed your presence in the room and you smiled at him, a smile he returned. If this was how you were going to die, you’d go out your own way. Fighting for life and for a life for your child.
You walked up to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek and Dean wrapped his free arm around your waist, hugging you. “Be careful,” you whispered before nodding to Sam who grabbed Lady Bevel, dragging her with you from the room as you both ignored her hissy fit.
“You’re lunatics. Action movie loving, cheeseburger eating, moronic, american lunatics.”
You didn’t listen to her, you just ducked down behind the wall, letting Sam protectively wrap his arm around you. You smiled as he leaned in close to whisper in your ear. “Dean is getting us out. You and my niece or nephew are going to be fine.”   
You knew you should want to kill Dean for not keeping your secret for more than 2 minutes, but given the circumstances you couldn’t blame him, besides, it wasn’t like you had expected him to be able to keep something like that from Sam for long anyway.
Before you had a chance to answer Sam, the explosion sounded and smoke started to fill the Bunker. You both left Toni where you had handcuffed her and scrambled to your feet back to where you had left Dean.
“Dean?” Sam called out as you both headed for the hole in the wall, where a ladder was now visible. Dean had been right, but before either you or Sam had a chance to follow him out or even be happy Dean’s reckless plan might have worked, the wall collapsed and the hole closed.
“Dean!” you screamed, throwing yourself at the bricks, trying to free the hole back up, but Sam pulled you back, coughing. The air was getting thinner.
“He might have gotten out,” Sam insisted, heaving for breath along with you now. The smoke was polluting what limited air supply you had left. “Control room,” he ordered dragging you with him. You were too weak to protest and all you could think about was how you were going to die, parted from the man you loved. He had been in here with you and you had let him leave. You should never have let him leave.
You fell to the floor gasping for breath next to Sam who was struggling as badly as you were. Still he managed to reach for your hand, giving it a small squeeze to let you know weren’t alone. It was little comfort though. You loved Sam like a brother, but he wasn’t the one you needed, the one you loved, or the last person you would want to see if your life was truly over.
In your struggle for air and grief that you’d never see your husband again, you didn’t even notice the lights flickering back on, or the air vents cleaning the air. You didn’t notice anything until with one deep breath your lungs filled with clean air and the fog started lifting from your mind. You took Sam’s hand letting him help you back onto your feet as you both faced the door, creaking open to see Dean limping in with a relieved smile on his face.
“Hey lunatic,” he joked, but you didn’t answer him. Instead you sprinted up the stairs, throwing yourself into his arms, nearly knocking him over. By some miracle he stayed on his feet, wrapping his arms around you.
“It's okay,” Dean said. “We're together.” He didn't say you're okay, or we're alive. After all you had been through, he knew that the most important thing was that you were together. You loved him for saying that.
You pulled back a little, cupping his face as tears of joy streamed from your eyes, “you did it,” you laughed and Dean laughed with you, pulling you back into his arms.
“Don’t squash my niece,” Sam grinned from below you, causing you and Dean to laugh even harder as you looked down at Sam smiling up at you. You were indeed together and and as long as you had each other there was nothing you couldn’t do.
Dean Tag Team
@mizzpink @emoryhemsworth @not-moose-one-shots @sleepylunarwolf @roxyspearing @blacktithe7 @atc74 @mogaruke @mysupernaturalfics @fatalcrossbow @mrswhozeewhatsis @goandsavemyunicorn @crushing83 @arryn-nyxx @superapplepie @salvachester @docharleythegeekqueen  @walkingkhaleeesi @multifandombackpack @ruined-by-destiel @blushingdean @impala-dreamer @winchasterdean @iamabeautifulperson18 @peaceloveancolor @theoriginalvicki @feelmyroarrrr @hexparker @vvinch3st3r @shamelesslydean @katymacsupernatural @elevenofmages @jensen-gal @mysterious-398 @dustycelt @ericaprice2008 @adriellej @ashleydivine @waywardmoeyy @storytimewithylva @canadianjelly @percywinchester27 @featherleaf12 @percussiongirl2017 @sis-tafics @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @mayasmedberg  @ruprecht0420 @jayankles @torn-and-frayed @its-not-a-tulpa  @spn-fan-girl-173 @ryantherandomhero @lupine-princess @like-a-bag-of-potatoes @sylverminx @kathaswings @becs-bunker @mery-magizoologist @sandlee44  @sillesworldofwriting @mariahoedt @akshi8278 @michellethetvaddict @samisimportant @wishuponastarlana
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georgialouisea · 7 years
Taxi back from hell.
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Pairing - Dean x Reader  Characters - Dean, Rose (ofc), Ron (omc), Unnamed man. Word Count - 1000  Warnings - Swearing, minor character death.  Summary - 
A/N - written for @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog ‘s #mimi’s rom-com fluff challenge. The quote was “don’t worry if you’re going to hell, I'll just come pick you up.” Which is in bold in the fic.
Walking your best friend Rose into the restaurant you looked around for her date.
“I’m not sure about this.” Rose grabbed your hand and stopped you as her eyes searched yours for a sign she could ditch the date you’d set her up on.
“It’s going to be okay, trust me he’s really nice, I've worked with him for years.” You reassured as you encouraged her to step towards the waiter who was ready to seat you both.
“How can I help you?” He smiled as he glanced between the two of you.
“Go on, I’ll be at the bar if you need me.”
“Okay, and if I need to leave I can text you and you will get me out of here?”
“Okay… I love you.” You smiled at her as you watched her approach Ron the colleague you’d set her up with. Ron was a lovely man, so sweet and kind, exactly what she needed after her ex.
