#i had to listen to bobby k one last time and laugh at what ive left behind.
sendmyresignation · 4 months
has anyone else listened to chappell roans first ep or is it just me and olivia rodrigo's producer
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namariea · 7 years
Hello, Neighbor | IV
Since moving in you have compiled a comprehensive list on your mysterious neighbor across the way.
Do Kyungsoo, otherwise known as Asian Bobby Flay and apparently Bruno Mars’ protégé.
Pairing: Kyungsoo x Reader
Words: 1.9 k
Genre: Fluff
Previous: I II III
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Today was a good day.
The sun was shining, fluffy white clouds dusting the sky like a painting. With all the windows wide open, you could hear the beauty of nature around you. Birds chirping, children laughing…
Your brain cells screaming in anguish as they were destroyed by a miasma of paint fumes.
Ah, what a time to be alive.
You wasted no time once you saw the sun begin to peak through your curtains, all but flying out of bed and getting ready to make the trip to the hardware store. You made the trip brief, grabbing rollers and various brushes while the paint was being mixed. Taping the edges went by fairly quickly and after pushing all your furniture to the middle of your room, you covered everything with a clear plastic sheet, your living room now looking very much like an episode of Dexter.
I knew I should have chosen red.
Taking down your curtains once again, you stepped back as your apartment reverted back to its fishbowl glory. Glancing over, you saw dark curtains still firmly closed. It made sense, it was the weekend after all and he was probably sleeping in. You faintly wondered what he would do once he pulled those curtains back and saw what you were doing. It should not come as a surprise since he was the one who picked out the colour, thus getting the ball rolling on your home renovation. You almost entertained the idea of asking him whether he would like to help, but you almost slapped yourself at the absurdness.
Putting on some music you had a pretty good pace going, by the time it was just past noon you were two-thirds done, humming along to the melody and swaying to the beat. As more and more paint covered the walls, washing the bland white away with deep blue you found yourself becoming more and more pleased as everything started coming together. Your neighbor had an eye for interior design, that much was certain. What a talented little thing he was.
Speak of the devil, as you swiped the roller along the corner wall beside the window, you saw familiar curtains slowly being pulled back and you almost dropped the roller as you felt your body go slack.
What the actual f-
Earlier you had assumed the reason for your neighbor’s absence was due to simply him sleeping in with it being the weekend and whatnot, doing what any rational person would do. Well, it appeared that you were half-right in your assumptions, he indeed was sleeping in… however your reasoning could not have been farther from the truth.
Once you saw the curtains being pulled back, you were expecting to be presented with a sleepy variation of the reserved man, dressed in crinkled pajamas and probably rubbing his bleary eyes or something along those lines.
But instead, you were greeted by a bloody harlot.   
Dressed in a tight black button down shirt and matching blazer, you saw an expanse of smooth pale skin as the top buttons were left undone. You took in how his usually limp black hair was fashionably styled up and tousled oh so nicely with sleep. Holding himself with an air of confidence even in his groggy state, you gaped at just how different he looked. So much more disheveled, so much more manly, you couldn’t comprehend how someone that was always so reserved could pull a 180 and look like that. 
He had yet to notice your presence, you watched as his face instantly twisted with distaste as the sun shone into his eyes, wincing away and bringing his hands up to massage his temples.
Was he wearing eyeliner-
Suddenly a charcoal rimmed eye cracked open, sights set on your general direction.
You literally threw yourself at the wall.
Feeling wet paint coat the entire left side of your body, you were not concerned in the slightest with the fact that you had just ruined your hard work. Instead, you were trying to focus on your heart, which seemed to be trying to burst out of your chest. Peeling yourself from the wall quite literally, you lowered into a crouch, keeping out of sight and held your hands out in front of you.
Gesturing with your left hand you imagined your neighbor – sheepish and kept, with his floppy bowl-cut looking hair and mild manners. Now with your right hand, you pictured…whatever it was you just saw. Maybe he has a twin? An evil twin that leads a life completely opposite of the man you had familiarized with for the past month.
There was just no way.
How could you not have noticed him dress like that before? You had admitted to yourself that he was a good-looking person sure; he had nice enough features and even wondered if he did modeling, but this. It was one thing to have an imagination, but to have fantasy become something of reality was making your head spin.
Actually, that might just be from the fumes again.
You should really get a fan in here to help with that.
