dcwizardtrekki · 3 months
Sweet! Just reblogging this so I can find it again lol 🤣😅
crossover recs
 You can also find this list here (where the links actually work, unlike this mess).
The Donatello Complex by guide_to_the_galaxy - Donnie’s attempts to bring his family back together leads him on a universe-spanning journey of that brings the 2012, IDW, 2003, and 2018 realities together (tw grief, trauma, violence, PTSD, identity issues)
crossover! ;) by cxlesstial - A multi-part series where the 2012 turtles wind up in the 2018 world and experience a barrage of love and therapy (tw grief, trauma, guilt, family dysfunction, violence, mental health issues, whitewashing mention)
Turtles by unorthodoxx - The 2003 turtles reckon with the differences and similarities–both painful in their own right–between themselves and the 2018 crew (tw grief, trauma, implied speciesm, fighting, isolation)
Other by VenusTheMarvelTurtle - Leo has an experience that bends possibility and reality in the worst way (tw underage rape/noncon, explicit, turtlecest, selfcest, sexual coercion, violence, trauma, past csa, implied torture, imprisonment, unreality)
The Collector by leospigtails (Almost every incarnation, warnings for tcest, selfcest, violence, manipulation, and major character death)
Filters by Anonymous - The 2012 and 2018 versions of Leonardo discover they have an odd habit of swapping bodies (tw trauma, violence, medical issues, health issues, identity issues)
reflective by Werepirechick - 2018 Leo and April get a glimpse of what could have been in the 2012 universe (tw trauma, injury)
Connecting the Lines by itsnotmyfault - Donnie creates an interdimensional chatroom with higher stakes than he knows (tw PTSD, depression, implied violence, abduction)
Close Encounters of the Same Kind by Captain_Jade - Mikey’s mind sometimes wanders down unusual paths (tw medical issues, health issues, experimentation, surreality)
Reduxi by taizi - The 2012 turtles wind up in the 2003 universe on a search for their Sensei (tw violence, family separation)
Dream by Lyra_Dhani - The psychological walls between the 2012 and 2018 universe begin to blur (tw trauma, grief/mourning, unreality, identity issues, apocalypse)
Blue by @pachkko - 2012 Leo offers 2018 Leo some timely advice about leadership
This Legion of Leos au by @undercoverwizardninjaturtle - 2003 Leo tries to deal with training his counterparts from the 2012, IDW, and 2018 universes (tw grief mention, pranks)
This art by @lyse-474 - 2012 and 2018 Leo each seek their own kind of reunions in opposite dimensions (tw grief/mourning)
This comic by @ikemengoessbrrrrr - 2012 and 2018 Leo learn about what they have in common (tbh they’ve got a lot of amazing crossover art between 2012 and 2018)
Baron Draxum and 2k12 Turtle Tots :) by @1axton1 - AU slash canon-blending where Draxum finds himself the Hot Dad in charge of four rambunctious little tots
(He’s no Chompy, but he’s soft.) by @t-ggs96 - 2003 and 2012 Raph find it much easier to bond with Mayhem than 2018 Raph ever could
This art by @reosexuals - 2007 Leo and 2007 Raph have fun with 2012 Leo (tw explicit, tcest, selfcest)
RRR/L by Navia - Leo has an unusual encounter with 2003, BTTS, and 2007 versions of Raph (tw explicit, tcest)
mend the skin, mind the gap by Anonymous - The 2012 and 2018 kids try to figure out some very sticky questions (tw ableism, past torture, unhealthy relationships, denial, family dysfunction)
Also, my own shit:
“Counterparts” from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The 2012 turtles meet their IDW counterparts and Raph runs into a crisis (tw violence, family dysfunction, trauma, identity issues)
“Little” from ABC TMNT by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - The 2014 turtles don’t know what to make of their smaller 2012 counterparts (tw family dysfunction, past abuse, violence, trauma)
Conversations Between The Folds Of Time And Space/In A Warehouse by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A completely random crackfic including every TMNT version I could think of (tw past trauma, family dysfunction, alcohol)
cracked windows, falling by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - Leo’s return from the Kraang dimension gives him unexpected insights-and painful-insight into his role in the multiverse (tw trauma, nightmares, unreality, self-sacrificial/suicidal behavior)
washing off your happy face by This_world_of_beautiful_monsters - A series that builds on mend the skin, mind the gap to explore the one universe’s turtles attempts to get their counterparts on track (tw ableism, past mind control, panic attacks, trauma, unhealthy relationships, denial, family dysfunction, past torture, further tags to be added)
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dcwizardtrekki · 4 months
Beautiful verses.