Sitting down at the bar you kept an eye on her from the room. Ordering a glass of wine you couldn't help but smile as you watched her, she needed this.
Shifting in your seat you pulled the hem of your dress down slightly, out of the corner of your eye you could see a man watching you. His eyes never left your body, for minutes he watched your every move even as you drank your wine he watched every sip you took.
“Can I help you?” You smiled at him as you felt really uneasy.
“Just admiring a pretty little thing.” He slurred.
“Well thank you, but please stop staring at me.” You gave him a warning look as you did you noticed the green eyed man who was sitting next to him, his eyes left yours as he smirked into his glass.
“Excuse me it's a compliment.” He spat as he slammed his glass on the bar.
“No, you’re making me uncomfortable.” You responded to his ‘compliment’, the man sat next to him had now vanished.
“Suit yourself bitch.”
“Hey babe, sorry I'm late.” A strangers voice spoke over your shoulder, as you turned the green eyed smirker from a few seconds ago was by your side. “Did I just hear you call my wife a bitch?” He questioned in such a menacing tone. As he spoke you switched your Mothers ring from your index to your ring finger, raising your hand to drink from your glass.
“You heard right sweetie.” You smiled up at the man as you played along.
“She’s not, she doesn't even have a ring…” He stopped as his eyes connected with your newly placed ring.
“I think you should leave.” The mystery man spoke as his hand rested on your back.
“I’m sorry. I didn't mean to offend, I've drunk too much.” The flirt apologised.
“Just don’t let me see your face around her again.” As your saviour threatened the flirt scurried away from you and your mystery man.
“Thank you.” You smiled at him as you offered him a seat next to you. “Let me buy you a drink.”
“No, I'll buy you one.” He protested.
“You helped me at least let me repay you.” As you spoke you motioned for the bartender to give Dean another.
“Thanks.” His smile made you melt, he was gorgeous. “Dean.” He offered you his hand.
“Nice thinking with the ring.” Dean nodded towards your hand as the bartender placed a glass of whisky before Dean.
“Oh yeah.” You moved the ring back to your index finger. “So what brings you here?”
“Drinking.” Dean winked as he drank. “You? On a date?”
“No, actually I’m here for my friend she’s on a date.” As you looked over Dean’s shoulder to where Rose was your heart stopped.
“What is it?” Dean asked as he followed your eyes.
“They’re gone.”
“Maybe they left?” Dean’s tone was calming yet it didn't help with your freak out.
“No she wouldn’t, her bag is still there.”
“No, I, fuck … I’m going to hell, I shouldn't have pushed her into it.”
“Hey calm down we’ll find them. And don’t worry if you’re going to hell, I'll just come pick you up.” Dean winked as he slid off the chair and helped you off yours, grabbing enough cash from your purse you left it on the table as you took off with Dean.
“I’ll call her.” As you dialled her number her phone rang from her bag.
Checking the bathroom it was empty as Dean checked the men's.
“Outside,” Dean stated as he grabbed your hand and took you with him. You allowed yourself to get caught up in the situation, this could easily be a scheme to get you outside and alone. As Dean pulled you out of the restaurant your heels dug into the ground.
“Y/N?” Dean turned to face you as he let go of your hand. “Let’s go find your friend.”
“Dean, I …” You paused as your eyes squeezed shut willing yourself to think about this.
As you opened your mouth to speak a muffled scream came from the alley next to the restaurant. Dean took off at a run as he pulled a gun from somewhere. Who is he? Not allowing yourself a second longer to think about Dean you ran towards where he had just disappeared into the darkness.
Walking around the corner you weren't prepared for what you saw. Rose was sat leaning against a wall as her knees rested under her chin, on the ground before her was Ron’s lifeless body.
“Rose!” You ran to her as you coaxed her to look at you when she did you looked for the attacker. Dean had a man up against the wall with one hand as he pressed his phone to his ear with the other.
“I need an ambulance and the police, to the restaurant ‘Jackson’s’ there’s been a fatal attack,” Dean informed the operator as the murderer struggled against Dean’s restraint. With a few quick movements, Dean had the man pinned to the floor, in the moonlight you could see who it was, the man from earlier, the man Dean had saved you from.
The police and ambulance arrived checking on Rose who was fine other than a few cuts and soon to form bruises. The attacker was arrested as the coroners and more police arrived. You watched Dean throughout the whole process, he handled everything so well, he was a mystery.
“Hey, are you okay?” Dean asked as he ran a hand up and down your arm.
“Yes, are you?”
“I’m just fine, how’s your friend?”
“Well she’s going to hate me for a while, the first date she’s had in years and the guy gets killed.”
“It’s not your fault.” Dean smiled as his hand lingered on your arm.
“Who are you, Dean?” You asked with a smile.
“Just the man who’s going to be your taxi back from hell.” He winked as his hand found yours and gave it a squeeze. “Dinner tomorrow night?”
“Yeah but not here.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it, sweetheart.”