Still trying to come to terms with the sick, twisted curveball your life had thrown at you, you began to think deliberately. So your squeaky clean looking neighbor was not so squeaky clean after all, where was he last night to be dressed like that. A party? Clubbing? Oh, what if he is part of a Host Club. You always prided yourself on being a good judge of character, acutely observant and silently assessing the world around you accurately.
But oh no, you have never been more wrong in your entire life.
Mentally reviewing the list you had put together about the mysterious man, you were coming to the very obvious conclusion that there was so much that you clearly did not know about him. Of course, you do not actually know anything about him, all preconceived notions you had were solely based on your own observations. You did not know anything about his personality other than what you assumed he was like by your chance encounters.
You didn’t even know his name for crying out loud.
A deep frown took residence on your face as you thought about this. You knew you weren’t exactly friends, far from it actually. You were simply two people who happened to live across one another and greeted each other cordially when the situation called for it. There was nothing special about your encounters, however, the fact that you only seemed to have said encounters with the dark haired man and no one else made it somewhat… special? Like there was a silent understanding between the two of you, one that no one in any of the other units was part of.
Did he also think about your encounters the same way? Did he share the odd sense of familiarity you felt towards him? Did you want him to think anything of you?
Because you sure as hell were going to do a whole lot of thinking about him now.
Oh boy.
Putting your head in your hands you grimaced at the slimy feel of paint in your hair, you also became aware of the left side of your face becoming stiff as the paint started to dry, pulling your skin taught as you moved it. Casting a forlorn glance at the unfinished wall, and a wary one at your window, you turned and started crawling down the hall.
You had to wash all of this paint off first. 
You will admit that you probably did not have to stay in the shower for as long as you did, but thought of leaving the confines of your bathroom and going out there, where he will probably be lounging in his living room, it was enough for you to just continue standing there in nervous contemplation. Eventually you had to cut your losses when you started resembling a human prune and dressing in paint free clothes you pulled your hair up into a bun and walked out of the bathroom.
Creeping down the corridor, you half-registered that there was no reason for you to be acting stealthily in your hallway, but nevertheless, you slowly peered into your living room. Not seeing any sign of the cause of your current strife, you quickly picked up your paint roller and began to hastily resume painting, suddenly wanting nothing more than to have it over and done with.
You had gotten back into your lull of painting, doing one final pass along the trim of your ceiling, you let out a satisfied hum, pulling back the brush and slowly climbing down the ladder-
“That colour ended up suiting really well didn’t it?”
You slipped on the last step, falling forward and slamming your arm down on the bone that isn’t actually all that funny.
A string of curses left you and dropping the paintbrush you grabbed your arm, wondering why the universe hated you today.
Turning you saw his body quickly make way to the side of the window closest to you, eyes wide with concern and arms out as if he were going to grab you for support.
“I’m sorry I didn’t mean to scare you,” he hurriedly offered, looking instantly guilty at your pain-streaked face. He continued to fret, asking if you were ok but you weren’t listening, you were staring dumbstruck at him.
Long gone was the Host Club prince, and you were met with the sight of your sheepish neighbor.
Did he not see you earlier? He must not have, and in the time you were in the shower, he also took the time to change, losing the provocative black ensemble and opting for a bright yellow hoodie. His face was also bare of any cosmetics, hair falling limply across his forehead.
What sorcery was this?
You could not believe you were looking at the same person. The difference is so jarring that you were beginning to wonder if you dreamt the other version. Why would he have such completely different types of styles, it was almost as if he was wearing a costume earlier and just forgot to take it off.
You belatedly noticed he had stopped talking and was now hesitantly waving a hand in your line of sight. Shaking your head slightly you looked at him properly, offering a slight smile, trying desperately to hide the flush that was creeping up your neck.
“Don’t worry about it, it was only a matter of time before gravity had its way with me” you bent down and picked up the paintbrush from the floor in a desperate attempt to hide from his eyes “Thanks again for the colour choice, I never did thank you, I think it turned out really great”
Glancing briefly at him as you placed the brush in the paint tray, you saw him nod, brows creasing slightly he opened his mouth to say something but before he could a faint ringing was heard. You watched him stall, before nodding slightly again.
“Yeah.. it was no problem, happy to have helped” with that, he excused himself and traversed deeper into his apartment, you faintly heard the ringing stop, meaning he probably went to go answer whoever was calling.
Letting out the breath didn’t realize you were holding in, you stared at the ceiling helplessly.
Why am I like this?
Chapter V 
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