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CHAPTER 28 - An Un-Sound Mind
Murky black morphed into overwhelming, piercing white as Don’s vision steadily began to return. The growing ache in his shoulders were revealed to be two sets of large, gloved hands dragging him through the first dimly-lit corridor. His ears were echoing with a screeching hum as he once again was pulled back to consciousness. He tried to blink away as much of the sleep crusties in his eyes as he could, despite it making little difference given he still couldn’t SEE. That makes planning one’s escape and taking notes of surroundings just a bit more difficult. 
I bet Raph’s got the seeing thing covered.. Knowing that flame-head he probably fought off the sedative far quicker than I did.. 
Don got a little worried by how much concentration he needed just to turn his head. His mind still lagged, and his body still felt unreasonably heavy and uncomfortable to move.
Don slowly turned his head to face the guard on his left. The only human traits of his captor were their two legs, two feet, and their head. Anything else regarding the features of their hair or the color of their eyes was concealed behind their reflective helmets. Instead of looking into the face of another person- another soul, the only eyes that met his were his own mirrored in the reflection of the man’s helmet. 
While Don stared at the faceless soldier, his eyes quickly fell on to the design of their gear and armor. Thanks to the guard’s close proximity to himself, his infuriatingly blurry vision only partially distorted their image, making it easier for him to study the fine work of the man’s armor. Its sleek design and firm material moved with ease as the man walked. All the seams stayed pressed and tidy. Not a button was loose. It was excellent craftsmanship.
Of COURSE it is- look at the size of this place.. Pretty sure whoever’s in charge can afford giving his guards quality gear.. I should probably make some alterations to ours when I get back.. Maybe I would have enough saved up by then to be able to-
His words echoed painfully back to him like a slap to the face.
‘ ..when I get back.. ‘
This is not some vacation or a WEEKEND GETAWAY. 
He and Raph are prisoners.
.. And the chances of them returning to their home are slim at best. That isn’t fear. That’s fact.
Nevermind that- Focus. Raph is most likely awake now, if he hasn’t already been for the past few minutes.. I don’t hear any struggling, but if he got hit with the same stuff I did, then his body must feel heavy too.. I can hear footsteps behind me. Most likely Raph is being carried by two more guards..
And then a new problem arrived at the door of Don’s brain: 
HOW THE SHELL AM I GONNA COMMUNICATE WITH HIM? I can’t speak. I can’t reach him.. How-
Almost immediately a childhood habit reemerged from the forgotten corner of his matured mind.
Don inwardly groaned to himself.
That’s self-demeaning.. But it just might work.
As quietly as he could manage- cause he still had some dignity - Don sounded the tiniest of chirps; a sound he had not made in more than ten years.
Before he was taught how to speak, this is how the brothers would communicate to each other. Raph, Leo, Mikey and himself would sound an assortment of clicks and chirps, each in different orders to translate to specific messages. 
Click- chirp - click ~ “ Are you ok? “
Chirp ~ “ Hey “
Chirp - click  ~ “ Yes “
Click - click ~ “ No “
And so on.
The refreshing nostalgia that washed over Don with the memories of his childhood was quite welcomed in the situation he had found himself in. But with the joyous feelings of memories long past, comes the sadness of the fact that those times are, indeed, OVER. In fact, he was so lost in the past that he failed to pay attention to what was occurring in the present. Like if Raph even heard or answered his call..
Deafeningly silent minutes passed as Don’s anxiety only grew. The jingles of his chains no longer swayed, but shivered. He could feel the same painful ache in his chest infect his heart as it had throughout his teen years.