Forever Taglist - @mega-loser1298 @smalltowndivaj @roxyspearing
Dean Taglist - @akshi8278 @awesomestperson22
Taglist from SPN Fanfic Pond - @dr-dean @thing-you-do-with-that-thing @nichelle-my-belle @leatherwhiskeycoffeeplaid @notnaturalanahi @salvachesterhale @impala-dreamer @deathtonormalcy56 @samsgoddess @spn-fan-girl-173 @deansleather @curliesallovertheplace @whywhydoyouwantmetosaymyname @waywardjoy @mrswhozeewhatsis @imadeangirl-butimsamcurious @kayteonline @supernatural-jackles @wevegotworktodo @jpadjackles @quiddy-writes @babypieandwhiskey @deantbh @deanwinchesterforpromqueen @chaos-and-the-calm67 @plaidstiel-wormstache @teamfreewill-imagine @chelsea-winchester @fandommaniacx @revwinchester @castieltrash1 @supernaturalyobessed @ruined-by-destiel @winchester-writes @deals-with-demons @maraisabellegrey @faith-in-dean @winchestersmolder @bennyyh @clueless-gold @deanwinchesterxreader @melbelle45 @winchester-family-business @4401lnc
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amanda-teaches · 7 years
Summary: Reader is a teacher with a boyfriend who’s practically a superhero: Dean Winchester. Can their relationship last or will distance push them apart?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1760
Warnings: None, I think? Fluff.
A/N: This is for @deansdirtyduchess‘s 1000 follower challenge. Congrats, Mel! My prompt was the reader being a teacher, and I just had to grab that one since I’m a Kindergarten teacher. It is also for @katymacsupernatural‘s Wish Upon a Star Challenge, which had one of my favorite Disney Quotes from the Incredibles- “You are my greatest adventure.” It was betaed by @because-imma-lady-assface, who was a MAJOR help in getting me past some serious uncertainty with this one. All of the best parts of this are thanks to her. Also, special thanks go out to @impala-dreamer, who helped without knowing she did because Ash used her transition tips to help me rework some parts of this. So, thanks, Beka! Anyways, I hope y’all enjoy. Please let me know what you think.
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Were superheroes real? Or were they just fairy tales? That was the question currently being contemplated by your always inquisitive Kindergarten class.
It had all started with a simple story. You had read the story, just like you did at the end of every year, about the ordinary boy, picked on in school, who grows up to be the world’s greatest superhero. It’s an empowerment story, meant to show your students that they can do anything they set their minds to.
When the story ended and you put down the book, one of the little girls in your class raised her hand. “Ms. Y/L/N? Are superheroes real?
It should have been an easy enough question to answer, and for most people it would have been. But not for you. While you knew you should tell them they weren’t real and keep them grounded in reality, you knew better: superheroes were real. Your boyfriend was living proof.
Dean Winchester was a real life superhero.
You’d met Dean a little under two years ago, 16 months to be exact, but who’s counting? Back then, you’d been just like your students: a non-believer. But, Sam and Dean had changed all that in just one night.
It had started off like any other Tuesday. Another day, another late night at school catching up on the work you couldn’t do when the kids were there. After staring at your lesson plans for over a minute without really comprehending any of the words, you decided it was time for a break.
You pushed your laptop away and leaned back in your chair. You let your eyes drift closed, enjoying the calm and quiet that only happened at the end of the day. Because your eyes were closed, you missed the way the lights flickered, how they went out one by one, cascading down the long hallway and into the classroom where you were sitting; you missed the brief flash of grey smoke in the middle of the room, the flash of something not quite human appearing in right front of you and disappearing just as quickly.
When you opened your eyes, the disturbances had passed, leaving you oblivious to the waiting danger. Determined to get back to work, you picked up your coffee cup only to find it empty. “Of freaking course….” you whispered before pushing yourself out of your chair and making your way out of your classroom and down the hallway to the teachers’ lounge, where coffee was waiting.
You had only made it a few steps down the hallway before the air suddenly chilled around you, alerting you for the first time that something was off. You pulled your cardigan tighter around your body to ward off the chill, but goosebumps still rose on the back of your neck, and not just because of the temperature.
You started to walk faster down the hallway, instinct telling you to get to the teachers’ lounge as fast as possible. You didn’t know why, but you knew you wouldn’t be safe until you got there. You had almost made it to the door, when an ethereal figure appeared in front of you, stopping you in your tracks.
As if from a distance, you heard the sound of your coffee cup shattering on the ground, but you barely registered it. All of your senses were frozen, focused in on the pale woman standing in front of you. You knew instantly, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she was a ghost. It was her eyes, you decided. They were dark. Cold. Empty. Dead.
Before you had the chance to scream, the ghost propelled itself towards you at lightning speed. You closed your eyes and braced for impact. But, the impact never came. When you opened your eyes back up, you no longer saw the ghost staring back at you. Instead, you saw the broad back of a man standing directly in front of you. You peeked around him, but the ghost was nowhere in sight.
The man in front of you turned to you, momentarily distracting you from the danger you were facing with his piercing green eyes. He grabbed your arm, sending a spark coursing through your body and causing you to draw in your breath.
“The iron won’t hold that thing off for long,” he said, gesturing with the crowbar he was holding in his other hand. “Come on. I’ve gotta get you somewhere safe.”
“Wait,” you whispered as the man pulled at your arm. He paused and looked back down at you, a mixture of urgency, concern and kindness in his eyes. “Who are you?”
The smile that lit up his face pulled at you, attracting you to him in way no man ever had before. “My name’s Dean. Dean Winchester. I’m here to save you.”
After that night, your life had never been the same. You and Dean had instantly connected, not just physically, but emotionally. You liked all the same things: music, food, jokes, even TV. Everything about him was amazing, perfect even. But that didn’t mean your lives were perfect.
When you’d first gotten together, it was hot. Hot, happy, and blissfully carefree. Your very own honeymoon phase. But, then, Sam and Dean found their next case- one that took them away from you- took Dean away from you.
After that, case after case had kept you and Dean apart, and you missed him like crazy. You stayed in touch via text and Skype, but being away from each other was difficult. Dean came to visit as often as he could, but it wasn’t enough. For either of you.
