#i had to make pokemon canon in the tadc universe ok. i can have that as a treat
torchiiko · 7 months
Talk to me about your funny little guy I am listening intently
teehee well if u insist!! i uh. ended up goin on a bit of a ramble
first,, bonus flicker lore: As my self insert they take after me a lot & part of that is definitely social anxiety, so upon popping into the circus the scariest part was suddenly being around a bunch of strangers lol
i think ragatha generally takes the role of guide for the newbies so she probably tried to get flicker to be more social & not hide in her box so much bc shutting yourself away is Not Good especially in the circus! ragatha finds out flicker likes art & pairs em up with gangle & from there they become friends :3
flicker then starts hanging around gangle & since gangle seems to be close with kinger it was inevitable flicker would interact with him. perhaps he sits in while gangle & flicker draw & they chat to fill the silence! i like to think flicker draws a bug pokemon or smth & kinger gets interested & starts asking abt other bug mons :)
flicker, obviously, loves having an excuse to talk abt pokemon so depending on how foggy their memory is they tell kinger everything they know! and i think itd be rlly cute if kinger started trying to draw bug mons too 🥺
idk who would develop a crush first?? but i think kinger would rlly like that flicker humors him & answers all his questions without ever being annoyed!! she apologizes for startling him even if she didnt actually Do anything, she also plays into the idea of him being royalty in a sincere way & it touches him bc hes probably gotten sarcastic remarks abt it from jax before. whether he actually believes himself to be a king or is playing into the role is up for debate i think :p
flicker likes that kinger engages in her interests & seeks her out to talk abt smth shes passionate abt! she also loves that hes gotten into art & constantly encourages him bc he praises her art too!! kinger definitely endears himself to her Fast & she simply cannot help but fall for him, hes so silly & polite!!!
im obsessed with the idea that he confesses via a drawing,,,, he spends so long trying to get better at art bc he wants it to be special & Good!! he thinks abt what to say over & over but holds off a little longer bc hes still nervous,,, he talks to gangle abt it, perhaps ragatha too, & once he finally works up the nerve he takes her into the pillow fort & sorta stumbles thru his confession But flicker loves it!! shes practically in tears & when he presents the drawing (its of the 2 of them holding hands <3) she just Cries
at first kinger thinks he did smth wrong but then he notices her tail wagging a mile a minute & hes like "d, do u like it..." n she goes "waauauuugghhh i love it,,...!!!! im so happy!!! are we like,... dating now,,???" and thats how they started dating i think :3
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