Now’s not a good time for a panic attack, calm down.
In spite of his clear refusal, Don’s body continued to betray him. Theories in his mind began to transform into worries; What ifs. 
What if Raph’s not here?
What if they took him away to some other lab?
What if he’s in another city entirely??
What if he’s being tortured as I just sit here being blind and USELESS?!!
NO. STOP IT. FACTS, DON. You don’t know where he is. BUT there’s a possibility that he’s literally right behind you, just unconscious. And if he’s asleep, then of course he wouldn’t answer your call. 
The jingles of keys snapped Don back to the situation at hand. He raised his head just as he and his captors reached what appeared to be the final door at the end of this eternal hallway. Thankfully, moving his body was slowly becoming an easier feat.
Guess the sedative is finally wearing off.
As one of the guards fumbled with the set of keys, Don took the opportunity to take one last look around. 
Why the shell did he use the word ‘ last ‘ ??
What if it was.
Ochitsuke, Don. THAT’S ENOUGH.
To Don’s right, a pane of see-through glass stretched across an entire wall, revealing the inside of another room. He tried to peer through, but his blurry vision once again became a hindrance. He had to squint and grimace to even begin forming the floating blobs into a recognizable image.
Something.. was kept upright. But the angle of the something made him think it was being held up. He could see that the something was mostly consisting of a pale green color as well. His confusion only grew when he noticed what appeared to be a large growth coming out of the something’s back. It was rounded, and covered the length of its body perfectly- 
And then it hit him.
That something was a turtle. A turtle LIKE HIM. And the only other turtle like him in this nightmare lab was Raph. And if that’s RAPH, then what the heck happened to his skin?!?!?? The shade of it was all wrong. It was misty and faded- not vibrant and healthy like his own.
He wanted to cry out. To scream to his brother. To make sure he was ok. To make sure that he was ALIVE. 
He could try to run. Attempt to save him and his brother from this nightmare. Or just try to get a closer look to see if there was even a brother to save anymore.
The decision was made for him as he was pushed through the now open doorway in front of him. He yanked and tugged and fought, but the grips on his shoulders stayed firm. Even so, he continued to try to elbow and kick at his captors, aiming always for the areas he knew would cause the most pain. His actions were harshly cut short with a single blow to the side of his face. His ears rang so loud it gave him a headache, pulsing and pressing deep into his mind. The nausea that came with the disorienting hit made his whole head go limp, hanging lifelessly as he tried to keep down his dinner. His cheek began to swell, burning with a reddish- purple bruise, and the fresh tears falling from his eyes stung as they trickled down his face.
Raph.. I’m sorry.
As he watched the door close behind him, he kept his eyes on his brother’s faded form till the last second. Then he was pulled to the floor and tied down by the cuffs and chains restricting his wrists. They locked into place in a slot on the ground, pulling him down to his knees. The room smelled dank and the cold, dirty ground dug into Don’s shins. His wrists ached from the abnormal pressure and weight.
But despite all the pain flowing freely through his body..
.. all he wanted was his brother back.
Without knowing if Raph was ok, Don’s mind could only guess. Estimate. Hope.
The room’s aura deepened into a chasm of fear and anxiousness as all he could do was think. His fear constricted him worse than any of his chained cuffs could. His anxiety weighed him down far below the floor he was already kneeling on. His doubt yanked and tugged at his thoughts relentlessly until they went to places he didn’t want to go. 
The thing about having a strong mind is.. It can turn on you. Like the monster from Frankenstein, the thoughts you give life to will eventually have a will of their own. And if you’re not strong enough..
.. it will consume you. It will control you, beginning with your thoughts, and ending with taking full control of your body. 
Sensei had noticed the power of Don’s mind when he was a kid. But not just on the technological side. He noticed Don would overthink things. Become super anxious if he were left to his thoughts. When one of the brothers got sick, Don would hide in his closet praying like a warrior. Not for his brother’s health, but for his own. He would stay up all night, not looking for remedies for his ill sibling, but instead searching for ways that he could make his body an impenetrable fortress against the germs. And when he became a teenager, things didn’t get much better. If anything they got worse.. He just got better at hiding it. 