It all came to a head late one night, after yet another passionate reunion, when you and Dean were lying in bed, tired yet satisfied. Your head was on his chest and his arm was curled around your waist, softly rubbing circles on your bare back. The gentle massage was just about to lull you to sleep when Dean broke the silence.
“I missed you, Y/N.”
“I missed you too, babe,” you replied, gently shifting your hand so it joined your head on Dean’s chest.
“How long was it this time? 4 weeks?”
“Almost 5,” you muttered. “You haven’t had a chance to get back since before that werewolf case in Idaho.”
“Right,” he said, with a laugh. “The extra hairy werewolf case. That one was fun.”
You laughed along with him. “I bet Sam loved all the hair jokes that came along with it.”
“Hey, with hair like that, he’s asking for the jokes.”
You laughed deeply again before changing the subject. “What’s Sam up to this weekend, anyway?” you asked. “Back at the bunker?”
“No, actually. He’s working a case.”
You tightened your lips in confusion. “He is? Without you?”
“Yeah. I wanted to get back here to you. Can’t leave my girl hanging,” he said, squeezing your side. “Besides, Sammy can handle it.”
“Yeah, ok,” you whispered, but a part of you felt guilty. He’d left a case for you. He’d never done that before. And, as happy as you were to see him, you also knew that whoever was in danger out there would be much better off with both brothers out there to protect them.
Your whole body tensed against Dean’s, tipping off immediately to your distress. “What’s wrong?”
“Nothing,” you mumbled.
“Y/N…” he prodded.
“It’s nothing. Or something. I don’t know. It’s just…..I feel guilty.”
“What?” Dean asked, his hand stilling on your back. “Why?”
You sat up and turned away from him. “I don’t know! I guess I just feel bad that you’re here when there’s a case going on. You’ve never skipped a case for me before.”
Dean moved to sit behind you, his hands finding your hips. “Y/N, I love you. I want to be with you. And, like I said, I knew Sammy could handle this one, so I came here instead. This is where I want to be.”
You whirled around to look at him. “But, that’s just it! You’re this amazing man who travels the country saving people and killing monsters, and I’m just me. A regular, boring teacher. How could I ask you to choose me over them?”
Dean smiled widely, the dimples at the corners of his mouth and the crinkles at the edge of his eyes drawing you in. “Y/N, you are my greatest adventure. I never want you to think that you come second to anything or that you’re too boring for my life. It’s just the opposite. You’re everything I could ever want or need. I love you.”
You smiled then, too, and leaned into him, letting him wrap his arms around you. “I love you, too, Dean. I just feel bad that you have to choose between a case and coming all the way out here to visit me. I wish you could do both.”
“Well,” he whispered next to your ear, “I may have an idea to fix that.”
“Oh yeah?” you asked, pulling back to look in his eyes. “And, what’s that? Did one of your angel friends find a way to be in two places at once?”
“No,” he said with a laugh. “But, there is another way. If we lived in the same place, we could see each other between cases.”
Your eyes widened slightly. “What do you mean?”
“I mean,” he said, taking your hands in his. “Move into the bunker, with me and Sam.”
“Before you say no, hear me out,” he said excitedly. “If you lived at the bunker, we could see each other all the time. A lot of the hunts are pretty close by. And, you could even keep teaching. Lebanon has a great school district.” He paused to grin at you. “I researched it.”
“You did?” you whispered breathlessly, overwhelmed by his thoughtfulness. God, you loved this man.
“Yeah. And, you’d be safer in the bunker, too. I wouldn’t have to worry about anything happening to you when I’m away. You could even help with research. You know, if you want.” He paused from his enthusiastic ramble and looked closely at you. “So? What do you think?”
You smiled. “I think I should call my principal and let him know I’m not coming back next year.”
Dean’s face broke into the biggest, happiest smile you had ever seen. “Is that a yes?”
“It’s a yes,” you cried as Dean pulled you into an earth-shattering, toe-curling kiss. After all, who could pass up the chance to live with a real life superhero?
Forevers- @hamartiamacguffin @mrsdeanfuckingwinchester @katymacsupernatural @impandagrl @cyrilconnelly @damnandriel-in-hell @impala-dreamer @castielhasthetardis @jarpadandjensenaremyheroes @shotgunintheimpala
Dean Tags- @akshi8278
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A Baby?
A/n- This one got away from me. I blame @queen-of-deans-booty.​ I gave her the gist of what I wanted to write about (just in casual conversation) and she RAN WITH IT. Seriously, I love this woman. She’s amazing. This story was written for @gone-to-fight-the-fairies’ Supernatural’s Summer of Heroes Challenge, and my quote was from Pepper Potts. It is bolded in the fic. I hope you guys like this one!
***I know not all foster homes are bad. For the purposes of this work of fiction, they are momentarily talked about that way. If you grew up or knew someone that grew up in a foster home/similar environment, I MEAN NO DISRESPECT to you or your caregivers.***
Characters/Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, Jody (mentioned), Donna (mentioned)
Word Count: 3,544
Warnings: Swearing, typical spn level death, baby feels. FLUFF and a smidge of angst.
  With Dean being as sick as he was, it was up to you and Sam to take care of this milk run that Garth had sent your way. After an hour of him grumbling about it, you finally put your foot down.
“Dean you are too sick! We can’t risk you getting us all sick. This may be a milk run, but it will be ten times harder if we’re all puking our guts out every 10 minutes! Besides, you probably can’t even handle being in the damn car right now. You’re staying here and that’s that. I’ll drug you if I have to!”