Eventually, Sensei pulled him aside and told him about the dangers of his mind. How easy it is to become a slave to your thoughts. An empty shell, always worrying, always afraid. How if he didn’t learn to hold truth in his heart, then the lies his mind would create would roam freely, taking full control.
Don didn’t understand all those years ago.
Now he’s beginning to. Here, in this dark cell, held down not by his chains, but by the overpowering grip of his mind.
Sensei’s words echoed in his heart.
‘ Remember this, my son. When worry begins to pull things apart, never forget to speak truth in your heart. 2 Timothy 1:7, “ For God has not given you a spirit of fear, but of power, and love, and of a sound mind. “ ‘
A sound mind.
A.. sound.. Mind..
Sound - which means reliable or Sensible. Well, it seems my brain is quite reliable when it comes to solving diverse equations AND creating worries.
Ok. Let’s try this mind that is sound thing. 
Don did his best to get into a less- uncomfortable position on the ground as he took a long breath.
Or as long as he could make it, that is. Which was like two seconds, but it was close enough.
He closed his eyes and harnessed all his focus into keeping his thoughts at bay. 
Lord. I am scared. I know You already know that, but I will still communicate it.. I am scared and I don’t know what’s happening to Raph- but I know YOU do- You know all- You’re omniscient, which means that You know all, but ANYWAYS. I um.. I know You have Raph in Your hands right now. I know You’re with him. Please, God.. Please keep my brother safe. I don’t even know where we are- but AGAIN- I know You DO, so I really shouldn’t worry- but I am- cause my brain is being stupid right now- but uhhh please- please Lord- help us to make it back home. Alive preferably.. That’s not sarcasm! Just being honest- I’d really prefer to not die today- You’ve seen my list- there’s still so much that needs to be done in the lair- And I’ve already lost so much time being here- AGhhhhh I’m so bad at this. Which You.. already know.. Cause You made me this way.. And I know You still love me- despite my blatant faults and failing to do the simplest of chores… Aaand there I go again.. I’m sorry- my brain just won’t stop- yes, that is my request- Please, Lord, help me to have a sound mind. Help me not to have a spirit of fear. Uh.. A- amen.
Don let out a frustrated groan as he rubbed at his temples. He flinched at the tenderness of his bruised cheek as his hand skimmed over the fresh bruise.
“..D - don? “
 A familiar voice strained from the far corner of the cell, making Don flinch something awful to the sudden noise in the silent room.
Don twisted his head as far as it could turn towards the dark corner where the voice emanated from.
 Even with blurred vision, Don knew it was his twin.
“ RAPH!!!!! “
That's it for this chapter. :) Not sure if you can tell- ( I truly hope you do since its spread out all throughout this chapter ) but Don deals with anxiety. The kind that pulls you to silent, dark places. The kind that doesn't ever let go of your brain and thoughts.
In my Biblical Study of Anxiety, I am learning how imperative it is to speak truth in your heart. " Don't fill your heart with what if's, but instead truth. " And I wanted to explore this with poor Don here. XD Worry and fear have been a huge part of my life- just as much if not more than my faith. But slowly, I'm learning to let go of the lies I tell myself. I'm learning to give all my fears and worries to God. And it's hard. It's very hard to let go of control. But the peace I have found in Him- It is indescribable. And I pray that this chapter will touch hearts- and help them to see there is a way out of your anxiety. There is hope to quiet your noisy soul and mind. :) And giving it all to God is a good first step. :)
To God be the glory!
~ Melissa
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dcwizardtrekki · 4 months
This is an awesome story that needs to be read.
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CHAPTER 19 - Silent Connections
Raph walked through the tunnels with a determined expression etched on his face. After hearing some kind of angry outburst ignite from the Medbay, he quickly raced through the halls to see what happened.
As he arrived to the door, he took a moment to.. compose himself.
‘ Mikey can smell emotions from a stinkin’ mile away.. Gotta get this stench OFF. ‘
Raph hurriedly brushed off the last remains of his tears, wiping his somewhat damp hands in the pocket in his hoodie. As his hands went to work to erase any signs of moisture, he took two slow, deep breaths.
‘ It’s all good. I’m good. ‘
With one last quick exhale, he turned the knob.
Entering into the Medbay, he happened upon two of his brothers displaying a look of disappointment only a mother could emote towards their youngest brother who, as always, did not give a care in the world.
And then his eyes landed on Lotus; Awake, exhausted, and annoyed Lotus. Her expression of exasperation nearly made Raph recoil into his shell.
‘ Yeeeeeeesh! An’ I thought I looked terrifying when I’m mad.. ‘
“ Mikey, what- … what the heck are you doing?… “
The youngest brother’s eyes fell upon Raph, and for a second had a sense of worry glazed over. His eyebrows raised the smallest bit, as his breath hitched for just a second. But that glimpse of surprise and concern was quickly covered up by his famous smile.
Mikey gasped in offense, planting his hand on his plastron with as much drama as possible.
“ Le GASP. Oh, dear brother, how you WOUND me! I was just checking in on Lo! “ Mikey retorted.
“ - Don’t call me that. “ Lotus deadpanned.
Mikey somersaulted over the surgical table, earning him a startled gasp from Lotus, as he landed down in front of Raphael.
Mikey looked up at his older brother, surveying his face for any signs that would answer his walking out earlier.
Mikey’s sky blue eyes connected with Raph’s brown-
… and green?
This was the first time, Mikey realized, that he’d truly seen Raph’s change up close.
The first time he laid his eyes on what those horrible scientists did to his brothers.
Back when they all returned to their home that morning with Lotus, he had noticed something.. different… about the twins. Besides the obvious bruises and scratches, there was something else that was off that he couldn’t put his finger on.
Now he saw it up close.
He turned his face to Don’s direction, squinting and focusing on the purple-clad twin’s eyes.
‘ Brown….. and blue. ‘
As Don noticed the unrelenting gaze of his youngest brother on himself, his eyes darted, and his hand rose to his chin, forming into a “ surf’s up, dude “sign. ( ASL for “What’s the problem?” )
Mikey didn’t answer, but instead just turned his face back to Raph’s.
The youngest brother knew how each of his siblings worked, how they would convey their emotions, and how they would communicate their feelings.
Mikey knew Raph absolutely despised talking about his feelings. The guy couldn’t even say the word without voicing a verbal groan. So, with this information, Mikey used a different technique to check on his crimson-clad brother:
Silence and pats.
( Over time, the two brothers silently created a code that helped them to communicate their emotions. The physical touch would help ground each other, and the lack of stress from not needing to speak helped to clear their heads. They fully relied on the code and their expressions to speak for them. )
Mikey slowly reached to Raph’s arm, gently grasping it between his fingers. He let a small grin grow on his face, not showing any teeth, but at least trying to bring some comfort to his big brother.
tap tap *
Raph let out a sigh as he calmly placed his hand over Mikey’s.
tap *
Mikey kept his eyes on Raph’s as his grin grew to his signature smile.
“ Glad you’re ok now, bro. “ He whispered.
Raph shrugged, pulling his mouth into a line, but not breaking eye contact.
“ I’m good, little bro. No need to worry. “ He whispered back, as he planted his hand on Mikey’s face, pushing him away playfully.
Mikey giggled under the palm of Raph’s hand, then stuck out his tongue, barely grazing the skin.
Raph yanked his hand off, shaking off the little bit of spit.
“ I AM WHAT YOU MADE ME, DUDE. “ Mikey joked, as he used his hands to gesture to himself. “ This is all your fault- I wasn’t born like this.”