“I hate it when you use your mom voice,” he whines.
“Well if you weren’t so stubborn, I wouldn’t have to! Someone has got to take care of you, because you obviously can’t do it yourself,” you snarked at him.
“Well if anything happens to you and Sam, who’s gonna save you guys?”
“Dean, it’s a ghost. I think we can handle a ghost. Now we have to go. Sam thinks he knows who it’s going after next.”
By the time you and Sam got there, you were too late. You pulled up and heard screams coming from the house, busting the door down just in time to see the woman take a nasty tumble down the stairs. You rushed over to check her but slammed your fist into the wall when you couldn’t find a pulse. Her neck had snapped on the way down. The ghost gave you an evil grin before dissipating.
“DAMMIT!” you screamed.
Suddenly, the house was filled with crying. You and Sam shared a wary look, hoping that this wasn’t another trick from the ghost. You quickly but carefully made your way up the stairs with Sam hot on your heels. As you turned the corner at the top, you were looking straight into a nursery. The walls were a pale yellow, with an antique white crib with matching cradle on one wall and the matching changing table on another wall.
Immediately you tucked your gun back into the waistband of your jeans and moved quickly to the cradle. Inside was a baby, who couldn’t be more than 2 months old, dressed in pink and white. She was screaming bloody murder; probably because of the ghost or her mother’s screams.
You scooped her up into your arms, trying to quiet the baby girl. Sam watched you as you moved around the room, easily finding everything you needed. You changed her diaper while humming to her and talking in a low baby voice. Soon the baby was quietly cooing at you. “What’s your name, huh sweetheart?” You looked around the room trying to find anything that might have her name on it. Mom’s gotta have a baby book around here somewhere… Opening a drawer in the small dresser located in the corner, you found what you were looking for. Scrawled on the front of the small purple and yellow book was the name Katherine Marie.
“Katherine Marie,” you said to no one in particular. The little girl in your arms let out a small gurgle and Sam chuckled.
“You seem like you’re enjoying this, Y/N.”
“Well, the girl just lost her mother. We know the woman didn’t have a husband or a boyfriend, so she was all Katy here had. Someone has got to take care of her. What are we supposed to do, just drop her off at the local police station and say ‘Uh, yeah, this kids mom was just offed by a ghost. We took care of it, but now we need you to find the kid a good home!’ Does that sound like a good plan Sammy?”
Sam stuttered over his words as you continued.
“No, Sam, that is a terrible plan! We’ll take her with us and call Jody. I’m sure she’d jump at the chance to take a baby.”
He sighed. “Alright fine. But I’m not responsible for any diapers!” he said with a scowl.
You chuckled. “What Sammy, you afraid of a little baby pee?”
His face scrunched in disgust as he shook his head and walked away. You quickly packed a bag full of stuff that Jody would need and a few mementos for the little girl and joined Sam in the car. As you climbed in, he was just getting off the phone.
“…yeah thanks Jody. We’ll see you then. Love you too, bye.”
“So where are we meeting her?” you asked him.
Sam sighed and started Baby. “We’re not. She’s entirely unprepared for a baby, so she needs a few days to get things ready and talk to the girls. She said she’d come to the bunker and pick her up when she’s ready, but it may take a week or so.”
You could feel the color drain out of your face and you subconsciously held Katy a little tighter. “Dean’s gonna kill me,” you whispered to yourself.
The two of you found the old man’s grave and Sam dug it up while Katy slept in the backseat, and soon enough it was all done and over with. No more casualties, no bumps and bruises. It was a simple salt and burn. But you still felt guilty about the poor mother who had lost her life because you weren’t fast enough. And looking at the little bundle in the backseat only made your heart pang even harder.
A few hours later you and Sam had parked in the bunker’s garage and Sam was helping you out of the car.
“Sam you gotta protect me. He’s gonna be livid. You know his opinion on having kids in this life. I can handle the yelling and whatnot, but don’t let him yell at her. She’s so tiny and innocent…”
“Just stay behind me alright? I think you’re overthinking this whole thing, but if it will make you feel better I will butter him up first.”
You nodded your head as you held the sleeping baby to your chest. You walked closely behind Sam into the hallway and cringed a little when you heard Dean’s voice. Sam pretended to not be scared about it all, but he froze in place with a deer in the headlights look on his face.
“God I seriously thought I was gonna have to come after you two. You’ve been gone for so long! I’m all better now, so there will be no more leaving me behind on any hunts from now on, and-” he paused when he finally took in the way you two were standing. “What’s wrong?” his voice immediately changed to panic. “Y/N are you hurt? Why do you look so terrified Sam?”
Sam started trying to explain the situation. “So, we get there and finally figure out who the next target was, but we got there moments too late. The girl died. Old Mr. Willow pushed her down the stairs and her neck snapped. But when we did a sweep of the house, we uh…well…we found…a umm…”
“Oh my god Sam, just stop talking!” you exclaimed. You pushed him out of the way with a sudden burst of confidence and held Katherine out to show Dean. “Before you say anything I want you to listen to me damn good and well. This little girl has no one else, and her mother was just killed. We already called Jody and she will be taking the girl in, but needs a week or so to prepare the girls and the house. Once she does that, she will be coming to pick her up from us. So this is a temporary situation. I know you don’t want to bring children into this life and I have been very respectful about that so far, but I couldn’t let this little girl grow up in some shitty foster home and be bullied and god only knows what else. So she’s staying with us and that’s final!”