“ I beg to differ, “ Don piped in, raising a pointed finger in the air, “ you have, indeed, always been this melodramatic and grotesque since birth. “
“ Yeahhhh.. You kinda have, Mikey. “ Leo said, smiling sheepishly and shrugging his shoulders. “ You used to spit in Raph’s face just so he would chase you around the lair. “
“ Uh- YEAH. Every youngest brother knows which sibling gives the best reactions! It’s an art really~. If Raph didn’t want me to gross him out, he should’ve not reacted so hilariously. “
Raph gave a dry snicker as he spoke through gritted teeth, “ - It ain’t gonna be so funny when I punch you straight in your- “
“ Guuuys. “ Lotus almost whimpered, “ I can’t sleep if you don’t shut upppppp.. “
All the brothers turned to see the female mutant now sitting up on the surgical table. The light teal crescent markings near her eyes did nothing to distract from the obvious shade below. Even as she was sitting, her arms were unsteadily shaking trying to hold up her weight.
Leo’s posture straightened as he transformed back to “ Medic Mode”. “ She’s right. She needs sleep… Alright everyone! Clear out! “ Leo began to gesture shooing away his brothers, making Mikey and Don exit the room as he approached Raph.
“ Think you can take her back to bed? It would probably be best for her to get off the surgical table.. That thing is dang uncomfy. “
Raph nodded and began to walk to Lotus, but was stopped by the sensation of Leo’s hand grabbing on to his right wrist. Raph tried as hard as he could to not wince from the quick jolt of pain on the tender area. ( Leo was already stressed as it is with ONE patient. As soon as he finds out how many cuts and bruises Raph and his twin had he’d earn himself another stress chasm. )
“ Hey. “ Leo whispered.
Raph turned around, failing to squint his eyes a little from Leo’s grip tightening on the faded scars.
“ ….You good, dude?..”
Raph pushed down all the pain that was attacking his nervous system, and put on his best “ I’m fine“ voice.
“.. Yeah, man. I’m good. “
Raph tried to walk past again, but stopped once more with another tightening squeeze on his wrist.
This time Raph couldn’t help the small yelp that escaped his mouth.
‘ Please don’t notice. Please don’t notice. Please don’t- ‘
Leo’s eyes tightened to an alarming degree.
‘ - CRUD. ‘
“ What was that- You squeaked- You don’t squeak, that’s not a thing- “ Leo’s tone changed from confused concern to downright interrogation in a matter of seconds.
“Raphael Kisho Hamato. ARE YOU INJURED? “
Raph’s eyes darted to all possible exit points in the room.
That's it for this chapter!! :) Besides the first chapter of this story, this is the only time all the brothers and Lotus have appeared in the same chapter! ( With Lotus conscious that is ) :) And mannnn did that bring it's own problems! ;) This chapter definitely took longer than most, just cause I had to figure out a good amount of dialogue, but once I got on a roll, ( and took a much needed mental break ) it all clicked into place. :)
If you liked reading this story, please feel free to share it and reblog it. :)
To God be the glory!!
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dcwizardtrekki · 5 months
This Image is so freaking beautiful!! and The writer of this fic is freaking awesome!! I love it so freaking much!!!!!!!!😍😍😍😍😍🤣👌😘😘💕💕
20k hits ficlet
y’all already know what time it issss
honestly at this point i think i’m going to drop bonus content randomly, four hit count celebration posts is getting a little too self-involved (and that’s coming from me :p)
anyways!! enjoy, this is a donnie pov from in between chapter 17 and 18 <3<3
Keep reading
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dcwizardtrekki · 1 year
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Part 22!
I know it would make more sense for Leo to roll up or tie this empty sleeve. But I like how it flaps haha
Part 1
Also~ Yes. It’s Donnie’s clothes
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dcwizardtrekki · 1 year
This is amazing 😍😍🤩
but anywho i hope you like it bc i love it ahhhh im so proud!!
big thanks to @somerandomdudelmao for making such a cool series that managed to pull me out of my writers block LMAO
i'll post again when i make the video and it goes up spotify, but for now... i sleep :>
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dcwizardtrekki · 1 year
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This boy about to get the best most highest piggback ride ever and he doesnt even know it
Dhgfuhffhhg look at his little happy face ahahjbv
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dcwizardtrekki · 1 year
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Part 11!