Dean’s eyes got wider the longer you talked. When you finally stopped, there was a long pause and you could see all his muscles tensing.
“ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?” he shrieked. “Do you have any idea what a colossally stupid plan this is? Y/N, not only did you fucking kidnap someone’s INFANT, you brought it here to my home! You know how I feel about kids and why I feel that way, but this is too much. You can’t just do this kind of thing without consulting everyone else!”
You could feel your blood boiling with anger at his words. How dare he. How fucking dare.
“First of all Dean, this is a helpless infant. Second of all, HOW FUCKING DARE YOU. This is my home as much as it is yours and Sam’s, and I will do whatever I goddamn please around here. Last I checked, you are not my father and therefore have zero authority over my actions. Just because you are my boyfriend does not give you the right to treat me like a fucking child. I did not kidnap anyone’s child, I took in an orphan. I took in a child that had no one and nothing left; something you of all people should be able to appreciate. I took you in when you lost everything! When you lost Sam in the pit and had nowhere else to go! It’s called having compassion and being a decent human being! You don’t have to do anything with Katherine. I know what I signed up for and I’m more than capable of doing it by myself. I don’t need your or Sam’s help. So take your shitty attitude and get the hell out of my face. And so help me god, if you wake this sleeping baby up, I will skin you alive and then kick your ass 6 ways to Sunday. Do you understand?”
You turned on your heel and brought Katherine into your old room. It hadn’t been occupied in about a year, not since you moved in to Dean’s room with him. But it would work perfectly. Katy wasn’t old enough to roll yet, so she could just sleep nestled into the crook of your arm. You were suddenly so exhausted. That fight with Dean had taken everything out of you. You laid down on your bed with the baby nestled safely in your arms, and fell asleep before you could even give her a kiss.
Dean’s POV
I was so furious. I couldn’t believe she would bring a baby into this life like that. There are so many other options for this kid, none of which involve hunting or the life! It deserves better! And Y/N should know better. We’ve talked about kids and she knows where I stand. I just can’t believe she would do this.
I also couldn’t believe she got that heated about it so quickly. I guess I did speak to her a little harshly…
“Dude. You need to go fix that,” Sam says, interrupting my thoughts.
“She started it when she brought that damn thing here!” I growled back.
Sam smacked the back of my head. “You stupid idiot! That thing is a baby. A baby girl, I might add. And Y/N rescued her. What the hell were we supposed to do, Dean? Take her to a police station and say ‘Yeah, her mom was killed by a ghost. Find her a good home!’? That was the best alternative we could think of in a pinch, and it would’ve ended up with us both in jail. Again. So we thought of Jody. And Jody happily agreed. She just needs some time to get the house ready. Now you, need to go fix things with your girlfriend. Or she may never forgive you. Is that what you want?”
I shook my head in defeat. “Fine, I’ll go find her.”
“She went in her old room!” he called after me as I walked away.
“Why the hell would she go in her old room? Is she really that mad at me?” I wondered out loud.
I gathered my thoughts as I rounded the corner and moved to knock on the closed door. At the last second though, Y/N’s words about waking the baby echoed in my ears and I shuddered, opting to quietly push open the door instead. The sight before me made me freeze.
I’m so used to seeing this big badass side of Y/N. The one that can take down any monster that comes her way. The one that can drink any man under the table, and hustle even the best of the best pool players. The same one that puts up so many walls, it rivals my own.
But this Y/N was curled up on her side, protectively wrapped around the tiny child while still gingerly holding her in her arms. Her long Y/C/H hair was sprawled out on the pillow behind her, gentle curls throughout her tendrils, and her eyelashes gently fluttered against her cheeks as she dreamed. Just then, the baby started to stir. She wiggled side to side for a moment before Y/N’s hand came up to brush the little one’s head, instantly soothing her back to sleep. The whole scene was just so serene and peaceful, I couldn’t help but feel calm just looking on.
I quietly toed off my boots and shed my flannel to lie over the infant as a second blanket, and grabbed a spare blanket for Y/N from the closet. I laid down on the other side of the baby, Katherine, I reminded myself, and wrapped my arm around them both. I was careful not to go near Katherine’s face though. For some reason, I was suddenly anxious about this child. Was that normal?
Y/N’s hand moved once more to brush my face before she placed it back on Katherine’s chest. That was all it took to lure me to sleep.
I woke up to the sound of a baby crying, and momentarily forgot why there was a baby in the bunker. But when I opened my eyes, I was stunned once again. Y/N was gently rocking her back and forth in her arms, quietly speaking to the baby who was still wrapped in my flannel.
“Shhh, we need to let Dean sleep. He’s still recovering from being sick. It’s alright, I know I’m not your mommy and you miss her very much, but I’m doing the best I can baby girl. Let’s get you a new diaper and a bottle, little one.”
She must not have known I woke up, because she very quietly opened the door and slipped out of the room. The more I watched her with Katherine, the more I realized just how stupid I had been with my reaction. Y/N was only doing what she thought was best for the child, just as any mother would for her children…
I got up and stretched for a moment before I walked out the door to go find Y/N and Katherine. The further down the hallway I got, the louder the giggles got. I followed the sound into the library, where Sam and Y/N were leaning over a table talking and cooing to Katherine, who was cooing and giggling back. A pang of jealousy shot through me at the sight of my brother interacting with my girlfriend and the baby that way. Come on, Dean. It’s not even your kid, I thought to myself. But you wish it was.
The realization startled me enough that I cleared my throat. The other two adults in the room looked up at me with slightly sheepish looks on their faces and I couldn’t help the grin that spread across my face.