I'm not gonna lie, this part was originally shorter. But then I caught inspiration and drew the last three pages literally just now
Part 1
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dcwizardtrekki · 1 year
Chapter 27
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This has been my favorite scene to draw so far, it's just so soft and adorable!
Don't worry folks, the angst is coming soon 😈
Previous Next
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dcwizardtrekki · 1 year
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I needed something to make my soul feel better....
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dcwizardtrekki · 1 year
such happiness is coming from me with this comic!!
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Part 4!
You know I really love storylines where a father figure struggles when it comes to fathering.
But every time I thought about Casey and Leo I was like...yeah...yeah they would definitely both struggle.
Good thing there's Mikey around to convince Leo that he doesn't need to be a father so Leo can convince Casey that he's not a father.
So that they can be~totally~not~a~family~together~
Part 1
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dcwizardtrekki · 3 years
with a crowbar!
reblog to beat the joker to death
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dcwizardtrekki · 3 years
The Dance
Things to know. First, most of the MCU never happened. Loki was found to have been mind controlled but Oden banished him to earth to make up for the chaos he had caused. He has been working with the avengers for five years and during that time they found and saved Bucky, Wanda, and Pietro from a hydra base. Loki with his magic was able to release Bucky from his control words as well as train Wanda with her powers. Also Vision was created during this time by an accident that tony created by Messing with something Hydra had been working on. (Just wanted to set you up a little bit.)
Classical music flowed through the air and couples waltzed along during the English Masquerade Ball that was taking place during an art action. Among these distinguished guests where some of the Avengers in disguise dancing with partner after partner as if they where looking for someone. They had gotten an anonymous tip that the slippery thief they had been after for months, would show their face here, tonight. To loot one of the most valuable art displays would be out on the floor, though for show only. The Mona Lisa painting. And no copy either. This was Leonardo da Vinci's original master piece, perfect bait for a thief who likes rare things. The biggest thing stumping them was that two or three months after every robbery the stolen object would just show up at random places they went to. Leaving the intentions of the thief a mystery.
Now from the shadows of the party stood a beautiful woman, unseen but watching everything. Especially the so called disguised Avengers. She had been watching them for a while now, knowing they where on to her trail. However instead of being upset she was both amused and intrigued. She was amused that they thought they could catch her. After all she had been Hydra's best spy for years, never being caught. Now that they where gone though she could do as she pleased. There was a reason she'd never been caught...but more of that later. The woman was intrigued however by a strikingly handsome God of Mischief. She observed how smoothly he danced and could even see that he was bored by small glimpses of his eyes. So, being board herself she decided to have some fun with the God of Mischief and maybe even get both of them to no longer be bored. Knowing how often he changed partners she smoothly placed herself in the way of his next change getting swept into the waltz.
Now in his arms she knew she had to catch his attention in order to get him to play the game. Clearing her voice she spoke in almost a whisper but just loud enough for him to hear her.
"Hello your Highness."
Snapped out of his repetitiveness by her words he looked at her curiously then spoke with a chuckle in his voice as they spun her long white hair fanning out as the did.
" I'm terribly sorry my dear. But whom ever you think I am I highly doubt I am he."
The woman smirked knowing he would now participate.
"Oh. Dear me. So your not the God of Mischief? What a disappointment. I suppose I should go back to my search then, and allow you to dance with all the other lovely ladies."
Loki looked shocked again for a brief moment, then smiled seeing a possible escape from his boredom.
"Well...It would seem you where correct in who you thought I was then. Impressive."
She laughed lightly, and he spun her out then back in.
"It truly wasn't that difficult. One must only search. After all. Seeing's as all the other Avengers are here. It would be only logical that you would be here as well."
He tried to look closer at her, but saw nothing of use in her eyes. She had the perfect poker face, and all attempts to read her mind where met by a surprisingly strong shield. Even more intrigued now he put a full smile on his face, also changing tempo as the song had changed. Focused on the woman in front of him he failed to see the rest of the team gawking at him as danced with her longer and better then anyone else he'd found tonight.