“Well don’t you two look like the cats that ate the canary. Team effort, huh?” I teased them.
Y/N just laughed. One of her full body laughs where she tosses her head back and her shoulders shake with a noise like wind chimes that echoes throughout the room. Her eyes sparkled when she looked back at me.
My eyes flashed to Katherine, who was still gurgling and cooing at Y/N and reaching her tiny hands up towards her. When my eyes moved back to Y/N, her expression had darkened. I felt my face furrow in confusion, but before I could get a word in, she was speaking.
“I’ve made arrangements to go stay with Donna until Jody can take Katherine. You made your feelings clear earlier, and I’m not one to stir up trouble in someone else’s home,” she sneered. She turned to Sam, “Could you watch her for a few minutes while I go pack a new bag? I won’t be long,” she added as she handed Katherine to Sam, who gave me a cautious look before nodding once.
“I think I’m gonna give Katy here a tour of the place. Give you two some space for a little bit,” he said while quickly exiting the large room.
I could tell she was pissed, and I wasn’t sure I could say anything to quell her anger this time. I was terrified if I let her walk out that door, she might not ever come back. After a few moments of tense silence, I finally found my voice.
“Please don’t leave.”
She rolled her eyes. “I’m coming back, Dean. I just don’t want to deal with a cranky infant and a broody man at the same time. I may be a badass sometimes, but I’m not a damn superhero.”
“I don’t want you to leave, because I overreacted earlier. I didn’t mean to blow up on you like that; I was just so shocked that I couldn’t control what fell out of my mouth.”
Her eyebrows shot up, and I knew I had phrased it wrong.
“What I mean to say is, I’m so sorry baby. Watching you with Katherine, you are a superhero. You rescued that little girl and took her in without a second thought. You have the biggest heart out of anyone I’ve ever known, and it never ceases to amaze me how loving and caring you are. You are the most selfless, kind, compassionate person I���ve ever met, and that is a damn superpower. You are a hero, Y/N. You’re Sam’s hero. You’re Katherine’s hero. You’re my hero.”
Her face fell and tears welled in her eyes.
“How can I be anyone’s hero if I can’t even save a helpless baby’s mother, Dean?”
The softness in her voice broke my heart, and I pulled her to my chest just as the sob broke through hers.
“Sweetheart you know we can’t save everybody. I know you did the best you could out there, and despite someone dying, you saved an innocent life. You saved Katherine. You were right earlier, when you said she would probably end up in some god awful foster home. Like you told Katy earlier, ‘you’re doing the best you can.’ That’s all I could ever ask of you. Now get out your phone and call Donna back so you can let her know that your superhero ass is staying right here in our home.”
“You heard all that?” she asked.
I nodded.
“But what about-”
I quickly cut off her thoughts. “She stays too, obviously. Besides, I may not like it when you use your mom voice on me, but you make an amazing mother.”
She looked up at me and smiled the biggest smile I’d seen in months. “Seriously? You mean that?”
I nodded. “I actually don’t think I’d mind Katherine staying here on a more… permanent basis.”
“What?! Are you kidding me right now?!” she screeched as she practically jumped up and down.
The laugh that burst out of me was uncontrollable. “You’ve clearly already bonded with her, and she with you, so why make her do it all over again? She trusts you. And like I said, I like seeing you with her. You’re genuinely happy when you hold her. Plus, you didn’t see yourself sleeping with her. It was the most precious thing I’ve ever seen. It made my heart stop, Y/N. And it made me wonder what it would be like to make you a mother, and be a father to children. So why not start here? We can do this together and maybe later on down the road, we can add a few kids of our own into the mix. Whaddya say baby?”
Tears fell down her face once more, but the smile had never left. “I would love nothing more Winchester. Looks like I have two phone calls to make.”
I listened as Y/N gushed to Donna, then Jody, about how I had overreacted and come to my senses about the sweet little girl she rescued, and explained to them that we were going to keep her ourselves. She would be safe here, we had grown kinda attached, etc. When she got off the phone, she turned to me with that smile still plastered on her face.
“Let’s go find our daughter.” She grabbed my hand and led me down the hall.
I grinned as my heart skipped a few beats at the mention of the word daughter.
I’m actually a father. God I hope I don’t screw this up…
  Forever Tags
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enemymine2000 · 8 years
Fandom rambles: Thoughts about SPN 12x13
Disclaimer: I don't usually watch teaser trailers, so keep that in mind in case some of my ramblings are already obsolete because of next weeks trailer.
I'm actually quite satisfied with this week's Supernatural episode.
Yeah, it feels weird to have this non-conclusion type of episode. Everything is left hanging, nothing resolved. But hasn't it been that way ever since the end of 11? Supernatural is no longer about the success of the hunt. It's about the various ways to get there. And there are various ways to achieve success.
One might be inclined to simply hunt down all supernatural creatures and believe in a happily ever after for humankind like the BMOL or Mary are.
Another might want to take control of the situation and go about it more differentially like the Winchester brothers and their non-human allies.
Dean stood for us the viewers when he asked Mary: “So where does leave us?”
And Mary for the writers when she answered: “Same as always. Family.” This episode was the precursor for the hard choices our characters will have to make for the sake of their family/families.
The only one whose choices I'm currently sure about is Dean. Where Sam's heart broke a little bit when Mary admitted to working with the BMOL, Dean's hunch was shown as being justified. He had seen something coming and was not really surprised by it. His whole body language afterwards spelled out that he was done with Mary's shit (literal facepalm applied). He only listened because Sam was emotionally not yet there yet and needed to hear it. So if going forwards Dean will be seen as supposedly working with the BMOL it will be only for Sam's benefit, who is not yet ready to let his mother go. But if it was only him, he would have shoved Mary's ass out of the bunker door that instance.