"Color me impressed darling. Tell me what made you so eager to find and dance with me."
She merely smiled and replied.
"I simply found you by watching people. Not because I was necessarily looking... As for the dancing. Well. I was bored. You looked bored. I seemed like a good arrangement."
Slowly the music stopped and Big Ben started to ring. She stepped back from him and gave a small smile.
"Now. As lovely as this has been I am afraid I must part from you now. Perhaps I will see you again next time you are bored."
Loki went to reach out for her to stop her, but just as the clock clanged again he lights went out. A moment later the sound of glass shattering filled the air and five seconds later the lights came back on. Only this time The case that had held the Mona Lisa was empty. Several people yelled in anger and several more had fainted in shock. The Avengers crowded around the case trying to find any clues as to who it was as Capitan America was baffled by the morals and reasoning of why the thief had stolen this painting. Meanwhile Loki stood off to the side deep in thought. Something was telling him the woman he had just met was the thief. However he couldn't find himself to be mad, now realizing the motives of the thief wasn't for any reason other then being simply a cure for boredom. Something he could heavily relate to. He then stuck his hands in his pocket to walk away but felt a piece of paper. Taking it out he found a note with elegant script and he smiled mischievously as he read it.
Dear Loki,
Next time your bored call me....
Perhaps we can do something fun.
Shhh don't tell.
The Mystery Woman
'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!'
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dcwizardtrekki · 3 years
A young lady sat alone at the Barns and Noble bookstore café shop frantically typing away on her laptop. She had long black hair that was tied back into a waterfall braid, and large circular glasses that rounded out her face. Without pausing writing with her left hand she reached out with long slender fingers to grab the coffee cup beside her to take a quick drink before writing more. Suddenly her phone dinged, vibrating the table and making her stop and look away from her screen. Grabbing her phone she opened it to see a text message from her boyfriend saying her would be there in less then five. She just replied with a smiley face, her own face lighting up in adoration before she placed her phone down and once more returned to whatever she was writing. A few minutes later her seat got slid out and she let out a squeal of fright as she quickly grabbed into the chair to prevent herself from falling. Looking up she was met with deep blue eyes staring back at her. A smile fell across her lips and she stood up, throwing her arms around the newcomer.
"Timmy!!! I missed you!!"
The boy laughed and hugged her back and lifting her slightly as her rose to his full height and spun her around. He let her down slowly and was carful not to let her dress slide up to far as she slid down. The boy with longish black hair had a smile as wide as a mile, leaning down to her 5'3" level he gave her a quick peck on the lips.
"Hello my radiant flower. How are you my love?"
She chuckled and Tim spun her slightly.
"I'm fine. I missed you though. How did your trip for Wayne Enterprises. go?"
"It was fine. Boring and lonely without you. But fine. In fact if all goes well this week with the last of the paperwork. The Wayne Enterprise will be officially signed over to me and we can move out of Gotham."
She smiled at him lovingly sitting back down as he stood in front of her.
"That's wonderful dear!"
"It truly is! It makes this decision even more easy then it already was, because now I will have a steady income."
He then dropped to one knee and pulled out a ring. Her eyes widened and filled with tears as she realized what he was doing.
"Christina Olivia Banks. We have been dating for five years, and have been best friends for even longer. We can understand one another beyond any level of speech. Often seeming to others like we can read each others minds , when in truth we just know one another so well all we have to do is share a look. You are the sweetest most gentile and fun person I have ever met and I am incredibly lucky that you chose me out of all people to spend your time with. Everyone all ways sez, Marry your best friend. Well. You are my best friend and the love of my existence. So. Will you marry me?"
Christina was in shock, tears streaming down her face when suddenly she launched herself at him, hugging him around his neck.
"YES! Oh god yes! I will merry you in a heartbeat! I love you so so much!"
He smiled widely as she pulled back and he put the ring on her finger before pulling her into a long kiss. Both of them ignoring the crowed around them that was cheering and cooing at the beautiful scene of the new Fiancée's.
'Live Long, Prosper, and Mischief Managed!' 
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