In accordance with aforementioned quote, Dean is aware that his family contains nearly more supernatural “creatures” than humans at this point. For starters obvious by his very absence this episode: Cas.
Whatever happened in the last years, it always had Cas there at the epicenter with Dean. Those two are able to pull each other from the brink like no other two in this show. Breaking demonic drive (Dean was not possessed so I call it drive until I come across a better term) and angelic reprogramming. They died for each other a couple of times and don't get me started on their slow burn romance.
So, yes, family includes an angel. As Mary is canonically not yet aware, most angels are dicks.
Cas is not, mostly, if he doesn't try to fix things by ramping his powers up with all souls from Purgatory and plays God for a while. So her point of reference is skewed by previous beliefs (again remember the little putto she put up above Sam's crib, therefore making sure we know she believes in good angels as guardians) and the absence of evidence to the contrary at this point. She never saw another side to Cas as his “baby in a trenchcoat” and “omg, nearly dying here for you/don’t let you die here” persona. Never saw the soldier/warrior at full strength.
Then there is Dean's currently strained complicated relationship with the King of Hell himself. Crowley, who very probably is the closest thing you could call Dean's ex at this point. Heartbroken Crowley, who still is very much willing to risk his very livelihood for his slice of humanity. Crowley, who discovered he still has a heart after all, even without doping up on human-blood. I don't think Mary has ever met Crowley outside of 12x12 and only heard briefly about him beforehand. (As much as we have the Winchester seen read their father's journal, we never saw them adding to it, so she would not find information of the past 10 years in it.) So, King of Hell is a concept she must be struggling with still. She most likely does not know about the big Summer of Love and (B)romance her son and Crowley had and where they did unspeakable things to triplets together. I very much doubt her sons have clued her in about that whole “oh, by the way Dean here has been a demon for a while before we cured him and he was also number one pupil to number one torturer of Hell, Alastair, for about 10 years Hell-time before Cas gripped him tight and raised him from perdition, because Apocalypse and Michael’s vessel and btw, Mom, Angel Breeding Program, ever heard of that”-thing. Because when your mother gets resurrected after 33 years and is struggling to make sense of the world, that is totally the first thing you tell her about. *snorts sarcastically* Those are her sons, the only people (without an agenda) she has a connection to nowadays, and they are maybe anything else but purely human and that is totally fine for them (most of the time). It's confusing as it is, that her sons are not kids anymore. For her Crowley is simply Mister Demon-King, who somehow decided to help her sons out against Ramiel, but did not do much but to break a lance. (She would not be privy to the happenings outside the barn and the implication of that short encounter, as well, as she only would have heard Dean being angry with the guy and tell him to get out while she was a bit busy with Cas lying on the couch dying.)
Since Mary had not been seen in a long while according to Dean, we can safely assume she is also not privy to the happenings of “Regarding Dean” and therefore does not know about the new kinship with Rowena (and probably barely about her at all, lest to say her very personal, familial connection to aforementioned King of Hell). So Rowena is just a witch and witches are evil according to the old hunter's playbook.
But Dean has risen beyond that over the last 10 years and he shared his moments with Rowena and formed a bond. She might not be family yet, but she is very much on her way there. Kicking and screaming of course, as is befitting for the most powerful witch on this planet!
Sam is still somewhere in between Mary's old ways and Dean's new ones. Ironic as it is, since it was Sam who first insisted on saving those “monsters” who had not yet done irredeemable things, while Dean was more set on following their father's (and unknowingly their mother's) footsteps.
But Sam has started to realize the flaws in his logic. He knows, even fully human he is just as much a monster as those they were trained to bring down. The demon pact his own mother made sealed his destiny, he never really stood a chance. But it is only now that he realizes this. Before he only blamed himself for getting addicted on demon-blood, for not being strong enough not to use his psychic powers, for not stopping the Apocalypse… you name it.
Now he sees that John brought him up as a hunter (human monster to others), while always despising himself for potentially being what they hunted. He will never be able to rid himself of that past, but he can accept it and move forward on a path of his own creation. He can let monsters live not to redeem himself by proxy as before, but because nearly everyone is a monster if you look closely enough. Mary does not see it (yet). For her sake I hope she'll realize that new mantra of “family doesn't end with blood” and there needs to be “a cosmic balance between light and dark” (literally stated by Chuck in 12x23 – and hasn't He practically given the reigns to Dean before going on his siblings retreat?) before it is too late for her.
Family for Mary are her boys. Only just so including Cas, because he is an angel and Dean's BF(F). Family for her boys are those who stood beside them despite everything no matter their status of blood/soul/grace.
So, yes, this week's episode was more transitional than anything else. It transitioned the timeline back to its origin and the family/ies to the point of making choices.
Rowena choosing to do the right thing for the wrong reasons, Crowley choosing not to forgive her. (Isn't that something that a demon – without human-blood addiction – has even enough heart to be heartbroken about the loss of his son! - Hm, maybe I should get back to that train of thought in a different post.)
Dean choosing to hear Mary out for Sam's sake. Sam choosing whether he can forgive Mary or not.
Mary choosing to do as the BMOL always wanted and try to bring her boys into the fold, all the while thinking she does the opposite.
Kelly Kline choosing to trust Dagon with her safety and that of her unborn child. (Which will lead her straight back to Lucifer.)
But what is right is not always easy and can sometimes leave you hanging.
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